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1、小升初英语入学测试 姓名 _ 学校_ 联络 _I. 按规定写出下列单词:(20分)leaf(复数)_ 2.write(同音词)_ 3. mouth(复数)_ 4. them(主格)_ 5.radio(复数)_ 6. teach(过去式)_ 7.down(反义词)_ 8. one (序数词)_ 9.study(三单)_ 10.do(第三人称单数)_II.用所给词旳合适形式填空:(10分)1. Lilys brother (like) playing football. 2. Im going to (stay) at home today.3. -May I use _(you) bicycle

2、? -Im sorry. _(My) is not here.4. I want (borrow) a book.5. My grandma _(watch)TV every day . 6. This is an (interest) story.7. He keeps four _ (sheep).8. What are your parents_ (hobby)?9. My (mother) job is teaching.10. Our school is (difference) from hers.IV选择填空:(30分)( ) 1. _ like English. A. Ever

3、ything B. Everybody C. All D. Every ( ) 2. Peter has a lot of . A. toys carsB. toy car C . toys car D. toy cars( ) 3. There is useful book on the desk. A. aB. anC . / D. the( ) 4. He enjoys football. A. to play B. play C. playing D. /( ) 5. It is cold in Beijing, but the weather in Hainan is differe

4、nt from in Beijing.A. it B. that C. weather D. to( ) 6. I live Tianjin , but my father lives a farm.A. in , inB in , on C on , on D on , in ( ) 7. His son does well collecting stamps. A. atB. for C. in D. of ( ) 8. I want a room my own. A. of B. by C. on D. in ( ) 9. Here are some flowers _ our best

5、 wishes. A. to B. with C. for D. of( ) 10. When is _? - September the tenth. A. Teachers Day B. The Teacher Day ?C. The Teachers Day D. Teachers Day( ) 11. The farmers want to learn the most corn . A. what to get B. where to get C. which to get D. how to get ( ) 12. Can they finish pictures? A. draw

6、 B. drawing C. to draw D. draws( ) 13. This is Susan King. We usually call her _.? A. Miss Susan B. Mrs Susan C. Miss King D. Mr Susan( ) 14. We are in classes . A. the different B. the same C. different D. same ( ) 15. He often makes interesting things show his hobbies. A. for B. by C. of D. to V 句

7、型转换:(10分)1. My sister has breakfast every day.(改为一般疑问句)_ your sister _ breakfast every day?2. She is a beautiful girl. (变为感慨句) _ _ beautiful girl she is!3.He swims in winter. (反意疑问句) He swims in winter , _ _? 4. You put a leaf on the paper. (改为祈使句) _ _a leaf on the paper.5.We usually go to school by

8、 bus. (一般疑问句)Do you usually go to school by bus? _, _ _. 情景交际,选择最佳答案。(10分) ( )1、当你想懂得Tom在做什么时,应说: A、What are they doing? B.What is Tom doing? ( )2、你想懂得Amy 与否在操场上,应说: A Amy is in the piaygroud。 B Is Amy in the playgroud? ( )3、你想告诉大家Lulu正在教室唱歌,应说: A Lulu is singing in the classroom now。 B Lulu is not

9、singing in the classroom。 ( )4、你想告诉妈妈水池里没有水,你应当说: A.There is no water in the pool。 B.There arent water in the pool。 ( )5、你想告诉他人你常常做运动,应说: A.I often play at the sports centre。 B.I often do sports。VII.阅读理解: (10分) Bob is old enough to go to school. On the first day, his teacher teaches him three words,

10、 “I, you, he.” Then the teacher says, “ I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate.” When school is over, Bob goes home. His mother asks him. “What does your teacher teach you today?” Bob says with a smile, “Listen, Mum and Dad, I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your clas

11、smates.” His mother says, “No, dear. You are wrong.” Then she says, “I am your mother. You are my son. He is your father.” The next day, Bobs teacher asks Bob to make sentences. Bob stands up and says, “Im your mother. You are my son. He is your father.” All the students in Bobs class laugh(笑).( )1.

12、 Bob is a student.( )2. Bobs mother teaches him three words.( )3. There are three people in Bobs family.( )4. Bobs mother is the teacher of his class.( )5. Bob gives his teacher the wrong answer. 选答语。(10分) ()1. Whose birds are these ? A. Yes, there are.()2. How can I get there ? B. Yes, there is. ()3. Is there a zoo over there ? C. Some desks. ()4. Whats in the room ? D. Go down the street ()5. Are there any boys there ? E. Theyre yours.

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