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1、情态动词归纳表情态V词义&用法注意事项特殊用法can could1.表具备某种能力Can表现在能力;Could表示过去能力.可用be able to代替;was/were able to to表示成功做了某事 (1) 表惊异、怀疑、不相信、不耐烦等。(此意常用于否定句、疑问句或惊叹句语气)Can/Could this be true?(2)can nottooenough表示无论怎样也不过分,越越好:You cant be too careful.2.表请求和允许请求用could 语气委婉允许不用 could.3. 表“可能性” can用于否定和疑问句(could不限) can (be)表示有

2、时候会(常与sometimes, at times 连用)maymight 1.表请求和允许请求用might语气更委婉。允许时用may,表示“可以”(表示允许时不用might)。(1)may/might well+V原形:表完全可能,,很可能= be very likely to:He may well be proud for his son.(2)may/might as well+V原形:最好,满可以,倒不如You may as well stay here over night.2.表可能性“也许”此意常用于肯定句。(might可能最小)3表祝愿固定句型为“May+主语+V原型”:Ma

3、y you succeed! must1.表“必须” must多表主观、现在/将来义务; have to多表客观、过去义务 mustnt表禁止;否定用neednt / dont have to(1) 表示必然结果:All men must die.人固有一死。(2)表示一种与说话人愿望相反、不耐烦的感情色彩,可译为“一定要、偏偏、非要”:If you must know, her name is Mary.2.表推测:“肯定是、准是”只用于肯定句。在否定句/疑问句中用can/couldwillwould1.表意愿,决心等Would此时为will过去式,无意义差别(1) will表命令(说话者确

4、定命令一定会得到执行)或允诺:You will report to me afterwards.(命令)They will get enough money from me.(允诺)(2) 可用于祈使句附加疑问句(反义疑问句):(此时would比will委婉) Dont go now, will you?(3) woul短语:would rather/would prefer宁愿;would like/would love喜欢/想要(见注意)2.表经常性,习惯性,倾向性,Would表过去反复的动作/某种倾向(相对于used to无“现已无此习惯”之义。)3.表功能,性质叙述真理:The tre

5、e will leave without water for 3 months.4.表估计:“想必,大概”(只时态区别)此意表对目前事物的预料。That will be the postman ringing.(would表示过去/现在;will表示现在/将来)5. 表“请求/要求”(Will you?)此意用于疑问句,常与you连用Will you give me a piece of paper?shall (shant)1.表征求意见(“好不好”)用在第一、三人称Shall the reporters wait outside or what?点2其他示例:He shall have t

6、he book when I finish reading.(允诺) You shall fail if you dont work harder.(警告)You shall come at once.(命令)2.表允诺、威胁、警告、命令或根据规定有义务做用于第二、第三人称Passengers shall not talk with the driver while the bus is moving3.表规章、法令、预言:“必须”用于所有人称Every competitor shall wear a numbershouldought to1.表示道义上的责任,义务或要求,有时表示劝告:Yo

7、u ought to /should pay more attention to what your lawyer says.(1)should 用于疑问句中表示说话人对某事不能理解,惋惜,感到意外,赞叹,愤怒、惊异等感情,意为“竟会”,有时也用于陈述句中(2)Should还可以用在if引导的条件从句,表示一件事听起来可能性很小,但也不是完全没有可能,相当于“万一”的意思。(见注意)2.表示推测和可能性,是“ (按理说)应该”之意肯定的语气没有must用于推测时强This pen ought to /should be yours. 3.表示说话人的一种谦逊,客气,委婉的语气此意常用于第一人称

8、时:You are mistaken , I should say . (依我看你是搞错了)高考热点透视热点一:表猜测的情态动词的用法。词形使用场合对现在和未来的推测对过去事情的推测must肯定句must+动词原形must have donemay/might肯定句、否定句may+动词原形may/might have donecan/could否定句、疑问句can/could +动词原形can/could have doneshould肯定句、否定句、疑问句用来表示一种估计的情况“按理会/估计会”should+动词原形should have done热点二:情态动词+have done情态动词

9、+have done的用法有两种含义:1. 对过去情况的猜测。由表猜测的情态动词+have done构成。上表已经提到。2. 表示与过去事实的主观设想。有轻微的责备、后悔之意。请参看下表:情态动词+have done用法例句must have done对过去进行推测表 “想必、准是一定做了”The light were out. They must have been asleep.can have donecant have done否定、疑问句中,表“怀疑和不肯定”He cant have forgotten it.Can he have gone to his aunts?could h

10、ave donecouldnt have done表“本来可以做某事的(却没有)否定表“不可能”You could have done better, but you were too careless.Mr wang couldnt have gone to Beijing, for I saw him just now.might have done表“本来应该或可以/能做某事的(却没有)You might have given me more help, though you were busy.should/ought tohave done用于肯定句中时,表示“本该做某事”,而实际上

11、未做;用于否定句中时,则表示不该做的事反而做了。You should/ought to have been more careful.You shouldnt have spoken to your parents in this way.neednt have done表示做了本来不必去做的事。The weather turned out fine. You neednt have taken your umbrella with you.had better have done表示“当时做了某事就好了”,其否定句表相反的含义。You had better have started earl

12、ier.You had better not have quarrelled with her.would rather have done表示“当时宁愿做了某事”,其否定句表相反的含义。两者都表“后悔”之意。I would rather have taken her advice.I raised objections at the meeting, but now I would rather not have done that.Would like/love to have done表示愿意做某事,但未做成。I would love to have gone to the party

13、last night, but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.热点三:shall,will,must 等1. Shall 用于第一人称疑问句中表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请求。例:The room is so dirty. _ we clean it?Of course. ( 03 上海春招 )A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Do 用于第二人称陈述句表示说话人或他人的意图、命令、允诺、警告、命令等。例:“The interest _ be divided into five parts, accordin

14、g to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge. (04 重庆,24)A. may B. should C. must D. shall2. Will 表示意愿或意志。例:I _ argue with you. 当主语是物时,则表示“不起作用”。例:The drawer _ shut.3. Must 表“必须、一定要”。例: Who is the girl standing over there? Well, if you _ know, her name is Mabel. (02,天津 )A. may B. can C. must D. shall

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