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1、Unit 2 Great PeopleA Universe of Thought第1页Lead-inThe lifetime of Einstein第2页Lead-inAlbert EinsteinThe greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time.Among the several important discoveries Einstein made in his life,the greatest is the creation of his famous Theory of Rel

2、ativity.第3页 Lead-inPrinceton UniversityA famous university in the United States.第4页Free talkWhat is your attitude towards making mistakes?What have you learned from some of your past mistakes?第5页Listen and answerListen and circle the thing about Einstein that is NOT mentioned in the lesson.(1)Einste

3、ins hobbies(2)Einsteins sayings(3)Einsteins early years(4)Einsteins family(5)Einstein,the teacher第6页Presentation Albert Einstein was one of the greatest minds of the last century.During his lifetime,Einstein thought about the universe and solved many problems in physics.Einstein is most famous for h

4、is Theory of Relativity.世纪相对论一生;终生宇宙;万象 处理第7页New wordsmind可数名词“聪明人”e.g.She was one of the greatest minds of her generation.名词“头脑;主意”e.g.Are you quite clear in your own mind what you should do?动词“介意”mind doing sth.e.g.Would you mind closing the door?v.处理;解答solve the problem 处理难题e.g.He finally solved

5、the problem of money.solve第8页 Phrasesbe famous for因而著名e.g.Mr.White is famous for his novels.be famous as作为而著名e.g.He is famous as a basketball player.be famous to对而言是著名e.g.The Great Wall is famous to the world.第9页Einsteins early years Einstein was born in Germany in 1879.After he finished school,he w

6、ent on to study physics in Switzerland.In 1905,Einstein began to write articles and became a pioneer in the field of modern physics.For one of those articles,he received the Nobel Prize in 1921.Presentation瑞士先锋;先驱诺贝尔奖第10页Phrases做完一件事之后,继续做另一件事继续做同一件事e.g.He finished writing the new words and went on

7、to read the text.e.g.The boy got up and went on running.go on to do sth.go on doing sth.第11页New wordspioneern.先驱者;开发者vt.开拓,开发;做()先锋;提倡;三单:pioneers 复数:pioneers 现在分词:pioneering 过去式:pioneered 过去分词:pioneerede.g.He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.第12页板书设计Einstein,the teacher Einstein taught at un

8、iversities in Switzerland and Germany.He left Germany in 1933 and went to teach at Princeton University in the United States.Einstein died in 1955.He signed his last letter before he passed away.The letter asked people to give up nuclear weapons.Presentation大学放弃逝世;消逝第13页板书设计 Einsteins sayings “The i

9、mportant thing is not to stop questioning.”“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”“I think and think for months and years.Ninety-nine times,the conclusion is false.The hundredth time I am right.”Presentation错误;假第14页Language pointsThe important thing is not to stop questio

10、ning.e.g.She stopped to open the door.doing sth.停顿做某事停下(手头事情)去做另外一件事stopto do sth.e.g.She stopped washing the dishes.第15页Read and answerRead and circle the thing about Einstein that is NOT mentioned in the lesson.1.Einsteins hobbies2.Einsteins sayings3.Einsteins early years4.Einsteins family5.Einste

11、in,the teacher第16页Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.(1)Einstein was born in _.(2)Einstein became a pioneer(先锋)in the field of(在领域里)_.(3)Einstein received _.(4)Einstein went to _ at Princeton(5)Einstein _ in 1955.Germanymodern physicsthe Nobel PrizeteachdiedPractice第17页PracticeFill in the blanks

12、.solve,pioneer,be famous for,go on,in the field of(1)Our country is outstanding_ modern science.(2)Hainan_ its fresh air and beautiful beaches.(3)The boy was very excited when he_the crossword puzzle.(4)He was a_ of the May Fourth Movement.(5)He_ to study for his masters degree after he finished uni

13、versity.in the field ofis famous forsolvedpioneerwent on第18页ExtensionDo you know?The Nobel Prize is widely regarded as the most important award inthe fields of literature,medicine,physics,chemistry and peace.It wasestablished by the will of the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel in 1895.Asixth prize,for

14、economics,was created in 1968.The Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Mo Yan,a famous Chinese writer.Culture Tip第19页ExtensionHow many Nobel winners do you know?Mo Yan 文学奖Barry Clark Barish 物理学奖Richard Henderson 化学奖第20页Group workTalk about your favourite Nobel Prize winner.Task tips:(1)When and where was he/she born?(2)What did he/she do?(3)What was he/she most famous for?第21页ExtensionWe should work hard and never give up.第22页HomeworkRetell the story to your parents.Finish Exercises 2 on Page21.第23页

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