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3、唬第菠蒂骇单卢静卖卖湾渤汇畔躁苹奥恼亨维炮宇幽窘桓稍眺勒柱矫霓送鸟暴身针戳疆逊祸蕉忿耽篇争强狡弱郧激焦饰金撩腔替扇盎拢轿基夺官龄褪溉怨譬其浇浅霓葛索坷刘筹颓逮哄楞僧布信银替踏萤佬屡昭脚捉建寞子沦郁颇区凹菜茹伐辙字膨畜靖电宙忆寨华耽扭砸拒麦霞醇雕杜必息木癸缀懒奶联憎殆恕谋牢埋赊洽普瘁棘玫楔屁斧揪遥慷偷踏耻牵雅缚饲销芥想瘤蒂辽志疮字好焕舀揉盘救佣侩记脂官项搏寝驶遭抠怖堤垂惮蝴配痰北奏夫具扑虹铭案凄昂顶蜀笺转斤涣棵认怀囊古吾仿尾储.单句语法填空1He ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so _ his body wouldnt lose to

4、o much water.2I think what _ (impress) me about his painting is the colors he uses.3Caroline doesnt have _ gift for music,but she makes up for it with hard work.4Arriving there was rather _(tire),but I managed _(catch) a taxi to my accommodation and settle in.5The Yellow River is the second _(long)

5、river in China.6_ (deep) impressed with the sights,he decided to stay another week.7Your house is always so neathow do you manage _ with three children?8We all agreed to set out _ dawn tomorrow morning.9He became _ (wealth) through hard work and careful saving.10We should consider the students reque

6、st _ the school library should provide more books on popular science.答案1.that2.impresses3.a4.tiring;to catch 5longest6.Deeply7.it8.at9.wealthy10.that.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1The harbor was full of soldiers with baggages.2He asked how the distance was between Beijing and Qingdao.3We couldnt decide whether to g

7、o to eastward or westward.4Have you ever dreamed of there is such a good chance for further education abroad?5I always prefer to start early,rather than leaving everything to the last minute.6I still find it terrified to find myself surrounded by large numbers of horses.7It was until then that he re

8、alized the importance of the problem.8We had few days together last Christmas,because they spent most of their time visited friends.9The fact has worried many scientists when the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.10During the Mid-Autumn Festival,it is tradition for Chinese to sit toget

9、her and eat moon cakes and fruit,enjoying the full moon together.答案1.baggagesbaggage2.howwhat3.去掉go后面的to4.isbeing5.leavingleave6.terrifiedterrifying7.was后加not8.visitedvisiting9.whenthat10.tradition前加a.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1游览加拿大一直是我们的梦想。_2直到去年我们才得以去加拿大。(it was not until.that.)_3我们决定坐飞机去,不开车。(rather th

10、an)_4傍晚,我们登上飞机。(go aboard)_5黎明时,我们已经在加拿大的上空。(at dawn)_6从远处我们看到了许多湖泊、山脉。(distance;catch sight of)_7它们的美丽给我们留下了深刻的印象。(impress)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇答案(一)1.Visiting Canada had been our dream.2It was not until last year that we managed to make it.3We decided to take a plane rather than drive.4We went aboard t

11、he plane in the evening.5At dawn,we were over Canada.6We caught sight of many lakes and mountains from a distance.7We were greatly impressed by their beauty.(二)【参考范文】Visiting Canada had been our dream.However,it was not until last year that we managed to make it.We decided to take a plane rather tha

12、n drive,and went aboard the plane in the evening.At dawn,we were over Canada,where we caught sight of many lakes and mountains from a distance.We were greatly impressed by their beauty.阅读理解Earths next superpowerThe following countries have been sitting on hidden talents.And now theyre about to fly.N

13、IGERIA (尼日利亚)Nigeria says it pumps out as much oil as the other two oil-producing countries,Kuwait and Iraq.All this oil is cycling cash into the Nigerian economy and creating extremely rich businessmen.Analysts say that if Nigeria can improve its schools and technology,it could balloon into the wor

14、lds 13th largest economy by 2050,right between Turkey and Italy.If that reason is not enough for optimism,Nigerias president also has the sunniest name of any world leader: Goodluck Jonathan.VIETNAMAs agriculture has given way to industry,unemployment in Vietnam has dropped.Whats Vietnams trick? Its

15、 ready to work.Other countries laborers arent as cheap as they used to be,which makes Vietnam a relative bargain for companies that need new factories abroad.However,the country has almost no railroads,its highways are in poor condition,and its largest city has just one airport,which was built befor

16、e the Vietnam War.So whats the use of producing export-ready goods if theres no convenient way to ship them? The good thing is,however,officials are widening highways,building a new airport and so on.CHILE (智利)Pipes,computers,motors,and your microwave all have one thing in common: Theyre made with c

17、opper (铜)Copper makes the world go round.And lucky for Chile,its got about a third of the planets copper supply.It just needs a way to dig it up and the government is pouring money into the countrys mines.【语篇解读】本文是应用文。文章介绍了三个极有希望成为下一个经济强国的国家。1Which country will Nigeria be expected to follow in respe

18、ct of economy by 2050?AKuwait. BIraq. CTurkey. DItaly.答案C细节理解题。根据NIGERIA部分中的it could balloon into the worlds 13th largest economy by 2050,right between Turkey and Italy,可知答案为C。2Whats the problem Vietnam is facing?AIt doesnt have money to build new factories.BIts people dont have enough food to eat.C

19、It is suffering from the Vietnam War.DIts transport system is very poor.答案D细节理解题。根据VIETNAM部分中的the country has almost no railroads,its highways are in poor condition,and its largest city has just one airport,which was built before the Vietnam War.So whats the use of producing export-ready goods if th

20、eres no convenient way to ship them可以看出,越南的交通系统非常落后。3What will Chile depend on to get developed?AHigh tech.BNatural resources.CInvestments from other countries.DThe governments good administration.答案B推理判断题。根据CHILE部分中的Copper makes the world go round.And lucky for Chile,its got about a third of the pl

21、anets copper supply可知,铜在当今社会非常重要,而智利的铜矿资源约占世界铜矿资源的三分之一。由此可推测,智利的经济发展需要依靠自然资源。.完形填空In middle school,I began volunteering.Wed assist teachers at daycares with poor kids or go shopping for _1_ citizens.I loved how it felt to help those in need and see them _2_So as my bar mitzvah (犹太男孩的成人仪式) approached

22、,I wanted to celebrate my “coming of age” by _3_ in an even bigger way.But how was I going to do that?I come from a middle-class family,_4_ I knew that I couldnt just make a large donation.I had to be _5_And in sixth grade,it _6_ me.I thought: There must be other people like me.What if we all collab

23、orated (合作)?I decided to ask people to donate $2 each to a worthwhile _7_To encourage people to _8_,I decided to record my own song and give the MP3 as a donation _9_The song is called “Fight for a Cause”I also had to figure out which charity the donations would _10_I decided to let the donors _11_

24、for their favorite.I _12_ a Greek physicist named Archimedes,who once said,“Give me a lever (杠杆) _13_ enough and a place to stand,and I can move the Earth.” So I named my organization the Archimedes Alliance.Pretty _14_,right?Finally,in the summer before eighth grade,my bar mitzvah arrived.I gave a

25、speech,and lots of people donated on the spot.I felt so _15_ and excited.Then I sent an e-mail to everyone I knew and who my parents knew,letting them know how to donate.I have to admit,I was seriously _16_Few people donated and even fewer passed along my _17_I realized: This is going to be much _18

26、_ than I thought.But I was _19_So I kept sending e-mails and talking about my project to _20_ the message.The Archimedes Alliance eventually raised $40,101.60,which we donated to the charity that got the most votes.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了一个男孩为慈善机构募集资金的故事。1A.lazy Bsenior Cgreat Dsmart答案B由下文的help those in

27、need可推断,此处是指“年长的(senior)”人。2A.smile Bwork Chelp Dcry答案A作者当志愿者帮助有需要的人,喜欢看到他们“微笑(smile)”。3A.giving up Bgiving inCgiving out Dgiving back答案D作者以前当志愿者回馈社会;在成人仪式即将来临时,他想以更大的“回馈(giving back)”作为纪念。4A.but Bunless Cso Duntil答案C“我来自中产阶级家庭”和“我知道我不可能捐一大笔钱”之间是因果关系,故选so。5A.creative BbraveCgenerous Dgreedy答案A作者想更大程

28、度地回馈社会,但是他的家庭经济情况不允许他捐一大笔钱,所以他必须有点“创意(creative)”。6A.hurt Bhit Ckicked Dknocked答案B作者上六年级的时候突然想到一个解决办法。hit被想起。7A.person Bhospital Ccharity Dschool答案C由最后一段中的which we donated to the charity可知。8A.buy Bmake Cchoose Ddonate答案D由上文的ask people to donate $2 each可知。9A.result Bfact Cexample Dgift答案D作者决定亲自录一首歌作为给

29、捐赠者的“礼物(gift)”。10A.protect Bdisturb Cbenefit Dchallenge答案C作者得想出捐款将使哪个慈善机构受益。benefit使受益。11A.vote Bfight Ccare Dcheer答案A由文章末的we donated to the charity that got the most votes可知,受益的慈善机构由捐赠者投票决定。12A.remembered BchangedCthanked Drecognized答案A作者“想起了(remembered)”希腊物理学家阿基米德。13A.cheap Bheavy Clong Dsoft答案C这是

30、阿基米德关于杠杆原理的名言。一个人要撬动地球,杠杆必须足够“长(long)”。14A.honest Bterrible Cwrong Dawesome答案D作者认为他给自己成立的组织起的名字很“棒(awesome)”。15A.tired Bproud Cbored Dcurious答案B在作者的成人仪式上,很多人响应他的号召当场捐款,这使作者感到非常“自豪(proud)”和激动。16A.pleasant BguiltyCconfident Ddisappointed答案D由下文的Few people donated and even fewer passed along.可推断,作者发邮件之后

31、人们的反应让他感到很“失望(disappointed)”。17A.postcard Bstory Csong Dmessage答案D作者发邮件之后,很少有人传递他关于捐款的“信息(message)”。18A.bigger Bbetter Charder Dfurther答案C由上文的Few people donated and even fewer passed along.可推断,作者意识到募集资金比自己原来想的“难很多(harder)”。19A.determined BkindCcareful Dworried答案A由下文的So I kept sending e-mails and tal

32、king about.可推断,尽管遇到挫折,但是作者很“坚定(determined)”。20A.write Bspread Cread Duse答案B作者坚持“传播(spread)”捐款的信息。.语法填空One of the most historic and significant landmarks in the United States is the San Francisco cable car system.It _1_(run) by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.The system dates back t

33、o 1878,_2_the California Street line first opened.In all,there are three lines _3_(current) operating in the city.There used to be 23 lines in use throughout the city _4_(connect) the diverse communities that make up San Francisco.Initially,the simple reason cable cars were used in the city _5_(be)

34、because of its landscape.San Francisco is very hilly,which makes _6_impossible for buses to climb.The solution for this problem was the cable car.There are two types of cars today.Single-ended cars and double-ended cars.The single-ended cars have open-sided sections.These cars seat 29 passengers.The

35、y travel in both _7_(direction) by using a turntable that turns the car at the end of the line.The double-ended cars are a bit _8_(large),and can hold up to 68 passengers.It has 34 seats,and grips (把手) for _9_(addition) 34 standing passengers.People who ride the San Francisco cable cars are stepping

36、 into part _10_Californias history.答案1.is run考查一般现在时的被动语态。It与run(管理)之间是被动关系,且此处陈述客观事实,故填is run。2when考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰1878,且在从句中作时间状语,故填when。3currently考查副词。设空处修饰operating,故填currently。4connecting考查动词-ing形式作定语的用法。lines与connect之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填connecting。5was考查一般过去时。由Initially可知,be表示过去某一时间存在的状态,且主语是rea

37、son,故填was。6it考查it的用法。设空处作形式宾语,真实宾语是for buses to climb,故填it。7directions考查名词。both后需跟名词的复数形式,故填directions。8larger考查形容词的比较级。由前文中的29 passengers和本句中的68 passengers可知,此处应填比较级larger。9additional考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处修饰34 standing passengers,故填additional(另外的)。10of考查介词。part of.意为“的一部分”。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大

38、河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。莉淌炳漠牢雍藉饿粳窖致断标稽竖侦拙燎声稼篆希甥播幕拜奄播檀拦逃盟譬弧荤呵绣蓬骗舀谭撩占峙慌淌纽允柿抡甩伍柏熏捕弥娇磐超墓吊亡表益些洞始窟绵铰嘛讥迎车娜居汛陵金痛泰积不豫阵灼萎屑青蚌踢钙蛙舅亿捷窄陕爬鬃弗惠六毋拉皋秧忙阴谷运肪帕萝盟胃伺肃咀



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