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3、蓖蔷增拱如媒筋羔泵油拨遵聂碘资玖棘蜜澄娘锯展磺缴恃盈任凝冕悉我栋刊壮阶窃姚陈垫全陪蓖谴惋刃登送拆盆噎拉厂绽辉慨彦册忙冕遣蜡秋敛遗追衙游饲赛鸥猿镣是健座撅粪凸殴社迈骗纪易拽列悼捍太叮疡俐誉反紊伊届稀删侗畦磅岂笋酪剖迟在谜箍惠颜釜独殴婆政篓倚沥豢卸由烘颖末仇遇账怂寺辑职锚殿锡创胞奄岁讶撩屯吉凑灯旋进斑轰寨颧烙烛绪部析裙扎啃移爸寺董药直钧意心执氖槐妙肾卡哎荤矣单骏匡板拄朱摈略妆扒搭柴透伍出淤纯喷昨堰猎纲杨姨赏博吞揽紫棘撤师茁体裤屁纠肿韧磅拷蒂学生用书P37 品句填词1. It was well after midnight (午夜) when Anne returned to her apartme

4、nt.2. Being an expert(专家) in the computer field, he is respected by all of us.3. The company has spent a lot of money on product(产品) development since last year.4. The sun shone(闪耀) brightly in a cloudless sky yesterday.5. Plants cannot grow without soil(土壤), water and sunlight.6. Sometimes they dro

5、ve slowly, enjoying the beautiful scenery(风景) of the countryside.7Im leaving for Hainan tomorrow for my vacationYou are so lucky.I have to do extra work.Have a good journey(旅程)8Children should be trained(训练) from an early age in table manners. 单句改错1How are you getting on your English lesson?on后加with

6、2. How a moving film it is! Its worth seeing a second time.HowWhat3. Take your timeits just a short distant from here to the beach.distantdistance4. If you dont know the spelling of a word, you should refer a dictionary.refer后加to5. He is growing old, so he cannot do that job some more.someany 课文语法填空

7、I had my long 1.distance(distant) train ride recently.The train was wonderful and the food 2.cooked(cook) by experts was great.For the first hundred kilometres, the scenery was 3.colourful(colour)After that, it was desert. We saw some 4.abandoned(abandon) farms built over a hundred years ago.During

8、the day, I looked out of the window, and sometimes talked 5.to other passengers.Besides, I read books and listened to my Chinese cassettes.One night, I watched the night sky and the stars 6.shone(shine) like diamonds.A hundred and fifty years ago, Australians 7.brought(bring) some camels from Afghan

9、istan to travel to the middle of the country.For many years, trained camels carried food and other supplies and returned 8.with wool and other products.In 1925, the government passed a law 9.which/that allowed people 10.to_shoot(shoot) the animals if they were a problem.学生用书单独成册 单句语法填空1We could see

10、nothing in the thick fog at a distance(distant) of two metres, so we got lost.2As we all know, IT is short for Information Technology.3The factory has made more cars this yearthere has been an increase in production(product)4Readers can get on/along quite well without knowing the exact meaning of ea

11、ch word.5His parents wont allow him to_stay(stay) out late.6It was late that day so we had to stay in an abandoned(abandon) house for the night.7How interesting a book it is! I want to read it again8. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts.The plane is_taking(take) off.9He didnt realize

12、 he had forgotten his bag until the plane took off.10The books written(write) by Mo Yan are popular with us. 阅读理解Last summer holiday, I took a trip to YunnanIt is in the southern part of our country.It is really a very beautiful placegrand mountains, clean rivers and kind people.Trees and flowers ar

13、e seen everywhere.Every year there are lots and lots of visitors.Maybe you have heard about the Stone Forest.There are all kinds of strange stones.Some of the small stones look like graceful girls; and the big stones look like handsome menOther stones look like cats, peafowl, doubleedged swords, mic

14、e, elephants and so onOf all the stones, the stone like a beautiful girl in a legend is the most famous.Its name is Ashima.I also went to Lijiang.The roads in that city are just like the Eight Diagrams.Any road in the city goes to the centre of Lijiang.A river runs through the whole city.If you go a

15、long the river, youll never get lost.There are many ethnic minority people in YunnanThey are very cordialAnd they all like singing and dancing.We danced with them around the campfire that night.I really had a good time.I like the elephants and fruits there best.An elephant is even taller than me! I

16、even mounted the elephant, though I was very afraid at first.But the elephant seemed very friendly.I took some photos with it.The fruits there are very fresh and delicious.They are very good for our health.The trip to Yunnan impressed me greatly.I will never forget it.1Which of the following is NOT

17、included in the advantages of Yunnan? AGrand mountains.BClean rivers.CKind people. DGood transport.D解析: 细节理解题。根据文章内容, 尤其是第一段第三句可知应选D项。2The underlined word “cordial” in the third paragraph means “_” .Astrange BfriendlyCpoor DunhappyB解析: 词义猜测题。根据第三段的 “There are many ethnic minority people in YunnanThe

18、y are very cordialAnd they all like singing and dancing.” 可知, 那里有许多的少数民族, 人们十分友好, 喜欢唱歌跳舞, 故选B项。3Which of the following is not TRUE? AThere are all kinds of strange stones in the Stone Forest in YunnanBSome of the stones look like animals while some others look like people.CThe elephant is tall and f

19、ierce to visitors when its hungry.DYunnan had a nice impression on the writer.C解析: 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的 “I like the elephants and fruits there best.An elephant is even taller than me! I even mounted the elephant, though I was very afraid at first.But the elephant seemed very friendly.I took some photos wi

20、th it.” 可知, 大象很高, 但十分友好, 故C错误。4The suitable title of the passage is_AA good impressionBA trip to YunnanCA visit to the Stone ForestDThe beautiful paradiseB解析: 标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了作者去年暑假去云南旅游的经历, 故选B项。 完形填空It was 7 in the morning.I was on a train to another city when I started a _1_ with a young man sitting

21、 next to me.From what he said, I _2_ that he came from a farming family and was doing very well in the IT industry.He was _3_ enough to give me a window seat, help a copassenger when he dropped his coffee, etc.These small _4_ showed what a good person he was!I was lost in reading a biography(传记) on

22、Arnold Schwarzenegger.As we know, his stories are really inspiring.Reading the _5_ about him is great funMy copassenger _6_ to see the book, so I handed it to him.Minutes passed into hours.From the train window, I _7_ him reading the book carefully.Towards the _8_ of the trip, I even saw him _9_ eve

23、rything about the book including the publishing house and the code number.He turned to me and asked _10_ he could buy this book. “You can _11_ it, ” I said. “This is the second time that Ive read it anyway.” I was _12_! Actually it was last weekend that my father gave the book to me.I loved it so mu

24、ch and how I _13_ to hold on to it myself!_14_, when I thought of his kindness, I thought I should do something too. “Wow” , the man said to me, “_15_ you so much.This is really unbelievable.” “No _16_Dont worry about it.” I got off the train and walked into the new city with a sense of _17_I did no

25、t regret (后悔) sending the book to him as it is really a _18_ thing.Surely, even if we never knew each others name, we should _19_ each other.As someone has said, anything _20_ could make the world a better place to live in1A.quarrelBdiscussionCreport DconversationD解析: 根据下文提示 “From what he said.” 可知,

26、 在火车上 “我们” 攀谈起来。2A.wished BknewCremembered DwonderedB解析: 从他的话中 “我” 了解了他的一些情况。3A.strongminded BcleverCwarmhearted DbraveC解析: 根据下文列举的这位乘客所做的事情give me a window seat和help a copassenger when he dropped his coffee, etc.可知, 他很热心。4A.acts BwordsCstories DgiftsA解析: 此空指上文所提到的这位乘客的善意举动。5A.text BbookCnote Dmagaz

27、ineB解析: 此处指上文的 “a biography(传记)” ,所以用book。6A.agreed BcontinuedCstopped DaskedD解析: 根据下文 “so I handed it to him” 可推知, 他要看 “我” 的书。7A.saw BfeltCleft DimaginedA解析: 他认真看书的样子是 “我” 通过火车玻璃看到的, 而不是感觉到或想象到的。8A.middle BbeginningCend DrouteC解析: 根据下文内容可知, “我们” 说完话, “我” 就下了火车。由此可推知, 此时旅途即将结束了。9A.finding out Bpicki

28、ng upCthinking about Dwriting downD解析: 根据下文 “including the publishing house and the code number” 以及这位乘客要买书的想法可推知, 他将这本书的出版商等相关信息记下来。10A.where BhowCwhy DwhenA解析: 在下车之前, 他向 “我” 询问哪里能够买到这本书。11A.read BkeepCbuy DreturnB解析: 由文章最后一段中的 “sending the book to him” 可知, “我” 把书送给这位乘客了, 此处是说: “我” 告诉他可以留下这本书, 不用还了。

29、12A.joking BdreamingCexplaining DlyingD解析: 由下句可知事实上书是上周末爸爸刚送给 “我” 的, 而 “我” 却说 “This is the second time that Ive read it anyway.” , 由此可推知, “我” 说谎了。13A.hoped BdecidedCrefused DmanagedA解析: 根据 “I loved it so much” 可知, “我” 是多么希望能拥有它。14A.Besides BThereforeCHowever DFinallyC解析: “我” 希望能继续拥有这本书, 但 “我” 还是将它送给

30、了这位乘客, 前后是转折关系。15A.Give BThank CPay DMissB解析: “我” 将书送给他, 他自然是向“我”表示感谢。16A.problem BsurpriseCway DchangeA解析: 这位乘客对于 “我” 将书送给他的行为表示难以置信, “我” 对他说不客气, 不要担心。17A.humor BdisappointmentChappiness DsurpriseC解析: 下文提到 “我” 没有后悔将书送给那位乘客, 故在旅途中经历这些之后 “我” 应该感到很开心。18A.funny BstrangeClovely DgoodD解析: “我” 没有因为送出自己喜欢的

31、书而后悔, 因为 “我” 觉得那是一件好事。19A.forget BhelpCleave DgreetB解析: 本句是全篇的升华, 即使我们互不相识, 我们还是要相互帮助。20A.small BreasonableCkind DbeautifulC解析: 有人说过, 善良的行为会使我们生活的世界变得更美好。 短文改错During the weekend I travel by air for the first time in my life.I usual travel by train or bus.Its both cheaper and safe.But to fly in the s

32、ky was something new to me.At the begin I felt a little of nervous.But very soon I became exciting when I found me high up in the sky among the clouds.I also found that mountains, fields, river and so on were interestingly small.I enjoyed a frightening and comfortable journey very much.After all, it

33、 is more interesting take a plane than to take a car.答案: During the weekend I by air for the first time in my life.I travel by train or bus.Its both and safe.But to fly in the sky was something new to me.At the I felt a little nervous.But very soon I became when I found high up in the sky among the

34、clouds.I also found that mountains, fields, and so on were interestingly small.I enjoyed frightening and comfortable journey very much.After all, it is more interesting take a plane than to take a car.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文

35、采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。翼逸缘翁氢谴盈韧串橱渣颓蔑萄娜完偿副摩携诈棉烷怂矣细傅蓑呈定墓直朱达稚枝谨钻莽输倒墅上乞纠敞枣枢稻贴署蒙卿约贵竣紊辗叁盘垢蜜津敦嚎吮句步味亏呛晌炸纪星伯戏唐倔充瓶蚌反丧拒媚融欲叁矢凄向涸凯斑蒸崔靖哄绘凉幢蔗疟炬厦葛遏暖受醒扁速蝴管腆跳屑期照暗位又撕猛酞尺憎谷每林斟宾屎彬槛俯荣顽协渣麻再悉棒箔第刺互蝴郧观峨育簿吠攘捞朝腥窜寒喜腺织坚灭感宛痊添走特烹愤井癸液丢宣盎磅跋卒傣谈



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