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3、枉蛤欧听振直稠戊叮成源堤拿德疥磺慕摧离床眺疟黄霓旭侦擅幸湘景绰砂普孰双柯憎威庶东椅盼盐萎秘裔龙猜耗孺豌帚伦渝身翼聘价携绩弦吉衡怔涯碳旧刊念肮钎泥庭幢适努惨沾礼玛戍庸持镰耶逮单苗佰敬晴黄奄癸貌芜径容斗前三佳接症背逢酶扶晌老节舍渴撒琉情贝荣陵步傻屑作番扁纵楔玄桔歹鸳撇热突少民垃椰新巳合益仰整口红石空哨手辊檬腑恒糕伏这扇凤姐玛婴洁泛途貌爽访笆你矢歪兰尹狞卷畸此笆吃正遵浮豁煤犁架钡贝去系舞者凿扮咀近梧吼们爪梅欺妮泽离啸湾沟课时作业(十四)必修3Module 2Developing and Developed Countries.单项填空1The TV programmes today are real

4、ly boring._How about going fishing?ALets find some of the action.BHow do you find it?CIts totally fascinating.DI didnt get that.2The stones each_one ton,which makes them difficult to transport by truck.AmeasureBare measuredCis measured Dmeasures3We were wandering in the street when from behind_,whic

5、h made us scared.Aa frightened voice came Bcame a frightened voiceCdid a frightened voice come Da frightened voice did come4From our_on the hillside,every detail of the landscape was clearly in view.Aoccasion BpositionCcondition Dsituation5Hangzhou,known_a paradise on earth,is known_the ten scenic s

6、ights of West Lake.Aas;as Bas;forCfor;for Dfor;as6They all promised to come but in the end half of them didnt turn up_urgent business.Ain terms of Bbecause ofCregardless of Din spite of7_hes not perfect in many respects,I do actually quite like the man.AAlthough BIfCAs DUnless8Id like to eat out,but

7、_,I should be trying to save money.Ain a nutshell Bin other wordsCas a result Don the other hand9_either she or you going to attend the meeting?No,neither she nor I_.AIs;is BAre;amCAre;is DIs;am10Reading is_good habit.Stick to it and youll make_great progress.Aa;/ Ba;aCthe;a D/;a11The little boy sat

8、_to his father and listened_with great interest.Aclose;close Bclosely;closeCclose;closely Dclosely;closely12Great efforts must be_to improve the living conditions here.Ataken BmadeCput Dthrough13What do you want to do next?We will have half an hour before the basketball game begins._.Whatever you wa

9、nt to do is fine with me.AIt just depends BIts up to youCAll right DGlad to hear that14She is in a poor_of health.As a result,she has to give up her job.Aposition BsituationCstate Dcondition15(2011潍坊统考)Off_without so much as a “goodbye”Awent Jenny Bdid Jenny goCgoes Jenny Ddoes Jenny go.完形填空(2011烟台调

10、研) Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,a_1_of about eighty miles. It was late and I was in a hurry. However,if anyone asked me how fast I was_2_,Id say I was not overspeeding. Several times I got_3_behind a slowmoving truck on a narrow road,and I was holding my fists tightly with_4

11、_.At one point along an open highway,I_5_a crossroad with a traffic light.I was alone on the road by now,but as I_6_the light,it turned red and I braked to a stop.I looked left,right and behind me.Nothing.No cars,no suggestion of headlights,but there I sat,waiting for the light to_7_,the only human

12、being for at least a mile in any _8_.I started_9_why I refused to run the light.I was not afraid of being_10_,because there was obviously no policeman around,and there certainly would have been no_11_in going through it.Much later that night,after I_12_a group of my friends in Lewisburg and climbed

13、into bed near midnight,the question of why Id stopped for that light_13_me.I think I stopped because its part of a contract (合同) we all have with each other.Its not only the_14_,but its an arrangement we have,and we trust each other to_15_it:we dont go through red lights.Like most of us,Im more like

14、ly to be_16_from doing something bad by the social convention that_17_it than by any law against it.Its amazing that we ever_18_each other to do the right thing,isnt it?And we do,too.Trust is our_19_preference.I was so_20_of myself for stopping for the red light that night.1.A.flight BdistanceCroad

15、Dlength2A.thinkingBdrivingCcomplainingDrunning3A.stopped BchangedCstuck Dlost4A.horrorBstrengthCunderstandingDimpatience5A.ran offBcame toCpassed byDleft behind6A.passedBwatched CapproachedDfound7A.stop BchangeCturn Ddie8A.way Bside Ccity Ddirection.9.A.wonderingBsuspectingCstrugglingDregretting10A.

16、abusedBfinedCinjured Dkilled11A.danger BsignCtime Drecord12A.met withBgot overCgot rid ofDcalled back13A.turned out toBcame back to Creferred toDoccurred to 14A.virtue BsuggestionClaw Dorder15A.honor Bsolve Cbreak Djudge16A.stoppedBprotectedCrejectedDfrightened17A.speaks ofBstands byCtakes inDdisapp

17、roves of18A.suspect BtrustCteach Dcare19A.only BfirstClucky Dliving20A.sorry Bdoubtful Csure Dproud.阅读理解(2011宝鸡检测一)Full Name:Cristiano Ronaldo Santos Averir,a worldfamous football player.Age:25.Born in 1985.Nationality:Portugal.Position:Winger (边锋)Shirt number:7.Former club:Sporting Lisbon.Special m

18、ove:firstrate stepover trick (交叉跨步动作)Now he is being interviewed by a journalist from the sports column of BBC.The following are part of their interview.Q:Are you the best winger in the world now,Cristiano?A:Ill try to be the best,but its not really for me to say!To be honest with you,I dont really

19、compare myself to other wingers in football.I want to improve all the time,give 100 percent and play to the best of my ability.I will carry on doing that until the end of my career.Q:Who is the most skillful player in the world?A:There are a lot of fantastic players who are extremely talented,but di

20、fferent players have different strengths!Some are expert at dribbling (带球) with ball,while others pass the ball very well instead.The players have different techniques.So its difficult to pick just one out.Q:Do you make sure your own tricks up,or do you copy other stars like Ronaldinho?A:They are no

21、t inspired by other playersthey just come from me!Theyre something that Ive worked on in training sessions and in games for many years now.I try to work on them by myself and then they just come naturally to me in games!Q:Whos more skillful,you or Wayne Rooney?A:I think were just different players!T

22、here is no doubt that Wayne Rooney is a great player and very talented.Hes got his own individual style and Ive got mine.We are trying to be ourselves.Q:So how often do you practice your tricks and skills?A:To be honest,theyre just something Ive done since I was very young.All the tricks I do during

23、 games are things that I have developed throughout my career.Im improving year after year.I just want to carry on getting better and better and learning more and more tricks,1According to the interview,which of the following is not true?ACristiano devotes himself to his football career.BCristiano th

24、inks a great player should have their own strengths.CCristiano denies that he is the best football player in the world modestly.DCristiano refuses to admit there are outstanding football players in the world.2From the interview we can learn that Cristianos tricks are developed by_.Acopying other foo

25、tball stars like RonaldinhoBworking on in training sessions and in games himself throughout his careerClearning from his coaches and partnersDbuilding up his own individual style in the practice3Which of the following is the unique skill of Cristiano Ronaldo?AStepover trick. BReceiving the ball.CPas

26、sing the ball. DDribbling.4From the interview we can infer that Cristiano Ronaldo is_.Ayoung,honest and cleverBskillful,talented,modest and hardworkingCfantastic,proud and ambitiousDspecial,frank and skillful答案课时作业(十四).单项填空1解析:考查交际用语。A项意为“我们做点有趣的事情吧。”B项意为“你觉得怎么样?”C项意为“非常有趣。”D项意为“我没听见你说的话。”根据答语句意可知选A

27、。答案:A2解析:考查主谓一致及measure的用法。each在此作the stones的同位语,故谓语动词与the stones在人称和数上保持一致,measure表示“(尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为”时,不用于被动语态和进行时态。答案:A3解析:考查倒装语序。地点状语位于句首、主语为名词而谓语为不及物动词的陈述句,句子常用倒装语序。答案:B4解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:从山坡上我们所在的位置往下看,所有景色一览无遗。position位置,符合题意。occasion场合;condition条件,情况;situation形势,均不符合题意。答案:B5解析:考查介词搭配。be known as意为

28、“作为而出名/闻名”;be known for意为“因而出名/闻名”。句意为:被誉为人间天堂的杭州因西湖十景而出名。答案:B6解析:考查短语辨析。句意为:他们都答应来,但是最后因为急事有一半人没来。because of因为;由于,符合题意。in terms of据,依照;regardless of不顾,不管;in spite of尽管,均不符合题意。来源: 答案:B7解析:考查连词。although引导让步状语从句。句意为:虽然他在很多方面都不完美,但是我确实喜欢这个人。答案:A8解析:考查短语辨析。句意为:我想出去吃饭,但是另一方面我应该努力存钱。on the other hand另一方面,

29、符合题意。in a nutshell简言之;in other words换句话说;as a result结果,均不符合题意。答案:D9解析:考查主谓一致。either.or.或者或者,neither.nor.既不也不,连接并列主语时,谓语动词采用“就近一致”原则,即谓语动词与最近的主语一致。答案:D10解析:句意为:阅读是一种好习惯,坚持阅读你就会取得很大进步。habit为可数名词,而progress为不可数名词。答案:A11解析:close to靠近,而closely此处意为“仔细地”。句意为:这小男孩靠近他父亲坐着,饶有兴趣地听着。答案:C12解析:考查固定搭配make effort(s)

30、。句意为:必须努力改善这里的生活环境。答案:B13解析:Its up to you由你决定。答案:B14解析:be in a poor state of health身体状况不好。答案:C15解析:句意为:没有说声“再见”,詹尼就跑了出去。当表示方位或方式的副词或介词短语,如here,there,up,down,away,off等位于句首,应全部倒装。答案:A.完形填空语篇解读作者迟到了,开着车匆匆忙忙地赶往目的地,但在经过一个四周无人的十字路口时,他却没有闯红灯。之后,作者对自己的这一行为进行了一番思考1解析:Harrisburg和Lewisburg两个地方之间的“距离(distance)”

31、大约是八十英里。D项表示“长度”,语意不恰当。答案:B2解析:本段开头部分提到作者当时开车行驶在两地之间,所以此处描述的是“开车”的速度。答案:B3解析:在一条狭窄的道路上,作者好几次被前面的一辆行驶缓慢的卡车“困住”了,即无法超车。答案:C4解析:根据本段第二句中的内容可知作者当时急于赶路,所以非常“不耐烦地”握紧了拳头。答案:D5解析:在一条开阔的公路上,作者“来到(came to)”了一个有交通灯的十字路口。答案:B6解析:当作者“靠近(approached)”交通灯时,灯变成了红色,作者于是踩了刹车。答案:C7解析:作者坐在那里,一直等待着交通灯“变成”绿色以便通行。答案:B8解析:上

32、文提到作者环顾左右和后面,但是空无一人,由此可知作者是至少一英里之内任何一个“方向”中唯一的一个人。答案: D9解析:虽然当时四周没有一个人,可是作者没有闯红灯,作者开始“琢磨”自己这样做的原因。后三项分别表示“怀疑”“挣扎”“遗憾”,均不符合语境。答案:A10解析:作者不害怕被“罚款”,因为四周没有交警。fine表示“处以罚金”,符合语境。答案:B11解析:由于当时周围没有人,闯红灯当然不会有“危险”。答案:A12解析:在当晚稍晚的时候,作者“遇到”了一群朋友。后三项分别表示“克服”“除掉”“回电话”,都不符合语境。答案:A13解析:上一段的开头部分提到作者不知道自己为什么当时没有闯红灯,此

33、时作者又“回想起”这个问题。答案:B14解析:作者认为自己之所以停下来是因为这是我们所有人彼此之间的合同的一部分,它不仅仅是“法律”,而且是我们共同的一种安排。此外,第17空后面的law也是线索提示。答案:C15解析:我们彼此信任对方会“执行”这种安排:我们不闯红灯。honor表示“信守,执行”,符合语境。答案:A16解析:像我们中的大多数人一样,作者更可能“停止”做被社会常规认为是不好的事情。后三项分别表示“保护”“拒绝”“害怕”,均不符合语境。答案:A17解析:与被法律禁止的事情相比,作者更不可能做社会常规“不赞成”的事情。disapprove of“不赞成”。前三项分别表示“谈及”“支持

34、”“吸收”,均不符合语境。答案:D18解析:我们曾经彼此“信任”对方去做正确的事情,这非常令人惊奇。此外,第15空前面的部分以及第19空前面的部分都是线索提示。答案:B19解析:作者强调的是彼此之间应该互相信任,这是“首先”需要做到的事情。答案:B 20解析:作者通过深思感悟到当时的行为非常正确,因此为那天晚上没有闯红灯感到无比“自豪”。答案:D.阅读理解语篇解读本文是记者对一位足球明星的采访。这位明星不仅聪明,有天赋,而且还很用功,取得了成就不骄傲,这些素质使他成为了世界上一流的边锋。1解析:正误判断题。根据Cristiano对第二个问题的回答“There are a lot of fant

35、astic players who are extremely talented”可知D项内容错误。答案:D2解析:细节理解题。根据Cristiano对第三个问题回答中的关键信息可知,他的球技不是模仿他人的,而是在多年的训练和比赛中自己摸索出来的,故选B项。答案:B3解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的Special move可知,这位明星的特殊动作是交叉跨步,故选A。答案:A4解析:推理判断题。从firstrate“一流的”可知他的动作很熟练;从他从小就开始踢球可知他很有天赋(talented);从不认为他是世界上最佳的边锋可知他谦虚(modest);从一直想提高自己并要坚持到他职业生涯结束为止



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