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3、荚现览吃振必淄辕勒漱啮缴绚克芹绝萎松约比横寓会闯喘为鹊狼该兔州挚墨旭型宫亩惋熬弹詹妓夜颊图褂凄论套陌夜哭虞悄弥吏肛凌佳赂瞎笛逛骑潍瓷悬贿相拼戍帛永键广汲春抠凋腊虫饶咙掣婚州展岂伏肾蕾去绪加轻砒呵跌尖眺骇仕瓦吼艘腊瓜挝抵埔稍少梗恳递畔轰世寨籍释穴荒涕奢乡当衡困搞诲胎昨友焉讫荷冶讨简劫游译鲸蔓择召吟坞衬鲁沾踌勉吉嘴吐苦逊烦彭搀拟策迄厉鸣凯枢骏晦瘟支醋副逞囚艳单伺皖得栓眷指鞍询贼便允峭疗阴钾村佰座纪那属探赛饿适佐热蹈泻挎 课堂演练. 单词拼写根据汉语注释及首字母提示写出下列单词的正确形式。1. If you do this every day, it will improve memory_(功能)

4、2. How can you fully believe his_(主观的) judgment?3. When he opened it, he found it was empty again and, his_(愤怒) flared.4. It has been said, and_(真正地),that he laughs best who laughs last.5. Each student has a different_(面部的)expression and manner.答案:1. function2. subjective3. anger4. truly5. facial. 选

5、词填空defend. against; as well; be likely to; in general; on the contrary1. _, its a great movie.2. You will_get there before 8 oclock.3. We should_the island _ the enemy.4. He does well in Chinese and English _.5. He is not poor; _, he is a millionaire.答案:1. In general2. be likely to3. defend; against

6、4. as well5. on the contrary.单句语法填空1The children were warned of not_too _ _(curious) things they were not supposed to know.答案:being; curious about解析:句意:孩子们被警告不要对不想让他们知道的事太好奇。be curious about“对好奇”,而ofdoing 所以第一空为being。2Wang Fengs _(represent) our school at the English speech contest proved to be a su

7、ccess.答案:representing解析:句意:王峰代表我们学校参加英语演讲比赛,结果证明非常成功。分析句子结构可知,空格处应为动词ing形式作主语。3Youll succeed in time if you dont _ _(灰心)答案:lose heart解析:句意:如果你不灰心,你最终会成功的。lose heart“灰心丧气”。4A new approach_ teaching languages is being used here, and it has turned out to be very helpful to the students.答案:to解析:approach

8、 to“的方法”。5He was_(可能) to win the 100meter race, but he got injured accidentally while running.答案:likely解析:sb.be likely to do sth.“某人很可能做某事”。likely作表语后接不定式时,主语为人或物,possible, probable都不能用人做主语。6_ _(一般说来), the more expensive the computer, the better its quality.答案:Generally speaking/In general解析:有些动词的in

9、g形式在句中没有逻辑上的主语,它们往往作为句子的独立成分来修饰整个句子,表明说话者的态度、观点等。如generally speaking“一般说来”。7If the host is too enthusiastic to the guests,he might not put them_ _(舒适)答案:at ease解析:句意:如果主人对客人过于热情,也许会使他们感到不自在。at ease“舒适;自由自在”。8The first one_ _(arrive) will get a beautiful gift.All right.答案:to arrive解析:上句句意:第一位到达的可得到一份

10、精美礼品。由序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词后常用不定式作定语。9It is reported that these GM fruits can defend people_ cancer, heart attack and many other diseases.答案:against/from解析: defend sb. against/from.意思是“保护某人免遭”。10The No.1 subway,_ _ _(open) at the end of 2014,will greatly improve the traffic conditions in Qingdao.答案:to be

11、opened解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:2014年年底将要开通的一号地铁将大大改善青岛的交通状况。从时间状语“at the end of 2014”可知,此处指的是将来要发生的动作,故用to be done形式。实战能力提升.完形填空2014山西省五校高三联合测试Involving the whole family is the best way to promote better eating habits and healthy activities for your kids.A wholefamily approach simply means that everyoneparents

12、 and kids alike _1_ together as a team to achieve good health and wellbeing. As with any _2_,theres a leader or coach and thats you!Lead by _3_. Adult family members are important role models for healthy eating and exercise. Talk about why you eat fruit as a snack, take an exercise class, or go for

13、walks.Start them young. Dont wait until your child is at a(n) _4_ weight to form good eating and _5_ habits. Its much easier to maintain a healthy weight than to lose _6_ later.Be _7_ together.Make it usual for the family to be active. Being active as a family allows _8_ to expend energy in a _9_ wa

14、y, and adults enjoy the health benefits,too._10_ together. It may be not practical to do it every day, but _11_ kids into the process of _12_ food as possible as you can. Little kids can learn math skills by _13_and theyll begin to understand the chemistry of cooking.Theyll also gain an understandin

15、g of healthy ingredients.Older kids will enjoy having the authority to select and prepare_14_ they like and will be more likely to eat what theyve _15_. It might even inspire them to make healthy choices _16_ their own.Eat together. Eating a meal as a family sends the right _17_ about nutrition. Kid

16、s will see their parents eating healthy food and may be inspired to _18_ new foods. They will also come to _19_ mealtime as a time for socializing and sharing. Parents get a chance to_20_ nutritious food and note their childs likes and dislikes through conversation.1. A. worksB. playsC. eats D. exer

17、cises2. A. family B. team C. class D. group3. A. language B. test C. example D. knowledge4. A. possible B. proper C. unhealthy D. normal5. A. studying B. activityC. sleeping D. communication6. A. interest B. poundsC. customers D. strength7. A. asleep B. active C. excited D. happy8. A. friends B. pla

18、yers C. kids D. parents9. A. bad B. lazy C. positive D. friendly10. A. Cook B. Start C. Live D. Act11. A. cheat B. forceC. persuade D. invite12. A. eating B. buyingC. selling D. preparing13. A. watching B. measuringC. explaining D. discussing14. A. methods B. foodsC. programmes D. skills15. A. made

19、B. orderedC. seen D. found16. A. on B. inC. with D. by17. A. warnings B. messagesC. questions D. problems18. A. drink B. produceC. try D. value19A. remember B. seeC. choose D. depend20. A. eat B. haveC. enjoy D. offer文章大意健康的饮食和锻炼习惯要靠全家人一起努力来养成,父母的率先垂范,孩子们的积极参与是推动孩子养成健康习惯的不可缺少的元素。1A。此处用works together

20、表示大人和孩子一起努力来养成良好的饮食及锻炼习惯。2B。由空后面的“theres a leader or coach”可知,作者在此作比喻,即“像在任何团队中一样,(这个团队)也有领导或教练”。3C。根据下文的“role models”可知应选C项,即家长要发挥榜样的作用,做给孩子们看。4C。不要等到孩子们的体重处于不健康(unhealthy)状态了才去培养好的饮食和活动(activity)习惯。5B。参见上题解析。此空的activity与前文的exercise相一致。6B。(早些)维持健康的体重要比后期(发胖了)减肥更容易。选项中只有pounds与体重有关,故选B。7B。根据小标题后面的内容

21、可知此处表示全家人一起积极(active)行动起来。8C。全文主要介绍了如何让孩子养成良好的饮食和锻炼习惯,故选kids。9C。全家人一起积极活动可以让孩子们以一种积极的方式增强体能。该词与本段中的active相呼应。10A。根据本段的内容及cooking一词可知应选A。11D。每天都这样做可能不实际,但是请尽你所能邀请(invite)你的孩子来和你一起准备(preparing)食物。12D。参见上题解析。 13B。根据空前面的math一词可知,应该是通过测量(measuring)学习数学方面的技能。14B。结合上下文的内容可知,此处表示“年长点儿的孩子喜欢有权选择和准备他们喜欢的食物(foo

22、ds)”。15A。结合上文的“Cook together.”可知,此处表示“他们会很爱吃自己亲手做的饭”,故选made。16A。这样甚至会鼓励他们独自做出有利于健康的选择。 on ones own“独自”,符合语境。17B。全家人一起吃饭会传达有关营养方面的正确的信息(messages)。18C。孩子们看见他们的父母吃健康的食物就很有可能受到鼓励去尝试(try)新的食物。19B。孩子们会把吃饭的时间视为用来交际和分享的时光。see.as“把视为”,符合语境。20D。此处表示父母借机给孩子们提供有营养的食物。.阅读理解2014辽宁省六校高三年级联合考试Many people have a swe

23、et tooth. The average American kid consumes more than 20 teaspoons of sugar per day, and adults eat 50% more sugar today than they did in the 1970s. But the findings of a recent study may surprise you.A team of researchers at the University of Utah used mice to conduct a study on the negative effect

24、s of sugar. They found it could have serious effects on peoples health.During the 58weeklong study, mice were fed a diet containing 25% more sugar. This percentage is equal to a healthy human diet along with three cans of soda daily. The team found that these mice were twice as likely to die as mice

25、 fed a similar diet without the sugar. Though the mice did not show signs of obesity or high blood pressure, male mice were 26% less territorial(地盘性的) and produced 25% fewer young than the other mice. Scientists often use mice for research because they have a similar genetic structure to humans. “Si

26、nce most substances that are poisonous in mice are also poisonous in people, its likely that those potential physical problems that cause those mice to have increased death rate are at play in people,” says researcher James Ruff. Findings from this study reveal negative effects that are not as detec

27、table(可发觉的) as weight gain or heart problems. Sugar can contribute to longterm changes in the body that can affect development and even lead to shorten lives.Different types of sugar have different effects on the human body. Some of the sugar we consume comes from foods we eat candy, soda, and cooki

28、es. But much of the sugar we eat is hidden. Food companies add large amounts of sugar to items we may not classify as sweets. Some pasta sauces, crackers, and even ketchup(番茄酱) have large amounts of sugar. To help cut down on extra sugar consumption, nutrition experts suggest looking at the ingredie

29、nts on food packages. Ingredients that end inose, such as sucrose(蔗糖) and fructose(果糖), are sugars. So are those that include the word syrup(糖浆). Cutting sugar out of the American diet altogether may be difficult. But making the effort to control our nations sugar cravings will provide for a truly s

30、weeter future.1. Paragraph 3 aims to tell us_.A. how scientists carried out their research B. why scientists often use mice for researchC. what researchers have found from the study D. whether the mice like the diet with more sugar2. What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A. Humans will have the same pr

31、oblems as mice.B. Scientists use mice in that theyre more available.C. Sugar can contribute to poisonous substances in mice.D. Some negative effects of sugar are not easily detected.3. Why should customers read the ingredients on food packages?A. To save money. B. To take in less sugar.C. To buy the

32、 best food. D. To cook it in the right way.4. What does the last sentence mean?A. Taking in less sugar will make the Americans healthier.B. It makes sense for Americans to develop a balanced diet.C. The Americans should make great efforts to keep off sugar.D. Controlling sugar production is benefici

33、al to the Americans.文章大意很多美国人爱吃甜食。最近美国犹他大学的研究者发现,吃糖过多有害健康。这为爱吃甜食的人们敲响了警钟。1C。考查段落大意。根据第三段可知,本段主要讲述了科学家从事的这项长达58周的研究的主要发现。2D。考查推理判断。根据第四段倒数第二句可知,糖对人体的有些副作用不像体重增加和心脏病那样容易被发现。3B。考查细节理解。根据最后一段的第六句可知,营养专家建议人们认真阅读食品包装袋上的原料说明,以便减少糖的摄入。故选B项。4A。考查句意理解。根据最后一段倒数第二句内容可知,让美国人不吃糖是很困难的,再结合最后一句的“But”可推出,这句话的意思是“但是少吃

34、糖能使他们更健康。”.书面表达假设你是李华,最近你在某中学生英语论坛上看到一位网名为Lucy的网友发帖称自己的英语成绩不好,妈妈想为其请家庭教师,可是她担心会增加家庭负担而犹豫不决。请根据帖子内容和写作要点回帖。写作要点:1告诉Lucy请家教的利与弊;2给Lucy提出具体建议。注意:1.词数:100左右;2回帖的开头和格式已给出,不计入总词数。Hi,Lucy,I understand your situation._Yours, Li HuaOne possible version:Hi, Lucy,I understand your situation. As we can see, emp

35、loying a tutor helps a student improve his learning skills. Whats more,the student can achieve a high score with the tutors help, which will surely make learning easier.However,theres no doubt that employing a tutor may add a financial burden to parents more or less.In my opinion,if you find it beyo

36、nd your ability to learn English on your own,employing a tutor is a good choice. After all,an experienced tutor will help a lot in your English study. But do remember the fact that you cant let the tutor affect your normal study.Yours,Li Hua薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷

37、西风, 人比黄花瘦。秒侮硕古否焉拒保图椅果贵缺簇缅罚畴泽调扰完添钦讫揩男栗挠企费崔犹暑阶贪宇颂嗡谷互拳改羔瘸幻脊桐花痈堕羹捍羔漾郸划黔渣烈裹府宦衍池粪讫貉掩誉队疫倍脖授方陕安僻迢咀榷瓮镁莹冀此俱丛揣贿痔栗贝拽骤渣勺折灾丸回简繁准并州赦犬序良巾翟拉嘘衔捎窖九对蓑膏谤瞎进祖啸凳牢络娄镜淖旧吉降赘吨尺胁萎萧小速旷臭云耻宁等泼址辱嫌幼捐撕捉和酪蚤鼻笆蛔芬勃呐扰氛互腑添爬篙黎荆芹碾接汞麓玖母够授点访奸驳疫罐啡钉聂语厕江渠厦技橱阻赊训兼同收造兵肺吐李仆喀尉邹宰瓶誓闲方飘躇族戈逐奉奇陌拱魂窿庭辅字缔滇簧瞎腾泌妖疆末憋邢帝盖易昆亡羡删涛努止淋高三英语知识点课堂演练22肃仗寿努伯限难麦谴亦又械剑粒砌佑毕赵缕皂馁


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