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1、Module 8Sports lifeUnit 2He was invited to competitions around the world.1.To get information from the reading material about sports stars.2.To be able to complete a timeline.3.To be able to write about composition about Liu xiang.Learning aims:Speaking-warming upTalk something about Liu Xiang in fu

2、ll sentences.例如:例如:uLiu Xiang was born in Shanghai in 1983.uHe started training at a sports school in 1993/at the age of ten/when he was ten.Liu Xiang is a sportsman.coach-Sun Haiping.Coach Sun Haiping noticed Liu Xiang.Liu Xiang was noticed by coach Sun Haiping.1P66Look at the picture and the title

3、 of the passage in Activity 2.Who is he?When and where did he get his Olympic gold medal?What was his feeling at the moment?Has he ever suffered from injury or defeat?Task 1Read the passage and choose the sentence which best expresses the main idea.a)Liu Xiang was helped by his sports school to win

4、a gold medal.b)Liu Xiang will be a star and not a sports hero.c)Liu Xiang has trained for many years and won many gold medals.Fast readingTips:浏览开头和结尾来理解大意浏览开头和结尾来理解大意Task 23P67Look at the notes below and try to match the years with them.dles raceRead the passage and check the answers.fgabecTask 3Re

5、ad para 1&2 and answer the questions.1.How did Liu Xiangs life as a sports hero begin in 2004?First,he was invited to competitions around the world.Then,he was chosen for the Chinese team at the Athens Olympic Games.2.Was Liu Xiang trained for the hurdling at first?No,he wasnt.Liu was encouraged at

6、first to train for the high jump.Careful readingTask 3Careful readingRead para 3 and answer the questions.Who and what changed Liu Xiangs life?Sun Haiping and a special programme.1.In 1998,Liu Xiangs _ in hurdling _ by Sun Haiping.2.In 2001,a special programme _ to help young sportsmen and sportwome

7、n.His races _ and he _ with the worlds best sports stars.His coach change his training _ for Liu Xiang according to the information.was set upwere recordedwas comparedabilitywas noticedmethodsTask 3Careful readingRead para 4-6 and answer the questions.1.What prizes have Liu Xiang won?2.Why did Liu X

8、iang stop completing the 2012 London Olympic Games?He won his first international 110m hurdles in Japan in May 2001.In 2004,he won the first Olympic gold medal and broke the Olympic Games record.Because of his foot problem.1.Where might we read the passage?()A.In a science book B.In a book review C.

9、In a storybook D.In a dictionary2.What can you learn from the passage?()A.Liu Xiang never returned to first place after 2008.B.Liu Xiang won two Olympic gold medals.C.Liu Xiang was the first person who won an Olympic gold medal.D.The writer is proud of Liu Xiang.InferringTask 4Choose the answers acc

10、ording to the passage.Time orderWriting order:In 1983WhenyoungIn Grade 4(1993)In 1998In 2001In May 2001In 2004From 2008 onIn 201220141.was invited to2.was chosen for won importantbefore 2004in 2004after 2004What happened before 2004?Early lifeIn 1983was bornwhen youngstarted trainingIn Grade 4(1993/

11、10 years old)went towas encouraged totrain forlove sportsnot successfulnot good at How did he train for hurdling?In 1998In 2001Sun Haipingcoachwas noticed bya special programwas set up towere recordedwas compared withused to changemethods forget helpIn May 2001won his first race in JapanIn 2004What

12、did he do in 2004?won gold medal broke the recordIt was also the first time/an Olympic gold medal for hurdling/was hung round the neck of a sportsperson/from an Asian countryfor Chinafor Asian countrieswas successfulDid Liu Xiang still train hard after 2004?He trained so hard that When did he suffer

13、 from his foot problem?From 2008 onsuffered a lot fromdidnt give upIn 2012 missedreturned to first placeWhat can we learn from him?a herobutthoughWhat do people think of him?It is a pity stopped him from completing a symbol of courage and success continue to take great pride inIn 1983WhenyoungIn Gra

14、de 4(1993)In 1998In 2001In May 2001In 2004From 2008 onIn 2012was bornstarted training went to/was encouraged to was noticed by was set up to helpwere recorded/was compared withused to won the first race won the first gold medal/broke the record/was hung roundsuffered from/didnt give upmissed/returne

15、d to/stoppedfromretella symbol of courage and success.continue to take great pride in激情朗读!激情朗读!The Chinese take great(1)_ in Liu Xiang.At first,he was not very successful,but his coach noticed his(2)_ in running and jumping,and helped him changed his training(3)_.He won a number of important(4)_ and

16、 became the first(5)_ sportsperson to win an Olympic gold medal for hurdling.However,from 2008 on,he missed some competitions because of a foot problem.Although he did not complete the 2012 Olympic Games,he is still a symbol of great(6)_ and success.ability Asian courage method pride raceprideabilit

17、ymethodsracesAsian courage中考链接3.What can you learn from Liu Xiang?2.What makes Liu Xiang successful?1.In your opinion,is Liu Xiang a true hero?Why?1.won the first 2.suffered from didnt give upwon in 20121.trained hard 2.get help 3.his strong willWhatever,dont/a strong will/For _,life as a sports her

18、o began in _._ was chosen for the _ and won a gold medal._ was encouraged to _._s ability in _ was noticed by _._ was compared with _His coach used _ to change training methods for _He won his first _ race/gold medal in _He broke the _ record.It was the first time _ was hung round the neck of _.He t

19、rained hard.in fact,he trained so hard that _._,he suffered a lot from _,but he didnt give up.Its a pity that _He is a symbol of courage and success,and we continue to take great pride in him.Fill in the blank,read aloud.Finish your passage about Liu xiang.Write a passage to introduce Yao Ming following the passage we learned today.中考热点中考热点1.The ice in the lake is as _ as it was before.A.thin B.thinner C.thinnest D.the thinnest2.-How can I speak English_ you?-Youd better speak more.I think.Aas good as B.more than C.as well as D.as much asAB

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