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1、LOGOLOGO Business Negotiation 商务英语口语教程1 1Your site hereGreetings How was your weekend?2 2Your site hereRevision Here I am going to check the homework,from which I will know how well the students did in the last classes.3 3Your site herevDo you like shopping?vDo you always bargain when shopping?vWho

2、is the best at bargaining in your class?Lead-in4 4Your site hereuWhat are the important points?uWhat are the difficult points?Dialogues:5 5Your site herev1.Our price is reasonable as compared with that in the international market.v2.Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere.v3.You should

3、 take quality into consideration.v4.It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.v5.You may notice that the price for this commodity has gone up since last year.Key sentences6 6Your site herev6.The price for this commodity is US$25 per pound in the international mar

4、ket.v7.We may reconsider our price if your order is big enough.v8.If your price is favorable,we can book an order right away.v9.It is difficult for us to sell the goods,as your price is so high.v10.Youll agree our price is most favorable.Key sentences7 7Your site herevRead the dialogue.vJust watch i

5、t.vHave a try.vJust say it.3.Consolidation8 8Your site herevRead the dialogue2 and pay more attention to the important and difficult points weve concluded.Read the dialogueNever give up!9 9Your site herevPlease watch a short video about business negotiation and think about what the main procedures o

6、f a business negotiation are.Watch it.May I help you?1010Your site herevDivide the class into two groups and ask them to bargain using the useful words and expressions learned in the dialogue.It is based on the following situation:Mr.Mao wants to buy 100 computers from ABC company and now he is nego

7、tiating the price with the sales manager Mr.Wang.Just have a try!1111Your site herevAsk the Ss to share their bargaing experience and discuss the tips for bargaining under a favourable situation.Just say it.Why dont you ask me?1212Your site herevIntroducing the team membersvIntroducing the company i

8、n briefvNegotiating about the price,terms of payment,packing,shipment,etc.vConcluding what both parties negotiated vSigning a contract Main procedures 1313Your site herevKnow your bottom price.vDont make large concession.vBe quick-minded.vShow your own advantages.vAim at the long-term relationship.v

9、Make the others look good.vKeep a slow and deliberate rule.vQuit while youre ahead.vKeep uncertain.Tips for bargaining 1414Your site herelDialoguelUseful words and expressionslMain procedures of business negotiationlTips for business negotiationlMoral education:Money is not everything.Conclusion:151

10、5Your site here Get ready for the practical business negotiation based on the following situation:Buyer:Miracle Journey Sports Club Seller:LiNing Company Ltd.The buyer wants to buy another 100 pairs of roller-skates and 500 T-shirts from the seller and this is the second time for them to do business in the same year.Homework1616LOGOLOGOThank You!1717

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