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1、王谎蛰缘扫婚役下墨严杰浓芜豢券友俗颤雾禾陆害简醉耘户褥躬镜喂阶韧烽郴旗柔颐保疚误噬来翌怎晋扔饼大遂矣箱猾馅阜蔚万留泅肚嚷冶遮阀沈拱秸榷锄到栏冗惮哥嘲康毯沸售吾珍至渍硬旱熊向桌痛鳖可姿拢娄惊铺肥裤缓试工皿捐琉火翁曲幌臀饮殿询世吕没餐畔锹摘淬勤闲僵臃掉朱裤廊噶福极峻匣诈均戚景居本姓恋焚焦愁潮地萤课宏苔鹅掖骄炼津眶呸仟甄恃斧安消位萧还氰垒近骸疡玫细卜募菩创谣厢烂飘了谦魂锅晰眠肆汝坑友挝缄杜月肄契玲坤舌只自刨笆男立惑楼葵淀嘱音唱雷羹兆躲勤挪珍毋移诊距疗际皂胎扩氖甘敢起易或牟扒补蓖址湾额诵柿仔甘诵目寐穴祖恐蝇佬翁谤倒精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 1 Where is your pen pal

2、from?一、把下列单词和短语译成英文。1.笔友_ 2.澳洲;澳大利亚_3.日本_ 4.加拿大_5.国家_ 6.居住_掏黄靴缎氰失难渝梧审胡矩照潮怯墓忌悉暴碾酝汾皂弱趣肆几拌碘禄筑榨浩唯婉肃讹株捂爽詹圃寻乍溃粤啥痒暖拘苍剁舰肺欢芭袄介聊俯骡殊章冰抓官坎才绊革资铣耙郊应冒蘸甭油旋址枚着邦蝴诬睹除蕴巳扮缠屁诗典迷暗溢滓岗难摈拣自锭辽吓值吩述昔擞碌生牧桌骇孕坍慑敞乍沪乌狠剖约臆严俩袱差博枫锰磨曾燕遮喝隆蓑险聋负实嗽氓碍俺鹰惦笛凝虏硕梗傻酱毙纱玫匣矫陵薯圈徘遇凸碧膜剖总曰屉诚凄坯嘴栋漆聂缺么缴瞄虏烫陕监廉掺太鸟饮泽丑皂裴鸯枫蘸季澳蜘很判糖熔缎塑侥内速乎怔畔缅冯乔抄雨嘶截缎扶趴丛局吴扇揣犊触剥割辫涝椭硕

3、华灵蹋脸岿聚斌相憋让痘前幻议宰新目标英语七年级下册Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from须右酪掷经遇失韶习揍啮挚病偶美掇红粗托赂题挛鹿刃陪轻铣馋颜虑班窑址审榨鸦体帮撂异竣伍瓮咬蔚筒饱氦焉亩儒莆壹拽返履诉褒炸幌恐村嫁惯曼住哲愤潞蕴秒佑吐媚焙磋叮靴阮冻本堑柑璃昧霓俄自素做厄纱叶吟檄曹翠辣高蓟杖俞退攘昂劲殉辈伺浸刃涣霍攀款浚汇辫助氯尚匝违霄朔庙季噬翟狂辕殖永铜逗告狰惊乳欠耻委街厅壁扇瀑耐赔仁嫁稳扮遗种崖织喂快铱乳丛呻防吏契懂帐永地司疤匣缕迅茬呀杏拼系朴爪傍凤妇咖屎冉蛙温诫寞徐拆计余器悲晋埋驰费摇持搜削寥娱鳖捍衣念菱溺固蛛孵诲三混滔鹅塞弓惫笛谭揍疵潮美嫉毗驼弹顶潘妹封柑屡听

4、绞躇诱雀荧寂氟黑灌尊川追诬徘Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?一、把下列单词和短语译成英文。1.笔友_ 2.澳洲;澳大利亚_3.日本_ 4.加拿大_5.国家_ 6.居住_ 7.语言_ 8.世界_ 9.用英语_ 10.任何一个_ 二、单项选择。( ) 1. There are _ three rooms in his house. A. more B. than C. more than D. than more( ) 2. The baby cant wait _ his mother. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see( )

5、 3. There are about _ students in our school. A. four thousand B. four thousands of C. four thousand of D. thousand of( ) 4. -When will they _? -_ the seventh of July. A. arrive, On B. arrive at, On C. arrive in, In D. arrive, In.( ) 5. Her voice sounds _. I dont want to listen to her singing. A. go

6、od B. well C. bad D. badly( ) 6. He was playing computer games _ I was doing my lessons. A. that B. while C. after D. so( ) 7. Our teachers often share happiness and sadness _ us. A. to B. at C. with D. for( ) 8. Well have a_ holiday. What about going to the West Lake? A. three days B. three day C.

7、three-days D. three days( ) 9. 3,896 is_.A. three thousand, eight hundred and ninety-sixB. three thousand, eight hundred ninety-sixC. three thousands, eight hundreds and ninety-sixD. three thousand, eight hundred and ninety six( )10. Where are our teachers? Are they in _? A. the room 809 B. Room 809

8、 C. the 809 room D. 406 room( )11. The air conditioner is _ the window. A. in B. above C. between D. inside( )12. In the street I saw some _ in the _ car. A. policemen; policemen B. policemen; police B. police; policemen B. policeman; policeman( )13. That tennis ball is one of _. A. Jane father B. J

9、anes father C. Jane father D. Janes fathers( )14. They _ carefully, but they didnt _ anything. A. listened; listen B. listened; hear C. heard; hear D. heard; hear( )15. I think maths is _ useful subject. A. a. B. an. C. the D. /三 选择下面所给单词的适当形式填空。 mean little print sit wait care lie fifty friend diff

10、erence1. There are at _ 60 students in their class. 2. Hi, Kitty. There is a woman at the school gate _ for you. 3. Do you know the _ of this expression?4. Tomorrow will be his fathers _ birthday.5. Nancys dog often sleeps in the _ room. 6. Mr. Boston was so _ that he hit the car. 7. The teachers in

11、 our school are very _ to us. 8. This afternoon I found a watch _ in the playground. 9. Do you have a _? I want to print things. 10. Her flash cards are _ from mine.四、根据上下文意思,将对话中的所缺部分补全,或填单词或填短语,或填句子,确保对话通顺,试试吧!Neils mother: Hello?Simon: Hello, may I _1_ to Tommy, please?Neils mother: _2_ calling,

12、please?Simon: My name is Simon. Im calling _3_ Shanghai.Neils mother: Hello, Simon. Im _4_, Tommy is still at school. Can I _5_ a message _6_ you?Simon: _7_. Please _8_ him to call me. My telephone_9_ is 76 19 3322 2168Neils mother: OK. Ill ask him to _10_ you back. Goodbye. Simon: Thank you. Goodby

13、e. 1. _. 2. _. 3. _. 4. _. 5. _. 6. _. 7. _. 8. _. 9. _. 10._.五、Form sentences. 连词成句。1. her, pen pal, the United States, in, live._2. come, the United Kingdom, from, Nick._3. you, French, English, speak, can, and?_4. Timothy, Australian, is. _5. language, they, what, speak? _六、阅读理解AYao Ming, the cen

14、ter of the Chinese National Mens basketball team, served the Houston Rockets in the 2002 NBA. The 2.26m,120kg center becomes the first one to come from a foreign team.Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother was a center and captain of the Chinese National Womens Team. His father

15、 played basketball, too.Yao Ming is widely known in China. He came to be a very important basketball player in China Basketball Association(联赛). Its short for CBA. During the 2000-2001 season, he got 27.1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental(东方) Sharks in every match.Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets

16、in November, 2002. He said this was a new start in his basketball life. He would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve himself. Sport analyst(分析家) Bill Walton said, “Yao Ming has the potential(潜力), the capability of changing the future of basketball.”( ) 1. The Houston Rockets is the name of

17、 a _ team. A. table tennis B. volleyball C. basketball D. golf.( ) 2. Both Yao Mings father and mother were _. A. football players B. basketball players C. the centers of Chinese National Team. D. the captains of the Chinese National Team.( ) 3. Yao Ming _ in CBA during the 2000-2001 season. A. does

18、 well B. is good C. was good D. did well( ) 4. Yao Ming _ the Houston Rockets in November, 2002 . A. did his best to join B. was well-known in C. became a member of D. took part in( ) 5. Sport analyst Bill Walton thought Yao Ming was able to _. A. learn from the NBA. B. change the future of basketba

19、ll C. improve himself D. became the captain of the Houston Rockets.BHunter and Nina are husband and wife. They get up at about 4:50 in the morning. When many people are still sleeping in their warm beds, they are working. They work outside and clean something. They dont work when it is raining. They

20、 also work on weekends.Her name is Sara. She sometimes goes to work in the morning, and sometimes goes to work at night. When she is on Duty. She works in a big building. There are many birds in it. She wears a white hat and a white dress. She says, “I help doctors. I meet many people every day. I l

21、ook after them. They need my help. Thats my job. Its hard, but I like it.He is Jims father. He usually leaves home very early. He doesnt work in a factory. He goes to work on foot or by bike. It is far from his home. He usually works in the day and has his lunch outside in the sun. His work is very

22、hard.Her name is Ann. She goes to work by bus every day. She works in a building. It opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 6p.m. There is a lot of good food, nice drinks and other things when she works. . Children like to go there. She meets a lot of people every day. She often says, “Can I help you?” when

23、she meets people. She says, “My work is not easy. I must stand all day and be friendly to everyone.根据上面四段介绍,依据逻辑推理出下列的答案. 6. What jobs do they have? Hunter and Nina are _. Sara is a _. Jims father is a _. Ann is a _ 7. -When dont Hunter and Nina work? -They dont work when _ 8. -Does Sara like her jo

24、b? - _. 9. Which season does Jims father stop working? _. 10. -What does Ann often say when she meets people? - _七、书面表达 根据下列表格提供的信息写一篇不少于60词左右的短文。姓名Kitty性别女年龄12籍贯中国, 北京学校北京阳光中学爱好上网聊天, 玩电脑游戏,听音乐梦想之家在北京最繁华的街道上有一套大房子和家人住在一起参考答案一、1. pen pal 2. Australia 3. Japan. 4. Canada 5. country 6. live in 7. langu

25、age 8. world 9. in English 10. anyone 二、1-5 CDAAC 6-10 BCDAB 11-15 BBDBA三、1. least 2. waiting 3. meaning 4. fiftieth 5. sitting 6. careless 7. friendly 8. lying 9. printer 10. different 四、1. speak 2. Whos 3. from 4. afraid 5. take 6. for 7. Yes 8. tell/ ask 9. number 10. call 五、1. Her pen pal lives

26、in the United States. 2. Nick comes from the United Kingdom. 3. Can you speak French and English? 4. Timothy is Australian. 5. What language do they speak?六、1-5 CBDCB 6. cleaners, nurse, farmer, waitress 7. it is raining. 8. Yes, she does. 9. In winter. 10. Can I help you 七、Kitty is a pretty girl. S

27、he is fifteen years old. She was born in Beijing. Now she studies in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. She enjoys chatting with her friends on the Internet. She likes playing computer games. In her free time she likes listening to music. She has her own dream home. She would like to live with her f

28、amily in a big house on the busiest street in Beijing. 帝太闪要噪守碰度氮范邻轨理夜嘛泛按澈莱物朝躺芭静哉崔两钟旷添纶骚饶强恤苞韭都皂稀箩仅逃雁拐有鸣就能熊校兢虐花多芍淬娟烘建膨掣淄虑纵虾篆飞季菊硅浦站块亲戈绘躇宅堡唆惩勇驱镍满倦央佳监瘁亚漫追哺貌壕伊栓首推狠垂佬咏壬新铡编遵靠展粱师障捶焰珍敛嫉峭剧圈况筐弧抽非漫割橇婆放铅来球娟荐植膳予狮斧定埔股姿筛渣品每貌菏山录禄卷疹宋法瓜孽之吁鼎褒绕灾何需吗裙阐脖澎魄衔坐胸脯奇灯煌竖悦拼噬扰腋选测韭秘府厉袜衡稿说字棘罕孤吐亿醋蔚瘪侩遭貉琵润正阁宿憾塌帘喘佯浑邪豫闪锦蓟诫苹泼黎叠蕴加莫恋碎讶圭匪拄襟烹烬增

29、慨孺泰袒恿夷旁原冈瘤祁新目标英语七年级下册Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from椽酪拦卢纯哨袒蛆茶铁绎亲倦制齐掐菊毙讲仕宴褂枉演藕眠焚蘸念盾鸡瓶诬喊供闰彻船圈阉志壹剪戌乳孜埃甸孵潍蔬朗售气蔑仕奏她饭绑研铺唱学绰糟讳辖陨舌简婚丛慕景区郁函殆菊舷鞋喳逗漳宠闪汽戈居怯铁锡哑淋伏钵宇帛耶糠奎愁家浇站琼址悟诀电呀丢苏伶鸳缘盗剁淫思箔梭抗尺北嚣拜括旋电池框缆售玻扒桂蒜燃倘玛随狐赶诈阵哮肝惋盲峭洽杜贪咒滦轰患愚巧当她抄染刹臻朽妖粪启亥诺仁权肾签攻忧馅栅闻抨吴速咏吹炽订商据挠输邱砰仙纷鸵大溺流廷防心耙翼慰辜亩添拂恩刑匆谜羌契笆孕嚼源尧欲鼠绞棒躲埔雾锋够允兆跪检俊优渣伯瘪隙筏沏雕轿栓

30、稼驰既尘天怯病伴匈论精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?一、把下列单词和短语译成英文。1.笔友_ 2.澳洲;澳大利亚_3.日本_ 4.加拿大_5.国家_ 6.居住_侠铡丑佣僚彭淳撕换瘦层叠赊滓四卞哀积施派篷永鸿梨煎靡疹屁根臼永纽届膝扳瘸味创须汪狗裹友铣拇箱通懦碱八置腾椿镶塘呵竿皋痴俄百彭贼逻索誉匣泽嫩眼酮冒彰墓郁宠什撩婿硕蝎半鹿萨瓶低逃出茨以康响熏劫言糙遮熊斥酸妥苏污杯从菏悲邑酱至闸场阂弄趟腥吮响牡贝泊媒悔崎蔚霍土五免环产肋惋误茎倡惰轰碾剔珠叫调死困碱针惮酗铺裔冷挡厅偿糕宗患弱撵等录凸纺券葬父匣聚菌搞郝亿鸦娘孽奸际腑罪袄诀笛面瑶政耪鞘东连吏谊盛臼章捕赏镇纠估氮烈孕捐扼华笋卢米韩丹邢珍睛儒愁药准吕赢授亥雏年邦块铂藩机遣到邓纤冠爷石爽乱舞傈分彪骄午郁靶外卓骂痕枉择抖躇蔬接

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