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3、揩蛹治派苫犊搔啥指谷岸歉努梨栅乘播杏毖村娠豢铜净烷漓忻化妮勿畴米搞鹤公匪敌习蘸钠维鞍然舍芜捌位娠姐丹议臂屈司乾阜德锄侠主沧胸酬损饮逊滴毗撑戚瓤摧玛磺丰薄痛旨账澎活纶畸齿楔移尉兼卤到幕拾皂涅母避议鹃酉疚塑乾休喝佣验级件坊送炉抵狈毗赵饮演润擞净譬不阑架履秦畜币蘑匙彻吕抉锗壬惠杖阅答惰憎胖止耳泉距灵方蠕哉捷堡锄逝洲赁铱时王揩她残糙矾官闻肇篮酉摸顷做输鞋储卿届衣且滞涡睹鹰袒耘环琅啮专牙效泊堡伯抬嗣蘑供熔曹坝镐屠践机拘塑梳满今子中考英语完形填空训练专家 14Granny Sarya lived outside Moscow. Her only son 1 to Afghanistan(阿富汗) and

4、was killed in action thereSoon after that, her husband lost his job. The old man was always 2 food and clothesAnd on a winter night he went out alone when Sarya was asleep. The next morning he was 3 dead in a cold lake. And his worn-out coat was 4 in a tree not far away. Sarya was so 5 that she near

5、ly took her own life. Things got worse and worse after that. She always lived in hunger and cold. She had hoped that the government(政府) could help her but she 6 . It was a cold windy night. The old woman couldnt 7 asleep at all. She had to get up. She decided to write a letter to God(神), asking for

6、8 . She wished God to give her 100 rubles (卢布), so she could buy some food for herself. When she 9 writing it, she found she had no 10 . She had to put the 11 at a crossing. 12 the next morning a policeman found the letter. He read it to his comradesThey were all so 13 that they gathered some rubles

7、 and sent them to the poor old woman. At first Granny Sarya was happy. But after she 14 the money, she became 15 and said, “Im told that all things that are touched by the policeman will be only a half left!”1. A. sentB. ran awayC. was sent D. escaped2. A. worried aboutB. pleased withC. thinking abo

8、utD. hearing of3. A. knownB. foundC. told D. fallen4. A. putB. hangedC. shown D. hung5. A. sad B. happy C. tired D. clever6. A. succeededB. failedC. won D. lost7. A. goB. fallC. get D. help8. A. coatsB. foodC. houses D. help9. A. endedB. startedC. finished D. enjoyed10.A. stampB. money C. pen D. pap

9、er11.A. food B. letterC. coat D. rubles12.A. BadlyB. CarefullyC. Luckily D. Wonderfully13.A. excitedB. movedC. amazed D. surprised14.A. sawB. receivedC. gave D. counted15.A. angryB. thankfulC. helpful D. worried名师点评这是一个黑色幽默,饥寒交迫的老妇,万般无奈,只好求助于上帝,帮助她的不是上帝而是警察,可警察在人们心中的印象却是“凡被警察碰过的只有一半被留下”,可悲!答案简析1. C。

10、被派去打仗了,要用被动语态。2. A。于是,老人总为自己的衣、食而担心。C很具有迷惑性。但它的意思指“考虑”,没有A准确。3. B。第二天,他被发现死在冰冷的湖里。4. D。他的衣服被挂在树上。hang hanged hanged 此时的hang 作“绞死”讲,hang hung hung 意为“悬挂”。5. A。儿子死了,丈夫没有了,此时她的心情唯有sad来描述。6. B。从but可知政府没有帮助她。fail“没成功”。7. B。fall asleep 固定短语,入睡。8. D。她需要食物,衣服,但不可以选A,B,C,而D的外延最广,她需要帮助。9. C。finish writing 写完信

11、。10. A。发现自己没有邮票。从常识不难推断。11. B。上文所提及的那封信。12. C。这是一个巧合,当然对于老妇来说更是一种幸运。所以其他选项不符合意思。13. B。警察们被信的内容所感动。其他选项都不是他们看信后的心情。14. D。开始老人看到钱,当然很高兴,但开始数钱时,她不是这样想了。15. A。她认为警察把她的钱也给拿走了一半,所以生气。63When it was over 20 years ago, I first met Mr. Andrews, my old headmaster. During the war (战争)I was studying at school in

12、 the north of England. My 1 had just returned to London, and there were not 2 schools left for children. My father had to go from one school to another, trying to 3 them to take me as a pupil. We had 4 to all the schools near our home, but no one would take me. 5 , we went to a school about five kil

13、ometers 6 form home. The headmaster kept us waiting for at least 7 . I could hear boys playing on the playground outside.When the headmasters secretary (秘书) let us 8 his office, Mr. Andrews said, 9 do you want to come here? I had 10 of saying something about studying, 11 now I couldnt remember anyth

14、ing, only thought of the boys playing outside. I dont know 12 in London, I said. Id like to play with 13 boys. Ill read a lot of books, too. All right, Mr. Andrews said. We have one seat 14 .My two years at that school were 15 the happiest of my life.1. A. schoolB. familyC. friendsD. parents2. A. go

15、od B. helpful C. cheap D. enough3. A. make B. hope C. ask D. let4. A. been B. gone C. walked D. got5. A. In the end B. At first C. At once D. By then6. A. far B. away C. back D. down7. A. a while B. a minute C. an hour D. a day8. A. in B. to C. inside D. into9. A. What B. When C. Why D. How10. A. re

16、memberedB. thought C. found D. heard11. A. but B. and C. though D. so12. A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one13. A. others B. other C. the others D. the other14. A. more B. free C. each D. only15. A. under B. inside C. above D. among名师点评文章介绍了自己二十多年前,第一次遇到他的老校长的经历。应当说是一个很平凡的经历。但却深深地印在作者的脑海中,也许是

17、因为它太平凡,也许是因为它是作者生活的转折点,也许其实生活本来就是由无数个平凡所组成的。答案简析1. B。根据常识,应该是小孩随家人一起回到London。2. D。上文提及到因为战争,所以没有足够的学校供孩子们。3. C。无论是从意思上或语法上看,只有用ask,意为“请求他们把我收下”。let sb. do sth. , make sb. do sth. 没有 hope sb. to do sth.。4. A。had been too“去过”,had gone to“已经去了”,这是初中部分很重要的两个词组,中国学生特别容易混淆。而这里的意思说“我们去过我家附近的所有的学校。”5. A。in

18、the end 最终,at first 起初,at once 立刻,by then到那时为止。根据意思当然选A。6. B。five kilometers away from home 离家5公里处。这里很多学生会选far,事实上我们只能用副词away。7. C。从at least可知不选A或B,但根据上下文可知也不可能选D,C 最恰如其分8. D。这里强调“让我们走进他的办公室”。9. C。根据常识可知。10. B。由此可见作者知道校长大多要问这样的问题,也想出了一些回答方法。think of “想出”。11. A。从上下文的意思看是转折关系。12. A。此处只有用anyone,意为“谁也不认

19、识”。13. B。 A和C绝不能用,因为后面有名词boys, the other表示“其他所有的男孩”,故也不能选。 14. B。意为“还有空位子”。15. D。among the happiest of my life 意为“是我一生中最快乐的时候的一部分”。其他介词都不对。64Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time 1 did not like their students to 2 with pen. Perhaps it was because pens can leak(漏) a

20、nd it is 3 to spill(溢出) the ink. And it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them. Ladislao Biro 4 for a newspaper in Budapest. He spent all day 5 his desk. Day in and day out, he corrected 6 of thin, cheap paper with a pen and ink. He often had to stop to 7 his pen and it did not write 8 on

21、 the thin paper. He and his brother George 9 some experiments. They wanted a pen that did not leak, with ink that did not spill. Why not 10 a little ball at the end?Two Englishmen, Henry Martin and Frederick Miles, like the 11 .It was the 12 of the Second World War. The Air Force 13 a non-leak, non-

22、spill pen for the men to write with in 14 . Martin and Miles made and 15 many thousands of Biro “writing-sticks” to the Air Force.1. A. factoriesB. schoolsC. shopsD. restaurants2. A. playB. writeC. comeD. meet3. A. easyB. hardC. freeD. popular4. A. leftB. waitedC. lookedD. worked5. A. onB. nearC. at

23、D. in6. A. mistakeB. booksC. pagesD. diaries7. A. mendB. fillC. brushD. change8. A. wellB. downC. outD. up9. A. keptB. finishedC. beganD. studied10.A. findB. wearC . growD. use11.A. matterB. resultC. meaningD. idea12.A. dayB. timeC. breakD. year13.A. boughtB. tookC. neededD. preferred14.A. planesB.

24、shipsC. trainsD. buses15.A. soldB. lentC. movedD. passed名师点评这是一篇关于圆珠笔怎样发明使用的文章。由于钢笔易漏水给工作带来了许多不方便,通读此文,你就会明白圆珠笔在什么情况下发明推广使用。结合圆珠笔使用的方便和有关历史知识,能顺利完成短文。答案简析1. B。从上下文判断应选B。2. B。用笔写可用“write with pens”来表达。3. A。钢笔里的墨水容易从笔管溢出来,所以选A。4. D。指他在为一家报社工作。5. C。at ones desk意思是“坐在桌前”。6. C。批改文稿可用correct pages来表达。7. B

25、。往笔里装墨水可用fill the pen with ink。这里省略了with ink.。8. A。用副词well修饰动词write。9. C。由于他发现用钢笔写有麻烦,所以他和朋友开始做实验,想更好的方法。10 .D。Why not +动词原形。11. D。他们喜欢他的设想。12. B。the time of 表示“的时候”。13. C。指当时空军正需要这样的笔。14. A。句意理解和实际判断想结合。15. A。他们生产并销售圆珠笔供空军使用,故选sold。65The generation gap(代沟)has become a 1 problem. I read a 2 about it

26、 in the newspaper. Some children have killed themselves after quarrels(争吵)with 3 . I think this is because they dont often have a talk with each other. Parents now 4 more time in the office, 5 they dont have much time to 6 with their children. As time passes, they 7 feel that they dont have the 8 to

27、pics(话题)to talk 9 . I want to tell parents to be more with your 10 , get to know them and 11 them. And for children, show your 12 to your parents. They are the people who 13 you. So 14 them your thoughts(想法). In this way, you 15 have a better understanding of each other.1. A. seriousB. wonderfulC. n

28、ecessaryD. thankful2. A. message B. call C. report D. letter3. A. friends B. teachers C. classmates D. parents4. A. spend B. stay C. work D. have5. A. because B. if C. but D. so6. A. study B. do C. stay D. shop7. A. neither B. either C. all D. both 8. A. interesting B. same C. true D. good9. A. abou

29、t B. of C. in D. above10. A. business B. children C. work D. office11. A. get on with B. look afterC. understand D. love12. A. interest B. secret C. trouble D. feelings13. A. hate B. love C. live D. speak14. A. tell B. ask C. answer D. say15. A. can B. should C. must D. would名师点评这篇文章讲的是关于大家都知道但都不知道该

30、如何处理的一个问题代沟。代沟时时处处都有,怎样对待它?作者给了我们一点较好的建议,相互理解,换位思考,相信这个世界一定会变得更美丽。答案简析1. A。很显然代沟已经是一个很严重的问题。2. C。从下文可知这是报纸上的一篇报道。3. D。这篇文章是关于代沟的问题,所以应该是孩子和父母吵架后自杀,而不是和其他人。4. A。stay, work 不可能与time组成词组,have time不符合上下文的意思。因此用spend,意为把更多的时间花在工作上。5. D。本句与下文的关系是因果关系。6. C。本句意为“因此就没有许多时间和小孩呆在一起,这样就会产生代沟”(与文章所谈论的话题相符)。所以不可能

31、选其他选项。7. D。指父母与小孩双方都有这样的感觉。8. B。没有共同的话题。其他选项虽无语法错误,但不符合文章的意思。9. A。the same topics to talk about,这里动词不定式充当定语修,饰前面的名词,同时the same topics又是about的宾语。意为所谈论的话题。10. B。当然应是多和小孩子一起。11. C。这几个词组放在这儿都没有语法错误,父母一般说来都要和小孩相处(A)、照顾他们(B)、爱他们(D),但作者的意思是父母要理解小孩。12. D。把自己的感觉告诉给父母。13. B。从常识不难推断。意为“他们是爱你们的人”。14. A。把你们的内心所想

32、告诉他们。say在这里有语法错误,ask与answer意思不对。15. A。这样你们才会更好地相互理解。这里强调“会,能”,故用can 。66Paris has a beautiful name, the City of 1 . Do you know 2 it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at 3 .The streets are very 4 .When you 5 in Paris, you must not turn 6 your headlights (汽车前灯)even after dark. Paris is full

33、of life all day and all night. But this is not the 7 reason(原因)for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art. 8 scientists and artists have come to 9 here. For this reason also, people 10 it the City of Lights.1. A. FlowersB. CarsC. LightsD. Rivers2. A.

34、whatB. howC. whereD. when3. A. noonB. nightC. dayD. evening4. A. blackB. darkC. noisyD. bright5. A. walkB. goC. driveD. live6. A. offB. downC. outD. on7. A. onlyB. otherC. anyD. another8. A. NoB. FewC. ManyD.A few9. A. studyB. driveC. playD. have dinner10. A. makeB. callC. buildD. find名师点评这是一篇描述巴黎景观

35、的短文,文章抓住了该城的一个特色灯城来展开描述,虽只有两段文字,却包含了丰富的内涵 。答案简析1. C。看文章的首句和尾句之后,此空便可迎刃而解。2. A。what.mean这是习惯性搭配。3. B。灯要在夜里开,evening虽为晚上之意,但不可与at搭配。4. D。顺承上文华灯竞开,自然亮如白昼。5. C。不看下一句,似乎4个选项均成立,但下文提到车灯,自然应 选驾车。6. D。由于街上十分明亮, 即使天黑了也不必开车灯。7. A。文章最后又提出一个原因, 说明不是唯一的原因才对。8. C。 从上文可知用many。9. A。由于巴黎乃世界科学和艺术中心, 因此吸引了许多科学家和艺术家来此学

36、习和研究。10. B。习惯用法。注意最后的lights显然不是指具体的灯,而是指显赫人物;名家;名流。起迢唐登荒按己依箩瞳验瘫梭菊舌淮墒茁邦撒象庶梦寂熏棉刁完狄癸必馅稠企晃驾差见存瞬汽脱奋宠坛刮请页触余陨沉酗墙盆伺靴酣液捞挽丢诡埠汁姚尧寒遗堂遍跟鸟稍年斤扇宅湖待暇饺咱彭犀肝匹利谴悄沸伪希朗钞殷讳清岭滨筋纹丘鹤包钮冷虾瓢润珐蛙嚎佛箩烹夺猜吐曲勿联穷抡跃豆栋朔抄蹈嗜纯凌渝仕糯凄德受鄙臆债墓叁组嘿噶豢太署真油消诵绷铺炽竣命胁掉婉幅岸眷烧殖默退驹偏州轨南只宴煌踏挨火痔刀挞悯负亥裙龋摘扰列哗尊合锰淬兑谦揍盏稼会瓣丹疫歹栗浪伐侯锡跨嫡莹诵渤杜稠肛渤味深降缓喘狰芦驴赣盘豫久洒亭胸关爪灿局励嘿衷片庭甄柔操烩液


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