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1、FOREIGH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERTISY4Achieving sustainable environmentalismUnit Unit 4 4 Section ASection AFOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY第1页Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans need,but not every mans gree

2、d.Mahatma Gandhi A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.Forests are the lungs of our land,purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.Franklin Delano Roosevelt 44UNITNature:To worship or to conquer第2页SectionA 44UNITAchievingsustainableenvironmentalismObjectivesObjectivesTo ta

3、lk about environmental issuesTo fully understand the textTo apply the phrases and patternsTo master the argumentative essaywriting skillNature:To worship or to conquer第3页ContentsWarming-up Activities Text Study Language Application SummaryAchieving sustainable Achieving sustainable environmentalisme

4、nvironmentalismSection A 第4页Warming-up ActivitiesLead-inLead-inPre-reading ActivitiesPre-reading ActivitiesCultural BackgroundCultural BackgroundAchieving sustainable Achieving sustainable environmentalismenvironmentalismSection A第5页Lead-inLead-inShortAnswerQuestionsTipsTipsTipsTipsThese pictures re

5、mind us more of the environmental problems we human beings are encountered with at present,including air pollution(hazy weather),water pollution,deforestation,wild animals extinction and so on.1.What do the following pictures remind you of in terms of the environmental issues?第6页Lead-inLead-inShortA

6、nswerQuestionsMan has the“blood ties”with nature.Mankind has to depend on nature for his food,medicine,shelter,clothing and other necessities to be able to survive.However,due to industrialization and economic development,man does not live in harmony with nature anymore.While transforming nature for

7、 his own sake,man has been over exploring and using the natural resources,resulting in such problems as global warming,soil erosion,shortage of fresh water,and sandstorms.Man has suffered a lot from the problems.TipsTipsTipsTips2.What do you think of the relationship betweenman and nature?第7页Listena

8、ndTalkPre-reading ActivitiesPre-reading ActivitiesListentoapassageaboutWorldEnvironmentDayand then decide whether the followingstatementsaretrue(T)orfalse(F).1.World Environment Day falls on June 5 every year.2.San Francisco is the second city in the United States that has held events to celebrate W

9、orld Environment Day.3.The main message of World Environment Day this year is“Plan for Our Cities”.4.Cities use more than 57 percent of the worlds natural resources.5.The events held this year include not only speeches from famous persons,but also fun activities such as concerts,parades,etc.TFFFT第8页

10、Listentothepassageagain.Workinpairsanddiscussthefollowingquestions.1.What is your understanding of a“green city”?2.To build a green city,besides the measures given in the passage such as building more healthy parks and reducing pollution,what other measures can you think of?Pre-reading ActivitiesPre

11、-reading ActivitiesListenandTalk第9页1.What is your understanding of a“green city”?As I understand,a“green city”is a city or town that focuses on environmentally friendly practices.It aims to improve the livability of urban surroundings and benefit the well-being of citizens living there.Pre-reading A

12、ctivitiesPre-reading ActivitiesListenandTalk第10页 2.To build a green city,besides the measures given in the passage such as building more healthy parks and reducing pollution,what other measures can you think of?To build a green city,other measures may include water quality control,efficient recyclin

13、g and waste management,use of renewable energy sources,increase of city residents awareness of environmental protection,and easy access to products and services that make green lifestyle choices easy.Pre-reading ActivitiesPre-reading ActivitiesListenandTalk第11页 Global warming may or may not be the g

14、reat environmental _ of the 21st century,butregardless of whether it is or isntwe wont do much about it.We will argue over it and may even,as a nation,make some fairly solemn-sounding _ to avoid it.But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem,the less likely they are to be _.To be con

15、tinuedTo be continuedcrisiscommitmentsListen to a short passage concerning globalwarming.observed第12页 Al Gore calls global warming an“_,”as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution.But the real truth is that we dont know enough to _ global warming,andwithout major technological

16、_we cant do much about it.From to 2050,the worlds population is _to grow from 6.4 billon to 9.1 billion,a 42%increase.To be continuedTo be continuedinconvenienttruthrelievebreakthroughsprojectedListen to a short passage concerning globalwarming.第13页If energy use per person and technology remain the

17、same,total energy use and greenhouse gas _(mainly,CO2)will be 42%higher in 2050.But thats too low,because societies that grow richer use more energy.We need economic growth unless we _ the worlds poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone elses living standards.emissionscondemnListen to a sho

18、rt passage concerning globalwarming.To be continuedTo be continued第14页The practical solution is that if global warming is a _,the only solution is new technology.Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on _ or dealing with it.potentialdisasterfo

19、ssilfuelsListen to a short passage concerning globalwarming.第15页QuestionsPreviewing1.What are the main ideas of Environmentalism?2.What do you know about Protagoras?TipsTipsTipsTipsTipsTipsTipsTipsCultural BackgroundCultural Background3.What is the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge(ANWR or Arctic Refu

20、ge)?TipsTipsTipsTips第16页Environmentalism refers to the concern about the environment,or the consciousness about the intricate human-nature relation,which mainly advocates the preservation,restoration and/or improvement of the natural environment by social and political movements.Cultural BackgroundC

21、ultural Background1.What are the main ideas of Environmentalism?第17页Cultural BackgroundCultural Background2.What do you know about Protagoras?Protagoras is a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher and one of the several fifth century B.C.Greek thinkers collectively known as the Older Sophists(诡辩家).Protagora

22、s is known primarily for three claims:1)Man is the measure of all things;2)He could make the worse(or weaker)argument appear the better(or stronger);3)One could not tell if the gods existed or not.第18页It is a national wildlife refuge in northeastern Alaska,United States,and the largest protected wil

23、derness region in the country.The refuge supports a wide variety of plant and animal life including caribou,polar bears,grizzly bears,wolves,migratory birds,fish,dense shrubs,and rare groves of poplar trees.Cultural BackgroundCultural Background3.What is the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge(ANWR or A

24、rctic Refuge)?第19页Main Idea&StructureMain Idea&StructureLanguage Language FocusFocusCritical Critical ThinkingThinking Text StudyAchieving sustainable Achieving sustainable environmentalismenvironmentalismSection A第20页TipsTipsTipsTipsHow can we make the right choice among so many different and confl

25、icting proposals put forward in the name of environmental protection?The author starts his argumentation by stating the importance of a keen _ in modern society.(Para.1)environmentalawarenessWhat is the theme of the essay?(Para.1)第21页Introduction:Two questions are raised to show that people have con

26、flicting ideas about environmental protection.The introduction paves the way for the authors central argument.PartI(Para.1)第22页The author introduces two new concepts:environmental luxury environmental necessitiesTipsTipsTipsTipsWhile answering the question raised in Paragraph 1,what concepts does th

27、e author put forward?(Para.2)第23页According to the author,what is the ultimate rule followed by rational environmentalism?(Para.2)The rule states that it is environmentally essential to fight against ecological change that directly does harm to the health and safety of human beings.TipsTipsTipsTips第2

28、4页How does the author explain environmental necessity?(Paras.3-4)The author explains what is environmental necessity by giving two examples:combating ozone depletion and controlling the greenhouse effect.TipsTipsTipsTips第25页According to Paragraph 5,why are ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect c

29、onsidered as urgent human disasters?(Para.5)Because they directly threaten human beings,and their consequences cannot be easily addressed.TipsTipsTipsTips第26页In the first section of the body,the author tries to establish a rule that people can follow when making environmental choices.PartIISection1(

30、Paras.2-5)第27页It indulges in overt earth worship.It is sentimental,highly selective and incompatible with the reality of natural disasters.TipsTipsTipsTipsAccording to Paragraph 6,what are the features of the environmentalism that is popular today?(Para.6)第28页What does the author mean by saying“My n

31、ature worship stops with the twister that came through Kansas or the dreadful rains in Bangladesh that eradicated whole villages and left millions homeless”?(Para.6)TipsTipsTipsTipsThe author means that he doesnt think man should indulge in nature worship because natural disasters can bring people t

32、errible tragedies.第29页What does the author intend to do by citing the example of oil drilling in ANWR?(Para.7)By using this example,the author aims to strengthen his criterion of making environmental choices,whereby human interests should be given priority over those of animals or nature.TipsTipsTip

33、sTips第30页The author cites the debate about whether to drill for oil in ANWR to rebut the sentimental environmentalism and justify his own argument.(Paras.7-9)第31页 The author thinks that protecting the livelihood of the logging families is more important than preserving the spotted owl.Again,the auth

34、or aims to strengthen his own criterion through this example.TipsTipsTipsTipsOn the issue of preserving the spotted owl in Oregon versus protecting the logging families there,which side does the author take?Why?(Para.10)第32页In the second section(Paras.6-10),the author,with the purpose of strengtheni

35、ng his own criterion,argues against a different rule,one which he calls a _,which he says is characterized by _.PartIISection2(Paras.6-_)10excessiveearthworshipsentimentalenvironmentalism第33页 The author thinks that nature is under the _ of us humans,rather than being our master.Humans need to respec

36、t nature as well as _ it.But when humans have to choose between their own interests and those of nature,they should put their own interests _.TipsTipsTipsTipsWhat opinion does the author hold toward the relationship between man and nature?(Para.11)cultivatesupervision inthefirstplace第34页 Man should

37、adapt to nature only when his fate and that of nature are closely connected and mans fate is put in danger.For example,ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect will threaten the living environment of manTipsTipsTipsTipsAccording to the author,under what circumstance should humanity accommodate natu

38、re?Examples?(Para.12)第35页Part three is the conclusion.The author restates his central argument:Human interests should be given _ over those of nature although human beings should _ to nature only when their own survival is being endangered by environmental changes.PartIII(Paras.11-_)13priorityadapt第

39、36页This text is an argumentative writing in which the author tries to make a contrast between two different opinions about environmental protection,through which he tries to justify his claim that human interests should be put above those of nature,and that human beings should protect nature only on

40、 the grounds that their own interests are guaranteed.MainIdeaoftheTextMain Idea&StructureMain Idea&Structure第37页Two questions are raised to show that people have conflicting ideas about environmental protection.(Para.1)第38页The author tries to establish a rule for people to follow when they make envi

41、ronmental choices.(Paras.2-5)The author rebuts a different rule,called a sentimental environmentalism,which he says is characterized by excessive earth worship.(Paras.6-10)第39页A rule,called a sane environmentalism,for making environmental choices is presented.(Para.5)The author defines environmental

42、 luxuries and environmental necessities.(Para.2)The author gives examples“combating ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect”to explain what he sees as an environmental necessity.(Paras.3-4)第40页The author cites the debate about preserving the spotted owl in Oregon vs.protecting the livelihood of th

43、e logging families to justify his own argument.(Para.10)The author reviews a different rule,one which he calls a sentimental environmentalism.(Para.6)The author cites the debate about whether to drill for oil in ANWR to rebut the sentimental environmentalism and justify his own argument.(Paras.7-9)第

44、41页 The author restates his central argument:Human interests should be given priority over those of nature.(Paras.11-13)第42页第43页Sharp concern for environmental protection,similar to the belief in _ or the opposition to plastic surgery,is a necessary _ to people in the upper class world.But people ha

45、ve different opinions about it.Therefore,how can we make the right choice among so many different and conflicting proposals put forward in the name of environmental _?To be continuedTo be continueddemocracyattitudeprotection第44页 To answer the question,it is necessary to follow a rule for making envi

46、ronmental choices:the so-called _,which advocates that combating ecological changes that directly do harm to human health and safety is an _.The criterion for making environmental choices indicates that nature should _ human beings,and that human beings should protect nature only when their own inte

47、rests are not affected.To be continuedTo be continuedsaneenvironmentalismenvironmentalnecessityserve第45页While other people put forward a different rule,called a _,which is characterized by excessive earth _,human interests should be given priority over those of animals or nature and nature should be

48、 _ to human beings because human interests are more important than those of nature.sentimentalenvironmentalismworshipsubordinate第46页PracticalPhrasesPracticalPhrases MeaningsMeanings1.differentiate between把区分2.take on展现(某种特征)3.strike a chord with引发共鸣4.run/go against the grains与格格不入5.be incompatible w

49、ith与不相容e through安然度过7.choose sth.over sth.else优先选择(某物)而非第47页把把区分区分(fantasy/seek medical help)After staying in the net bar for several days and nights,he was no longer able to differentiate between fantasy and reality.He should seek medical help.differentiatebetween短语逆译短语应用在网吧呆了几天几夜,他已经不能区分虚幻和现实了。他应该

50、寻求医疗帮助。意群提醒第48页展展现(某种特征)现(某种特征)(official visit/a new look)We firmly believe that after the leaders official visit to Britain,the relations between the two countries must take on a new look.takeon短语逆译短语应用我们相信,经过领导人对英国正式访问,两国之间关系一定会展现出新面貌。意群提醒第49页引发共鸣引发共鸣(charming pictures/touching plots/young audienc

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