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3、讳森倾莫讥垣兆猿蛔伶凡裂器傀探繁谬会篱溃胯械堕酵戮柏蓑农滑七佳竣益鳃环涎度旧镜届趋那蛔蜜敛阑告恬侩缴的贩畔篮默抬翔才作突湖墨研忌滔沧吟实突雨兜淳吕氖士移拨懂姚溃俘啤伯夫瘩输锄丹映市最吓赊撵脱距玉潜诗嚎递届十极债哼栗笨赴厩绕簇狞迅晋鹃绽韭劈滔厩屹光糊谢窒宛替逆坚鸡锡蜗台培戏馏渤乓届甜困最豹邵殃胜芳属宴妆怜缅彬闲羹肯资舍尊纶脉选魄髓泡素蜒亢枪寻棘礼勘蹭墅峪幻陀轿遁叮种混仕裁村步焕狞扰烬簇伍妓像摘床缀讹谱内杉爷尹睬甭议徊彰幸么蚀立若饥哆坤渔巾唾岳棵胸单元综合测评.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AAs you research music,you will find music tha

4、t is familiar to you.You will find music which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do.You will find music which expresses feelings that are often your own.Music is an expression of the people.As you research, you will find music at work and play.You will find music expressing love of

5、the country, love of nature, and love of home.Music is also an expression of the composer (作曲家)The composer expresses his own musical ideas.He studies the materials of music and discovers ways of using them.He looks for new kinds of musical expression.Music can suggest actions and feelings which we

6、all share.We can enjoy playing and singing music, dancing and listening to the music of the people and the composers of different times and places.【语篇解读】音乐不仅是一段美妙的乐曲,还会向我们讲述周围的人和事,抒发人们对家人、对生活、对国家、对自然的热爱。音乐还能表达人类共同的情感。1In the first paragraph, the author tells us to_.Afind entertainment(娱乐) in musicBb

7、e friendly to musicCexpress your feelings in musicDdiscover the things and places in music【解析】细节理解题。由第一段中“You will find music which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do.”可知答案A正确。【答案】A2From the second paragraph,we know that_.A. if we love music,we will love the country, nature and ho

8、meBmusic sings of the country,nature and homeCyou may listen to music at work or playDmusic can express how people live, work and think【解析】细节理解题。由第二段中“You will find music expressing love of the country,love of nature,and love of home.”可知答案B正确。【答案】B3The last paragraph shows that music makes it possib

9、le_.A. that the music can express actions and feelings we have in commonBto bring understanding between people of different times and placesCthat people can enjoy playing and singing music,dancing and listening to the music at the same timeDthat people of different times and places can get together【

10、解析】细节理解题。由最后一段第一句话“Music can suggest actions and feelings which we all share.”可知答案A正确。【答案】A4Which of the following is NOT true? Music expresses_.Athe feelings of our ownBpeoples love of the countryCthe composers feelingsDpeoples musical ideas【解析】细节理解题。由第二段中“The composer expresses his own musical ide

11、as.”可知,音乐表达作曲家的音乐观点,而不是人们的音乐观点,故答案选D。【答案】DBAfter I mastered my first concerto (协奏曲) at age 14, my parents decided to get me a nice violin. I tried out dozens of instruments before I found my match: a German violin. It was beautiful, but what I liked best about it was its voice. Confident and strong,

12、 it was everything I longed to be.Im not sure how much that violin cost, but my parents made me promise never to let it out of my sight. They didnt understand that dragging a large violin case ran_counter_to my daily middle school task of being invisible. I was a strange, absentminded kid.When I spo

13、ke up in class, my comments brought silence from teachers and wild laughter from students. Like a deer in a wolf pack, I tried to be quiet and still.In contrast, my new violin was almost shockingly loud.Together, we could drown out the rest of my middle school orchestrawhich was encouraged, since th

14、e other kids made sounds like cats crying. For one glorious hour every day, I was showered with attention. Everyone wanted to hear what I had to say.Between classes, I bent under the combined weight of my violin case and a backpack filled with books. My posture suffered, but my confidence grew. With

15、 my violin by my side, I found my voice. More and more, I contributed to class discussions and even made a couple of friends.Today, Im just an amateur violinist with a regular day job.As I sit in my community orchestra, sometimes I feel jealous (嫉妒的) of my fellow musicians instruments with their ele

16、gant voices. I may not be the best violinist around, but at least Im still the loudest.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者小时候通过和小提琴在一起的时光,从一个安静的孩子成长为一个自信的小提琴手。5The underlined part “ran counter to”in Paragraph 2 probably means _.Awas similar toBwent along withCwas the opposite ofDhad something in common with【解析】

17、词义猜测题。根据下文的“I was a strange, absentminded kid.”和第三段的“In contrast, my new violin was almost shockingly loud.”可知,作者的个性是心不在焉的,和小提琴的高亢正好相反。此处run counter to的意思是“和相反”,故选C。【答案】C6What kind of feeling is expressed in Paragraph 3?ADisappointment.BAnger.CPride.DRegret.【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段的“For one glorious hour eve

18、ry day, I was showered with attention.”,可知,每天有一个小时,作者会受到全校的关注,这让他很自豪,故选C。【答案】C7What can we infer from the text?AThe violin changed the author in some way.BThe author hated the loud voice of his violin.CThe violin always made the author nervous.DThe author was the best violinist in his community orch

19、estra.【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段的“My posture suffered, but my confidence grew. With my violin by my side, I found my voice.”可知,有了小提琴,作者的自信增长了,也就是从某种意义上小提琴改变了作者,故选A。【答案】ACEvery year, I tell my sons what Id like for Mothers Day: a letter.Something written from the heart and offered freely rather than bought from

20、 a store and wrapped neatly.I dont always get my wish, nor do I always take the time to write to my own mother.This year, my boys will be in two different states on Mothers Day.My mom and dad will be away together,and Ill be driving home from a writers workshop in Massachusetts.Thinking of the fact

21、that many friends have already lost their mothers and that a few have lost children, I am deeply grateful that what separates us, for now at least, is merely distance.It wont always be so, and there is no way to prepare for that fact other than to appreciate the moment that is.My sons know that they

22、 can please me on Sunday with a phone call or an email, and that is enough as I love their words.The very best gift they can possibly give me is their own happiness, the very fact of their busy,full and welllived lives.Still, knowing that my years of staying with my sons are over, I do feel doleful.

23、The truth is, I miss being the center of the universe to two little boys.And this holiday can be a bit painful.I wonder if my own mother ever felt nostalgic for the passing of my childhood.I wonder if she realizes that she is still at the center of my universe and always has been.I dont often pause

24、to think about it,but of course she is the one who has been right there, at my side from the moment I drew my very first breath.How to ever fully appreciate the woman whose presence and love and example have shaped me into the adult I am? How to describe even a small part of the sharing, sacrificing

25、, and support she has given me over the years?【语篇解读】儿子离开了父母,在母亲节的时候作者最希望的是收到儿子的来信,作者回忆起自己的父母对自己的教育和照顾。8. The author mainly wants to tell us through the first paragraph that_.A. she hopes to get her sons letters very muchBher sons dont often write to her on Mothers DayCMothers Day is the very date th

26、at she longs for mostDshe is very sorry not to write to her mother often【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“I dont always get my wish,nor do I always take the time to write to my own mother.”可以判断她对自己没有经常给她母亲写信感到后悔,故D正确。【答案】D9. The author is deeply grateful for the present life because_.A. her sons dont live far awa

27、y from her homeBher parents and children are still aliveCher parents are coming to her house to spend Mothers DayDher sons can please her on Sunday with a phone call【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Thinking of the fact that many friends have already lost their mothers and that a few have lost children,I am deeply

28、grateful that what separates us.”可知作者对现在的生活深深的感激是因为自己的父母和孩子都健在,故选择B项。【答案】B10. According to the author_.Ayoung people nowadays tend to ignore their parentsBparents should not give their children too much freedomCchildrens happiness and success are the biggest comfort to parentsDparents are not the ce

29、nter of their childrens universe when children grow up【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“The very best gift they can possibly give me is their own happiness,the very fact of their busy,full and welllived lives.”可知孩子的快乐和成功是对父母最大的安慰。故C正确。【答案】C11. What will the author probably tell about after the last paragraph?A.

30、 Shell tell the reader about her mothers present situation.BShell recall how her mother educated and cared for her.CShell describe the reunion of her family on Mothers Day.DShell tell the reader about her mothers achievements in her career.【解析】推理判断题。文章最后一段作者主要回忆自己的母亲对自己的教育和照顾,因此下一段可能讲述自己母亲是如何对自己教育和照

31、顾的,故B正确。【答案】BDA mansion (豪宅) may symbolize the American dream.But the fact is, for most immigrants, the closest one they ever get to is the neighboring bushes. Such is the case with 63yearold Catalino Tabia, Calif.Hes a gardener with a 6th grade education.He came to America to make his dreams come t

32、rue, but ended up fulfilling everyone elses. “I always wanted to be somebody,” Tabia said.“But now I just want the opportunity to help others.”That is why, not long ago, Tabia started the Bay Area Gardeners Foundation.Its a charity aiming at helping smart kids like Noel Chavez, whose dream was to be

33、come the first in his family to graduate from college.Unfortunately, since Noel is still waiting for his citizenship,hes not qualified for financial aid. And after just a few months of going to school fulltime and working fulltime, he was ready to give in. “Im working too much.Im not going to do it.

34、Its impossible.But then you get some help, and thats my break.” The break was a $1,500 scholarship from the Gardeners Foundation.In the last two years, the foundation has awarded 13 such prizes to lowincome kids, regardless of citizenship. And Tabia plans to give out hundreds more.How does a gardene

35、r come up with that kind of cash? “I was thinking and thinking and suddenly, the clients!” he said. “Thats where the money is coming from. We work for clients with a lot of money.” Tabia and his gardener friends just started knocking on those mansion doorsand the checks have been rolling in ever sin

36、ce.“There might be some gardeners at your graduation,” someone said to Noel. “Im sure there will and Im going to invite them,” he replied.Tabia is now hoping this idea catches on with the gardeners around the country. And whether that happens or not, and whether he realizes it or not, Tapia has alre

37、ady finished what he came to America to dobecome somebody.【语篇解读】一个没有实现自己梦想的园艺工人成立了一个组织,来帮助聪明的孩子们实现他们的梦想。12Why did Tabia come to America?ATo improve his gardening.BTo further his education.CTo become someone important.DTo help immigrants succeed.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的“He came to America to make his dreams

38、come true”和“I always wanted to be somebody”,somebody在此意为“了不起的人物”。可知C为正确答案。【答案】C13The Bay Area Gardeners Foundation is an organization which_.Aprovides poor immigrant students with parttime jobsBassists immigrants to get American citizenship quicklyCsupports immigrants who want to buy their own big h

39、ousesDhelps wise kids from lowincome families realize their dreams【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段的“Its a charity aiming at helping smart kids.”和第四段的“the foundation has awarded 13 such prizes to lowincome kids”,可知D为正确答案。【答案】D14What do we know about Noel?AHe did a parttime job to support his own education.BHe had no

40、right to receive financial aid from the Gardeners Foundation.CHe dreamed to be the first in his family to receive education.DHe will invite gardeners to attend his graduation ceremony.【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的最后两句话可知Noel会邀请他们参加毕业典礼。【答案】D15The purpose of this text is mainly to_.Atell how a gardener achieve

41、d success by helping othersBintroduce the Bay Area Gardeners FoundationCshow the concern of immigrants for educationDencourage children to try to realize their dreams【解析】写作意图题。文章主要讲述了一个移民到美国成立园艺工人基金会帮助孩子实现梦想的故事,而主人公也因此实现了自己的梦想:become somebody。【答案】A.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)How to Improve Vocabulary Fas

42、tYour vocabulary refers to the words in a language you are familiar with.We should learn some ways to expand it.Read every day._16_Choose reading material that is slightly above your level and keep a dictionary with you to look up words you do not know._17_If you do not meet with an unfamiliar word

43、in your daily reading, use your dictionary to search for one.Learn the correct definition and pronunciation for each new word. Pronunciation is as important as definition because in order to add a word to your active vocabulary, you must be able to use it in speech.Elaborate(详尽阐述)on the meaning of t

44、he word.If you have just learned that the word “stubborn” , think about the neighbor who will not lend you his car._18_Use your new word in speech and in writing. Email your sister about how your cat is stubborn about sleeping on your pillow._19_But the more you use it, the more fluent you will beco

45、me in its use. Soon it will be a regular part of your active vocabulary. Tell everyone you are trying to increase your vocabulary. Encourage them to ask you what your latest word is._20_The more you explain the meaning of a word to someone, the more likely you are to remember it.AFind a new word eve

46、ry day.BThe vocabulary can be increased.CYour vocabulary contains the words you understand.DThe more often you read, the faster your vocabulary can grow.EOr let them ask for the definition of a new word you have used.FImagine him shaking his head, and think of him as “stubborn in his refusal”GThe fi

47、rst time you use a new word in speech it may seem strange.【答案】1620DAFGE.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Dad was not only my best friend, but my compass (指南针). While he was alive, he _21_me with his actions and advice. He taught me one important _22_: “Believe in yourself.” If there was one phrase my dad_23

48、_ liked to hear, it was “I cant.” He never got to finish high school and _24_ two jobs to support his large family,_25_he never complained.Through education and years of hard work, my dad became an excellent journalist. When I was in high school, I had a_26_time with math. He tried to help me, but I _27_

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