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1、Unit 5Unit 5Nelson Mandela -a modern heroApple has lost a visionary(富有想象力的)and creative genius,and the world has lost an amazing human being.Those of us who have been fortunate(幸运的)enough to know and work with him have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor(指导者).He leaves behind a company that o

2、nly he could have built,and his spirit will forever be the foundation(基础)of Apple.Steve Jobs (1995-2011)Who is your hero/heroine?What makes him/her your hero/heroine?My heroesChairman Mao is the leader of the Chinese Revolution,the founding father of the Peoples Republic of China.He led Chinese peop

3、le to overthrow the three big mountains,imperialism,feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism.Michael Jackson is the King of Pop,who made great contribution to music,dance,fashion,which makes him a global figure in popular culture.Lin Hao is a little hero who saved his classmates in Wenchuan Earthquake.Li

4、u Jianyong is a great environmental protection volenteer.He began to pick up rubbish when he was 9 years old.He has insisted on his great deed for almost 60 years.Nelson Mandela devoted his life to fighting for black peoples rights.He helped the black people get the same rights as white people,and c

5、reated a democratic and united age for South Africa.DiscussionEvery era has its own heroes.Now think about the heroes and the social background.Do you agree with the proverb A hero is known in the time of misfortune?In your opinion,what are the qualities or virtues(美德)needed to be a hero?heroexternal factorinternal factorThank you for your attention!

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