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1、How Do You Use the Internet?Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us第1页Key words&phrases:technology,desktop,tablet,keyboard,invitation,industry,used to do sth.,chat with,blog about,do research,work hard,know aboutKey sentences:1.I used to have a desktop computer,but now I have a tablet.2.I like chatting with

2、 my friends online.第2页3.I use the Internet to blog about donuts.4.If we want to have a meeting,I can send the invitation online.5.If I work hard this evening,I will complete my research.6.Coffee grows in more than 70 countries!第3页The parts of a computer第4页Do you have a computer?第5页What do you often

3、do with your computer?第6页第7页technologydesktoptabletkeyboardinvitationindustryn.技术技术n.台式电脑;桌面台式电脑;桌面n.平板电脑;牌;碑平板电脑;牌;碑n.键盘键盘n.邀请邀请n.工业;企业;行业工业;企业;行业第8页used to do sth.chat withblog aboutdo research work hard know about过去经常做过去经常做和和聊天聊天关于关于博客博客做研究做研究努力工作努力工作知道;了解知道;了解第9页a tablet keyboard 第10页a laptop a

4、desktop computer 第11页invitation industry 第12页What can you do on a computer?How do you use the Internet?第13页Read and answer.1.What does Jenny like to use the Internet to do?She likes to use the Internet to read about sports and technology.2.What does Danny like doing?He likes chatting with his friend

5、s online.第14页3.How many people are following Dannys blog?500 people.4.What can Danny and his friends do if they want to have a meeting?They can send the invitation online.第15页5.What does Brain like doing on the Internet?He likes doing research for his homework.6.How will Brain send his research to h

6、is grandpa?By e-mail.第16页Read the lesson.Tick the things that Jenny and her classmates like to do on the Internet.watch moviesshopwrite blogschat onlineplay gamesreadsend or receive e-mailslisten to musicdo research for homeworkmake friends1Lets Do It!第17页Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of

7、 the given verbs.1.If you work hard,youll _(get)there in the end.2.If you dont stop him,he will _(play)games the whole day.getplay2第18页3.If it _(rain)tomorrow,Danny will not go to the supermarket to buy donuts.4.If you _(go)to bed now,Ill read you a bedtime story.rainsgo第19页Here is a search homepage

8、.Can you find the information you need?Fill in the blanks using the category headings.3第20页1.A game lover can click on“_”to play computer games.2.If I want to improve my spoken English,Ill go to“_”.Computer&InternetLanguage第21页3.“_”has some excellent movies.4.If John wants to know more about China,h

9、e will click on“_”.5.“_”helps Jack get information about Oxford University.EntertainmentSociety&CultureEducation第22页Language points1.I used to have a desktop computer,but now I have a tablet.used to do sth.过去经常过去经常/过去惯常做某事过去惯常做某事例:例:We used to be good friends,but fell apart about a year ago.我们过去曾经是好

10、朋友,但大约一我们过去曾经是好朋友,但大约一年前关系破裂了。年前关系破裂了。第23页be/get/become used to+n./doing sth.习惯于(做)习惯于(做)某事某事例例:Get used to the idea of celebrating your successes.要有取得成功时为自己庆贺习惯。要有取得成功时为自己庆贺习惯。I become used to getting up early in the morning.我习我习惯早上早起。惯早上早起。第24页2.I like chatting with my friends online.chat with 和和聊

11、天聊天例:例:How do you make friendly chat with yourcolleagues?你怎样和同事进行友好聊天呢?你怎样和同事进行友好聊天呢?Here you can chat with friends,breathing fresh air.在这里你能够在这里你能够呼吸新鲜呼吸新鲜空气空气,和朋友畅聊。和朋友畅聊。第25页3.I use the Internet to blog about donuts.blog n.博客;网络日志博客;网络日志例:例:I promised not to post them on my blog.我确保过不把它张贴到我博客上。我确

12、保过不把它张贴到我博客上。vi.写日志;写博客写日志;写博客例:例:John has a belief that everyone should blog about something they are passionate about.约翰认为约翰认为,每个人都应在自己博客上写他们感兴趣事情。每个人都应在自己博客上写他们感兴趣事情。第26页4.If we want to have a meeting,I can send the invitation online.此句是由此句是由if 引导条件状语从句,主句是含有情态动词引导条件状语从句,主句是含有情态动词(can)普通现在时,依据需要从

13、句多用普通现在时普通现在时,依据需要从句多用普通现在时(want)。例:例:You should be quiet if you are in the reading room.在阅览室应保持平静。在阅览室应保持平静。第27页5.If I work hard this evening,I will complete my research.此句是由此句是由if 引导条件状语从句,假如主句是普通未来引导条件状语从句,假如主句是普通未来时,从句用普通现在时。时,从句用普通现在时。例:例:If all of us make a small change in our life,it will mak

14、e a big difference to our environment.假如我们都在生活中做出一点小改变,对环境而言将假如我们都在生活中做出一点小改变,对环境而言将产生大不一样。产生大不一样。第28页6.Coffee grows in more than 70 countries!more than 多于;超出;比多于;超出;比多多 A.“more than+名词名词”表示表示“不但仅是不但仅是”。例:例:Jason is more than a lecturer;he is a writer,too.杰杰森不但仅是个演说家,他还是个作家。森不但仅是个演说家,他还是个作家。第29页B.“m

15、ore than+数词数词”表示表示“以上以上/不止不止”例:例:I have known David for more than 20 years.我认识大卫二十多年。我认识大卫二十多年。C.“more than+形容词形容词”表示表示“非常非常/很很”。例:例:In doing scientific experiments,one must be more than careful with the instruments.在做科学试验时候,必须很小心仪器。在做科学试验时候,必须很小心仪器。第30页D.more than+(that)从句从句,其基本意义是其基本意义是“超出超出(=over

16、)”,但可译成但可译成“简直不简直不,远非远非,难以,完全不能难以,完全不能(其其后通常连用情态动词后通常连用情态动词can)。例:例:That is more than I can understand.那非我所能懂。那非我所能懂。第31页if 引导条件状语从句引导条件状语从句定义:定义:if“假如,假如假如,假如”,它引导句子表示某事发生所需,它引导句子表示某事发生所需条件,即条件,即“在在条件下,某事才能发生条件下,某事才能发生”,在句子中充,在句子中充当状语,所以称之为条件状语从句。当状语,所以称之为条件状语从句。位置:位置:if引导条件状语从句既能够放在句子前,也能够引导条件状语从句

17、既能够放在句子前,也能够放在句子后。从句位于主句之前时,惯用逗号将其与主放在句子后。从句位于主句之前时,惯用逗号将其与主句隔开。句隔开。第32页时态:时态:(1)if条件状语从句中,主句用普通未来时,条件状语从句中,主句用普通未来时,从句用普通现在时表示未来。从句用普通现在时表示未来。主将从现标准。主将从现标准。例:例:We will go to the park if it doesnt rain tomorrow.假如明天不下雨话我们将去公园。假如明天不下雨话我们将去公园。(2)if条件状语从句中,假如主句有条件状语从句中,假如主句有must、can、may等情态动词,从句用普通现在时。等

18、情态动词,从句用普通现在时。主情从现标准。主情从现标准。例:例:You must stop crossing the road if the traffic light is red.假如交通灯是红色你必须停顿穿过马路。假如交通灯是红色你必须停顿穿过马路。第33页(3)当)当if条件状语从句中,主句是祈使句,从句用普条件状语从句中,主句是祈使句,从句用普通现在时表示未来。通现在时表示未来。主祈从现标准。主祈从现标准。例:例:Dont wait for me if I am late.假如我晚了就不用等我了。假如我晚了就不用等我了。(4)if引导条件状语从句中,主句是普通过去时,从引导条件状语从

19、句中,主句是普通过去时,从句使用与过去相关某种时态。句使用与过去相关某种时态。例:例:If he got up earlier yesterday,he would not miss the early bus.假如他昨天早点起床,他就不会错过早班假如他昨天早点起床,他就不会错过早班车。车。第34页(5)假如)假如if引导条件句谈论是一个引导条件句谈论是一个真理真理或或客观事实客观事实时,时,不论从句是什么时态,主句都用普通现在时。不论从句是什么时态,主句都用普通现在时。例:例:If the boy heated metal yesterday,the metal melts.假如昨天那个男孩

20、把金属加热,它就会融化。假如昨天那个男孩把金属加热,它就会融化。【注意】【注意】(1)在)在if引导条件状语从句中,当主句是普通未来时引导条件状语从句中,当主句是普通未来时时,不能够使用时,不能够使用be going to结构,而要用结构,而要用will。第35页例:例:Ill help you with your English if I am free tomorrow.假如明天我有空,我会帮你学英语。假如明天我有空,我会帮你学英语。(2)在)在if引导条件状语从句中不能够使用引导条件状语从句中不能够使用some,而要,而要用用any。例:例:If you have any questio

21、ns to ask,please come to my office.假如你有问题要问话,请到我办公室来。假如你有问题要问话,请到我办公室来。第36页一、依据所给汉语提醒,完成以下句子。1.Walk _(向前)and you will see the white building.2.The bridge _(连接)the two parts of the city.forwardconnects第37页3.On the television _(屏幕)we see lots of people dancing.4.You should stop _(喊)at the children.5.I

22、s there any chicken on the _(菜单)?6.It is easy to search for information on the _(因特网).Internet screenshoutingmenu第38页1.李明过去经常使用这台电脑Li Ming _ _ _ this computer.2.假如你没有时间,我就为你做这件事。Ill do this for you _ _ _ _ time.3.这个问题很轻易回答This question is _ _ _.4.你能够经过电子邮件告诉我你地址。You can tell me your address _ _ .5.我

23、不知道怎样使用这台计算机。I dont know _ _ _ this computer.used to use if you dont have easy to answerby e-mailhow to use二、依据汉语意思完成句子。第39页三、用括号内所给单词适当形式填空。1.If the rain _(stop)tonight,we will go to the cinema.2.Ill buy a computer if I _(have)enough money.3.If the fog _(get)thicker,the plane might be diverted.stopshavegets第40页1.Learn some new words and expressions.2.Learn about the development of the computer.3.Know about how to use the computer.第41页Write a passage about how you use the Internet.(50-100 words)第42页

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