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1、Lesson 8 A famous monastery第1页Lesson 8 A famous monasteryLesson 8 A famous monasterymonastery:a sacred building where monks live convent:a sacred building where nuns live 第2页第3页第4页第5页Chinas famous monastery Shaolin Temple(monastery)is at Song Shan,Henan Province,China.Everyday many people including

2、foreigners visit Shaolin Temple.The Shaolin temple(monastery)has a very long history(founded during the Northern Wei dynasty)and remains one of Chinas oldest Buddhist temples.It is famed for Kung Fu.第6页第7页第8页St.Bernardst.1)saint Saint Valentines Day2)strait Taiwan Strait3)streetthe Wall Street 第9页第1

3、0页pass n.关隘(a place that is difficult to cross)come to a pretty pass 陷入困境come to a nice pass come to a fine pass对顶修饰a dead living 虽生犹死a living death Shakespeare:Romeo and Juliet-Parting is such a sweet sorrow.第11页第12页天地有时尽天地有时尽吾亦无绝期吾亦无绝期第13页第14页勿惹是生非勿惹是生非第15页第16页rashly adv.莽撞地,莽撞地 make a decision ra

4、shlyrash adj.make a rash decisionrash n皮疹skin rashheat rash 痱子 rashly第17页1)围场,圈地2)enclosuren.(信中)附件enclosev.围绕山上云雾回绕-Themountainswereenclosedbymist.en-使,成为encourageendangerenslave第18页第19页第20页 n.清静,隐居-I dont want my privacy to be disturbed.n隐私individual privacy right of privacy第21页skier n.滑雪者滑雪者skiin

5、g sleigh 雪橇雪橇snowboarding 滑雪板滑雪板skateboard 滑板滑板slide 滑梯滑梯幻灯片幻灯片第22页第23页Text:TheGreatSt.BernardPassTheGreatSt.BernardPassconnectsconnects SwitzerlandSwitzerlandtotoItaly.Italy.At2470metres,itisthehighestmountainAt2470metres,itisthehighestmountainpassinEurope.passinEurope.-A good student must connect

6、what he reads with what he sees around him.connect A to Bconnect A with Bconnect A and B第24页connect v.连接(万能)contact n./v.(与人联络)relate v.联络(抽象)keep in contact/lose contact with sb.eye contact lenses-犯罪率上升和失业率上升紧密相连。-The rise in crimes relates closely to the increase in unemployment.第25页The famous mon

7、astery of St Bernard,which was founded in the eleventh century,lies about a mile away.-The college was founded in 1872.-thefounderofauniversity一所大学创办人;-Thelakeliesbeyondthishill.-Hewaslyingonhisback.-Hisinterestliesin(在于)music.found创建,建立创建,建立founder创建者创建者lie-lay-lain-v.位于位于第26页For hundreds of years,

8、St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass.e.g.每年有数百万人到耶路撒冷每年有数百万人到耶路撒冷(Jerusalem)朝拜。朝拜。There are millions of pilgrim worshiping in Jerusalem.定语定语第27页These friendly dogs,which were first brought from Asia,were used as watch-dogs even in Roman times.watchdogwatchma

9、n 看管人,警卫员watch-hour 值班时间keep watch值班,看管keep close watch on 严密监视第28页Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains,the Pass is less dangerous,but each year,the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is in difficulty.now-conj.既然;因为-既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你父母。Nowthatyouaregrownup,yous

10、houldnotrelyonyourparents.-既然下雨了,我们就呆在家里。Nowthatitbeginstorain,letsstayathome.Whenever=no matter when第29页be in+n.be in difficulty 陷入困境be in luxury 生活奢华be in misery 生活悲惨be in debt 负债累累第30页Despite the new tunnel,there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot.despite(=in spit

11、e of)prep.不论,尽管,不论-Despite/in spite of the bad weather,they went out as planned.-She went to the party despite the fact that the doctor told her to rest.-He had a big lunch despite having just had breakfast.rashly-adv.轻率地,无见识地-cautiouslyattempt-vt.尝试,企图我试图一次读完整本小说-I attempted to read the entire nove

12、l in one sitting.第31页During the summer months,the monastery is very busy,for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars.第32页As there are so many people about,the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure.In winter,however,life at the monastery is quite different.asabout=around

13、adv.第33页【辨】Because,since,as,for,now that 第34页because,since,as均表“因为,因为”1)其中because语气最强,since次之,as最弱 回答why只能用because-So why worry?-Because its my responsibility.第35页-The reason she show us the back of the money is because she sees the same scenery.第36页2)Since常表已知事实“既然”,引导从句多置于主句前,作“自从”后面还能够跟完成时。-Since

14、 you know its just number,you will not add this QQ number.第37页3)As较口语化,原因更显著,引导从句置于主句前-(L12)As there were so many people about,the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure.第38页4)for惯用于书面语,于句尾,语气弱。(L11)During the summer months,the monastery is very busy,for it is visited by thousands of people who

15、 cross the Pass in cars.总:because 位置 since as for 第39页5)now that 既然,因为(引导原因状语从句)-Now(that)Im here,Id better stay.(句首,在口语中that可省)第40页1.(07陕西18)when has the country been open to international trade?1978,I suppose.A.SinceB.InC.FromD.After第41页2.(08北京23)Did you return Freds call?I didnt need to _Ill see

16、him tomorrow.A.though B.unless C.when D.because第42页The temperature drops to-30 and very few people attempt to cross the Pass.drop v.下降表数量降低:decrease/decline /descend/fall表数量增加:increase/rise/jump/rocket第43页-The temperature of summer in Chongqing jumps to 40 centigrade and very few people attempt to g

17、o out.第44页The monks prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy.prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing BPrefer to do/doingPrefer to do sth.rather than do/doing第45页-Forrest prefer to running rather than walk.宁死不屈prefer to die rather than surrender第46页Thedogshavegreaterfreedom,too,fortheyareThed

18、ogshavegreaterfreedom,too,fortheyareallowedtoallowedtowanderwanderoutsidetheirenclosure.outsidetheirenclosure.1)wander-vi.漫步闲逛(无目标或固定路线闲荡,能够指人或物)-wander about over the world漫游世界-wander through the woods徘徊于林中2)roam-v.漫游,闲逛,徜徉(长时间无目标)-“Herds of horses and cattle roamed at will over the plain”“大群牛马无拘无束

19、地在草原上漫步”3)ramble-v.漫游(无目标漫步;讲话离题)-They would go off together,rambling along the river”“他们将一同出发,沿着河流漫步”第47页The only regular visitors to the monastery in winter are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter.A party of 一群 A community of monks A flood of refugees A galaxy of beauties第48页Reg

20、ular1:orderly;done or happening often 均匀呼吸均匀呼吸正常心跳正常心跳定时会议定时会议常事常事惯犯惯犯常客常客稳定工作稳定工作regular breathingregular heartbeatregular meetingregular occurrence regular offendersregular customers固定收入固定收入a regular joba regular income第49页These young people,who love the peace of the mountains,always receive a warm welcome at St.Bernards monastery.第50页

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