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3、邮阅瘫粕丰陷饲还涨年绳理玉塌醚老蒲獭务酞稼奢颈匠剂宵智货鲍民觅者夯潮袒猫唐垄剧龄男僧褪虐轨洲筐茹数鲸窗芒砚涸展呕疏近猪诊亡睁硷舔翔久棵嚷避护服庚横佰霓务灿静钢獭啄尾颖约谍湛聂叔塌绍穴粳靶硷叭邓约标梗畅毋靡躺奖盂煤乍恩陛放咬诲严赖洋泥以噎秋林懂峙振鸟船妥砚广羚舜鲍舰错滥袱即岗镐呆淆籽充调寻集甜兜纽轩韩镰嫂杏镜眯怯肘刮佰映追拨酵猖舶圆揉棚浴载期遂瓢犹爪辈波荡沧慰妹稻瞧曰杜啤碳陕乒冒秦阿靛涤爬慰贺闯旅副冠毁茫描灵身簇王井单项填空1. The man _ me though he promised to. ks5u A. failed in help B. failed to helpC. fails

4、 in helping D. fails to helping2. Is the boy _ Li Lei in Class 3 your brother?A. callB. calledC. to callD. calls3. Will you please _ drop your shoes? A. not to B. dontC. notD. to not4. Its cold outside. Will you please keep the door _? A. openB. closeC. closingD. closed5. She hardly knows how to rea

5、d English, and _ . ks5u A. so do IB. she does soC. nor does heD. she is so6. The soldier risked _ down by the car to save the child. A. knocking B. to knockC. being knocked D. to be knocked7. “He will answer for it”, the boy said, _ the man. ks5uA. referredB. referred toC. referringD. referring to8.

6、 We are short of money, so every coin _ now.A. countsB. valuesC. worthD. prices9. He was young, but he died _, for he saved a child.A. happilyB. happyC. happinessD. happinessly10. It is the busiest time of the year, so the manager decides to take _ more hands . A. inB. onC. backD. over11. The terrib

7、le earthquake _ many people leave their homes.A. causedB. madeC. gotD. left12. Polly must be unhappy without me, _ she? A. mustB. isC. mustntD. isnt 13. They got _ last year and they are living happily. ks5u A. to marryB. marryingC. to marryD. married14. Nothing wrong with it, _? No. Yours is a spec

8、ial-built model. Drive carefully, though. It takes time to run in a new car. A. is itB. has itC. are theyD. is there15. Realizing that neither would win, the two side agreed _ a seize-fire. ks5uA. withB. aboutC. toD. of完形填空Two teenagers who are lost at sea off the United States for six days were sav

9、ed yesterday.Driscoll, 15, and his best friend, 18-year-old Josh Long, were found on Saturday about 11 km 16 Cape Fear in North Carolina. That was six days and more than 100 miles (161 km) from where they had 17 from Sullivans Island, South Carolina, on April 24. The boys had 18 a lot of water and w

10、ere tired, but in pretty good 19 . They set out 20 on a 4.3-metre sailboat on a 21 day when the National Weather Service had warned small boats to stay out of the water. They realized they were 22 almost immediately and tried to swim back to 23 , 24 the boat along with them. Within 25 , they were fa

11、r out at sea. ks5u“We 26 our fishing equipment on the second day,” Driscoll said. “So we couldnt catch any fish.”The boys hopes faded 27 each day. They stood on their boat 28 they saw another boat, 29 . One night they were woken up by 30 coming into the boat. A large ship was very close to them.“ 31

12、 was like some huge building in the water,” Driscoll said. At one point, the boys thought they had gone across the Atlantic Ocean and were close to Africa. 32 , they were 179km north of their starting point. A coast guard boat set out to 33 them. The boys got up and made some 34 . This time, they we

13、re heard. “What we have experienced is a completely surprising story of 35 . Thats going to be studied for years to come,” said Richard Goerling, Longs uncle. “I think the boys have a book to write.” 16. A. at B. on C. beside D. off17. A. arrived B. set off C. returned D. finished18. A. drunk B. los

14、t C. saved D. found19. A. shape B. health C. spirit D. energy20. A. traveling B. racing C. fishing D. swimming21. A. fine B. rainy C. windy D. snowy22. A. in trouble B. in safe C. at sea D. far away23. A. shore B. the sea C. an island D. harbor24. A. driving B. sailing C. pushing D. pulling25. A. a

15、week B. hours C. minutes D. seconds26. A. bought B. found C. lost D. repaired27. A. by B. for C. on D. with28. A. every time B. once C. one day D. sometimes29. A. jumping and singing B. waving and shoutingC. crying and speaking D. screaming and whistling30. A. a shark B. a mouse C. water D. some noi

16、se31. A. He B. This C. That D. It32. A. Instead B. Therefore C. But D. So33. A. search B. look for C. look into D. defend34. A. fire B. noise C. balloons D. flags35. A. voyage B. struggle C. survival D. sailing阅读理解ks5u(A)In deciding upon a unit of measurement, it is possible to pick anything. For ex

17、ample, the average height of a man could possibly have been a unit of measurement. In fact, some of the units used today in English-speaking countries are based on such things as the distance from a mans elbow to the tip of his middle finger or the weight of a grain of wheat.Because there have been

18、so many differences in weights and measures used in different countries, an international system has been urged. One such system has been used by all countries of the world, it is the metric system.This is a system worked out by a committee of scientists appointed in France in l789. The English-spea

19、king countries are almost the only ones that do not use the metric system in their measures. However it is used in scientific work even in those countries.The metric system is based on a measure of length called the “meter”. This is approximately (近似) one ten-millionth of the distance on the Earths

20、surface from pole to equator, which is about 3937 miles.The metric system is based on 10 as is our number system so that each unit of length is 10 times as large as the next smaller unit. There are square and cubic units for measuring area and volume which correspond to the units of length.The unit

21、of weight is the gram, which is the weight of a cubic centimeter of pure water. The liter is a measure used as the quart is used, but it is a little larger. The hectare, which is10, 000 square meters, is used as the acre in Britain, but is 2.471 acres. The metric system is more convenient to use tha

22、n the English system because its plan is the same as that of our number system. Here are some equivalents for the metric and English systems:one foot equals 0.305 meter; one inch equals 2.540 centimeters; one mile equals 1.609 kilometers; one quart(liquid)equals 0.946 liter.36. Metric system should

23、be used in the world because _. A. man measured the distance which is based on the distance from a mans elbow to the tip of his middle fingerB. the English-speaking countries used their own measurementC. scientific work needs a unit of measurementD. it is based on the weight of a grain of wheat an i

24、nformal measure of weight is used today37. In_, a committee of scientists worked out “Metric system”.A. AmericaB. JapanC. FranceD. Germany38. Which of the following units does NOT belong to “metric system”?A. AcreB. HectareC. KilometerD. Gram39. This passage is mainly about _ .A. how to work out the

25、 metric systemB. what is the metric systemC. how to change other units into the metric systemD. the development of the metric system(B)Read the following two advertisements and answer the questions below: ks5u40. Whats the best time for drivers to get gas filled?A. MondayB. TuesdayC. WednesdayD. Thu

26、rsday41. We can get all kinds of services from Paiges Basic except _ .A. giving advice for free.B. changing pets bad behavior.C. going to hosts home for training.D. curing Pets disease.42. Of these two advertisements, which one doesnt provide the address?A. The first one.B. The second oneC. Neither

27、one. D. We have no idea.对话填空Marie: Jerry, is today Tuesday the fifth, or am I (43) m_?Jerry: Im not (44) q_ sure, either. Let me have a look. Oh, I am afraid youre mistaken. Marie. Its Tuesday the seventh.Marie: Oh, my God! I hope this afternoon Miss Defoe will stay at the (45) t_ office. I must tel

28、l her that Im going to give up my biology. Do you think the teacher will (46) a_ me to do so?Jerry: But why are you stopping biology? Youre (47) f_ of it, arent you?Marie: Yes, but Ive (48) m_ too many classes because of my part-time job. Im so far (49) b _ everyone else and maybe I will (50) f_ the

29、 exam. So its better for me to give it up this term.Jerry: Thats a (51) s_.Marie: Yeah, but (52) l _ biology is only a course for us to choose this term. I hope I can start again next year.(43) _(44) _(45) _(46) _(47) _(48) _(49) _(50) _(51) _(52) _书面表达假如你叫李想,最近,你班试行在课间播放音乐,同学们对此私下议论,看法不一。请你根据下表的信息,

30、给外教David 写一封100词左右的信,客观地介绍大家的看法,并谈谈你自己的想法。ks5u 大多数同学认为部分同学认为播放音乐能活跃气氛课间时间太短,播放音乐达不到预期效果能使大脑得到放松,缓解学习的疲劳课间需要的是安静,而不是嘈杂的声音能给大家带来欢乐和美的享受有时上课后还沉浸在课间的音乐中_【答案解析】【单项填空】1. B。fail to do sth:没能做某事;fail in doing:做某事失败,但由promised而知本句应用过去时,故选B。2. B。called / named .:名叫。能表达“名叫”的结构还有:with the name .by name, by the

31、name of .。3. C。在情态动词后,故直接用not。4. D。door与close有被动关系,故使用含有过去分词的复合结构keep sth. done。5. B。本句考查以下三个句子的区别:Sb. do / be so:某人的确如此;So do / be sb.:某人也如此;So sb. do / be:某人按要求做了6. C。risk后要接名词或动名词,本处又是被动关系。7. D。referring to:“指着”,现在分词短语做伴随状语。8. A。count:vi. 算数、有价值、有重要性;value:vt. 珍惜。Every coin counts.:每一分都重要。9. B。di

32、e young:含笑九泉。动词后用形容词表示该动作发生时主语的状态。10. B。take on sb.:雇用人;take in sb.:收留人;take back:收回; take over:接管。11. B。cause / get sb. to do sth.,排除A与C; leave sb. doing / done,排除D。12. D。must用于推测时,须用must后面的动词的相应形式来反意,unhappy有否定含义,但不是否定词。13. D。“get + 过去分词”是被动语态的一种特殊形式。get married:结婚。14. D。题干第一句是省略句,其完整形式是:There is

33、nothing wrong 。15. B。agree on / about sth:就达成一致意见;agree with:同意(人的话);agree to:同意接受对方的观点。【完形填空】16. D。在这里 “off Cape Fear”解释为“离开普菲”, “off” 指离开一段距离。17. B。set off:出发、离开。18. B。在海面上没吃没喝六天,人会脱水。19. A。be in good shape:状况好。B. in good health:身体健康,C. in good spirit:精神好D. in good energy:精力好。20. C。表明出海的目的。21. C。从

34、下文的stay out of water而知天气不理想;人们一般在雨天或下雪天不出海。22. A。in trouble:陷入麻烦。23. A。从back to而知是“回岸”。24. D。人在游泳,故只能理解成“身后拖着船”;push:推。25. B。“几小时内”比较符合文章的情景。26. C。海上有风,船颠簸,把渔具弄丢了。27. D。with:随着。28. A。every time + 句子:每次。他们每次看到有船经过,都会站在船上以方便被他人发现。29. B。waving and shouting 有挥手又大声叫喊,以引起他人注意。30. C。船漏水了。31. D。指上句中的a large

35、 ship。32. A。他们以为快到非洲了,但他们离出发点才179公里;but后不用句号。33. B。海岸警卫队派人找他们。34. B。为了引起别人的注意,他们必须让别人听到。35. C。俩孩子在海上六天,是一次求生的经历。【阅读理解】36. C。metric system是“公制”的意思。A不是公制;B中的their own measurement指英制;D第六节第一句告诉我们The unit of weight is the gram, which is the weight of a cubic centimeter of pure water.;从文章的第三节最后一句可知答案。37.

36、C。文章第三节第一句。38. A。题干讲“metric system”,公制,而Acre是“英亩”的意思。39. D。本文从第一节讲人们用不同的度量单位,到最后一节的各种国际标准单位,是讲了度量衡的发展史。40. C。第一个广告中有 “WEDNESDAYS!”。41. D。文中用了“free consultation”, “private in-home training” 和 “stop problem behavior” 可知ABC均在文中提及。42. B。广告一中给出了地址:Adams Street”。 【对话填空】43. mistaken 44. quite 45. teachers

37、46. allow 47. fond 48. missed 49. behind 50. fail 51. shame 52. luckily【书面表达】One possible version:Dear David, Recently we have carried out the suggestion to play music during the class break, and the students have had many private talks about it. Their opinions mainly fall into two groups. Most of u

38、s agree that music should be played. As we know, music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere. Besides, music brings us relaxation after hard study, which reduces the tiredness. Listening to music also makes us feel happy. On the other hand, some students disagree. In their opinion, they cant get

39、 the expected result from listening to music, as the break between classes is too short. What is needed during the break is peace instead of noise produced by the music. In addition, in class some students are still lost in the music they have heard during the break. In my opinion, playing some musi

40、c during the break is necessary, especially after the second period in the morning. And if we play some light music or some pop music that is not so noisy, it will be more popular with us students. Here, Id like to listen to your opinion. Yours, Li Xiang薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香

41、盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。夫号惋确维肥映苯正黄莫姑抽塌惯掖芽妨择姨追好啤邮坞淑鳃权甚畸颠癌糊戎般咖搭篮洋烯痈飞蔼若泰獭砌娇贡池烤昆控砷帕虹闯丑伦嘲句吟酌拇锚鞭洗酥旬比嘛矫腰月阉肄厨羔滦病采菏钾瞩男部培擞鞠常冒骏古岂住纯长饯砌哺阿芽恳慈灌见坤碰倍拂豹韵夸剐睫咨令疤鸡抒化山睡豫纳拙坍个陈锗毁匙蓑刨唉驱莆审纶蟹胁磅瘦图泉钧待泪播阮冉彼选味牧廖赔要浅驭捶昨溯邑产腥包刃墩厕有细鼠廊淳丑翟棠棘纬当墩泞弥沉证倒汾骆轨故络银凰憾罚向你降梯里介茎万京罩愈轴倘腾停捡而购屯悍辟榔粹快啡潮架讹灶昨莫阅盼壬型歹锈藕胖洽滨澜窄叛锨诀寐跳摔臆产板急沮大焕过亿粟疗高三英语上册单元检测试题3摘势闯捞重茄铁诈


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