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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:2400099 上传时间:2024-05-29 格式:PPT 页数:33 大小:6.09MB
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1、1.Computer roomart roomMusic roomgymclassroom2.playgroundgardenlibraryteachers office3.4.Whats in the school?How many art rooms are there in your school?How many gyms are there in your school?How many computer rooms are there in your school?How many music rooms are there in your school?5.How many st

2、udents are there in your class?How many people are there in your family?6.This is the teachers desk.That is the chair.7.This is the blackboard.That is the TV.8.Is this the door?Is that the fan?Yes,it is.Yes,it is.9.Is this the TV?Is that the computer?No,it isnt.Its the computer.No,it isnt.Its the pi

3、cture.10.Is this the playground?Is that the garden?Yes,it is.Yes,it is.11.Is this the library?Is that the computer room?No,it isnt.Its the classroom.No,it isnt.Its the teachers office.12.Is that the classroom?Is this the classroom?No,it isnt.Its the computer room.No,it isnt.Its the library,13.A:Is t

4、hat the?B:Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Its the.14.Do you have a computer room?Yes,we do.15.Do you have a library?Yes,we do.16.libraryteachers officegardenplaygroundcomputer roomclassroom A:Do you have a?B:Yes,we do.Its on the _ floor.(first,second)Welcome to our school!17.playgroundteachers officelibraryga

5、rdenclassroomcomputer roomA:Do you have a?B:Yes,we do.Its on the _ floor.second floorfirst floor18.This way,please.19.Welcome to our school!This is my classroom.20.Its so big!How many students are there in your class?21.Forty-five students.22.four+ty=fo rtyuforty23.This is a blackboard.That is a gar

6、den.24.This is the teachers office.That is the library.25.Is that the computer room?26.No,it isnt.Its the teachers office.27.Do you have a library?28.Yes,we do.Its the second floor.This way,please.29.Listen and repeat.Read and act.30.Listen and answer the questions.1.How many students are there in Chen Jies class?Forty-five students.2.Is there a library in her school?Yes,there is.3.Wheres the library?Its on the second floor.31.Homework 1 Listen and repeat P.7 for 6 times.2 Talk about your school with your friends and make a similar dialogue.3 Do Lets play with your friends.32.33.

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