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1、Architectural construction 第1页F Frame structurerame structureFrame shear wall Frame shear wall structurestructureBent structureBent structureS Shear wall structurehear wall structureArchitectural constructionTube Tube structurestructure54321第2页01F Frame structurerame structure框架结构第3页 The frame struc

2、ture refers to the structure of the bearing system,which is formed by the connection of Liang Hezhu with steel bar,which is the horizontal load and vertical load which appear in the course of the use of Liang Hezhu.The housing wall frame structure not only plays the load-bearing,surrounding and sepa

3、rating effect,general use of aerated concrete,prefabricated expanded perlite,porous brick,hollow brick or pumice,vermiculite,ceramsite lightweight masonry or plate assembly.F Frame structurerame structureF Frame structurerame structure 框架结构是指由梁和柱以钢筋相连接而成,组成承重体系结构,即由梁和柱组成框架共同抵抗使用过程中框架结构是指由梁和柱以钢筋相连接而成

4、,组成承重体系结构,即由梁和柱组成框架共同抵抗使用过程中出现水平荷载和竖向荷载。框架结构房屋墙体不承重,仅起到围护和分隔作用,普通用预制加气混凝土、膨胀珍出现水平荷载和竖向荷载。框架结构房屋墙体不承重,仅起到围护和分隔作用,普通用预制加气混凝土、膨胀珍珠岩、空心砖或多孔砖、浮石、蛭石、陶粒等轻质板材砌筑或装配而成。珠岩、空心砖或多孔砖、浮石、蛭石、陶粒等轻质板材砌筑或装配而成。第4页 Frame structure called framed structure.According to the framework of the house spans a single or multi sp

5、an divided by layers;single and multi-layer;composition is divided into symmetric and asymmetric according to elevation;in terms of material into the steel frame and concrete frame,wood frame or steel frame and reinforced concrete mixture.One of the most commonly used is the concrete frame(cast as a

6、 whole,assembly,assembly as a whole,can also be applied in accordance with the need to stress,mainly on the beam or plate),steel frame.Assembling and assembling concrete frame and steel frame are suitable for large scale industrial construction,with high efficiency and good quality.F Frame structure

7、rame structureF Frame structurerame structure 框架结构又称构架式结构。房屋框架按跨数分有单跨、多跨;按层数分有单层、多层;按立面组成份为对称、框架结构又称构架式结构。房屋框架按跨数分有单跨、多跨;按层数分有单层、多层;按立面组成份为对称、不对称;按所用材料分为钢框架、混凝土框架、胶合木结构框架或钢与钢筋混凝土混合框架等。其中最惯用是混不对称;按所用材料分为钢框架、混凝土框架、胶合木结构框架或钢与钢筋混凝土混合框架等。其中最惯用是混凝土框架(现浇整体式、装配式、装配整体式,也可依据需要施加预应力,主要是对梁或板)、钢框架。装配式、凝土框架(现浇整体式

8、、装配式、装配整体式,也可依据需要施加预应力,主要是对梁或板)、钢框架。装配式、装配整体式混凝土框架和钢框架适合大规模工业化施工,效率较高,工程质量很好。装配整体式混凝土框架和钢框架适合大规模工业化施工,效率较高,工程质量很好。第5页02Frame shear wall structureFrame shear wall structure框架-剪力墙结构第6页 Proper position in the frame structure with reinforced concrete shear wall to form a certain number of frame and shea

9、r wall with frame shear wall system is referred to as frame shear walls together under vertical and horizontal force system.Frame shear wall structureFrame shear wall structureFrame shear wall structureFrame shear wall structure 在框架结构中适当部位增设一定数量钢筋混在框架结构中适当部位增设一定数量钢筋混凝土剪力墙,形成框架和剪力墙结合在一起共凝土剪力墙,形成框架和剪力

10、墙结合在一起共同承受竖向和水平力体系叫做框架同承受竖向和水平力体系叫做框架-剪力墙体剪力墙体系简称框系简称框-剪体系。剪体系。第7页The lateral frame shear wall system stiffness than the frame structure,most of the horizontal forces borne by the shear wall,and the vertical load is mainly composed of a frame which bear,high-rise building frame structure than in ter

11、ms of stress is more reasonable;at the same time because it is only part of shear wall in the position,the frame structure is easy to maintain the advantages of segmentation space,facade is easy to change;in addition,the seismic performance of this system is good.System characteristicsFrame shear wa

12、ll structureFrame shear wall structure体系特点:体系特点:框架框架-剪力墙体系侧向刚度比框架结构大,大部分水平力由剪力墙负担,剪力墙体系侧向刚度比框架结构大,大部分水平力由剪力墙负担,而竖向荷载主要由框架承受,因而用于高层房屋比框架结构在受力方面更而竖向荷载主要由框架承受,因而用于高层房屋比框架结构在受力方面更为合理;同时因为它只在部份位置上有剪力墙,保持了框架结构易于分割为合理;同时因为它只在部份位置上有剪力墙,保持了框架结构易于分割空间、立面易于改变等优点;另外,这种体系抗震性能也很好。空间、立面易于改变等优点;另外,这种体系抗震性能也很好。Stres

13、s characteristicsMechanical characteristics of frame shear structure,is composed of frame and shear wall structure with two different lateral force resisting members of the new force,so it is different from pure frame in frame structure frame,frame shear wall shear wall structure is different from t

14、he pure in shear wall structure.受力特点:受力特点:框剪结构受力特点,是由框架和剪力墙结框剪结构受力特点,是由框架和剪力墙结构两种不一样抗侧力构件组成新受力形式,构两种不一样抗侧力构件组成新受力形式,所以它框架不一样于纯框架结构中框架,框所以它框架不一样于纯框架结构中框架,框剪结构中剪力墙也不一样于纯剪力墙结构中剪结构中剪力墙也不一样于纯剪力墙结构中剪力墙。剪力墙。Frame-shear system is widely used in multi-storey and high-rise office buildings,hotels and other bu

15、ildings.The height is 25 to 15,generally not more than 30 layers.Application应用:应用:框框-剪体系广泛应用于多层及高层办公剪体系广泛应用于多层及高层办公楼、旅馆等建筑中。适用高度为楼、旅馆等建筑中。适用高度为15152525层,层,普通不宜超出普通不宜超出3030层。层。第8页03Bent structureBent structure排架结构第9页Bent structure is composed of roof or roof beams columnsfoundations;The stigma is hin

16、ged with the pedestal and foundation rigid roof frame;Bent structure:according to the production process and the use of requirements,the frame can be made of single span and multi span(a),can also be made of high,ranging from high(b)and zigzag(c),etc.Span of up to 30m,height of up to 30m above,the c

17、rane tonnage of up to 150tBent structureBent structureBent structureBent structure 排架结构由屋架或屋面梁、柱、基础组成;排架结构由屋架或屋面梁、柱、基础组成;柱头与屋架铰接,柱脚与基础刚接;柱头与屋架铰接,柱脚与基础刚接;排架结构类型:依据生产工艺与使用要求,排架可做成单跨和多跨排架结构类型:依据生产工艺与使用要求,排架可做成单跨和多跨(a)(a),亦可做成等,亦可做成等高、不等高高、不等高(b)(b)和锯齿形和锯齿形(c)(c)等等跨度可达跨度可达30m30m,高度可达,高度可达30m30m以上,吊车吨位可达

18、以上,吊车吨位可达150t150t以上以上第10页 The transfer of clear,simple structure,is conducive to the realization of design standardization,production and construction of components and construction mechanization,improve the level of construction industrialization.Bent structure characteristics Bent structureBent st

19、ructure排架结构特点:排架结构特点:传力明确,结构简单,有利于实现设计标准化、构件生产工业化以及施工机械化,传力明确,结构简单,有利于实现设计标准化、构件生产工业化以及施工机械化,提升建筑工业化水平。提升建筑工业化水平。第11页04S Shear wall structurehear wall structure剪力墙结构第12页S Shear wall structurehear wall structure含义:利用建筑物墙体作为承受竖向荷载、抵抗水平荷载结构,称为剪力墙结构含义:利用建筑物墙体作为承受竖向荷载、抵抗水平荷载结构,称为剪力墙结构适用范围:较小开间住宅及旅馆建筑,高层建

20、筑。适用范围:较小开间住宅及旅馆建筑,高层建筑。As the structure of the wall of the building subjected to vertical load and horizontal load,the structure of the building is called the shear wall structure.1.Meaning Small Bay residential and hotel buildings,high-rise building.2.Applicable scopeS Shear wall structurehear wal

21、l structure The advantages of good integrity,high stiffness,the lower horizontal load to small deformation,bearing capacity(strength)is easy to meet,in the room without beams exposed.1.Advantages shear wall spacing can not be too large,the layout is not flexible,can not meet the requirements of the

22、use of public buildings,structural weight is often larger.2.ShortcomingsCharacteristics优点优点:整体性好,刚度大,在水平荷载作用下侧向变形小,承载力整体性好,刚度大,在水平荷载作用下侧向变形小,承载力(强度强度)要求也轻易满足,要求也轻易满足,房间内无梁柱外露。房间内无梁柱外露。缺点缺点:剪力墙间距不能太大,平面布置不灵活,不能满足公共建筑使用要求剪力墙间距不能太大,平面布置不灵活,不能满足公共建筑使用要求,结构自重往往也结构自重往往也较大。较大。第13页05Tube Tube structurestruc

23、ture筒体结构第14页 The tube structure has the advantages of beautiful appearance,flexible use,reasonable stress,strong integrity and so on.The tube structure includes framed tube and tube in tube bundle,tube structure and frame tube structure,wherein the frame core tube structure have the barrel,but there

24、 are great differences between the composition and the structure of the power system and framed tube and tube in tube bundle,tube structure,need to understand their similarities and differences.Master the different mechanical characteristics and design requirements.Tube Tube structurestructureTube T

25、ube structurestructure筒体结构含有造型美观,使用灵活,受力筒体结构含有造型美观,使用灵活,受力合理,以及整体性强等优点,适合用于较高合理,以及整体性强等优点,适合用于较高高层建筑。高层建筑。筒体结构包含框筒、筒中筒、束筒结构以及筒体结构包含框筒、筒中筒、束筒结构以及框架一关键筒结构等,其中框架一关键筒结构即使都有筒体,不过这种结构与框筒、筒中筒、束框架一关键筒结构等,其中框架一关键筒结构即使都有筒体,不过这种结构与框筒、筒中筒、束筒结构组成和传力体系有很大区分,需要了解它们异同,掌握不一样受力特点和设计要求。筒结构组成和传力体系有很大区分,需要了解它们异同,掌握不一样受力特点和设计要求。第15页THANK YOU第16页

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