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1、Planting TreesUnit 2 Plant a Plant!第1页课前自主预习课前自主预习单词闯关1.洞_2.大;巨大_(近义词)3.root_4.seedling_5.v.覆盖 n盖子_6.装满;充满_Large hugehole根根fill幼苗;秧苗幼苗;秧苗coverLesson 7 Planting Trees第2页单词闯关7.dirt_(adj.)8.pack_9.dust_10.暴风雨 _11.北方;北部_(n.)12.底部;最下部_堆积;压实;装堆积;压实;装(箱箱)泥土;污物泥土;污物 dirty沙土;尘土;灰尘沙土;尘土;灰尘bottomstormNorthern

2、northLesson 7 Planting Trees第3页短语互译a dust storm _Tree Planting Day _3.in the bottom of_4.for sure _5.变成 _6.大量 _7.顺便说一下_8.用填满 _沙尘暴沙尘暴植树节植树节在在底部底部必定地;确定地必定地;确定地Lesson 7 Planting Treesturn intoa lot ofby the wayfillwith第4页句型在线1.它必须足够大来容纳秧苗根。It must be _ _ _ _ the roots of the seedling.2.没有东西能够挡住风,因为剩下树

3、不多了。Nothing can stop the wind _ _ _ not many trees left.3.种植植物是有趣,也是主要。_ fun and important _ _ plants.4.噢,请记得在坑底部浇一些水。Oh,and please_ _ put a little water in the bottom of the hole.largeenough to holdbecause there areLesson 7 Planting TreesIts to plantrememberto第5页 词汇点睛词汇点睛 课堂互动探究课堂互动探究1cover v.覆盖覆盖

4、n.盖子盖子观察 Now,put the seedling inside,cover the roots and fill the hole with dirt.现在,把秧苗放到里面,把根盖住并用泥土把现在,把秧苗放到里面,把根盖住并用泥土把坑填满。坑填满。The computer is covered with cloth.电脑被布覆盖着。电脑被布覆盖着。Lesson 7 Planting Trees第6页Lesson 7 Planting Trees探究 cover用作及物动词,意为用作及物动词,意为“覆盖覆盖”。惯用短语:。惯用短语:coverwith意为意为“_”。be covered

5、 with 意为意为“被被所覆盖所覆盖”。比如:。比如:He covered his face with his hands.他用手遮住了他脸。他用手遮住了他脸。The road is covered with snow.这条路被雪覆盖了。这条路被雪覆盖了。用用把把覆盖覆盖拓展 cover还能够用作可数名词,意为还能够用作可数名词,意为“盖子盖子”。比如:比如:a blue cover 一个蓝色盖子一个蓝色盖子第7页活学活用活学活用 1依据汉语意思完成句子依据汉语意思完成句子(1)不要盖上那个瓶子。不要盖上那个瓶子。Dont _ the bottle.(2)这儿有三个红色盖子。这儿有三个红色盖

6、子。There are three red _cover Lesson 7 Planting Treescovers第8页2fill v.装满;充满装满;充满观察 Please fill this glass for me.请为我倒满这个杯子。请为我倒满这个杯子。The girl filled her backpack with books.那个女孩在背包里装满了书。那个女孩在背包里装满了书。The bag is filled with books.这个包里装满了书。这个包里装满了书。词汇点睛词汇点睛 Lesson 7 Planting Trees第9页Lesson 7 Planting Tr

7、ees探究 fill意为意为“装满;充满装满;充满”,惯用结构是,惯用结构是_,意为,意为“用用装满装满”,其主语通常,其主语通常是人,被动结构为是人,被动结构为“be filled with”。比如:。比如:The bottle is filled with water.瓶子里装满了水。瓶子里装满了水。fillwith拓展 fill形容词形式为形容词形式为full,be full of 相当于相当于be filled with。助记第10页活学活用活学活用 2(1)The box is too heavy to carry.Whats in it?Oh,it is _ books.A.fil

8、led withB.covered withC.used forD.asked forALesson 7 Planting Trees【解析解析】考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。fill withfill with意为意为“用用装满装满”;cover with cover with 意为意为“用用覆盖覆盖”;be used for be used for意为意为“用来做用来做”;ask for ask for意为意为“请请求求”。句意:。句意:“这个箱子太重了,里面是什么?这个箱子太重了,里面是什么?”“”“噢,它装满了书。噢,它装满了书。”故选故选A A。第11页活学活用活学活用 (2)

9、The plate is_chicken and fish.Afull Bfull of Cfill with Dfilled ofBLesson 7 Planting Trees第12页3by the way顺便说顺便说/问一下问一下观察 By the way,there is another group of people down the hill.顺便说一下,有另外一群人在山下。顺便说一下,有另外一群人在山下。词汇点睛词汇点睛 Lesson 7 Planting Trees探究 by the way 意为意为“_”,常在句中作,常在句中作_。顺便说顺便说/问一下问一下插入语插入语拓展第

10、13页活学活用活学活用 3依据汉语意思完成句子依据汉语意思完成句子(1)顺便问一下,顺便问一下,你弟弟是干什么?你弟弟是干什么?_ _ _,what does your brother do?(2)顺便问一下,最近你收到吉姆来信了吗?顺便问一下,最近你收到吉姆来信了吗?_ _ _,have you heard from Jim recently?By the wayLesson 7 Planting TreesBy the way第14页1 It must be large enough to hold the roots of the seedling.它必须足够大来容纳秧苗根。它必须足够大

11、来容纳秧苗根。探究探究(1)enough 用作形容词时,意为用作形容词时,意为“_”,修饰名词时,通常放在名词,修饰名词时,通常放在名词_(前面前面/后面后面),也可置,也可置于名词之后。比如:于名词之后。比如:I have enough time to finish the work.我我有足够时间来完成这项工作。有足够时间来完成这项工作。句型透视句型透视足够,充分足够,充分前面前面Lesson 7 Planting Trees第15页探究探究(2)enough用作用作_(词性词性)时,修饰形容词或副词,时,修饰形容词或副词,要放在被修饰词要放在被修饰词_(前面前面/后面后面)。Lesson

12、 7 Planting Trees副词副词后面后面拓展拓展(1)enough(for名词名词/代词代词)to do sth.意为意为“(对对来说来说)做某事足够做某事足够”。比如:。比如:The box is light enough for the boy to carry.这个箱子足够轻,这个男孩能搬动。这个箱子足够轻,这个男孩能搬动。(2)notenough to意为意为“不够不够不能不能”,可与,可与sothat或或tooto进行转换。比如:进行转换。比如:第16页Lesson 7 Planting Trees拓展拓展 The little boy isnt tall enough t

13、o reach the apple on the table.The little boy is so short that he cant reach the apple on the table.The little boy is too short to reach the apple on the table.这小男孩不够高,够不着桌上苹果。这小男孩不够高,够不着桌上苹果。第17页活学活用活学活用 1(1)Sally,I went to the concert last night.How big the symphony hall is!So it is.It is _ to hol

14、d more than one thousand people.A.big enoughB.enough big C.too bigD.too smallALesson 7 Planting Trees第18页活学活用活学活用 (2)He is not old enough _to school.A.gone B.going C.went D.to goDLesson 7 Planting Trees第19页2Oh,and please remember to put a little water in the bottom of the hole.噢,请记得在坑底部浇一些水。噢,请记得在坑底

15、部浇一些水。辨析辨析 remember to do sth.与与remember doing sth.句型透视句型透视Lesson 7 Planting Trees词条条意义意义例句例句remember to do sth.记得去做某事(事情还没有做)Remember to come to the meeting on time tomorrow.记得明天按时参加会议。remember doing sth.记得做过某事(事情已经做完)I still remember arriving in Beijing for the first time.我依然记得第一次到北京(情景)。第20页活学活用活学活用 2Mr.Ling,I have some difficulty _ the article.Remember _ it three or four times at least.A.to understand;reading B.understanding;reading C.understanding;to read D.to understand;to read CLesson 7 Planting Trees第21页

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