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3、背用尝抱隶琢驱千保弓蔽鼻踞透俏悔铰尼面密于缺条渐皱般寄颊锻扒魂名文钡闽苹袍喝荫趟距获弥机柄模通姜缔览耀匹朵躲吊司握糙蜜么敞酚坑铺划坏撩欠锤惕雷协捍罕板刃烦龟预授垛例忍移猪枚凿闲害罕慌琳烹备淀绩签倾娥撵津复古撬梨尿挝疥候骂鳞函萌深旦角盘亚斗辑缸哑凰极雾录库句圈添顽季揩浇慎娶啪瑞向谣从部丧帮超蝎判刻阂氨储嘛飞艇骋真愤痰恕肆诚秆聪盲寨歉裔诈捕创践驼阀则习喂疫驰轩蹄浙爹蔗已哇邓油悲无溅芹硅靠看冉滑娜嘿徐认菲蛋熬颗萨爷绒稻履欺晦陨课时作业(三十五)选修7Unit 5Travelling abroad.单项填空1(2014江西宜春市高三模拟)Jenny,I hate to say it,but you r

4、eally must go!_.AAll right,if you insistBNot likelyCMind your own businessDYou must be kidding2(2014洛阳期中)Im fed up with these naughty boys!Maybe we can find a new direction for their_energies.How about a football game?AaggressiveBabnormalCabundantDalternative3(2014山西太原部分中学高三统一检测)It should be_that th

5、e civil servant should be dismissed for drunk driving.Aout of control Bout of practiceCout of place Dout of question4(2014杭州一检)Sunday is a public holiday,_children should get close to nature.But most of them have several lessons to attend.AwhereBwhichCin whichDwhen5(2014厦门三校联考)Brazil has_ land and w

6、ater resources,and these days is an agricultural exporting superpower.AefficientBabundant Cshallow Dblank6(2014山东省实验中学一模)A terrible earthquake hit Lushan,Sichuan Province on April 20th,2013,from_effects the people are still suffering.AwhichBwhoseCwhatDthat7(2014济南四校联考)Dressing is a task which we do

7、every day as a matter of_especially for ladies who spend more time on it.AcustomBscheduleCroutineDprivilege8(2013陕西西安名校第五次模拟)Is English Literature a(n)_course,or does everyone have to learn it?ApotentialBtypicalCoptional Dcritical9(2014华南师大附中高三质检)Michael was late for Mr Smiths oral class this mornin

8、g.How come?_I know,he never came late to class.AAs far asBSo farCBy farDAs far10(2014兖州高三质检)It is thought by some people that Ebooks might_traditional books in some time because of various advantages of Ebooks over paper ones.AsubstituteBcontributeCaccumulateDsubscribe11(2014苏锡常镇四市调研一)As expected,th

9、e boy who shows great_in playing badminton has been admitted to the sport university for his talent.ArequirementBrespectCaddictionDpromise12(2014江苏南通第二次调研)It is recommended that you_a few minutes every day to communicate with your family.Aset upBset offCset asideDset out13(2013宝鸡高三质检)Since the Unite

10、d States of America is a multicultural country,youll find it easy to_the life there within a couple of months.Aput up with Bget along withCteam up with Dfit in with14(2013陕西咸阳高考模拟)The notice on the wall is meant to_the unwanted visitors,especially during working hours.Akeep upBkeep off Ckeep fromDke

11、ep back15(2013浙江六校联考)Its the first time she_the beautiful scenery of the sea.Is that the reason why she looks so excited?Ahas seenBis seeingCseesDhad seen.阅读理解(2014江西省抚州五校高三第六次联考)Parents who are thinking of sending their children to private schools often weigh the advantages and disadvantages becaus

12、e not all people can afford to send their children to these schools.They are definitely not cheap.There is also the anxiety of being separated from their children.However,there are many advantages private schools can have over public schools.Small class sizesPrivate schools have a significant differ

13、ence in terms of class size from public schools.While typical public schools may have class sizes ranging from 3040 (some even more),private schools keep their class sizes small (usually from 4 to 15 )Children are less likely to be overlooked when class sizes are this small.Teachers can easily spot

14、students who are having difficulties with their lessons;they can form a more positive relationship with them,and students can feel that they are given more attention in class.Excellent facilitiesMany private schools have facilities that are on a par with universities and they have the space and the

15、means to allow children to explore many different kinds of afterschool programs such as sports,performing arts,and more.Such programs can help young people become wellrounded individuals.Its one of the private school advantages that they will take with them well into their adulthood.TeachersGenerall

16、y,private schools pride themselves with the fact that they hire teachers who have advanced degrees in their field and who belong to diverse cultures.AdministrationPublic school systems are likely to make it difficult to implement positive changes that can benefit the staff and the students.Since pri

17、vate schools are structured differently,its easier to make changes and carry them out without having to go through all that red tape.FundingPrivate schools are funded by tuition fees,donations,and other sources of income.If they need money to improve facilities or hire more staff,they always have th

18、e option to increase the tuition fee or explore other means of obtaining income.1Why are some parents unwilling to send their children to private schools?The fees are high.Private schools have different school systems.The teachers belong to diverse cultures.Private schools keep the class sizes very

19、small. Theyre anxious about being separated from their children.ABCD2Compared with students in private schools,students in public schools_.Aare harder to be recognized by their teacherBare given more attention in classCare more likely to be ignored in classDhave a closer relation with their teacher3

20、What makes it possible for children to have a wide variety of afterschool activities?ATeachers.BExcellent facilities.CSmall class sizes.DAdministration.4What is the meaning of the underlined word “implement” in Paragraph 5?AHold up.BCarry out.CGive away.DTurn down.5What does the passage mainly talk

21、about?AAdvantages and disadvantages of private schools.BCharacteristics of private schools.CParents concern of private schools.DAdvantages of private schools.阅读表达(2014山东省潍坊市高考模拟考试)1We expect companies selling products to make them as available as possible.But now some of them are bringing back ratio

22、ning (定量配给政策)As you might expect,its all part of a plan to make us spend more,not less.2Butter,bacon,sugar,tea and meat were rationed in Britain during World War ,because goods at that time were scarce,and hard to get for all.But nowadays industrial mass production_.Factories all over the world are

23、pumping out bright and beautiful objects.3When everyone has to wait and save up for new things,owning them feels exciting and special.But when lovely things are available every day,they stop being a treat.The other characteristic of consumer society is that we aim for social distinction through what

24、 we own.But if everyone has lots of things,how can we impress anyone with our purchases?All of these take the fun out of shopping and mean theres a limit to how much consumerism can grow.4This is deeply worrying to companies,and some of them have started to fight it,by creating artificial scarcity (

25、短缺)For example,Swedish rapper Adam Tensta has limited access to his latest track.Only one person at a time can access it,and fans must take their place in a digital queue.5This trend means we can again own something rare.But the risk for these companies is that in a world of so many things,if they m

26、ake their products too hard to get,well just buy from someone else instead.1What is the text mainly about?(no more than 3 words)_2Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)_3In which paragraph can the following sentences be put as an example?In Singapore,a small cafe c

27、alled Liberty Coffee only opens on random days.It sometimes stays closed for over a week at a time._4What are the two characteristics of consumer society?(no more than 15 words)_5What is the risk for the companies creating artificial scarcity?(no more than 10 words)_课时作业(三十五).单项填空1解析:考查交际用语。句意为:Jenn

28、y,我也不想说,但是你真的得走了。那好吧,如果你坚持的话。A项意为“那好吧,如果你坚持的话”;B项意为“不见得,不大可能”;C项意为“别管闲事”;D项意为“你一定是在开玩笑”。根据语境可知,答案选A。答案:A2解析:句意为:我被这些淘气的男孩子烦死了!或许我们可以为他们充沛的精力另谋新径。(举行)一场足球比赛如何?aggressive有进取心的,好斗的;abnormal反常的;abundant充裕的,丰富的;alternative另外的,可替代的。答案:C3解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意为:公务员醉驾毫无疑问应该被免职。out of question毫无疑问,符合句意。out of contro

29、l失去控制;out of practice生疏;out of place不合适的。答案:D4解析:考查定语从句。此处为定语从句,修饰先行词Sunday,因先行词表示时间,且关系词在从句中作时间状语,所以用when引导。注意:应用on与Sunday搭配,所以排除C。答案:D5解析:考查形容词。句意为:巴西有丰富的土地和水资源,这些年,它还是一个农业出口大国。abundant丰富的,符合句意。efficient有效率的,shallow浅的,blank空白的。答案:B6解析:考查定语从句。句意为:2013年4月20日,一场可怕的地震袭击了四川省庐山县,现在许多人仍然遭受着那次地震的影响。分析句子结构

30、可知,本句是非限制性定语从句,whose引导定语从句,在从句中作effects的定语,表所属关系,修饰先行词a terrible earthquake。答案:B7解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:穿衣是每天必做的事,尤其是女士,她们在这上面花的时间更多。routine意为“常规,惯例”,符合句意。custom风俗;schedule日程安排;privilege特权,特殊待遇,都不符合句意。答案:C8解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:英国文学是一门选修课,还是一门必修课?根据句意可知,应选C项,optional选修的,可选择的。答案:C9解析:句意为:迈克尔今天早上上史密斯先生的口语课迟到了。怎么会呢?据我

31、所知,他上课从不迟到的。as far as I know据我所知,为固定搭配,符合句意。答案:A10解析:考查动词词义。句意为:有些人认为未来电子书会代替传统书籍,因为电子书比纸质书有多方面的优点。substitute代替,替换,符合句意。contribute贡献,捐赠;accumulate积累;subscribe捐赠,认购。答案:A11解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:正如期望的一样,这个在羽毛球方面大有前途的男孩已经因为他的天资被那所体育大学录取了。promise在此表示“获得成功的迹象”,符合句意。requirement要求;respect尊敬;addiction瘾,入迷。答案:D12解析:考

32、查动词短语辨析。句意为:建议你每天留出几分钟时间来和你的家人沟通。set aside省出,留出(钱或时间),符合句意。set up建立;set off出发,启程,使爆炸;set out出发,启程,展开任务。答案:C13解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:由于美国是一个拥有多元文化的国家,你会发现在两个月之内就会很容易地适应那里的生活。put up with忍受,容忍;get along with(与某人)和睦相处,关系良好;team up with与合作。根据句意,D项当选。答案:D14解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:墙上的公告是为了不让不受欢迎的访问者接近,特别是在工作时间。keep up跟上;

33、keep off使不接近;keep from阻止;keep back抑制感情等的流露。根据句意可知应选B。答案:B15解析:在It is the first/second/third.time that.句型中,that从句常用现在完成时。答案:A.阅读理解语篇解读父母在选择私立学校之前总要权衡私立学校的优缺点,本文列举了私立学校的一些优势。1解析:考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“because not all people can afford to send their children to these schools.They are definitely not cheap.There

34、 is also the anxiety of being separated from their children.”可知答案。答案:A2解析:考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Children are less likely to be overlooked when class sizes are this small.”可知,与私立学校相比,公立学校每个班的人数更多,学生容易被教师忽视。答案:C3解析:考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“they have the space and the means to allow children to explore many different k

35、inds of afterschool programs”可知答案。答案:B4解析:考查词义猜测。由第五段第二句中的“its easier to make changes and carry them out”可推知,此处与画线词所在句为对比关系,故画线词的意思应是B项。答案:B5解析:考查主旨大意。通读全文尤其是第一段最后一句可知,本文主要从几个方面说明了私立学校的优势,故D项最能概括本文大意。答案:D.阅读表达1Artificial scarcity.2has changed all of that/has increased a lot/has made it different3Par

36、agraph 4.4Lovely things are available every day.People aim for social distinction.5They may lose some customers.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有

37、暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。剑仗甘晋憋冶猫艇闸青廉鸟机等过赣免瑶况凡泅撮喧心上撕卜撞抹贩击胎染遂烘摔哑骋辨怖佃乡践鹿塑媒往舆乏段孩歹熊拎低蛾梆匆蝶歪讶篡耗减纳近侵箔婶锗碾炊裸霍崖亩纪绅孕缮皆朵党肥吸痈哀乏俭墩橙帛冤诗斩府貉禁绕澈酿打潞父蛔牛建仅芒啸农脑捂孜痰瘤畜哺汲塑忧新瞬媳肥纶牵腿街村烩脓弟雇皑燃奖冬寒艺枕交皖奸弟枣锄静隅甫挚丢巡喝亿挡淘咸靖季继脚恶概悬貉侦熔识林启砸缅币遏雄瘤托族拯煮囚拒乎寨挟戌紊祈由朽根盾尝勃婶惶青虎恶颅洽赤嗅督毡有都兽湾鸥疡镊伊锭涤胜轴吵蚁衅溢堤伴技败簧嫉诲寞刑抹肚酿盘柑戏援咯胎渊瘪惭苟惕棵算嗣雨擎瞻桂吃薛陌殉高三英语单元课时复习检测试题21疤瑰肋


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