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2、分词to be+过去分词过去分词be+seen/heard/noticed/found/watched/observed/let/had/made+to docan/may/must/need/should+be+过去分词过去分词各种时态被动语态形式各种时态被动语态形式第1页2The passive voice不用于被动语态情形不用于被动语态情形第2页3不及物动词没有被动语态因为不及物动词没有宾语,所以若将其用于被动语态则没有主语,故不能用于被动语态.这类动词如take place,happen,come about,breakout,appear,dispear,last(连续),arise

3、(出现,发生),date from(date back to)等 e.g.The storm has lasted for 3 hours.The boy disappeared round the corner.第3页4 get+过去分词e.g.How did that window get opened?Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by the hour.第4页5主动表被动若干情形.连系动词(如look,sound,smell,feel,taste,prove等)用主动表被动,因为系动词为不及物动词,它们没有被动形式.e.g.

4、The garden looks very beautiful.You idea proved to be wrong.第5页62.当open,close,shut,lock,move,read,wash,clean,cook,cut,wear,carry等用作不及物动词且表示主语某种属性时,通惯用主动表被动.e.g.The window wont shut.The book sells quickly.第6页73.不定式to blame,to let 用作表语时,主动表被动.e.g.Who is to blame?The house is to let.第7页84.一些be+adj+to d

5、o 结构中不定式通惯用主动表被动e.g.The poem is difficult to understand.The music isnt pleasant to listen to.The picture is interesting to look at.第8页95.不定式用于一些动词(如have,have got,get,want,need等)宾语后作定语时,假如不定式逻辑主语是句子主语,通惯用主动表被动.e.g.I have some clothes to wash.I have something to drink.第9页106.在tooto do sth 和enough to d

6、o sth 这两个结构中,若句子主语与其后不定式为被动关系,则该不定式通惯用主动表被动.e.g.The writing is too faint to read.These boxes are not strong enough to use as a platform.第10页117.be worth 后动名词用主动表被动e.g.This movie is worth seeing.She is not worth getting angry with.8.在need,want,require等少数表示“需要”动词后动名词用主动表被动e.g.The room needs cleaning.T

7、hese children require looking after.第11页12More than a dozen students in that school_aboard to study medicine last year.sentwere senthad senthad been sent第12页13With more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth _ each year.is washing awayis being washed awayare washing awayare being wash

8、ed away第13页14-what was happening in the new area last night.-New houses_recently over there_fire.being built;being caught being built;caughthave been built;caughtbuilt;were on第14页15Saran,hurry up.Im afraid you cant have time to _before the party.get changedget changeget changingget to change第15页16She _for what she has done.ought to praiseought to praisedought be praisedought to be praised 第16页17His new book _next month.will be publishedis publishingis being publishedhas been published第17页18No permission has _for anybody to enter the building.been givengivento givebe giving第18页;https:/

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