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1、2023.01.05A 类Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch TV. The former group are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better grasp of language skills. Do you agree or disagree?Reading books and watching TV are two main channels to cultivate imagin

2、ation and develop language skills during peoples whole lives. Nowadays, a controversial issue about whether individuals reading books for enjoyment are more capable of practicing their vision and taking a command of languages has been into fierce discussion. In my opinion, reading can better peoples

3、 imagination and language abilities.To begin with, from books, readers are able to grasp the authors concepts and ideas, This can be illustrated by Harry Porte which plays a pivotal role in capturing readers imagination. Another merit of reading is that people can hone their language abilities, espe

4、cially in expanding vocabulary and improving writing skills. For instance,*The master piece reflects the authors Admittedly, watching television programs helps to practice viewers imagination as well as speaking and listening capabilities, which can be illustrated by the authenticity and the vividne

5、ss of such TV shows, intensifying peoples appreciation abilities and encouraging the audiences imitation. Accordingly, individuals vision can be inspired and their spoken language can be furthered. However, TV programs, mostly TV episodes, are mainly originated from books and tend to just represent

6、the ideas of the directors. Consequently, watching such shows may stifle televiewers creativity and imagination.To sum up, although watching TV may have certain positive impacts on viewers imagination and language skills, reading books are able to develop individuals such capacities better, I believ

7、e, due to the diversity and detailedness of books. The point is that people are supposed to read more, not regarding studying as a burden, but reading for pleasure, which is the most important factor readers should consider.2023.01.10A 类It is said that work is the most important thing of peoples lif

8、e. Without the success of career, life will become meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?Many of people in modern society devote a lot of time to working, since they regard career success as the most significant part in life. However, has it come to a point that it ha

9、s taken over our life? This is the question that requires a close examination.No one can deny the importance of work to a person. Obviously ,employment not only supports us and our families economically, but also helps us establish our self-esteem and pride when we see our job as an opportunity to m

10、ake a contribution to our community. In other words, we fulfill our social value through a job. However, the belief that occupational endeavor makes our life meaningful and rewarding does not necessarily lead to the assumption that without a satisfying career, life is meaningless. Life is not only a

11、bout work. Instead, there are many other factors that influence our well-being. Family life, personal hobbies, religious pursuit, friendship and even rest and recreation also contribute to our happiness. If these aspects are not in balance with working life, there can be little chance to embrace a s

12、uccessful career. Those who overly focus on career tend to suffer from some problems, such as health issues, fear of failure, bad interpersonal relationship, materialism and so forth.(也可例举拓展)All in all, while work is an important part of life, it is not the only thing we have to do in our life. Ther

13、e are other things we can enjoy. The key is the balance between working and personal life which helps us take the most advantage of our mundane life.2023.01.12A 类In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you thi

14、nk it has positive or negative effects on children and the society?Nowadays, parents pay closer attention to childrens academic performance. As a result, some teenagers are ordered to continue acquiring knowledge from course books, even during their spare time. Personally, it has more negative effec

15、ts on children and the society.Admittedly, acquiring knowledge as much as possible would be high on todays students agenda, especially in this competitive world. Higher educational resource is always limited; as a consequence, it is absolutely justified to allocate the opportunities of sharing advan

16、ced learning resources to those who perform well in academic study.However, on no account should we ignore its drawbacks. Firstly, it should be taken into consideration that students will suffer stifling academic stress. Most importantly, if their free time were occupied for further knowledge acquis

17、ition, then they would have no time to relax their bodies and ease their minds. In the long run, some adolescents tend to totally collapse, seeking some unfavorable approaches to releasing pressure, such as gambling, getting drunk and even committing suicide. Secondly, we should by no means overly e

18、mphasize the improvement of academic performance. Realistically, the cultivation of team spirit and interpersonal skills are also supposed to attract parents and educators attention. Otherwise, the youngsters are more likely to encounter difficulties when they collaborate with colleagues for any gro

19、up assignment. Words fail to express how important communicational skills are in this rapidly changing world. So, it is far from enough if the students only predominate in the field of study.Overall, there is no denying that parents and teachers are supposed to join forces to help children become we

20、ll-rounded adults in the near future, which is not only reflected in their academic performance, but also on their skills when they cooperate with others.2023.01.19A 类Childcare is an important task for nations. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare tra

21、ining courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?Childcare skills, which used to pass from generation to generation, nowadays have been developed into some formal courses in many countries and young parents are encouraged to register in these programs. I personally support s

22、uch action.The development in ones early stage of life is so vital that free access to professional childcare programs, which are not only about nutrition, for all parents should be available. It is proved by many researchs that young parents equipped with sufficient childcare knowledge about childc

23、are can better protect their infants or toddlers from various risks, detect possible warning signs of development delay, better understand a childs emotional needs and help establish healthy eating habits. Overall, these parents tend to help children grow to their fullest potential physically, emoti

24、onally and intellectually and these advantages would affect the future life of their children for long term.It is certainly true that our grandparents never attended any parenting classes and they raised our parents with no major regret. It seems that we could keep this tradition, learning from our

25、parents. However, this is impractical in modern society. The decreasing birth rate and smaller scale of families means that the young generation have no chance to help mum take care of their little siblings or little chance to witness the process and learn from other adults how to raise a baby prope

26、rly.It is also understandable that working parents are sometimes not in a position to get involved in formal parenting courses, especially fathers who usually dedicate most of their time to their work and leave little time to their families. Nevertheless, such obstacles can be removed by flexible wa

27、ys of delivering childcare courses, such as the Internet, TV or radio. Or the courses can last for a few years since young couples consider starting a family. In addition, research findings suggest that the increasing involvement of fathers in interactive activities with children helps with healthy

28、development of a baby.To sum up , childcare training courses should be compulsory, because they make eligible/qualified parents and a happy family and a strong nation by promoting healthy development of a person in early stage of life.2023.02.02A 类 考试测试Some people say watching television is bad for

29、Children in all ways, others say it is good for children to get knowledge.范文:Watching TV has always been an important part of after school life for children, and some of them even become TV addicts. Therefore some people advocate no TV for children.Of course this is understandable. Firstly, children

30、 sitting too much time in front of a screen tend to have poor eyesight and weak body due to lack of physical exercise. They can also be lost in the virtual world and be insensitive to people around them, including their parents, and this is detrimental to their family relationship and their emotiona

31、l development. Another concern is about their mental development which needs various types of interactive activities, but obviously excessive TV viewing cannot meet such requirement. The worst part can be some programs which are not proper for children to watch. Too many advertisements and news focu

32、sing on emergency and disasters on the screen are also a disadvantageous point for immature people who are prone to be influenced negatively.However watching TV in moderation with proper parental supervision can be good for children. There are plenty of educational programs which can expand children

33、s knowledge and spark their interestin exploring the world where they may not have the opportunity to visit in real life, such as the nature and wild life. TV is not only an educational source, but is also a recreational activity. It can help enrich their after class activities. For example, childre

34、n are always excited to watch cartoons and they would experience the adventure together with the characters in the show. The positive effects would be enlarged if children are able to share their TV time with their parents or peers, because they would have topics in common and more communication can

35、 be followed.In general, Id like to conclude that whether TV is good or bad is determined by how parents manage it. If parents limit TV hours and designate some educational and interesting programs and they keep their children accompanied, healthy viewing habit would be established and positive effe

36、cts would be maximized. Otherwise, watching TV can be a worrying situation.2023.02.14A类Some people think young people should be free to choose his or her job,but other people think they should be realistic and think more about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.范文: In todays

37、labour market, what kind of jobs do young people favor? While some mainly consider about some realistic issues such as initiative salary or working conditions, others may choose one simply because they like it.Of course it is very justified for job seekers to be realistic when facing the severe comp

38、etition in employment. College graduates have little chance to be romantic ,for they have to think about the starting payment, security, working hours and future promotion opportunity. For instance, in my country, many parents encourage their children to compete for a civil servant position as it is

39、 permanent for life. Other things such as personal interest or feelings have to come second. However, many young workers complain about their job of a high level of security. They tend to suffer from tediousness and indifference.I personally support young people to have freedom to choose their caree

40、r in the hope of enhancedjob satisfaction. They should be allowed to choose what they have interest in and feel inspired to be better each day. When a worker feel satisfied with his or her job, he or she would be self-motivated and dedicated to their career. They tend to spare little effort to achie

41、ve their workinggoal which is set clear and ambitious. Even if some jobs are not permanent, those who outperformtheir colleagues in these workplaces can also gain high degree of security.To conclude my argument, it is ideal to land on a job position which not only is stable but alsoignites ones pass

42、ion for work. However, there is nothing perfect in this world and especial in the employment sector. My suggestion is to give priority to personal inclination to a particular job when one is seeking for a job.2023.02.16A类Some people think all lawbreakers should be taken in to prison, others believe

43、that there are better alternatives, (for example, being work to do which is beneficial for local community). Discuss both views and give your own opinion.范文:To handle criminals is a problem that all countries and societies face. Traditionally, the approach has been to punish them by placing them in

44、prisons to pay for what they have done. Some, however, advocate for trying to make them better with training and education and it seems they may have a good point.First of all, consider all the money that we have to spend to lock people up in jail. It doesnt seem like a good use of public money if t

45、he people dont actually get any better. Because most criminals eventually are let out of prison, our focus should be on making them better citizens.In fact, the reason why many people end up in jail in the first place is because they didnt have a good education or happy family. So if they can learn

46、job skills they perhaps can find work and feel they can contribute in a positive way. If they do this, they wont need crime. Surly everyone deserves a second chance.Of course this does not mean that we should be too lenient on criminals. Those who commit crime should still be punished, but during th

47、eir punishment they should also be treated. If we make an investment in them and show compassion, most will be able to make a new start.To summarize, we must make more of an effort to go to the root of the problem. We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need: educatio

48、n and training. By giving people the skills for a second chance we can make our society safer and healthier.2023.02.23A类Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. Whats the reasons for this problem? Whats the effects to the society? 范文: In some rapidly developing co

49、untries, increasing university students major in business, accounting, communication or computer programing rather than science. I personally believe that this is an inevitable transition in the era of information and globalization when capital flows worldwide and communication technology play a role in almost every field. The changes in technology and social evolvement

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