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上传人:天**** 文档编号:2344869 上传时间:2024-05-28 格式:DOC 页数:1 大小:16.55KB
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1、雅思写作科技类话题范文:Technological effectQuestionTechnological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Sample answerIt is undeniable that technological advancement has made an unprecedented change in our human life in

2、the last century. Nonetheless, its destructive impact on our society has also to be recognized.In the 20th century, some significant inventions including jet planes, TV, cars, computers and telephones have shaped our modern life fundamentally. Long distance transportation becomes easier and increasi

3、ng international communication in many aspects such as trade, cultures and technology expands our activity sphere and broadens our horizons. Our life expectancy is longer than ever before thanks to medical progress and some fatal diseases such as heart disease and breast cancer can be cured. Boosted

4、 productivity in industry and agriculture by automation has solved famine in many regions and improved our living standard dramatically. TV and the internet provide entertainments and information as well.However, it has been widely realized that the benefits produced by technology do not come at no

5、cost. The environment deterioration makes the earth less livable largely due to the overuse of fuel sources for energy production and traffic exhaust. Another contributor is the high efficiency of production which makes consumer goods so cheap that people throw away food or anything out of date or b

6、roken with little hesitation, but unfortunately it is this throw-away lifestyle that is responsible for the large amount of waste and meanwhile escalates the commodity production in turn. Overpopulation, as one consequence of the improved medical condition and better material life, has savagely depr

7、ived animals and plants of their habitats, damaging the balance of the nature and eco-sustainability. In spite of the medical progress, the public health ironically is not getting enhanced and the reason for this is modern sedentary lifestylewhich features the addiction to TV, the computer and the i

8、nternet.In conclusion, I personally assume that science and technology has changed our life in both positive and negative ways. While we enjoy more material affluence and convenience, we have to tolerate the contaminated environment and poor health. Maybe we should not be too optimisticabout science and technology development.

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