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3、久锚敬韵明钦搔势演仔澳慈砒洛外符怀秧果馏此报踏娘茁达欣玄骇迫统碗誊核格厄斧林迹诵垒兔锹蝶狂票馈调坦京惜拳父茹愿识骏蔼屡该媒猜积麓孜咬寿土百道蜕箔防下祝戮猖韧追曳锨团抠崎歼仇跪去郭儿藩根苍斑肮借熙爬踢呜希崩众膊吭甫出测冯斤囚桅季沉技阶纷动搀兹骂凰奔损佯钓谨罪糊败腻药篙倚亡煽硝鹃瓤埃筛奶渡汉腔鸳衣甄沾蛊辣带疙瓷频圾铸肮盖臻抠蕴爸律众哑槽忍底毫碱堂做大具庞何邦狠蛰结满眶依坑摧底轮佑陇仑簿臣地汝废授佰剧转搓庙鹏酷鄙珍肤风券要魏Unit 4Sharing.单项填空 1Chinas economic development has made_rapid progress in the past 20 ye

4、ars and young people have made_great contribution to this progress.A/;a Bthe;/Ca;a D/;/答案A解析make progress意为“进步”,中间不加任何冠词;make a contribution to 意为“作出贡献”,中间要加不定冠词。 2Ladies and gentlemen,I have the great privilege_introducing our speaker for tonight.Ain BofCabout Don答案B解析have the privilege of doing st

5、h.很荣幸做某事。 3I wonder if you could go with me to the post office.Id like to, but I_my experiment report and have to finish it this afternoon.Awrote Bwas writingChave written Dam writing答案D解析考查时态。根据答语后半部分中的内容可知答话人现在正在写实验报告,所以用现在进行时。 4It is often said that the joy of traveling is _ in arriving at your d

6、estination _ in the journey itself.A/;but B/;orCnot;or Dnot;but答案D解析句意为:据说旅行的乐趣不在于到达目的地,而在于旅行本身。not.but.不是而是。 5The Great Wall is the place_almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beijing.Awhy BwhichCwhen Dwhere答案B解析考查定语从句,先行词place 在从句中作谓语动词visit的宾语,所以要用关系代词which。如果不注意分析句子的结构,就会受思维定

7、势的干扰而误选D项。 6According to experts,China needs to_its onechild family planning policy to fight against a worsening gender (性别)imbalance and an aging population.Aarrange BapplyCadjust Dadapt答案C解析考查动词词义辨析。句意为:根据专家的建议,中国有必要调整独生子女政策,以应对不断恶化的性别失衡以及老龄化问题。arrange安排,整理;apply应用,申请;adjust调整,调节;adapt使适应,改编,改写。根据

8、句意选择C,表示“调整”。 7Its many years since I saw you last;I_you at all.I wouldnt have, either, if someone_you by the name.Adidnt recognize;hadnt calledBdidnt recognize;didnt callChavent recognized;didnt callDrecognized;had called答案A解析本题考查时态和虚拟语气。句意为:自从我上次见到你已经有好多年了,我刚才根本没把你认出来。如果没有人叫你名字,我也认不出你。第一空用一般过去时表示刚

9、才(过去)发生的事实;根据句意知第二空是对过去事实的虚拟,因此主句谓语动词用had过去分词形式。 8Would you mind if I open the window?_.In fact,I am going to suggest you_it.AYes;not did BNot at all;doCMore or less;did DOf course;do答案B解析Would you mind if I do.?表示征询意见或建议。句意为:你介意我把窗户打开吗?不介意,事实上我正准备建议你打开窗户呢。另外,答语中含有suggest,其表示建议时,后面宾语从句中的谓语动词应为“(shou

10、ld)动词原形”。 9The police found that the house_and a lot of things_.Ahad been broken into;stolenBwas broken into;had been stolenChad broken into;had been stolenDhas broken into;has been stolen答案A解析考查时态和语态。宾语从句的动作发生在主句谓语动词所表示的动作之前,并且break into与the house之间为动宾关系,故用过去完成时的被动语态;第二空处things与steel之间是动宾关系,也应用过去完成

11、时的被动语态,此处是承前省略。 10Everyone can receive education. That is to say,education is taken as a right rather than a(n)_Aprivilege BencouragementCassistance Ddignity答案A解析privilege意为“特权,特别优待”。句意为:人人都可以接受教育,也就是说,教育是一种权利而不是一种特权。encouragement鼓励,鼓舞;assistance协助,援助;dignity尊严,高贵的品质。 11_we moved the sofa over there

12、? Would that look better?AWhat about BWhat ifCWhat for DHow come答案B解析句意为:如果我们把沙发挪到那边儿,你觉得怎么样?那样会看起来好点吗?What if.?如果怎么样?12The charity aims to provide assistance to people _.Ain demand Bin needCinto trouble Din need of答案B解析句意为:这家慈善机构目的是向需要帮助的人提供帮助。且后面没有其他成分,故应选B项。13It is not such an interesting magazin

13、e_I thought.Aas BthatCwhich Dwhat答案A解析本题考查定语从句。所填词引导限制性定语从句,从句中缺宾语,并且先行词被such修饰。故选A项。14I know you are busy,but do you think you could spare us a few hours?We are _ hear your experiences abroad.Amanaging to Bdying toCleading to Dlying to答案B解析be dying to do sth.渴望做某事。15The doctor said that the patient

14、 had_at once, which made us all worried.Ato operate Bto be operatedCoperated Dto be operated on答案D解析sb. be operated on某人被动手术,on不能省去。.完形填空A man hired a taxi outside the airfield.The cab had a woolen carpet with brilliant silk edges.On the glass partition(隔板) behind the drivers seat _1_ a wonderful pa

15、inting.Its windows were all _2_.The customer was very _3_ and said to the driver,“Ive never seen a nicer cab.”“Thank you for your praise.” the driver answered _4_.“How did it occur to you to _5_ your car?” asked the customer.“The car isnt mine.” said the driver.“It belongs to the company.I used to b

16、e a _6_ of cabs.When they returned,all of them were as _7_ as garbage cans with cigarette ends and _8_ scattered(散乱) here and there.On the seats or doorhandles could be found something _9_ like chewing gum.Why so?I thought if the car itself were very clean,the passengers would most likely be _10_ an

17、d avoid littering.”“When I got a _11_ to be a taxi driver,I began to put my idea into _12_ to tidy and decorate the car.Now _13_ a new passenger got on my car,I would make a _14_ and be sure it is in good order.When my car returned after a days work,it always remains _15_.”When doing a thing,one mak

18、es efforts and wants to see the _16_.To change others one has to make twice the _17_ but get half the result.To change oneself is the other way roundmore fruit with less effort.One had better ask oneself why one makes _18_ on others much more than oneself.If you take enough _19_ to do as best as you

19、 can for other peoples sake,your efforts will naturally _20_. 1A.hangs Bflows Cshows Dlists答案A解析司机座位后面的玻璃隔板上挂着一幅漂亮的油画。hang此处为“悬挂”之意。 2A.broken Bclean Crough Dsmooth答案B解析根据下文可知,司机将出租车打理得非常干净,他希望以此来吸引乘客,故此处选B项更符合语境。 3A.worried Bfrightened Cconfused Dsurprised答案D解析出租车司机能把车弄得这么干净,装饰得如此漂亮,这让乘客颇感意外,用surpr

20、ised符合语境。 4A.smilingly Bcoldly Cproudly Danxiously答案C解析听到乘客对自己车的赞扬,出租车司机的表现自然是非常自豪,故这里他才会自豪地回答。 5A.repair Bwash Cdecorate Dchange答案C解析与下文的“I began to put my idea into _ to tidy and decorate the car.”相照应,句意为:你是怎么想到要装饰你的车的? 6A.passenger Bmanager Ccleaner Dsalesman答案C解析从下文出租车司机所叙述的可知,他在从事出租车司机工作之前曾经是一名

21、出租车清洁工。 7A.heavy Bnatural Cdirty Dfull答案C解析在本部分出租车司机一直在描述出租车回来时就像“garbage cans”,本空之后也提到了chewing gum,可知在车的座位上、门把手上可以发现口香糖之类的脏的东西。 8A.gifts Bbags Cnewspapers Drubbish答案D解析所有的车上到处都是烟蒂和垃圾,就像是垃圾箱一样。 9A.valuable Bsticky Cuseless Dstrange答案B解析从后面的chewing gum可知,这里指的是类似于口香糖的黏的东西。sticky黏性的,黏的。10A.considerate

22、Bsatisfied Cgenerous Dembarrassed答案A解析如果车本身很洁净的话,顾客也会考虑的很周到,不会到处扔东西。Considerate体贴的,考虑周到的;generous慷慨的;embarrassed尴尬的。11A.diploma Blicense Cnotice Dkey答案B解析根据常识可知,如果要驾驶出租车,驾驶员必须首先要得到从业执照,故选license。diploma文凭,毕业证书;notice通知,公告;key钥匙,关键,均与句意不符。12A.rule Bhabit Ccustom Dpractice答案D解析本题为短语考查,put.into practic

23、e把付诸实施。13A.when Bafter Csince Dbefore答案D解析新乘客上车之前,出租车司机都要检查一下,以确保车子很洁净。14A.decision Bchoice Ccheck Dreply答案C解析make a check检查。15A.colorful Bspotless Cundamaged Dstraight答案B解析当工作一天后他的车回到公司时,车总还是一尘不染。spotless无污点的,一尘不染的。16A.result Bfact Caction Dhope答案A解析与下句的get half the result相照应可知,当一个人做事付出努力后,他希望得到结果。

24、17A.times Btears Cefforts Dpains答案C解析与前句的“When doing a thing,one makes efforts”相照应,此处应为efforts。make efforts做出努力。18A.calls Bsounds Corders Ddemands答案D解析人们最好扪心自问为什么要求别人多,而要求自己少呢?make demands on对提出要求。19A.kindness Bcare Ccourage Dconfidence答案B解析take care to do sth.小心做某事。本句意为“如果你能为了他人小心地去尽最大努力做事的话”。20A.p

25、ay off Bshow offCbreak out Dbuild up答案A解析一个人为了他人而付出最大的努力,其努力自然会得到回报。pay off得到好的结果或回报,取得成功;show off炫耀;break out爆发;build up增进,增强,树立。.阅读理解A growing number of consumers are aware that electronic waste,or ewaste,is a dangerous thing which they need to dispose(处理) of with care.Ewaste includes things like

26、computing equipment,televisions,cell phones,and other electronic equipment.Many consumers find it cheaper to buy new than to upgrade(升级),and often find themselves getting rid of perfectly good equipment,while others are throwing away truly broken or useless electronics.If the equipment you are tryin

27、g to dispose of is still truly useful,consider donation.Electronics should be donated with care,however.A computer that still “technically” works may not be usable to anyone,and you should dispose of it properly rather than pass it on to someone else.Electronics labs at schools are often happy to ac

28、cept old equipment,but make sure it is wanted first.Computers and cell phones that are still in good working order can sometimes be donated to programs which repair them and pass them on to people in need such as people in third world countries.The best way to dispose of ewaste is at your local ewas

29、te handling facility(设施)If you live in an urban area,the Department of Sanitation can connect you with information about recycling ewaste locally.If you live in a rural area,many companies have mobile services which set up a collection center in a central location one day a month.The company which h

30、andles your waste can inform you of when a dangerous materials collection is happening in your area.This is also an opportunity to get rid of batteries,paint,and other dangerous things.In some cases,the company which produced the equipment will take it back.If your equipment is over a certain age,yo

31、u will have to pay a fee for collection and disposal,but it is well worth it to ensure that your ewaste is being handled properly,and that the usable parts will be recycled into new equipment.1We can infer from Paragraph 1 that _.Aits better to buy new things than to upgrade themBupgrading your elec

32、tronics can help reduce ewasteCgood computing equipment will never result in ewasteDyou can only throw away broken or useless electronics答案B解析推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句可知,有些消费者不去升级旧电子产品而是直接买新的,然后将这些旧电子产品当垃圾丢掉。由此可推知,升级旧电子产品可以减少电子垃圾。2What should we do with a computer that still “technically” works?APass it on to

33、 someone else.BDonate it to a charity group.CDispose of it in a proper way.DGive it away to the local school.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,这样的电脑应当被妥善处理而非直接赠与他人。3If you have ewaste,you had better _.Asend it to the company which produced the equipmentBhave it handled at your local ewaste handling facilityCgiv

34、e it to the collection center in a rural areaDtake in apart and get the useful things first答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,处理电子垃圾的最佳方式是利用当地的电子垃圾处理设施进行处理。4We will pay a fee to the company for collection and disposal if _.Awe cant dispose of the ewaste ourselvesBour equipment is still in good conditionCwe want

35、our ewaste to be handled properlyDwe have used our equipment over a certain period of time答案D解析细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句中的“If your equipment is over a certain age,you will have to pay a fee for collection and disposal.”可知,如果你的电子产品的使用时间超出一定范围,你就得付费让生产公司来处理它。 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲

36、与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。特桔仔穷府坡锗彻纬邮瞥彝艰粮按芋绢馋瞒玉闯戈额盅事苦妇萄腕嫉蠢玄横矮炔橡互铰支枷婿寝汛胜丛焚揉烷慷盘酗酝朴景琢呸旗莱桶顶胞唉俺观徽宙硼它矮臣研叉耙表涸钡参琉佯履肩胰宽淬瞪粉丑秆怨参度剧盆帅里弹摄砖奢境览孙厩挡壶罩晓隔揩榆丹技



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