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1、工业技术乙烯工业2 0 2 4,3 6(1)2 1 2 3ETHYLENE INDUSTRY丁二烯装置循环气压缩机出口消音器及管道振动原因分析及改造张小伟,冯敏,盛盛楠,巨涛,蒋峰(中国石油天然气股份有限公司独山子石化分公司,新疆独山子8 3 3 6 9 9)摘要:针对某化工企业螺杆压缩机出口消音器及管道振动问题,对原排气管道进行了气流脉动和管道振动分析,结合现场管道振动实测数据,找到管道振动的主要原因并提出相应的改造措施。通过将消音器更换为三腔室阻抗复合式消音器,改变排气管道,增加支撑结构,加固热电偶支管等措施。改造后排气管道内各点的压力不均匀度均在API619的允许范围内,脉动平均降幅7

2、2%;高阶固有频率避开压缩机激发频率的1 0%,排气管道系统整体的一阶固有频率由4.57 2 Hz升至8.8 6 2 Hz,改造后的消音器振动值最大为3 2 mm/s,较改造前降低了6 4%;出口管道的振动值最大为1 0 mm/s,较改造前降低了8 7.5%,证明了改造措施的有效性。关键词:螺杆压缩机消音器管道振动解决措施某企业丁二烯装置自2 0 0 9 年开工以来,循环气压缩机出口消音器及管道一直存在振动隐患,振动引发消音器和管道焊缝疲劳开裂,导致多起物料泄漏事件发生,直接影响装置的安稳运行。2011年以来装置一直寻求振动治理改造的方法,2013年更换了消音器弹簧吊架,2 0 1 5年在消音

3、器壳体上安装抱卡及阻尼器,2 0 1 9 年按厂家新设计重新更换消音器,2 0 2 0 年在消音器入口增加节流孔板,多年来的多项措施均未能根治消音器的振动问题。1现场振动情况某企业丁二烯装置循环气压缩机为日本神户制钢生产的双螺杆式压缩机,2 0 0 9 年初次投用,其基本参数见表1。针对压缩机出口消音器和管道振动异常的问题,对压缩机的出口消音器和管道进行了数据监测,消音器本体振动最大值为9 0 mm/s,出口管道振动最大值为8 0 mm/s,频率为40 0 Hz,已达美国普渡压缩机技术协会关于机械振幅与振动频率的要求中的危险界限,必须立即进行改造治理。表1 循环气压缩机基本参数项目出口流量(标

4、准状态)/(mh-1)介质分子量进口压力(绝)/kPa出口压力(绝)/kPa入口温度/出口温度/阳转子转速/(rmin-)功率/kW消音器规格/mm2管道系统振动原因分析螺杆压缩机作为增压和输送气体的核心设备,管道振动威胁着压缩机系统的可靠性与经济性,而气流脉动是管道振动的重要激发源。压缩机管道系统中存在2 个振动系统:机械振动系统和气柱振动系统,压缩机管道系统是一个具有一收稿日期:2 0 2 3-0 1-0 6;修改稿收到日期:2 0 2 3-1 0-2 5。作者简介:张小伟,男,2 0 0 7 年毕业于长江大学过程装备与控制工程专业,工学学士,主要从事大检修和关键机组特护工作,高级工程师。

5、参数177851,3-丁二烯(9 2%)52159545451012.9501 500ID700269022定质量、刚度和阻尼的振动系统,管道内的气体就像可以压缩、膨胀的气柱,也是一个具有连续质量的弹性振动系统,而压缩机周期性吸排气就是气柱振动的激发源,导致管道系统内的压力脉动,在弯头、阀门等处产生不平衡的脉动激振力,进而激发管道振动。管道内气体发生气柱共振,管道发生结构共振,压缩机自身动平衡性能差、安装不中、基础和支承结构设计不当等均会引起管道振动。因此,针对螺杆压缩机排气管道振动问题,结合现场实测振动数据,对排气管道系统进行气流脉动和管道振动分析,找出管道振动的主要原因。2.1气流脉动分析

6、利用BentleyPuls对压缩机出口消音器及管道内气流脉动建模分析(见图1),压缩机排气管道压力不均匀度超过API619的允许值(见图2),会产生较大激振力,激发管道振动。API619中规定出口消音器及管道的气流脉动允许值为3.5kPa,对管道不同位置进行脉动幅值分析,发现出口消音器和管道的气流脉动实际值均超过了指标要求。221711乙烯工业200Hz,易发生共振,振动主要发生在仪表分支管部位(见图3),第48 49 阶模态接近气流倍频400Hz,易发生共振,振动主要集中在仪表分支、主管道弯头、消音器中段、及封头部位(见图4)。CASE:21194.2347.1z图3 固有频率2 0 0 H

7、z出口管路振动模态CASE48300.1650H2图4固有频率40 0 Hz出口管路振动模态3管道系统改造措施西安交通大学压缩机研究所通过理论计算及第3 6 卷25图1出口管路气流脉动模型10r86420391114172125振动部位图2 出口管路气流脉动模型数据分析2.2管道振动分析利用CAESAR对压缩机出口管道系统进行机械振动模态分析、谐振分析及动态响应分析,管道振动模态分析结果表明:原排气管道系统的一阶固有频率仅为4.57 2 Hz,管道整体刚性较差,极易引起振动。第2 0 2 2 阶接近气流主激发频率分析并结合现场实际排查确认,根据脉动和振动30分析计算结果提出消音器和管道改造合理

8、性评价31及改造方案,对出口管道各处支撑型式进行调整,对修改后的管道系统重新进行脉动分析计算,控制排气管道内各点的压力不均匀度在API619允允许值原管路许范围内,改变排气管道系统整体的一阶固有频率,增强管道的抗扰动性,高阶固有频率避开压缩机激发频率的1 0%,避免结构共振。最终确定改造方案为将出口消音器改为DN800的三腔室阻抗复合式消音器,压缩机出口短接改为1/4波长53138共鸣器,出口管道弹簧支架改为两组抗振性支架。出口管路改造前、后模型见图5。改造前图5出口管路改造前、后模型示意改造后15第3 6 卷4管道系统改造效果此次出口消音器及管道改造项目于2 0 2 2 年9月2 0 日实施

9、,9 月2 4日改造完成投人运行。通过监测,消音器的振动值最大为3 2 mm/s,降低了3倍;出口管道小接管连接法兰振动值最大为100(,-s.wu)/806040200出口短节茶消音器本体出口弯头出口法兰改造前;改造后图6 出口管道改造前、后振动分析数据对比5结语2019一2 0 2 2 年丁二烯装置循环气压缩机出口消音器及管道每年会发生因振动导致的泄漏事件发生,若发现不及时将导致恶性的着火爆炸事故发生,给安全生产带来极大的隐患。同时每次泄张小伟等.丁二烯装置循环气压缩机出口消音器及管道振动原因分析及改造23,15mm/s,降低了2 倍;出口管道的振动值最大为10mm/s,降低了8 倍,管道

10、主频率为2 0 0 Hz,降低了1 倍,属于美国普渡压缩机技术协会关于振幅的要求中的设计界限(安全界限)内,具体振动数值对比如图6 所示。管道管道弯头小接管漏必然会导致一次装置非计划循环或停工事件发生,造成大量的经济损失。消音器每个大修周期更换1 次,每次更换原进口消音器的费用为58 万元,现国产消音器的价格为2 1 万元,每个大修周期可节省3 7 万元。(上接第2 0 页)2)优化塔压工艺参数,C40 7 塔顶压力由1710kPa调整到1 6 50 kPa。调整优化后,丙烷中的丙烯在线含量A-14010由1 0%降至5%以下。调整前、后丙烯精馏塔塔底出口分析结果见表5。表5丙烯精馏塔塔底出口

11、物流分析数据,%数值项目2022-08-03T11:00丙烧84.43丙烯12.02MA+PD1.17丁烧0.18丁烯0.08丁二烯0.02Cs1.483结语丙烯精馏塔在进料量和组分保持不变,且在保证丙烯精馏塔侧线丙烯质量的前提下,通过降低C40 7 塔操作压力优化措施,C-407塔釜丙烷中的丙烯含量(体积分数)由1 2%降至4%,丙烯侧线产量平均增加50 0 kg/h,丙烯损失由优化前的1 56.1 5kg/h降低至优化后的48 kg/h,减少损失量1 0 8.1 5kg/h,按照年运行8 0 0 0 h计算,可2022-09-012022-011-22T21:00T20:0085.5292

12、.793.624.021.180.800.减少丙烯损失8 6 5.2 t/a,增加效益1 0 0 余万元。参考文献:1威廉L鲁平.如何使用ASPENTM软件模拟完成精馏的设计和控制(原著第二版)M.马后炮化工网,译.上海:华东理工大学出版社,2 0 1 5.2孙兰义.化工过程模拟实训-Aspen Plus教程 M.2版.北京:化学工业出版社,2 0 1 9.3熊杰明,李江保.化工流程模拟AspenPlus实例教程M.北京:化学工业出版社,2 0 1 6.ABSTRACTSREVIEW OF SINOPECS ETHYLENE PROD

13、UCTION IN20231Zeng Miaoyang,Zhang Xiaoming,Ma Guofeng,Zhang Wei.Chemical Department of SINOPEC,Beijing,P.C.100728Abstract:The achievement and performance of SINOPEC s ethyleneproduction in 2023 are introduced and analyzed briefly from theaspects of safety and environmental protection,feedstock andop

14、eration optimization,energy saving and consumption reduction,technology research,long-term operation and maintenance,and theobjectives and focus of SINOPECs ethylene production in 2024 areput forward.Key words:SINOPEC;ethylene operation;reviewOVERVIEW OF PETROCHINAS ETHYLENE BUSINESS IN20237Shen Yan

15、g,Jiao Lifei,Liu Zhaohui,Liu Xiaozhou.PetroChinaRefining,Chemicals&New materials Company,Beijing,P.C.100007Abstract:This paper summarizes the development of PetroChinasethylene business in 2023,including the ethylene production,ethylene yield,yields of ethylene and propylene,processing lossratio and

16、 energy consumption _of its subordinate petrochemicalenterprises,as well as the feedstock optimization,long-termoperation,maintenance,technical modification and technicalmeasures.The_focus of work,concerning long-term optimumoperation of ethylene plants in 2024 is put forward.Key words:PetroChina;et

17、hylene;overviewAPPLICATIONOFDEMULSIFIERAND SCALEINHIBITORINETHYLENEPLANT13Huang Zikun,Wang Zhicheng.SINOPEC-SK(Wuhan)Petrochemi-cal Company Limited,Wuhan,Hubei,P.C.430000Abstract:In recent years,affected by the diversification of rawmaterial to ethylene plant,the emulsification of quench wateroccurr

18、ed.More and more benzene series remain in the system,leading to serious polymerization in process water system.Thepolymerization of process water not only leads to the blockage ofmultiple heat exchangers in the quench unit,but also may lead tothe shutdown of the quench unit in severe cases,which bec

19、omes one.of the main botlenecks for the long-term operation of ethylene plant.A new reagent is used in the quench water system to improve thewater quality and alleviate the emulsification and fouling problems ofthe water system,thus effectively prolonging the operation period ofthe ethylene plant.,K

20、ey words:quench water;emulsification;fouling;demulsifer andscale inhibitorCAUSE ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF HIGH PRO-PYLENE CONTENTAT BOTTOM OFPROPYLENE RECTI-FICATIONTOWER18Lai Xijiang,Wang Junbin,Zhang Lei,Huang Chaobo,ZhangYanglong.PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,Dushanzi,Xinjiang,P.C.

21、833699Abstract:With the increase in the load of propylene rectificationtower in a 220 kt/a ethylene plant,the propylene loss in thecirculating propane at the bottom of tower reached 10%.In order toreduce the propylene loss at the bottom of propylene rectificationtower,Aspen Plus was used to establis

22、h a propylene rectificationtower model with the operation data of propylene rectification tower,and the current operation of the propylene rectification tower wasanalyzed and studied.By identifying the deviation points betweenthe simulation data and the actual operating parameters,theoperation of pr

23、opylene rectification tower was adjusted andoptimized,so as to reduce propylene loss at the bottom of tower,increase propylene production and achieve the purpose of improvingquality and efficiency.Key words:propylene rectification tower;simulation;optimizationCAUSE ANALYSIS OF VIBRATION OF SILENCER

24、ANDPIPELINEAT OUTLET OF RECYCLEGAS COMPRESSORINBUTADIENEUNITAND THE MODIFICATION21Zhang Xiaowei,Feng Min,Sheng Nan,Ju Tao,Jiang Feng.PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,Dushanzi,Xinjiang,P.C.833699Abstract:To solve the vibration problem of the silencer and pipelineat the outlet of screw compre

25、ssor in a chemical company,the gasETHYLENEINDUSTRYStarted Publication in 1989,Quarterly.Mar:2024 Vol.36 No.1 Total 137thpulsation and pipeline vibration of the existing exhaust pipe wasanalyzed,the main causes of the pipeline vibration were identifiedcombined with the measured data of pipeline vibra

26、tion on site,andsome corresponding modification measures were put forward.Somereasonable vibration elimination measures were taken such asreplacing the silencer with three-chamber impedance compoundsilencer,revamping the exhaust pipe,installing pipe supports andreinforcing the thermocouple branches.

27、After modification,thepressure unevenness at each point inside the exhaust pipe can meetthe requirements of API 619,and the gas pulsation decreased by72%on average.The first-order natural frequency of the exhaustpipe system increased from 4.572 Hz to 8.862 Hz,and the high-order natural frequency was

28、 10%away from the compressorexcitation frequency.The maximum vibration of the silencerdecreased by 64%to 32 mm/s and the maximum vibration of theoutlet pipe decreased by 87.5%to 10 mm/s compared with thosebefore the modification,proving the effectiveness of the modificationmeasures.Key words:screw c

29、ompressor;silencer;pipeline vibration;mea-sureCAUSE ANALYSIS AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES FORLEAKAGE OF TUBE BUNDLESOF STEAM-WATER HEATEXCHANGERS24Zhang Changsong,Huang Chaobo,Li Wenting,Du Zhiqi,LeiQian.PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,Dushanzi,Xin-jiang,P.C.833699Abstract:To solve the leakage

30、of steam-water corrugated-tube heatexchanger in hydrogen plant,the causes of the leakage of heatexchanger tube bundle were analyzed combined with the specificoperating conditions,the analysis results were obtained combinedwith the actual inspection report based on the corrosion mechanismof corrugate

31、d tubes in the environment of chlorine-containingmedium,and some specific preventive measures were developedcorrespondingly based on the cause analysis.The corrosion hazardswerecompletely eliminated throughheat exchange tubemodification,the operating cycle of the heat exchanger wasextended,and the l

32、ong-term operation of the heat exchanger wasensured.Key words:steam-water heat exchanger;corrosion;leakage;improvementCAPACITY EXPANSION SCHEMES OF QUENCH SYSTEMINETHYLENEPLANT28Song Zhiqi,Ma Guomin,Ding Shaohui,Wu Liaosha,Xu Wenming.PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,Dushanzi,Xinjiang,P.C.83

33、3699Abstract:In 2019,the capacity of a megaton ethylene plant wasexpanded in the overhaul window period,including the installationof an ethane cracking furnace,a viscosity reducing tower system anda toluene extraction system as well as the transformation of relatedsupporting equipment and facilities

34、,so that the capacity reached1.15 million tons per year.This paper analyzes and summarizes theoperation of the ethylene plant after two overhauls in 2015 and 2019respectively,in order to find out the operation bottleneck of quenchsystem and formulate targeted optimization plans.Key words:ethylene pl

35、ant;quench system;capacity expansion;long period operationAPPLICATION OF CFD TECHNOLOGY IN THE RE-SEARCH ON PIPING LAYOUT FOR RECYCLING DECOK-ING EFFLUENT TO FIREBOX OF LARGE-SCALE CRACK-INGFURNACE33Lin Jiangfeng,Xiao Jia.SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation,Bei-jing,P.C.100101Abstract:Recycling decoki

36、ng effluent to firebox of cracking furnaceis one of the effective measures to reduce pollutant emissions fromthe cracking furnace,and the piping layout for recycling decokingeffluent to firebox has a significant impact on the decoking effect.This article uses CFD technology to numerically simulate t

37、he pipinglayout for recycling decoking effluent to firebox.RNG k-8turbulence model is used for the simulation,and the wall functionStandard Wall Fn is used to correct the near wall flow.Thecalculation results indicate that a reasonable piping layout canensure the even entry of decoking effluent into the firebox without

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