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1、 名词性从句名词性从句 noun clause 主语从句主语从句subject clause 宾语从句宾语从句object clause 表语从句表语从句predicative clause 同位语从句同位语从句appositive clause第1页AppositiveClause(同位语从句)(同位语从句)第2页The man from the star这部电视剧已经成为最近热点是一个事实_a recent hot topic is a truth.(become)That the TV play has become Subject Clause 主语从句第3页很多人想知道为何都教授吸引

2、了那么多粉丝。Many people wondered _ _.(attract)why Prefessor Du attracted so many fans.Object Clause 宾语从句第4页理由可能是他拥有帅气外表和强大超能力。Maybe the reason is _ _.(have)that he has handsome appearence and strong superpowerPredicative Clause 表语从句第5页尽管我也被这部剧吸引,但炸鸡和啤酒因为这部剧成为了很受欢迎食物事实还是让我很吃惊。Although I was attracted by t

3、his drama,the fact _ because of it still surprised me.that the fried chicken and beer became popular foodAppositive Clause 同位语语从句(become)第6页Although I was attracted by this drama,the fact that the fried chicken and beer became popular food because of it still surprised me.factthat 名词名词引导词引导词从句从句总结:同

4、位语从句结构_+_+_名词引导词从句第7页1.I have no idea why you are so tired every day.2.The fact that we dont get enough sleep is absolutely true.3.I have been thinking about the question whether we should be given more free time.4.We all know the truth that nothing is more important than health.ideaThe factthe ques

5、tionthe truth同位语从句作用同位语从句作用:?深入解释、说明前面名词深入解释、说明前面名词详细内容。详细内容。Activity 1 Read and find第8页 同位语从句同位语从句被修饰名词通常为_名词,如:_,_,hope,wish,_,order,_,_,belief,truth,theory,decision,conclusion,promise,_,_,plan,_Summary(1):抽象factnewsopinionquestionproblemthoughtsuggestionidea第9页Activity 2 Choose the proper introdu

6、ctive words1.The question _ should do the work is being discussed at the meeting.2.I have no idea _ the driver made phone call when driving.3.The fact _two pupils were killed cant be accepted by their parents.4.I have some doubt _ he is suitable for the job.5.The problem _we should have the meeting

7、in the hall now must be decided at once.whowhythatwhetherwhen第10页Summary(2):同位语从句同位语从句在复合句中用作在复合句中用作 从句叫同位语从句,它从句叫同位语从句,它是是_从句之一。引导同位语从句连接词有:从句之一。引导同位语从句连接词有:隶属连词隶属连词 ,;连接代词;连接代词 ,等,等,连接副词连接副词 ,_ 等。等。同位语名词性thatwhetherwhatwhowhen wherewhyhow第11页1.I have a hope that all of you will go to college.2.I h

8、ate the fact that he told me.3.I hate the fact that he always tells lies4.Titanic is the ship that sank into the ocean.5.He made an excuse that his car broke down on the way.同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句 Activity 3 判断以下是什么从句第12页同位语从句与定语从句同位语从句与定语从句不一样之处(不一样之处(1 1)同位语从句用来深入同位语从句用来深入_

9、前面名词内容前面名词内容;定语从句用来定语从句用来_前面名词。前面名词。The news that our team has won the final match is encouraging.(同位语从句说明(同位语从句说明“消息消息”内容:内容:_)The news that you told us is really encouraging.(定语从句对(定语从句对“消息消息”加以限定:是加以限定:是_,而非来自其它渠道。但消息是何内容却不得而知。)而非来自其它渠道。但消息是何内容却不得而知。)Summary(3):解释说明修饰限定我们队取得了决赛胜利我们队取得了决赛胜利你告诉我你告诉

10、我第13页The news that our team has won the final match is encouraging.The news that you told us is really encouraging.Summary(3):同位语从句与定语从句同位语从句与定语从句不一样之处(不一样之处(2 2)在从句中充当成份吗?在从句中充当成份吗?that同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句不作成份,无意义,不能省指代先行词,作成份,作宾语可省第14页1.Itissaidthatmoremiddleschoolgraduateswillbeadmittedintouniversi


12、at Activity 4 Choose the best answer第15页注注:1.1.同 位语从句多用that 引导2.2.在在have no idea 之之后后惯惯用用wh-引引导导同同位位语语从句从句.I have no idea where he has gone.I have no idea when he did it.I have no idea what he did.第16页1,I have no idea2,I dont know the question when he will be back.how he can get the treasure.where t

13、he concert will be hold.who can finish the work.why it happened.which pen is mine.what we should do next.whom they are talking about.whether itll rain tomorrow.第17页1.Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a diet./The fact worries their parents and teachers a lot.2.The Queen of England was on a th

14、ree-day visit in China./We heard the news last night._ Thefact that twothirdsofallgirlsareonadiet worries their parents and teachers a lot._We heard thenews last night that theQueenofEnglandwasonathree-dayvisitinChina.合成句子第18页4.Time travel is possible./There is no scientific proof for the idea.5.Chi

15、nese students should be given more free time./The suggestion is welcomed by many people,especially kids in school.3.Teenagers should not spend too much time online./Many British parents hold the view._Many British parents hold theview that teenagersshouldntspendtoomuchtimeonline._There is no scienti

16、fic proof for theidea that timetravelispossible._Thesuggestion that Chinesestudentsshouldbegivenmorefreetime is welcomed by many people,especially kids in school.第19页名词名词demand,suggestion,proposal,advice 等词后同位语从句语气要用虚拟语气等词后同位语从句语气要用虚拟语气,结构为结构为 should+do,should 可省略可省略 He gave me a suggestion that I(s

17、hould)be calm now.第20页Practice:判断以下各句是同位语判断以下各句是同位语从句还是定语从句从句还是定语从句1.They expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.2.The hope that she expressed is that they would come to visit China again.3.The fact that she works hard is well known to us all.4.I cant stand the terrible noise t

18、hat she is crying loudly.同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句第21页1._madetheschoolproudwas_morethan90%ofthestudentshadbeenadmittedtokeyuniversities.AWhat/becauseBWhat/thatCThat/whatDThat/because2._shecouldntunderstandwas_fewerandfewerstudentsshowedinterestinherlessons.AWhat/whyBThat/whatCWhat/becau



21、hisDWhich1110.Whenyouanswerquestionsinajobinterview,pleaserememberthegoldenrule:Alwaysgivethemonkeyexactly_hewants.12AwhatBwhichCwhenDthat1311.Wemadethesuggestionthathe_hiswork.14AcontinuesBcontinue15CcontinuedDhadcontinuedBAB第25页12.There will be a special price for _ buys things in large number her

22、e.A.who B.whom C.whoever D.Whomever13.Mary wrote an article on _ the team had failed to win the game.A.why B.what C.who D.that (05)B.14.The poor young man is ready to accept _ help he can get.(05)C.A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whenever第26页14.Many newspaper printed the governors statement _ would support a tax cut.A.and he B.was that he C which he D that he B.15._ man must fear when traveling in space is radiation from the sun.C.Which B.How C.What D.That D.16.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.E.A.However B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever 第27页

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