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1、成成绩单UNIT 26SCHOOL REPORTS第1页Subjects:ChineseEnglishMathsMusicFrenchGeographyPEHistoryBiologyArtpoliticschemistry语文语文英语英语数学数学音乐音乐法语法语地理地理体育体育历史历史生物生物美术美术政治政治化学化学第2页report excellentGeographyeverythingcome top(in)come bottom inenough汇报汇报优异,卓越优异,卓越地理地理一切事物,凡是一切事物,凡是(在(在方面)最好方面)最好在在方面最差方面最差足够地,充分地足够地,充分地

2、第3页Flora:Whats your report like,Vikki?Vikki:Its all right.Flora:Can I have a look?Vikki:OK.Whats like?怎么怎么样,像像一一样Whats the weather like?Have a look=take a lookHave a try 试一一试Its all right=Its just OK.第4页Flora:Wow,Vikki!Listen to this,Lucy!English excellent,French excellent,Maths excellent,Music exce

3、llent,Geography excellent Everything is excellent!Listen to 听着听着Listen 听听(强调动作作)Hear 听听见(强调结果)果)Everything 不定代不定代词 接接单数数 isExcellent=great=very good第5页Lucy:I know!Vikkis report is always better than mine.Flora:And your report is always better than mine.Good/well-better-bestBetter比比较级 后接后接连词than 前者比后

4、者更前者比后者更She is prettier than me。第6页Lucy:Your reports are quite good,Flora.Flora:But not as good as yours and Vikkis.You re both cleverer than me.Lucy:Well,Vikki always comes top.She s the cleverest girl in the school.quiteverypretty adv.相当,非常相当,非常 This fish is quite/very/pretty big.asas 与与一一样 Vikkis

5、 Vikki全部格全部格Teachers day 教教师节 复数全部格复数全部格飘号在号在s后后the cleverest 最高最高级加前加前定冠定冠词the.eg:She is the most beautiful woman.第7页Vikki:Youre the best gymnast,Flora.I always come bottom in Sports.Look!Sports:Vikki tries hard.Top bottom 反反义词 顶底底Come top/bottom in Try hard:努力努力尝试第8页Vikki:Its a joke!Of course I tr

6、y hard.But obviously not hard enough!Obviously adv.显著著Its a joke!开开个玩笑!个玩笑!第9页Her report is excellent.ekslntadj.优异Whats her report like?她成绩怎么样?她成绩怎么样?school report成绩单第10页他成绩和她成绩一样好。他成绩和她成绩一样好。His report is as good as her report.第11页他成绩不和她成绩一样好。他成绩不和她成绩一样好。His report is not as good as hers.他们都比我更聪明一些

7、。他们都比我更聪明一些。Theyre both cleverer than me.第12页她在学校是最聪明女生。她在学校是最聪明女生。She is the cleverest girl in the school.第13页She always comes top.她总是第一。她总是第一。She always comes top in English.她总是在英语方面第一。她总是在英语方面第一。第14页She always comes bottom.她总是最终。她总是最终。She always comes bottom in Sports.她总是在体育方面最差。她总是在体育方面最差。第15页Wh

8、at was Vikkis report like?It was very good indeed.确实,实在确实,实在第16页Where did she come in the exam?她在考试中排第几她在考试中排第几?She came top/first.她在考试中排第一。她在考试中排第一。第17页What was Anns report like?它不和它不和Vikki成绩一样好。成绩一样好。It wasnt as good as Vikkis.第18页How did Bobs report compare with Lucys report?Bob成绩成绩和和Lucy成绩成绩比比怎么

9、样?怎么样?它比它比Lucy成绩更加好。成绩更加好。It was better than Lucys.第19页How did Bobs report compare with Vikkis report?Bob成绩成绩和和Vikki成绩成绩比比怎么样?怎么样?它不如它不如Vikki成绩好。成绩好。It was not as good as Vikkis.第20页What was Tims report like?It was rather poor.r:adv.相当相当第21页她在考试中排第几?她在考试中排第几?Where did she come in the exam?她排第六。她排第六。She came sixth.第22页How did Johns report compare with Rons?John成绩成绩和和Ron比比怎么样?怎么样?Ron成绩比成绩比John更差一些。更差一些。Rons report is worse than Johns.第23页他在考试中排第几?他在考试中排第几?Where did he come in the exam?他排最终。他排最终。He came bottom.第24页他是全部学生中最差。他是全部学生中最差。He is the worst of all the students.第25页

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