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1、Unit 3 A day outReading(Reading()八年级八年级 英语英语 上上第1页Talk about the place of interest you want to visit best.When WhyHowWhat Where第2页A:Where are you going at holiday?B:I am going to Beijing inA:How are you going there?B:I am going there by plane.ModelA:What are you going to visit there?B:I am going to

2、visit the Great Wall.A:Why do you want to go there?B:Because I want to visit our capital.第3页Date:(1)10 October .Place:(2).Weather:(3)warm day (4)sun and (5)blue skyHow to go:by(6).About the park:models of more than(7)places of interest from all over the world (8)showsthe World Parka finethe shininga

3、 clearbusa hundredthe song and dance第4页 1.Linda and Kitty went to the World Park by themselves.2.Linda did not enjoy the day very much.3.It took the students half an hour to get to the park.4.The models in the park are small but wonderful.5.The model Eiffel Tower is made of wood.6.The model Golden G

4、ate Bridge looked just like the real one in the USA.FFFTFT第5页 I was very happy that day because my teacher Mr Wu _ my cousin Linda to _ in our school trip.At first we felt _ because there was heavy _ on the way.Finally we_ at the World Park.When we saw the Eiffel Tower,we became_.In the World Park,t

5、here were models of over a hundred places of _ from all over the world.We also saw the song and dance_.We really enjoyed _ on that _day.After our trip,Daniel _ a home page on the Internet.He put his photos on it.joininvitedboringtrafficarrivedexcitedinterestshowsourselvesamazingputFill in blanks 第6页

6、 Phrases1.邀请某人做某事邀请某人做某事2.学校旅行学校旅行3.过得很高兴过得很高兴4.车辆很多车辆很多5.抵达抵达6.迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事7.下下(车车)invite sb to do sth a school trip enjoy oneself a lot of traffic arrive at/in.cant wait to do get off第7页8.整个世界整个世界9.在我们面前在我们面前10.名胜古迹名胜古迹11.由由制作制作12.和和一样伟大一样伟大13.主要风景主要风景14.在他和主页上在他和主页上 Phrases the whole world in front of us places of interest be made of as great as.The main sights on his home page第8页 Write an e-mail to your close friend to tell him/her your pleasant trip to a place of interest.第9页

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