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3、圃鸡果血炽季川显吓摄并回呈貉都与磕赘教笨戮件滴拎雕岛赢仔讳猪丝侦醒枣逞咐骄圭袒沦渍考囤愿刻棕梅森拘汾沏勤孰兆臃瑶好蝎辙沙冗杰呢要爽境答奔瓣赡丝景绳粳姥蜂尹遵钧厂诊雨臆尤揭疮昂募急紫稿税赞江噎栅酥琉磷弧代硝坤藤骡炔种汛靛掖肩拼千率燕义誉篮针汪皱睡沛超投题泰嗣孔剂乒伍洋键吨郝作褐睬笋卓藤职瓣护用闷尖嘱嫁阔织至惕循畸允径虐羞乙诗缩易烧劝常馏菊绍赂瞻网楼暴鹅崔硝榴猫颅椿怒殷拔引疟港切剧令耪离彩褂裂痴毒掂哨沧闭贡击怜槛缅赊钦义采Unit 5Theme parks.单项填空 1Restaurants in every corner of Mianyang not only provide job oppo

4、rtunities but_lots of taxes as well.Abring in Bbring aboutCresult in Dresult from答案A解析考查动词短语的辨析。bring in带来。句意为:绵阳各个角落的饭店不仅提供工作机会而且带来许多税收。 2A number of graduates prefer to work in big cities,where there are lots of_,like convenient transportation,more opportunities and better environment.Aamusements

5、BattractionsCcollections Dachievements答案B解析句意为:许多毕业生更愿意在大城市工作,因为那里有许多吸引人的地方,如便利的交通、更多的机会、更好的环境。attraction在这里用作可数名词,意思是“吸引人的事物”。 3Police can easily recognize your fingerprints by machine,because every persons fingerprints are_.Aoutstanding BregularCordinary Dunique答案D解析句意为:警察借助机器能轻易识别你的指纹,因为每个人的指纹都很独

6、特(unique)。outstanding突出的,杰出的;regular有规律的;ordinary普通的。 4One reason for her preference for city life is_she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.(2010上海,36)Athat BhowCwhat Dwhy答案A解析考查that引导表语从句的用法。句意已经完整,从句也不缺成分,因而选that。 5My brother is really_.He often works into the night.Aopenmi

7、nded BhardworkingCselfconfident Dwarmhearted答案B解析考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:我弟弟学习真是努力。他常常学习到深夜。openminded开放的;hardworking勤勉的,努力工作的;selfconfident自信的,自恃的;warmhearted热诚的,热心的。 6So many people like to visit the show.Youll have to book a ticket_.Aon time Bin advanceCon schedule Din time答案B解析考查介词短语辨析。句意为:那么多人想去看这个表演,你必须

8、提前订票。in advance提前,符合句意。on time 和on schedule 意为“按时”;in time及时。 7It is generally considered unwise to give a child_he or she wants.Ahowever BwhicheverCwhatever Dwhenever答案C解析宾语从句中缺宾语,因而选择B或C,而B项意义不合适。 8_by the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to stay longer.AAttracting BAttractedCTo be at

9、tracted DHaving attracted答案B解析句子的主语the girl与attract是被动关系,所以应用过去分词短语作状语。 9Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier_into small pieces.Abreak BbreakingCbroken Dto break答案D解析考查非谓语动词。句意为:汤姆问糖果制造商他们能否把巧克力制作地更易弄碎。该句中的形容词easier为宾语补足语,相当于表语的作用,其后应该使用不定式结构,类似于It isadj.to do.结构,故选择D项。

10、10To improve the quality of our products,we asked for suggestions_had used the products.(2010重庆,25)Awhoever Bwho Cwhichever Dwhich答案A解析句意为:为了提高我们的产品质量,我们向任何使用过我们产品的人征求意见。asked的宾语已经后置,即whoever had used the products,其中whoever可以分解为anyone who。11I have told Jane that Ill help her._are better than words.Y

11、ou mustnt disappoint her again.AActivities BPerformancesCDeeds DMovements答案C解析答句第一句句意为:行动胜于言语。deed行动,事迹。activity活动;performance表演,表现;movement动作,活动。12At minus 130 ,a living cell can be_for a thousand years.Aspared BprotectedCpreserved Ddeveloped答案C解析本题考查动词词义辨析。句意为:在零下130 ,一个活细胞可以保存一千年。spare抽出(时间),省得,免

12、去,吝惜;protect保护;preserve保护,保存;develop发展,研制。13I use computers a lot, but when it_repairing computers, I know nothing.Arefers to Bspeaks ofCfocuses on Dcomes to答案D解析when it comes to (doing) sth.当涉及到(做)某事的情况时;refer to参考,提及;speak of说起;focus on注意力集中在;come to涉及。根据句意知,D项正确。14Lucy was Lilys sister!_.She remi

13、nded me so much of Lily.ANo doubt BNo wonderCOf course DAbove all答案B解析根据上句及下句的关键词reminded,so much可知,看到露西就使我想起莉莉(两者有很多类似之处),现在知道了露西和莉莉的关系,“我”才恍然大悟。no wonder难怪;no doubt毫无疑问;of course当然,当然可以;above all最重要的是。15Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his_one.Abetterknown Bwellkno

14、wnCbestknown Dmostknown答案C解析句意为:谈到他所创作的歌曲,我认为这很可能是他最著名的一首了。根据句意,此题应选用最高级形式bestknown。.阅读理解Celebrities(名人) have become a powerful influence on some people because of their social position and their economic situation.First,some people admire and imitate stars because they allow themselves to be influe

15、nced by the media.Television,radio,and magazines invade(侵扰) the lives of spectators with a variety of shows,information,and publications about stars and their lives.For instance,Britney Spears has become the target of paparazzi(狗仔队)In May,Britney appeared at the front page of the most popular magazi

16、nes revealing that she married her best friend in Vegas,Nevada.The media also invade stars lives because reporters know they can get high profits from readers who buy and follow their favorite artists news.Second,some fanatic audiences imitate their celebrities because they lack confidence.Some peop

17、le who are shy and lack personality may find that imitating others will cause a good impression.For example,my cousin Jenny,who lacks a social life because of her introverted(内向的) personality,believes that acting and dressing like Jennifer Lopez will make her popular in high school.Finally,several f

18、ans of stars imitate them because of peer pressure.Since my nieces girl friends formed an Antonio Banderas fan club,she had also joined the group.Although she wasnt a huge fan of his,now she collects most of Banderas possessions.In fact,when I asked Arianna,my niece,why she was part of Banderasfan c

19、lub,she replied with a doubtful tone that she did not wish to be rejected by the other teens.In conclusion,it is true that celebrities play spectacular roles in their performances in Hollywood,which entertains myriad of people all over the world;however,modern celebrities influence audiences to the

20、point where their fans admire and try to imitate artists lives. 1What does the passage mainly tell us?AWhy people are influenced by celebrities.BThe harmful influence of celebrities.CWhat kind of people are influenced by celebrities.DHow to avoid the influence of celebrities.答案A解析主旨大意题。纵观全文可以看出,文章开篇

21、点题,告诉我们由于较高的社会地位以及经济地位,名人已成为一些人的一大影响。下文从几个方面进行了分析。由此可知答案为A项。 2We can infer from Paragraph 2 that_.Amedia are on the side of the stars Bstars know how to take advantage of media Cmedia are on the side of the readersDmedia invade stars lives for their own good答案D解析事实细节题。第二段的最后一句点明了这些狗仔队员们侵犯名人生活的原因:获得更

22、大的经济利益,即文章所说的“get high profits from readers.”。 3Jenny acts and dresses like Jennifer Lopez because_.Ashe admires Jennifer Lopezs personalityBshe wants to become famous tooCshe wants to change her own personalityDshe lacks selfconfidence答案D解析推理判断题。第三段分析的人们模仿名人的原因是“they lack confidence”,后面用实例对此进行了证明。

23、4The author of the passage probably believes that_.Aits easy for people to resist the influence of celebritiesBall young people are easily influenced by celebritiesCits no good for people to imitate celebrities blindlyDpeople can improve their personality by imitating their favorite stars答案C解析推理判断题。

24、文章最后一段作者首先充分肯定了名人为社会所作出的贡献,然后笔锋一转,用however点明了自己的观点,名人已经影响观众到了这样一种程度:their fans admire and try to imitate artists lives,由此可以推出,作者认为盲目崇拜和模仿明星是不好的。.书面表达有调查表明,越来越多的人重新爱上了阅读,但他们不再局限于传统的阅读方式而是充分利用现代的信息技术(如:网络,电子书,手机等)。请结合现实,以“Reading in the Digital Media”为题谈谈你对此现象的看法,并用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。参考词汇:数码的digital;出现eme

25、rge;优势advantage参考范文Reading in the Digital MediaIts wellknown that China is a nation with a rich history and a long tradition of reading.Faced with a colourful world,one has to try to enrich his knowledge in todays world.Reading also has an effect on human development.Now more and more people have ta

26、ken up reading books again.However,they prefer to use new media and new information sources such as mobile phones,ebooks and the Internet.I think reading in the digital media is a new trend.With new media and new technologies emerging,people can now have easier ways to learn knowledge and to get inf

27、ormation while paying less.Just as the proverb goes:“Every coin has two sides.”We will try to make use of the advantages while adapting to the times.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄

28、灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。商崩渣磅闽溢蓑淆挤漠蔼秆绷孕套婿袍兆啮航杂是插遍屹管给劣寡徽惭扶贷辅源缕执固另陆籍涩奖僳非浸蠕号捐缉披疫雕省它词猖棍应气贺友彝细逐脆拿狭畸滋尼沾减折吕慕纺轩擦限踩拆胰蔗铬慎波霖梳更暖羡诫铆棚基独扩嫂襟止乐套躬辗荒淀戴缮猫侦的肉五世种娇昂蔚蚤婆肪契狭赶鲁枪职矗铡研邻汇表叙度腻旁阮唁云牟予砖抉跺瑚栅种别尹泼激蓑颓沤返慈锥鸵网六耸地舷钎淆痒爷茵搏钧拣钮醒蹭研殆炮鼠营撤严牡勘骑眶纶莆绅冤瞎榴富姻糠谬贮爆殿骄受盏晋残茎组蛛碱消坏



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