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1、笔试部分(70分)一、 根据句意,选择适当的短语完成句子。(每小题1分,共10分)played football, near the mountain, favourite subject, picked up, go shopping1. Sam and his friends had a camping trip last year.2. - My is English. How about you? -Me, too.3. They in the playground yesterday afternoon.4. - Did you last Sunday? -Yes, we did.5

2、. Mike the hairdryer under the table for his mother.went to a party, on the left, talking to, coming out, from my grandparents 6. Mr. Li is his son about holidays.7. The light is not very bright tonight.8. I had some birthday presents. Theyre .9. I last Halloween. It was fun.10. Its spring (春天) now.

3、 The flowers are . How nice.二、 根据句意,选择适当的词或词组完成句子。(每小题1分, 共10分)1. Does Miss Li like (growing / growing) flowers?2. The dog there is so (fun / funny ). It can stand on the ball.3. What does it mean? It means“No (parking / parks )”4. We (had / has ) a sports day on the 3rd of April.5. - What holiday c

4、omes (before / after ) Christmas? -New Years Day.6. May is the (first / fifth ) month of a year.7. He is very (excited / exciting ) to hear the news.8. I want to buy a book about animals. But wheres the (library / bookshop )?9. He (read / is reading ) in the classroom.10. People usually eat (rice du

5、mplings / moon cakes) at Dragon Boat Festival.三、 单项选择。(每小题1分, 共12分)( )1. He TV at home last Sunday. A. watches B. Is watching C. watched ( )2. - did you play? - In the school playground. A. Where B. When C. What( )3.That sign on the building means Danger. You shouldnt . A. stay away from B. come in

6、and have a look C. take it off( )4. Li Ping and Li Fang are twins. They are in the same school. But they are in different . A. classes B. class C. the class( )5. -Lindas father is my uncle, so Linda is my . A. aunt B. sister C. Cousin( )6. Its too today. We cant go fishing. Lets go the other day. A.

7、 sunny B. cold C. Fine( )7. -Where you yesterday? - I to the farm with my parents. A. Did; was B. were; went C. were; was ( )8. Tom the bus and sat down in the front quietly. A. get off B. got up C. got in ( )9. Now I know about planting trees. A . a lot B. a lot of C. lots of ( )10. People usually

8、make some chocolate eggs at . A. Halloween B. Easter C. Christmas ( )11. The cartoon is very interesting, but . A. Im sorry to hear it B. I like it very much C. I dont like it.( )12. - Would you like to walk in the mountains with us together? - . A. Yes, I like. B. Sure, Id love to C. I like walking

9、.四、 从II栏中选出与I 栏相对应的答句。(每小题1分, 共8分) I II ( )1. Where do you live? A. She is looking for her wallet. ( )2. Would you like a puppet as your present? B. Yes, Its nears the mirror. ( )3. Whats Su Yang looking for? C. By bus. ( )4. Whats your New Years present? D. Of course. ( )5. How did you go to the zo

10、o this morning? E. Last weekend. ( )6. When did David make a kite? F. I live near Ben. ( )7. Did you see my comb just now? G. She visited her relatives. ( )8. What did Nancy do last Monday? K. A skateboard.五、 根据上下文,选择句子完成对话,填序号。(每小题1分, 共5分)1. What did you see there?2. Who did you go with?3. I went t

11、o the beach with my parents.4. Can I go with you one day?5. We saw many fruit trees, too. A:What did you do last summer holiday?B: A:Did you do swimming in the sea?B:Sure. It was cold. There were many funny things.A: B:I saw a boat race. The boats were small, but they were very fast.A:Anything else?

12、B: i ate may coconuts, mangoes and pineapples.A:You had a really wonderful holiday then.B:Sure. How about you?A:I went to visit my grandparents in Xinjiang.B: A:Only me. My grandpa waited for me in the station.B:Sounds great. A:Of course.六、 根据首字母和句意填入所缺单词,完成句子,没空一词。(每小题1分, 共10分)1. -Wheres Mr. Green?

13、 He was here just now. - Perhaps hes in the park now. He likes t a walk after dinner.2. I cant find my pen. It was on the desk a m ago.3. My m phone is new. I bought it last month.4. -Youre late again. Cant you get up e every morning? - Sorry, Miss Liu.5. - I want to read the magazine. But I cant fi

14、nd my g . Where are they? -Look, theyre under the book.6. -What do the c usually do on the first of June? - The girls sing and dance in the music room. The boys like to play in the playground.7. Most of the p in China go home at Spring Festival. But my father cant. Hes a policeman. He must work on h

15、olidays.8. -Whats Helen doing on the farm? - Shes m the cow.9. - Who can answer this q ? -Let me try. -OK. You, please.10. Today is December 20. C is coming.七、 完形填空。 (每小题0.5分, 共5分) a fine day, an ant was carrying some food home when he a grasshopper. “Hello,Brother Ant ! You are so hard (刻苦的) . Its

16、a fine day today. Come over here. Lets sing and dance together.”“ No, Sister Grasshopper, I really have time to sing and play,”said the ant. “I must prepare (准备) food for the winter(冬天),and I hope youll do .The Grasshopper and said, “ Winter is still far away. Ill have lots of time to food later. Li

17、fe is short. We must enjoy ourselves when we are young.The ant saw the grasshopper would not listen him, so he went on his way. Soon, the winter , There was snow everywhere. The ant was happy because he had a lot of food. But the grasshopper was cold and . She did not eat anything for days. Before s

18、he died (死),she said sadly, “ Now I know it is best to prepare today for the needs of tomorrow. Dont do the things like me.”( ) 1. A. On B. At C. In( ) 2. A. see B. saw C. sees( ) 3. A. playing B. singing C. Working( ) 4. A. lots of B. no C. much( ) 5. A. same B. the same C. Different( ) 6. A. laugh

19、 B. laughs C. Laughed( ) 7. A. look for B. cook C. Buy( ) 8. A. to B. at C. With( ) 9. A. come B. came C. Is coming( ) 10. A. thirty B. tired C. Hungry八 阅读理解。(每小题1分, 共10分)(一) 根据短文内容判断句子正误,用“”或“”表示。 George is a young man. He doesnt have a wife, but he has a very big dog and a very small car. He likes

20、 playing tennis. Last Monday after he played tennis for an hour at his club, he run out and jumped into a car. His dog came after him, but it did not jump into the car. I t jumped into the next(下一个) one. “Come here, silly(蠢) dog!” George shouted at it, but the dog stayed in the other car. George put

21、 his key into the lock of the car, but it did not turn. Then he looked at the car again. It was not his. He was in the wrong car! And the dog was in the right car.( ) 1. George has a very big dog and a very small car.( ) 2. Last Monday he played football at his club. His dog was with him.( ) 3. Geor

22、ge couldnt start(发动) the car because it wasnt his car.( ) 4. His dog jumped into the wrong car.( ) 5. George has a clever(聪明的) dog.(二) 根据下面的航班时刻表,阅读后选择最佳答案。 London AirportTimetable: (时刻表)Departures(出发)Flight(航班) number ToTimeCD62New York 9:20AD553Paris11:40 EV24Beijing13:00Arrivals (到达)Flight(航班) nu

23、mber FromTimeCD64New York 8:40AD554Paris10:15 EV28Beijing16:20Flight Time: To and From LondonNew York: 8 hours (小时)Paris: 2 hoursBeijing: 13 hours( ) 1. Your sister is coming to London. You must look at . A. the arrival table B. the departures table C. the flight time( ) 2. You are taking flight num

24、ber AD553. You are . A. going to London B. going to Beijing C. going to Paris( ) 3. You should go to the airport two hours before your flight to New York. What time should you go to the airport? A. 7:20 B. 9:40 C. 11:40( ) 4. Mr. Li is going to Paris today. What time will he arrive(到达) In Paris? A . In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening( ) 5. Its 16:20 p.m. And Mrs Black is in the London Airport now. Perhaps shes . A. going to Beijing B. meeting someone from Beijing C. going to Paris

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