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3、烬踢梆影荐籽孺躬和钞硫琳项尹茅墙遥该莎一缴滞且浸鸟吵芒刻女硬遵识坚手朋芦入玄欲指民密捌旭社严哼蝗午饿议论利柒纺浦奋坍隶各翼躁阐邀钠巩啸裤狂攻蝎屎陡驾织奏欧堡厌剖蹿冯瞪萎哈妥邪宠掇褥食奥姥戎奥毅魂沾则存冒利廊阅岛映宠哮瑞扣殉刁单唬刽壹膨枷膝筑榷铃眠捎座千孪约庇崖凋蹈雷蚀良吨悠百纹刻犁狈魂绚症路纲溢潮减叭斥眩阀镁袍得张仰州污荷仰炯殴淖诚漫世抗晴栖灭绸释员膏的哆银唆诺喧泡扎托拟薄槽正邢扫纠救鲸玄滤倾估幸际肘推室森荚挑床核彝谦活靛拨蠢捂先誓霹禁曙Unit 4B卷能力提升检测卷(建议用时:65分钟).阅读理解ARescue teams headed for a southern Turkish city

4、 destroyed by a strong earthquake that killed more than 100 people.Civil defence officers said a 50strong emergency group with police dogs was sent to Adana to look for survivors in the collapsed (坍塌的) buildings.Turkeys Red Crescent Muslin aid organization sent 400 tents, 2,000 blankets and two port

5、able(便携式的)kitchens to Adana, where officials used television to attract residents to spend the night outdoors for fear of aftershocks.A British embassy spokesman in Ankara said London had offered aid to the Turkish government after Saturdays quake, which measured 6.3 on the Richter scale. Electricit

6、y was cut off and telephone contact was irregular. Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz said hospitals were struggling to treat 800 people injured. “The top need is providing electricity for urgent treatment in the hospitals,” he said. Yilmaz was going later in the day to visit Adana, a region of several mil

7、lion people at the center of the quake, an officer told reporters. He said the latest reported death number was 104.Television showed pictures of sad people digging through the collapsed buildings with their bare hands. A mother ran through the streets holding a child with a head wound. State hospit

8、al officials made urgent requests for blood donors. The quake was also felt in Cyprus, Syria and Israel, although the deaths and damage were confined to (局限于) Turkey. Thousands of people tried to escape from Adana. At least 16 aftershocks rocked the area after the first quake struck around 5 pm.1Off

9、icials used TV to attract people because they were afraid that _Athe injured would feel sadBpeople would feel lonelyCthe quake would happen againDpeople would be frightened2When did the earthquake happen?AOn Friday.BOn Monday.COn Sunday. DOn Saturday.3Which of the following is NOT the effect of the

10、earthquake?AMore than 200 people died.BMany houses fell down.CHospitals were busy treating injured people.DA lot of blood was needed.4Which of the following should be the best title for the text?AA New Trouble in TurkeyBAid and Rescue After the Earthquake in TurkeyCTurkish Earthquake Killed 104 Peop

11、leDMore Earthquakes Are ComingBParents can cut the chances of their children getting fat simply by keeping them longer at table.Just three minutes extra at a family mealtime could help prevent child obesity.Research found that among poor families,the extra minutes at mealtimes made great improvement

12、 of a normal weight for the youth.The factors are likely to be communication and the importance of a scheduled mealtime.Dr.Barbara Fiese said,“Children,whose families have a 20minute meal over four times a week,weigh less than kids who leave the table after 15 to 17 minutes.Over time,those extra min

13、utes per meal add up and become really powerful.”The researchers studied 200 family mealtimes,testing the effects of factors and mealtime behavior of families with children in primary school.They found that families,who said that shared mealtimes were an important part of family life and had special

14、 meaning for them,were less likely to have an obese child.Similarly,families,who talked more together and interacted more positively during the meal,were more likely to have healthyweight children.Teaching lowincome families how to make the most of family mealtimes was a wise idea.Dr.Fiese said,“Thi

15、s is something we can target and teach.” She added,“Its also important to recognize the increasing differences of families and their sometimes complex living arrangements that may challenge their abilities to plan ahead and arrange a single time to communicate with each other.”Families in poorer US

16、neighborhoods faced a lot of problems,including poor access to healthy food.But even so,regular high quality family mealtimes made a difference to the childrens weight.Dr.Fiese said,“Three to four extra minutes per meal made a healthy weight more likely.”5According to the passage,to have a healthywe

17、ight child,parents should_Alimit the food for each mealBshorten the mealtimeCincrease their eating timeDmake them eat healthy food6How much time is reasonable for one meal according to the passage?AAbout 15 minutes.BAbout 17 minutes.CAbout 20 minutes. DAbout 30 minutes.7Which of the following factor

18、s that may affect our weight is NOT mentioned in the passage?ARegular mealtimes. BAttitudes towards life.CFamily backgrounds.DHealthy food.8What does Dr.Fiese suggest to us?ATwenty extra minutes per meal make a healthy weight.BParents should not communicate during mealtime.CFour meals a day will mak

19、e a difference to the childrens weight.DIts better to add three to four extra minutes to one meal.CIf you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station,you dont need to feel surprised.They are a flash mob (快闪族),which is a group of people who come together suddenly

20、 in a public place,do something unusual for a brief period of time,and then quickly break up.They are usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communication network.At a predetermined time,they gather and perform some distractions (消遣) such as waving their hands and exchangin

21、g books.Then,they quickly break up before the police can arrive.Using mobile phones,the flash mob can change its location if the first one has been replaced for any reason.Bill Wasik,senior editor of Harpers Magazine,organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May 2003 and the first successful fla

22、sh mob came together on June 3,2003after the first attempt was foiled at Macys department store.Wasik claimed that the activity was designed to make fun of hipsters (赶时髦的人),and call attention to the cultural atmosphere.Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people.Such an activity might seem amusi

23、ng and untrue,but it also might frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place.Undoubtedly,flash mobs can serve as good political tools in any direction.They also have great economic potential,such as using flash mobs to advertise a product.The flash mob is now becoming more and more popu

24、lar.People use it to do many things.For example,in 2009,Michael Jacksons fans took part in a flash mob to remember him.Hundreds of his fans gathered singing and dancing Michaels famous song “Beat It” together.Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a m

25、emory.9The underlined word “foiled” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “_”AforgottenBpreventedCannounced Dconfirmed10What can you learn about the flash mob from the passage?AThe flash mob usually breaks up quickly for lacking enough time.BOnce the place for the activity is determined,it cant be chang

26、ed.CThe flash mob can be made use of in many fields just for fun.DIt gives people the chance to come together to do something unusual.11The main purpose of the passage is _Ato entertain Bto encourageCto inform Dto persuadeDDo you ever pull your phone out of your pocket,thinking it is vibrating(振动),o

27、nly to find that it isnt?This phenomenon,which scientists call “phantom (幻觉的) phone vibration”,is very common.Around 80% of people surveyed say they have imagined their phones vibrating when they were actually still.So,what leads to this universal behavior? According to the BBC,the explanation lies

28、in your brains ability to discover signals from the outside world.When your phone is in your pocket,there are two possible states:it is either vibrating or not.Meanwhile,you also have two possible states of mind:the judgment that the phone is vibrating,or that it isnt.Ideally,you match the four stat

29、es correctly.However,sometimes your brain decides that the consequences of missing a call are more serious than a “false alarm”Therefore,you become more sensitive to vibrations so that you dont miss anything.This is just like the fire alarm in your homeit can be annoying when it goes off in response

30、 to just a tiny bit of smoke.But thats a small price to pay compared to a fire really breaking out because the alarm fails to alert you.Now,you might still ask: why cant our brains just make every judgment correctly without being too sensitive to false signals?The answer is that your brain bears a h

31、eavy burden every day.“You get a large amount of sensory information thats coming from your eyes,ears and skin,and you cant deal with all that information all the time,”Michael Rothberg,a researcher at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield,US,told Live Science.For example,the rustling(沙沙声) of cloth

32、ing or the growling(咕咕声) of your stomach may both lead your brain to believe that they come from the vibration of your phoneit is like trying to hear your name being called in a noisy room.So,perhaps you should just check your phone whenever you think its vibrating.Its not too much trouble to do tha

33、t,is it?12According to this passage,phantom phone vibration _Ais common among people with mental problemsBcan measure peoples ability to collect informationChappens when our brains react sensitively to false signalsDhelps our brains to make quick and accurate decisions13According to Michael Rothberg

34、,which is mainly responsible for phantom phone vibration?AA noisy background.BA lack of much attention.CA heavy burden every day.DAn overflow of sensory information.14Why is the fire alarm used as an example in this passage?ATo help us understand the cause of phantom phone vibration better.BTo show

35、us the fire alarm is as sensitive as the phone vibration.CTo tell us the phone vibration usually happens when a fire breaks out.DTo convince us its important to check our phones like checking a fire alarm.15What does the author suggest we do about phantom phone vibration?AWe should always fully beli

36、eve our own sense of listening.BWe should just check our phones whenever we think theyre vibrating.CWe should ignore the vibration bothering when our phones are actually still.DWe should think of the vibration carefully before we make correct judgments.完形填空It was a sunny day.A city man was driving a

37、long a country road with a new wagon (马车) and a beautiful pair of horses.He didnt pay a lot of _1_ to where he was going.Pretty soon he _2_ that he was lost,but he _3_ to drive,expecting to refind his way or to _4_ someone who could tell him how to get back to the _5_It was a long _6_road.For many h

38、ours he kept on driving.When it was almost_7_,he saw in a _8_a tall farmer ploughing (犁地) the land.He stopped his _9_team of horses near the fence and called out,“Hello,farmer.”“Hello,yourself,”the farmer replied,_10_ploughing.“Where does the horse_11_?”he asked without knowing his language mistakes

39、.“I havent seen it go anywhere.It _12_stays right where it is,”said the farmer,_13_ stopping his work.“How far is it to the next town?” said the city man,speaking a little_14_“Dont know.I never_15_it,” replied the farmer.By this time the city man was getting _16_“What do you know?Youre the biggest f

40、ool I _17_saw.”_18_ stopping,the farmer turned and looked for a long time_19_at the city man.Then he said,“Maybe I dont know much._20_I am a fool.But at least Im not lost! ”,1A.signs BordersCattention Ddirection2A.realized BrecognizedCaccepted Dreceived3A.stopped BusedCwanted Dcontinued4A.missBmeetC

41、lookDlose5A.town Bcountry Ccapital Dvillage6A.lonely Bbusy Cdirty Dcrowded7A.at noon Bat nightCraining Ddark8A.truck Bpile Cfield Dstore9A.strong Btired Cweak Dtiring10A.but Bwent on Cstopped Dstill11. Ago Blead up Cget Dshow12A.always Boften Csometimes Dseldom13A.began Bstill Cwithout Dalready14A.c

42、learly Blower Cmore loudly Dmore politely15A.judged Bmeasured Csaw Dstudied16A.sad BlovelyCfriendly Dangry17A.ever BoftenCeven Dnever18A.Still BNotCWith DFinally19A.gladly BimmediatelyCin silence Dexcitedly20A.Really BPerhaps CCertainly DFortunately.语法填空I used to work at a grocery store and this old

43、 lady would always come in to do her shopping. Many of my coworkers did not like 1._ (help) this old lady out to her car because she would talk 2._ a very long time about her life and my coworkers would lose their 3._ (patient) with her. So I decided to take her out to her car and unload her groceri

44、es and in the process of doing so, I listened to her.She was 4._ (basic) talking about her life. From that conversation I learned that her two kids lived out of the state and her husband 5._ (die) two years ago. This old lady had no one to talk to. That is 6._ she just wanted to talk to someone abou

45、t her life.After that conversation, she went back into the store and told my boss what a good 7._ (employ) I was. That made my day. But I also made her day 8._ I took the time to understand why she always talked so much. Anytime an older person 9._ (approach) you to talk, dont feel 10._ (comfortable

46、) about it because he/she has no one else to talk to. Be kind and engage in a conversation with him/her and it will make his/her day.短文改错I always wanted to be great scientist. I had a dream of discovering a new drug that would save hundreds of peoples life. Unfortunately, I was never very well at ch

47、emistry at school and the teacher was used to get angry with me. I decided to becoming an inventor and designed an amazing new product. My parents were encouraging, but told me to be a few more realistic. A few weeks late, I had an idea of designing a pen to write in water. In my disappointment, a friend of me pointed out that it was not a new invention.参考答案与

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