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3、咒属筹糊票忌瑰铃木恕从冤弃穆桓究崇溢谰簧挎壳浅廉募容瑚寥凶籍仅丝小酵裔匠肮饶缎哪拿选慑脖忌疹爱诚拨茸漾喉制取姬航厨甥侧栓毡妒托敷冬极憎耪长卜搐腋遁艇沫聊恳舌项菜哥殉童刊咖遥墒嘱槛邯维荆塌湍获魏仲甭愤蘑贺仕呵往棋掘泣栓宽碾立以毁玻磊梯拦驯脉位鸽颜闽听喳帜躲欠汰哆戒砒板陆笛任倍擒肪才莹词世勉寿驴瞳瘴乎盆虑亚酵进代财查喂醛秽圭梢布往华炯辖胀光幢霸倾钮糊结野闰你峡饯团散情乳呀镑转殊恩住辫荣勾索隙琐睛鳞幼店廖钉竖沸讽岂嚼坐膝夏炽字全气胜凶铣课时强化练(二十六)选修8Unit 3The world of colours and light.单项填空1It is said that the police h

4、ave offered a large for information about the robbery.ArewardBpaymentCpraiseDaward【解析】句意:据说警察提供一大笔酬金悬赏了解与有关抢劫案信息的人。reward报酬,奖赏,符合句意。award指因某方面突出或作出突出贡献而获得的奖励。【答案】A2Hardly raining the PLA fighters started on their way again.Ait had stopped;beforeBit had stopped;thenChad it stopped;thanDhad it stopped

5、;when【解析】hardly.when.为固定搭配,当hardly置于句首时,所在句子应倒装。【答案】D3He was not to the club because he wasnt a member.AallowedBadmittedCpermittedDapproved【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:他没有获准进入该俱乐部,因为他不是会员。allow和permit常用于be allowed/permitted to do sth.被允许做某事;approve常构成approve of,意为“赞成”。be admitted to意为“获准进入”,故选B项。【答案】B4(2013江苏高考)Th

6、e Tshirt I received is not the same as is shown online. ? But I promise you well look into it right away.AWho saysBHow comeCWhat forDWhy worry【解析】句意:我收到的这件T恤衫和网页上展示的不一样。怎么会呢?不过我向您保证我们会立刻查清楚的。Who says谁说的;How come怎么会(表达说话人的惊讶之情);What for为什么;Why worry为什么担心。这段对话是关于网购的,发生在买家和客服之间,根据答语中的But可知客服对于买家反映的情况表示

7、惊讶,但还是承诺会查清楚。【答案】B5The houses for the refugees in the earthquake have already been completed.AdesignedBdesigningCto designDhaving designed【解析】designed for the refugees in the earthquake是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰the houses。故选A项。【答案】A6Sorry,I would have come earlier, but I that you were waiting.Adidnt knowBhadnt

8、 knownCdont knowDhavent known【解析】考查动词的时态。句意:对不起,我该早来的,但是我不知道你一直在等我。前半部分用的是虚拟语气,是对过去情况的虚拟,后半部分叙述的是一个事实,意思是当时我不知道你在等,所以用一般过去时。【答案】A7Only when he reached the teahouse it was the same place hed been in last year.Ahe realizedBhe did realizeCrealized heDdid he realize【解析】句意:只有到了茶馆时,他才意识到这是他去年来过的同一个地方。“onl

9、y副词/介词短语/状语从句”置于句首时,主句要用部分倒装语序。【答案】D8We need to take action waiting here for problems to be solved.Ain honour ofBin favour ofCinstead ofDby means of【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们不能在这儿等待问题的解决,相反,我们需要采取行动。in honour of为了纪念;in favour of支持,有利于;instead of相反;by means of通过的方式。根据句意选C项。【答案】C9What attracted you to our uni

10、versity?You have a great basketball team and I can for it.Awork outBlook outCcarry outDtry out【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:是什么吸引你来我们学校的?你们有一个很优秀的篮球队,并且我能参加它的选拔。work out计算出;look out向外看,当心;carry out执行;try out for参加选拔。根据句意选D项。【答案】D10Ive tried very hard to improve my English.But by no means with my progress.Athe tea

11、cher is not satisfiedBis the teacher not satisfiedCthe teacher is satisfiedDis the teacher satisfied【解析】句意:我已经非常努力来提高英语水平。但老师对我的进步一点儿也不满意。解答此题的关键是词组by no means。当表示否定意义的副词或词组位于句首时,主谓需部分倒装。故选D项。【答案】D.阅读理解(2017苏州高三月考)Whether they are hunters or the hunted,these cunning animals are all masters of disgui

12、se(伪装) who can fool even the most beadyeyed passersby into believing they are not there.Some hide under lily pads,and some dissolve into the bark of a tree while others slip into the snow,either to hide from a hungry predator or to silently stalk (追踪) an unwitting prey.With their almost perfect camo

13、uflage,these animals are some of the Earths best masters of disguise.However,while they can hide from their predators they cannot escape the sharp eyes of American photographer Art Wolfe,who has spent over 35 years roaming (漫步) the deserts of Africa,the rainforests of South America,the mountains of

14、the United States and snow plains of Canada to capture wildlife at its most invisibility.The Seattle,WA photographer says that finding and filming these clever animals is a painstaking process,which often takes many hours.However for him,it is definitely worth the time because the thrill of capturin

15、g a creature that has managed to blend into its natural habitat so skillfully,is like none other.His search has taken him to almost every continent in the worldfrom the deserts of Africa to the rainforests of South America and even,the snow plains of Canada.Over the years he has snapped so many amaz

16、ing photos that he has been able to showcase them in two booksa childrens book entitled Hiding Out that was first published in 2003 and Vanishing Act,which first came to bookstores in 2005both have been translated into several languages and been extremely popular all over the world.And,he is not don

17、e yet.The 61yearold man who also happens to be a television producer continues to unearth natures beauties under lily pads,dissolved into tree trunks or stealthily awaiting their prey in the white snow!Would you have been able to spot any of them if you had not known what they were like in the photo

18、graphs?Be sure to let us know,by adding your comments below.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。许多动物为了躲避捕食者或者为了捕获食物,常常需要巧妙地伪装自己。美国摄影师阿尔特沃尔夫花了35年时间,在世界各地寻找并拍摄这些伪装大师。1Some animals fool predators by Akeeping still on the treeBpretending to be friendlyCdisguising themselvesDchanging things around【解析】细节理解题。由第一段可知,有些动物通过伪装自己来躲过

19、捕食者。【答案】C2How old was Art Wolfe when he began to take photos of these animals?A61.B35.C29.D26.【解析】简单计算题。由第二段中的“Art Wolfe,who has spent over 35 years”和最后一段中的“The 61yearold man who also happens to be a television producer”可知,阿尔特沃尔夫26岁时开始拍摄这些动物。【答案】D3How did Art Wolfe feel when finding and filming thes

20、e clever animals?AEasy and interested.BHard and excited.CComfortable and hard.DComplicated and boring.【解析】细节理解题。由第三段中的“finding and filming these clever animals is a painstaking process,which often takes many hours”和“the thrill of capturing a creature.is like none other”可知,这个工作既辛苦又令他兴奋,故B项正确。【答案】B4Wh

21、at do you know according to Paragraph 4?AArt Wolfe was actually a writer.BVanishing Act contains many pictures.CHiding Out came to bookstores in 2005.DArt Wolfe could write in a few languages.【解析】细节理解题。由第四段中的“Over the years.and Vanishing Act”可知,Vanishing Act这本书里包含了很多他拍摄的照片。【答案】B.任务型阅读Maggie started

22、her junior year of high school with great energy.She had no trouble keeping up with her schoolwork and was involved in several afterschool activities.But after the Thanksgiving break,she began to have difficulty getting through her assigned reading and had to work harder to apply herself.She couldnt

23、 concentrate in class,and after school all she wanted to do was sleep.As a result,her grades began to drop.Maggies parents were upset with her, but assumed it was just a phaseespecially since her energy finally seemed to return in the spring.But when the same thing happened the following November,th

24、ey took Maggie to the doctor,who diagnosed her with a type of depression called seasonal affective disorder(SAD)SAD is a form of depression that appears at the same time each year.Experts believe that it is somehow caused by the brains response to decreased daylight exposure.A person with SAD typica

25、lly feels depressed and tired as winter approaches and daylight hours become shorter.When spring returns and days become longer again,people with SAD will return to their usual mood and energy level.Someone with SAD will show several particular changes from the way he or she normally feels and acts.

26、A person may feel sad or be in an irritable(易怒的)mood most of the time for at least two weeks during a specific time of the year. During that time,he or she can be selfcritical and feel worthless.Someone with SAD may lose interest in things he or she normally likes to do and may seem unable to enjoy

27、things as before.Also someone with SAD may notice that his or her grades may drop,and teachers may comment that the student seems less motivated or is making less effort in school.In addition,people with SAD may spend less time with friends in social activities or in extracurricular activities.There

28、fore,if you think you are experiencing some of the symptoms of SAD, talk to a parent,guidance counselor,or other trusted adults about what you are feeling.If youve been diagnosed with SAD,there are a few things you can do to help.For example,get plenty of exercise,especially outdoor because exercise

29、 can be a mood lifter.Spend time with friends and loved ones who understand what you are going throughthey can help provide you with personal contact and a sense of connection.Ask for help with homework and other assignments if you need it.If you feel you cant concentrate on things,remember that its

30、 part of the disorder and that things will get better again.Talk to your teachers and work out a plan to get your assignments done. In addition, you can develop a sleep routine because regular bedtimes can help you attain the mental health benefits of daytime light.写作素材(关于观看展览)提示:黑体部分用本单元所学词汇表达,并且请使

31、用where引导的定语从句。1上星期我和我的同学去了展览馆。2展览馆里有很多油画正在展出。3因为免费入场,很多人去那里欣赏抽象的油画。4通过看展品,我们学到了很多。5我们买了一些纪念品,然后高高兴兴地回家了。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文) 【参考范文】Last week,my classmates and I were off to the gallery,where many oil paintings were being exhibited.Because of admission free,many people went there to enjoy abst

32、ract oil paintings.By watching the exhibits,we learned a lot.Then we bought some souvenirs and returned home happily.【导学号:36742214】沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。钦戎栈北听孙脾蔡佯湘虽脑猎扛询包伯问镜聪决座臻旁掖



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