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1、上海市北郊高级中学2022年高一英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Professor Li is the person to _ you should write.A. whom B. who C. which D. whose参考答案:A略2. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library.A. way B. passage C. approach D. access参考答案:D略3. The children and animal

2、s _ we saw in the picture were cute.A. that B. when C. which D. what参考答案:A4. . He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he were _ from the outside world. A. cut down B. cut off C. cut in D. cut through 参考答案:B略5. What do you think of his latest novel? -_ on a true moving story, it attracts a

3、lot of readers. A. Being based B. To based C. Basing D. Based参考答案:D略6. Great changes _ in China in the past 20 years.Atook place Bhave taken placeCwere taken place Dhave been taken place参考答案:B7. _! Neo runs _ faster than Tim.A. What a wonderful competition it is, too B. What a wonderful competition

4、is, a lotC. How wonderful the competition it is, quite D. How wonderful the competition is, much参考答案:D8. At the class meeting,some top students introduced several _ to the study of English.Aapproaches BmeansCmethods Dways参考答案:A略9. Do you know the year _Einstein died?A. when B. at which C. for when D

5、. in when参考答案:A10. The trains late arrival made _ quite impossible to get to Shanghai before eleven.A. them B. itC. thisD. what参考答案:B11. Never gone through such pains since his childhood.A. he has B. has he C. he did D. did he参考答案:A12. John prefers_ alone rather than_ with his co-workers in his spar

6、e time.A. to stay; gossip B. staying; gossipC. to stay; gossiping D. to stay; to gossip参考答案:A考查不定式。句意:在业余时间,John喜欢一个呆着,也不愿意和他的同事聊天。固定结构:prefer to dorather than do(喜欢做而不喜欢做)。故选A.13. He made friends with a man last year, _ he thought was of great importance to his future.A. whomB. thatC. whoD. which参考

7、答案:C考查定语从句。去年,他叫了一位男朋友,他认为哪位男士对他的未来很重要。此处who引导定语从句做主语,he thought做插入语。29The city was attacked by terrible weather few citizens had ever experienced before.A. so ; asB. so ; thatC. such ; thatD. such ; as【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句。第一空,空后接的是形容词+不可数名词,因此使用such;第二空,experienced 后缺少宾语,所以用as引导定语从句,并在从句中作宾语。注意在such. th

8、at.结构中,that引导结果状语从句,that在从句中不充当任何成分。30 Where did you find the wallet I lost yesterday? It was on the playground _ we played basketball.A .thatB. whereC. whichD. when【答案】B【解析】考查定语从句。句意:-你在哪找到我昨天丢失的钱包?-那正是在我们打篮球的操场上(找到的)。此处that引导定语从句。14. Yesterday she told me that she had met her online friend for the

9、 first time _.A. for two years B. two years before C. two years ago D. before two years参考答案:B略15. Sales director is a position_communication ability is just as important as sales skills. A. which B.that C. where D.when参考答案:C16. _ the weather has turned out fine, lets go out for a picnic. A. Because

10、ofB. ForC. Since thatD. Now that参考答案:D17. The story was completely untrue and was successfully in court.A. defendedB. challengedC. controlledD. repeated参考答案:B18. Its so nice to hear from her. _, we last met more than thirty years ago.A. Whats more B. That is to say C. In other words D. Believe it or

11、 not参考答案:D二、 短文改错19. 单句改错56.Our Greek cities used to competing against each other just for the honour of winning.57.It was impossible for people to carry the large stone statues, many of them were too heavy.58.Competitors deserve a good nights sleep so lights will turned off 10 pm each night.59.What

12、 do you know the five rings on the Olympics flag stands for?60.All of the elevators in the building are examined every other month on a regularly basis. 参考答案:56. competing改为compete 57. them改为which 58. turned前加be59. stands改为stand 60. regularly改为regular20. My son Joey was born with club feet(天生特厚的畸形脚)

13、. The doctors assured us that with treatment he would be able to walk_21_, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life were_22_in surgery(手术). By the time he was eight, you wouldnt know he had a _23_when you saw him walk.The children in our neighborhood ran around as most childr

14、en do during_24_, and Joey would jump right in, run and play, too. We_25_told him that he probably wouldnt be able to _26_ as well as the other children. So he didnt know.In seventh grade he _27_to go out for the cross-country team. Every day he _28_ with the team. He worked harder and ran _29_ than

15、 any of the othersperhaps he sensed that the_30_that seemed to come naturally to so many others did not come naturally to him._31_the entire team runs, only the top seven runners have the potential to_32_points for the school. We didnt tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didnt know

16、.He_33_to run four to five miles a day, every day even the day he had a 103-degree fever. I was_34_, so I went to look for him after school. I found him _35_all alone. I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He had two more_36_to go. The sweat ran down his face and his eyes were glassy from his fe

17、ver._37_he looked straight ahead and kept running.Two weeks later, the names of the team runners were_38_. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had made the team. He was in_39_grade the other six team members were all eighth-graders. We never told him he shouldnt_40_to make the team. We never told

18、him he couldnt do it so he didnt know. He just did it.21. A. quickly B. slowly C. normally D. comfortably22. A. spent B. wasted C. suffered D. lost23. A. pain B. problem C. treatment D. surgery24. A. holidays B. day C. fun D. play25. A. seldom B. never C. always D. once26. A. study B. run C. walk D.

19、 behave27. A. decided B. preferred C. refused D. agreed28. A. gathered B. camped C. trained D. competed29. A. more slowly B. less C. faster D. more30. A. ability B. strength C. power D. energy31. A. Since B. Because C. After D. Although32. A. increase B. score C. hold D. take33. A. continued B. stop

20、ped C. liked D. hoped34. A. sad B. surprised C. angry D. worried35. A. running B. resting C. crying D. sleeping36. A. tests B. miles C. lessons D. examinations37. A. Otherwise B. So C. Yet D. Thus38. A. included B. found C. shown D. announced39. A. sixth B. eighth C. seventh D. fifth40. A. manage B.

21、 determine C. expect D. attempt参考答案:21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. A 36. B 37. C 38. D 39. C 40. C本文讲述作者的儿子的脚天生畸形,经过手术后能正常行走但不能象其他孩子那样跑,但作者并没有把这一点告诉儿子。后来儿子决定参加学校越野长跑队,凭着坚强的毅力和刻苦的训练终于脱颖而出被校队选中。【21题详解】考查副词辨析Aquickly很快;Bslowly慢慢地;Cnormally自然地;Dco

22、mfortably舒适地;句意:医生许诺说经过治疗,他能走路但不 能跑。根据下方提到would never run very well.可知能走但不能跑,故选C项。【22题详解】考查动词辨析Aspent 花费;Bwasted浪费;Csuffered遭受;Dlost失去;句意:他三岁之前一起在做手术。Spend time in sth 花费时间在,上,故A项。【23题详解】考查名词辨析Apain痛苦;Bproblem问题;Ctreatment治疗;Dsurgery手术;句意:到他八岁时,当他走路时,你不会看出他有问题。根据上文提到The doctors promised us that with

23、 treatment he would be able to walk , but would never run very well.可知走路没有问题,故选 B项。【24题详解】考查名词辨析Aholidays假期; Bday白天;Cfun有趣;Dplay玩;句意:玩的时候,其它的孩子跑呀跳呀,我的儿子也能。根据文中出现and Joey would jump right in, run and play, too.可知选D项。【25题详解】考查副词辨析Aseldom很少 ;Bnever决不;Calways 一直;Donce曾经;句意:我们没有告诉他,他不能象其它孩子那样中跑;根据第三段提到We

24、 didnt tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didnt know. 可知孩子并且不知道,故选B项。【26题详解】考查动词辨析Astudy学习;Brun跑;Cwalk 走;Dbehave表现;句意:我们没有告诉他,他不能象其它孩子那样中跑;根据第三段提到We didnt tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didnt know. 可知孩子并且不知道,故选B项。【27题详解】考查动词辨析Adecided决定;Bpreferred喜欢;Crefused

25、拒绝;Dagreed同意 ;句意:在七年级时,他决定去参加越野队。Decide to do 决定做某事,故选A项。【28题详解】考查动词辨析Agathered聚集;Bcamped 野营;Ctrained训练;Dcompeted比赛。句意:每天他跟队去训练。根据语境既然去参加越野队,就得训练,故选C项。【29题详解】考查副词辨析Amore slowly更慢;Bless更少;Cfaster更快;Dmore更多;句意:他比其它孩子更努力,跑得更多。根据下方提到perhaps he sensed that the that seemed to come naturally to so many oth

26、ers did not come naturally to him.比别人跑得更多,故选D项。【30题详解】考查名词辨析Aability能力;Bstrength力量;Cpower力量;Denergy精力;句意:儿子训练刻苦是因为自己已经隐隐约约地意识到了自己的残疾,即缺乏与生俱来的跑的能力,故选A项。【31题详解】考查连词辨析ASince自从;BBecause因为;CAfter在。之后 ;DAlthough虽然 ;句意:虽然整个队伍只有七人能有机会得分。两个句子是转折关系故选D项。【32题详解】考查动词辨析Aincrease增加;Bscore得分;Chold抓住;Dtake带走;句意:虽然整个

27、队伍只有七人能有机会得分。Score point 得分,故选B项。【33题详解】考查动词辨析Acontinued继续;Bstopped停止 ;Cliked喜欢;Dhoped希望;句意:他每天增加一里。根据本句话中提到run four to five miles a day, every day可见是继续跑,故选A项。【34题详解】考查形容词辨析Asad悲伤的;Bsurprised吃惊的;Cangry生气的;Dworried担心的;句意:我很担心。根据下方提到so I went to look for him after school.可见是很担心他,故选D项。【35题详解】考查动词辨析Arun

28、ning跑;Bresting休息;Ccrying 哭泣;Dsleeping睡觉;句意:我发现他独自一个人跑。Find sb doing 发现某人正在某事,故选A项。【36题详解】考查名词辨析Atests 考试;Bmiles里;Clessons课程;Dexaminations考试;句意:他还要多跑两里。根据本段第一句话提到He to run four to five miles a day, every day他要多跑,故选B项。【37题详解】考查连词辨析AOtherwise否则;BSo因此;CYet然而;DThus因此;句意:然而他仍然直视前方,继续跑。根据上文提到The sweat ran

29、down his face and his eyes were glassy(目光呆滞的) from his fever.发着烧,流着汗,仍然继续,故选C项。【38题详解】考查动词辨析Aincluded包括;Bfound发现;Cshown展示;Dcalled打电话;句意:二周之后,名单公布。根据下方提到Joey was number six on the list. Joey had made the team.可知选D项。【39题详解】考查数词辨析Asixth第六;Beighth 第八;Cseventh第七;Dfifth第五;根据倒数第三段提到In seventh grade he to g

30、o out for the cross-country team可知选C项。【40题详解】考查动词辨析Amanage管理;Bdetermine决定;Cexpect期望;Dattempt企图;句意:我们一直希望他能对此抱有希望。根据下方提到We never told him he couldnt do it so he didnt know. He just did it选C项。三、 阅读理解21. The word “sport” first meant something that people did in their free time. Later it often meant hun

31、ting wild animals and birds. About a hundred years ago the word was first used for organized games. This is the usual meaning of the word today. People spend a lot of their spare time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports. Such people play because they want to. A few people are

32、paid for the sport they play. These people are called professional sportsmen. They may be sportsmen for only a few years, but during that time the best ones can earn a lot of money. For example, a professional footballer in England earns more than 30,000 dollars a year. The stars earn a lot more. In

33、ternational golf and tennis champions can make more than 500,000 dollars a year. Of course, only a few sportsmen can earn as much money as that.Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen and money is that the stars can earn more money from advertising than from sports. An advertisement for sp

34、orts equipment does not simply say “Buy our things”. It says “Buy the same shirt and shoes as ”. Famous sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow the companies to use their names or a photograph of them and they are paid for this. Sport is no longer just something for peo

35、ples spare time.59. The word “sport” now usually means _ .A. organized games B. hunting wild animals and birdsC. what people do in their spare time D. something people are paid to do60. According to the passage, an international golf champion can make _ in a year.A. more than 500,000 dollars B. more

36、 than 30,000 dollarsC. 500,000 dollars D. 30,000 dollars61. Whatsurprisespeoplemostisthat_.A. theword“sport”meanthuntinganimalsB. thestarsgetmoremoneyfromadvertising than from sportsC. professionalsportsmenarepaidforwhattheydoD. onlyafewsportsmencanearn$500,000ayear参考答案:AAB22. Many years ago, when I

37、 was fresh out of school and working in Denver, I was driving to my parents home in Missouri for Christmas. I stopped at a gas station (加油站) about 50 miles from Oklahoma City, where I was planning to stop and visit a friend. While I was standing in line at the cash register (收款台), I said hello to an

38、 older couple who were also paying for gas.I took off, but had gone only a few miles when black smoke poured from the back of my car. I stopped and wondered what I should do. A car pulled up behind me. It was the couple that I had spoken to at the gas station. They said they would take me to my frie

39、nds. We chatted on the way into the city, and when I got out of the car, the husband gave me his business card.I wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helping me. Soon afterward, I received a Christmas present from them. Their note that came with it said that helping me had made their holidays

40、 meaningful.Years later, I drove to a meeting in a nearby town in the morning. In the late afternoon I returned to my car and found that Id left the lights on all day, and the battery (电池) was dead. Then I noticed that the Friendly Ford dealership a shop selling cars was right next door. I walked ov

41、er and found two salesmen in the showroom.“Just how friendly is Friendly Ford?” I asked and explained my trouble. They quickly drove a pickup truck to my car and started it. They would accept no payment, so when I got home, I wrote them a note to say thanks. I received a letter back from one of the

42、salesman. No one had ever taken the time to write him and say thank you, and it meant a lot, he said.“Thank you” two powerful words. Theyre easy to say and mean so much.46. The author planned to stop at Oklahoma City _.A. to visit a friend B. see his parentsC. to pay at the cash register D. to have

43、more gas for his car47. The underlined words “took off” in Paragraph 2 means “_”.A. turned off B. moved off C. put up D. set up48. What happened when the author found smoke coming out of his car?A. He had it pulled back to the gas station.B. The couple sent him a business card.C. The couple offered

44、to help him.D. He called his friend for help.49. The battery of the authors car was dead because _.A. something went wrong with the lights.B. the meeting lasted a whole dayC. he forgot to turn off the lightsD. he drove too long a distance50. By telling his own experiences, the author tries to show _.A. how to write a thank-you letterB. how to deal with car problemC. the kind-heartedness of older peopleD. the importance of expressing thank

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