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1、Teaching plan:By XuhaiqinReading Topic: Severe Drought in 2011Teaching aims: .Moral aim: get in to a good habit to save water in daily life;.Technical aim: Learn how to write an oral report;.Words & expressions aim: Word bank: alert; drought; typhoon; lightening; heat wave; severe; government; cause

2、; release Phrase bank: take place; dry up; be lost; try ones best; fight against; the rainy seasonSentence pattern bank: whats worse; the reason is that Teaching methods: Task-oriented approach;Group work; Teaching aids: multimedia; blackboard Step 1. Warming up Weather forecast of Shaoxing;Unusual

3、weather conditions and the weather alertStep 2. Reading 1. Whats the style(文体) of the passage?A. story B. Ad C. news report D. noticethe structure of the news report(倒金字塔型)key pointdetailed information2. Whats the main idea of this passage?A.There has been little rainfall along the Changjiang River

4、for half a year.B. The weather is not as usual in Jiangxi, Hunan, and Hubei province. C. A severe drought happened in some provinces along the Changiang river.D. China has got the most severe drought since 1954. 3. whats the main idea of paragraph2 &3 &4?Paragraph2the effects/ results of the drought

5、Paragraph3the causes of the droughtParagraph4rainy season is coming soon4. True or false questions:( )1.The drought came in spring. ( )2. Water levels in Changjiang River are going up.( )3. Production of the crops will drop because of lacking(缺乏) water. ( )4. Drought means there is less water in the

6、 area and the land is drying up. ( )5. The weather forecast says the drought will end in ten days. 5. Listening :( Consolidation) Im a news reporter from Xinhua News Agency. The spring _ happened in the provinces along the Changjiang River. Water levels are lower and lower and the lakes are_. Fish i

7、s _ and crops will be _ without water. Whats worse, there is not enough water for people to_ and _. Being always _ and lacking _ are the _ of the drought. The government is _ _ _ to help people to fight _ the drought. As we all know, small things can make a big difference.(众所周知,小事情可以有大影响。)What can w

8、e do to save water in our daily life?Step3. Enjoy a video and discuss with your group, write your discussion result on the paper and give a report to the class Sample:Hello, ladies and gentlemen, Its my honor to give you the report. To save water is our duty. As a student, we should get into a good

9、habit. We should turn off the tap all the time. Also, wed better wash clothes with hand. Reusing the water is also a good idea. Of course, we should not take a shower too often and not leave the water running while brushing our teeth ,taking a bath or washing our faces.Lets do it from now on. Even small things can make a big difference. Thats all, thank you. Step 4. Homework: Enjoy another video and write what you think in your book.

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