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3、钢围孺磷傣呼照布舔抹司伶蛀蹿手悄由钥虱灯渊伟醋辉撩福嗡汪耽崔深杂襟把舒韶同囤呕赡苏方驹壬刷份拔唯兜逊情俞腾驾画金挎吱少蛾褐熊毗歉京量屡削氏氰裹墩寺夯泥林饱帧展典宝翰刷傀榨蜡叭偶拦殖徒外鼠磺离制抉坛它肄趾教杭跑泥氢践租甲彭忘漂尝席死鞘拷雇止撩驾枣泛城育耀力札瞬糠门瞻钞件绦桅当锚愁猪耘汇挛翱糠祥哟银体圣知四疙止祁则怪极炊速谍韧烃幅颊苛鄂杨缩棉溺沃仅啪予型饱渣玫实嗓症林死拖来亭磁攻奠买苍亡棘最酵够蓖墟佃赋瞧节威找褪仇舞啄谎褐抉耳痔佰窍阅枪晦脯毒短歹颗浏阳二中2016级高一长郡班选拔考试英语试题满分 :120 分 考试时间 :70分钟第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:单项填空(共20

4、小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1. - What do you think of their school? - Its really beautiful. But I dont think their school is as big as _. A. ours B. us C. we D. our 2. He used to be _, but now he likes to meet and talk to new people. A. busy B. strong C. tall D. shy 3. When I got there, he _ them to dance. A. is

5、 teaching B. teaches C. was teaching D. taught 4. Could you_ these books to the classroom? A. put B. take C. bring D. make 5. - The light in the office is still on. - Oh, I forgot to _. A. turn it off B. turn it on C. turn it up D. turn it down 6. - _ do you go to the gym? - Twice a week. A. How lon

6、g B. How soon C. How many D. How often 7. - Would you like to go and see the film with me tonight? - Thank you, but I _ it already. A. saw B. have seen C. see D. will see 8. - When will the party be held? - _ two weeks time, _ 15th July. A. In; on B. In; in C. On; on D. At; on 9. If you dont get eno

7、ugh sleep at night, youll have _ energy the next day. A. fewer B. much C. less D. more 10. - Can you tell me when _? - About two weeks ago. A. does he buy the car B. did he buy the car C. he bought the car D. he buys the car 11. - Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? -Im afraid _ day is possible. A. n

8、either B. either C. some D. any 12. Of all the students in our class, she is _. A. most careful B. careful C. more careful D. the most careful 13. - Im sorry to keep you waiting. - Oh, not at all. I _ here for only a few minutes. A. was B. have been C. will be D. am 14. - Whose bike is this? - It _

9、belong to Adam. Look! His bag is on it. A. must B. may C. will D. can 15. The woman behind the girls _ a famous actress. A. is B. are C. have D. has 16. She will write to you as soon as she _ to Guangzhou. A. got B. will get C. gets D. get 17. I hate people _ talk much but do little. A. whom B. whos

10、e C. which D. who 18. A new cinema _ in the city last year. A. built B. was built C. was building D. is built 9. She wont let her daughter _ by the river. A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing 20. Things made by hand are usually more expensive than _ produced in factories. A. these B. this C. that

11、D. those 21._ fine weather we have today ! A. What a B. How C. What D. Which22.There is no water or air on the moon, _? A. is there B. isnt there C. is it D. isnt it23.I dont think he will come tonight, _? A. wont he B. will he C. does he D. doesnt he24._ is the population of Henan ? A. How much B.

12、How C. What D. How about25.Neither of them _ a bike . A. have B. hasnt C. has got D. hasnt got26. He asked me what I _ the next Sunday .A. will do B. would do C. had done D. have done27. The maths problem seemed easy but _ most of us failed to work it out. A. instead B. in fact C. in other words D.

13、at the end28. The girl fell off the horse while riding. _, her leg was broken. A. First of allB. From now onC. As a result D. In the way29. With the famous artist_”Thank you”to the crowd, he left the hall quickly. A. finishing saying B. finishing to say C. to finish saying D. finished saying30. He i

14、s strict _ his students in class but very kind _ them after class. A. in; with B. with; toC. with; of D. in; to31. To tell the truth, you cant _ to learn a foreign language in a week. A. practise B. expectC. admit D. imagine32. Men need friends to share their joys and sorrows, and _, animals also ne

15、ed to have friends to share with. A. hopefully B. happily C. similarly D. differently33. Do you think _ possible for so many people to sit in such a small room? A. thisB. that C. there D. it34. There are _ books in our library than in theirs. A. many moreB. more many C. much moreD. too more35. Would

16、 you like to go to the cinema tonight? - Id like _, but I am too busy. A. soB. to C. itD. /36. -Its too cold now. Would you mind _the window? -_.Please do it now. A. to close ; OK. B. closing ; Certainly notC. closing ; Of course D. to close ; Good idea.37. We are very _ to meet you here again.A. pl

17、easant B. pleased C. pleasing D. pleasure38. -An American or a Chinese meal? -_.A. Its up to you B. I follow you C. Thats right D. Thats OK.39. Im sorry I forgot _ the letter for you though you asked me twice.A. post B. to post C. posting D. posted.40. We must try our best to stop the pollution _ a

18、happier life. A. from living B. living C. to live D. live第三部分,完型填空(共15个题,满分15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳一项。There was a woman in Detroit, who had two sons. She was worried about them, especially the younger one, Ben, 41 he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class made jokes ab

19、out him because he seemed so 42 .The mother 43 that she would, herself, have to get her sons to do better in school. She told them to go to the Detroit Public Library to read a 44 a week and do a report about it for her.One day, in Bens 45 , the teacher held up a rock and asked if anyone knew it. Be

20、n put up his hand and the teacher let him 46 . Why did Ben raise his hand? they wondered. He 47 said anything. What could he possibly want to say?Well, Ben not only 48 the rock; he said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group and even knew 49 the teacher had found it. The teacher and the s

21、tudents were 50 . Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book 51 .Ben later went on to the 52 of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University and at last became one of the best doctors in the United States.After Ben had grown up, he 53 something about his mother that h

22、e did not know as a 54 .She, herself, had never learned how to 55 . 41. A. because42. A. clever43. A. asked44. A. notice45. A. class46. A. think47. A. always48. A. found49. A. whether50. A. afraid51. A. pictures52. A. top53. A. learnt54. A. doctor55. A. read B. soB. hardB. decidedB. messageB. roomB.

23、 leaveB. evenB. playedB. whenB. surprisedB. exercisesB. endB. rememberedB. childB. work C. butC. slowC. forgotC. bookC. officeC. standC. quicklyC. knewC. whereC. worriedC. shopsC. backC. understoodC. studentC. teach D. thoughD. quickD. heardD. questionD. labD. speakD. neverD. threwD. whyD. unhappyD.

24、 reportsD. sideD. guessedD. teacherD. show 第二部分 阅读理解(阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。(每小题2分,满分50分)ANot being able to fall asleep or stay asleep is not a disorder in itself but a sign of some other problems, often a physical one. If you have trouble sleeping, the American Sleep Disorders Associa

25、tion suggests that, for a week or two, you put down the time you go to bed, get up, exercise, and drink coffee, tea or wine. The purpose is to find the habits that may affect your sleep. Then:a. Dont drink coffee in the six hours before going to bed.b. Stop smoking and drinking at bedtime.c. Dont sl

26、eep during the day.d. 资*源%库Go to bed at the same time every night. Set your alarm clock for the same time every morning and get up at that time, whether or not you sleep well.e. Use the bedroom only for sleep. Read, watch TV, eat and talk elsewhere.f. Take sleeping pills according to your doctors di

27、rections and dont take them for longer than three weeks at a time.g. If you havent fallen asleep within 15 minutes of going to bed, dont turn over worrying about it. Get up and read or watch TV until you are sleepy, then return to bed.If you continue to have trouble sleeping, ask your doctor for hel

28、p or go to a sleep-disorders center.56. According to the passage, there is probably if you are not able to fall asleep or stay asleep.A. a bad way of sleeping B. a disorder in sleepC. a physical reason D. a problem caused by the brain57. If you have trouble sleeping, you should try to _.A. ask a doc

29、tor for help or go to a sleep-disorders centerB. put down the time you do things every day C. do more physical exercise D. find out the cause first58. According to the passage, which of the following would be the best way to help you sleep well?A. Taking some sleeping pills every day.B. Reading book

30、s before you go to bed.C. Setting your alarm clock at night.D. Forming good living habits.59. The author writes this article in order to _.A. tell us not being able to fall asleep is a serious diseaseB. provide us with some suggestions on sleep problemC. persuade us not to go to see the doctors when

31、 we are illD. help the American Sleep Disorders Association to find the causes of not being able to fall sleepB A Train Floating On AirA train that floats on air? Its not magicits magnets (磁). And its close to reality.In Virginia USA the fall of 2002, a train with no wheels traveled on air and carri

32、ed college students across their campus. In Japan, a whisper-quiet railway engine hovered and raced at 350 miles per hour using magnets and electricity as the power. And in China, a magnet train line linked Shanghai with nearby Pudong Airport.These trains use magnetic levitation (悬浮) technology, “ma

33、glev” for short. They use the same rules as the magnets you pick up at home or school: opposite poles of magnets attract each other, and like poles repel each other.How does it work?Powerful magnets on the bottom of the train repel magnets on the track, which is actually just a magnet-filled guiding

34、 way. With a magnetic field of sufficient force, the train will go hovering on air, which seemed impossible to us in the past.When an electrical current is sent through the track, the train moves. Turn the current backwards and the train slows down.Maglev doesnt rely on the friction (摩擦力) of wheels

35、on track, so it can climb a much steeper hill than a traditional train. And it can travel easily in snow and ice, something that could bring normal trains to a screaming stop. 60. This passage is about _. A. maglevB. magnetsC. levitationD. electricity61. Which of the following is a repelling action?

36、 A. B. C. D. 62. What can we learn from the text?A. A magnet-filled guiding way is formed inside a maglev train. B. Instead of electricity, magnets are used as the power of a maglev. C. Maglev trains can climb hills with the help of magnet wheels. D. Electric currents decide the movements of a magle

37、v train. 63. What is the difference between a maglev train and an ordinary train? A. A maglev train can climb mountains without power while an ordinary one cant. B. A maglev train can travel in college campus while an ordinary train is not allowed.C. Travelling without a track, a maglev train is saf

38、er and smoother than an ordinary one. D. Floating on a track, a maglev train is faster, quieter than an ordinary railway train.CDepend on yourself. Parents can help you. Teachers can help you. But all these only help you to help yourself.There have been many great men in history. But many of them we

39、re very poor when they were young, and had no uncles, aunts or friends to help them. Schools were few and not very good.They could not depend upon them for education. They saw how it was, and set to work with all their strength to know something. They worked their own way till they became well-known

40、. One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils, “I cannot make worthy men of you, but I can help make men of yourselves.”Some young men do not try their best to make themselves valuable to society. They can never gain achievements unless they see their weak points and keep impr

41、oving themselves. They are nothing now and will be nothing as long as they live, unless they accept the advice of their parents and teachers, and depend on their own efforts.64. Which of the following titles fits this passage best?A. How to Become Famous B. What Helps to Make a Good TeacherC. Men Mu

42、st Help Each OtherD. Depend on Your Own Efforts65. Many great men succeeded because_.A. they were anxious to become richB. they had received good educationC. they had made great efforts to learn and workD. they wanted very much to become well-known66. If young people depend on their own efforts, _.A

43、. they are more likely to succeed in their livesB. they are sure to be famous in the worldC. they will need no advice from their parents and teachersD. they will be nothing as long as they live67. From this passage we can see that the writer_.A. is a man with a strong willB. shows great respect for

44、teachersC. is in favour of those who struggle for successD. feels it important to accept the advice of othersDWhile I was in 9th grade, I built a circuit (电路装置) for the traffic system of our city. After getting the first prize. I got this valuable advice from my father; “Do whatever interests you, a

45、nd dont let the work challenge you, make sure you are challenging that work.”I have always preferred the projects which are challenging and related to real life problems. I clearly remember building a shipping program several years ago. I divided the whole project into several small sections. When I understood it clearly, used my brainstorming skill on it, and gave some basic

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