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1、Service Contract劳务合同Dear 【】,【】先生【】 (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) welcomes the opportunity of your creative services as 【】.【】(以下简称“甲方”)邀请您(以下统称“乙方”)作为【】为甲方提供服务。The Artist hereby accepts such hiring on the following terms and conditions:甲方和乙方达成如下条款:Article 1. The Artists Basic Information

2、第一条 乙方的基本信息PP NO.护照编号Nationality国籍Immediate Family Name直系亲属Relationship with the Artist与乙方的关系Immediate Family Contact No. 直系亲属联系方式Article 2. Position, Duties and Working Place第二条 职位、职责和服务地点2.1 TheArtist provides serviceas【】(position) . 乙方作为【】为甲方提供服务。2.2 The Artist shall at all times faithfully, with

3、 diligence, and to the best of his/her ability, experience and talents, perform all the duties that may be required of and from him/her pursuant to the terms of this Contract.乙方在任何时候都应忠实,勤勉,并以其最好的能力,经验和才干,执行依照本合同条款的要求其所应尽的职责。2.3 It is expressly understood and agreed that in the performance of his/he

4、r duties and obligations hereunder, the Artist shall at all times, be subject to the direction of Director Joey(Yi Zou) of the Company. The Artists duties may be reasonably modified atthe Companys direction and discretion under the circumstances when the Artist is confirmed unqualified, or by virtue

5、 of the Companys business requirements. 乙方知悉并同意其为了履行本合同的职责和义务,应从始至终听从甲方导演邹燚的指导和指挥。如果乙方的服务未能达到甲方的满意或甲方存在公司业务安排上的需要,乙方的职责可能会在甲方的安排下进行合理的调整。2.4 The Artist works at the Companys registered office. 乙方在甲方的办公地点为甲方提供服务。Article 3. Term This Contract last for 【】 months, from 【】 to 【】, unless this Contract is

6、earlier terminated in accordance with its provisions. 除非依据相关约定提前终止,本合同的期限为【】个月,自【】到【】止。Article 4. Compensation第四条 服务费用4.1 The Artist will receive 【】RMB(tax included)per month during this Contract. Wires are sent on the 10th of each month and the compensation will be postponed if it happens to be at

7、weekends or on official holidays. 每月的服务费用为【】人民币(税前)。费用将在每月的10号支付,遇节假日及法定假日支付时间则顺延。4.2 The monthly compensation will include Chinese federal taxes and other charges withheld. the Company/local tax bureau will provide a year-end tax notice of withholding which could be used for the Artists local/gover

8、nment tax preparations. 服务费用按月支付,甲方将会代扣代缴税款及其他应缴费用。甲方及甲方所在地的税务局会提供纳税证明,乙方可用于其国籍所在地税务的申报。4.3 The compensation will be paid in RMB to the bank account applied by the Artist at Bank of China in China. 工资将以人民币的形式支付到乙方在中国申请的中国银行的账户上。(选择性条款)Article 5. Working Hours and Working Days第五条 工作时间5.1 The Artists

9、working hours are specified as follows (normal working hours: 9:00 11: 30, 13:00 18: 00; lunch time: 11:30 13: 00.) 乙方的工作时间为:9:00 11: 30, 13:00 18: 00,11:30 13: 00为午休时间。5.2 Standard working hours system, i.e. 7.5 hours/day, 5 days/week. 标准工作小时制度:每天7.5小时工作制,每周工作五天。Article 6. Holidays第六条 节假日the Compan

10、y follows all Chinese official holidays. 中国的所有法定节假日甲方都遵照执行。Article 7. Commercial Accident Insurance/Hospital Allowance第七条 商业保险或住院津贴7.1 During the Contract, the Company will provide Commercial Accident Insurance not exceed 【】 RMB. The Artist shall have a physical examination in【】 before applying Comm

11、ercial Accident Insurance. If the insurance can not be applied due to the Artists physical condition, the Company shall provide a hospital allowance not exceed 【】 RMB. The artist shall provide related invoice issued by local hospitals of 【】 to receive such allowance (in part or in whole).在本合同期间,甲方将提

12、供总额不超过 【】元人民币的商业保险。申请投保商业保险前,乙方应在【】进行体检。如因乙方的身体情况不能投保商业保险的,甲方将提供不超过 【】元人民币的住院津贴。乙方应向甲方提供【】区域内医院出具的发票以获取该等津贴的一部分或全部。7.2 the Company will pay the house rent, deposit, penalty (if any) as well as other charges for property management, water and electricity, etc. on behalf of the Artist. Accordingly the

13、 rent, charges, etc. shall be deducted in the salaries paid to the Artist. the Company shall provide related invoice or receipt for the Artists check. 甲方将代替乙方缴纳房租、押金、违约金(如有)、物业管理费、税费和电费等费用。相应地甲方将在工资中扣除甲方代为缴纳的该等费用。甲方将提供相应的发票或收据供乙方查看。(选择性条款)Article 8. Sick Leave第八条 病假the Companys sick policy is formul

14、ated on a case by case basis. If the Artist needs to take time off based on illness, the Artist will continue to be paid just as long as he is able to make-up the time missed in order to stay on schedule. 乙方的病假将按照个案分别处理。只要乙方在之后补上时间以满足甲方的制作进度,乙方休病假期间的薪酬将照常支付。Article 9. Confidentiality 第九条 保密条款9.1 The

15、 Artist acknowledges that in the course of providing service to the Company, the Artist will receive certain trade secrets, and confidential information belonging to the Company which Studio desires to protect as confidential. For the purposes of this Contract, the term confidential information shal

16、l mean information of any nature and in any form which at the time is not generally known to the public. Artist agrees that such information is confidential and that he/she will not during or after the term of this Contract reveals such information to anythird party, either directly or indirectly. 乙

17、方了解在本合同履行的过程中,其将会收到例如商业秘密、保密信息等甲方采取保密措施的信息。 本合同项下,保密信息指的是在甲方向乙方提供该等保密信息的时候未被公众所知晓的信息。乙方认同该等信息的保密性,在本合同履行中及终止后,乙方不得直接或间接向任何第三方披露该等保密信息。9.2 Upon termination of this Contract for any reason, theArtistshallpromptlyreturntotheStudioallpapers, documents and other property containing “confidential informat

18、ion” of the Company. 本合同终止后,乙方应立即向甲方归还所有涉及甲方保密信息的资料,文件等。9.3 In the event of violation of duties of confidentiality, the Artist shall pay penalty to the Company for breach of contract equaling to double of the Artists total income from the Company. If the penalty for breach of contract cannot cover t

19、he losses of the Company caused by the Artist, the Artist shall compensate all losses of the Company. 如果乙方违背了保密义务, 其应当向甲方支付相当于其为甲方服务期间全部收入的双倍金额作为赔偿。如果该等赔偿金不足以弥补乙方给甲方带来的损失, 乙方应当赔偿支付甲方的全部损失。9.4 The Parties shall sign a separate Confidentiality Agreement and this Contract shall prevail if any inconsist

20、encies exist. 除本合同外,双方将另行签署一份保密合同,与本合同不一致的部分,以本合同的内容为准。Article 10. Intellectual Property Rights第十条 知识产权10.1 The Artist agrees that during the term of the Contract, he will promptly disclose, in writing, all information, ideas, concepts, copies, sketches, art-work, electronic files and other material

21、s related to the production process. 乙方在本合同履行过程中,应及时以书面形式向甲方披露,在制作过程中产生的相关信息、想法、概念、副本、草图、艺术作品、电子文件以及其他材料。10.2 Artist acknowledges that the results and proceeds are work made for hire (service) under the Copyright Law of the Peoples Republic of China.At all stages of development, the results and proc

22、eeds shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of the Company. If for any reason the results and proceeds of Artists services hereunder are determined at any time not to be a work made for hire, Artist hereby freely assigns to the Company all of his/her worldwide right, title and interest

23、therein, including all copyrights as well as renewals and extensions thereto.乙方同意,依照中华人民共和国著作权法,其在履行本合同过程中创造的所有成果都属于职务作品。在任何阶段,该等成果的知识产权都排他性地归属于甲方。无论因任何原因导致乙方的成果不被认为是职务作品的,乙方在此同意向甲方免费转让该等成果在全球的知识产权、署名权及其他权益,包括并不限于著作权、更新的权利和衍生权。10.3 The Artist shall assist the Company at all times in the protection o

24、f such work results and proceeds, including but not limited to, the execution of all lawful oaths and all assignment documents requested by the Company, in connection with the preparation, prosecution, issuance or enforcement of any applications.乙方应因甲方对该等知识产权、成果保护的需求,出具包括并不限于宣誓及相关转让文件等予甲方,以供甲方对该等知识产

25、权等内容采取相关措施(包括并不限于对知识产权申请的准备、实行或执行)。Article 11. Credit for the Work第十一条 乙方可获得的荣誉Credit will be given to the Artist, provided that a substantial portion of the Artists work is used in the Companys 【】, short films. No inadvertent failure by the Company to comply with the credit list shall constitute a

26、breach of this Contract.如乙方完成工作的很大一部分被用在甲方最终的【】项目上,甲方将以适当方式为乙方署名。甲方的失误不可被认定为违约行为。Article 12. Artist represents and warrants 第十二条 乙方承诺和保证12.1 Artist represents and warrants to the Company that to the best of his/her knowledge, the information, ideas, concepts, copies, sketches, art-work, electronic f

27、iles and other material produced do not infringe on any copyright or personal or proprietorial rights of others, and that he/she has the unencumbered right to enter into this Contract.乙方向甲方承诺和保证,其所创作的信息、想法、概念、副本、草图、艺术作品、电子文件以及其他材料不侵犯他人的著作权或所有权,并且其有权利签署本合同。12.2 Artist will indemnify the Company from

28、any damage or loss, including attorneys fees, rising out of any breach of this warranty.因乙方的违约而给甲方造成损失的(包括并不限于律师费等),乙方承诺予以赔偿。12.3 Artist grants the Company the right to use the Artists name, photos and biographical data in connection with the distribution and advertising of the Companys project.乙方允许

29、甲方使用其姓名,照片,简历用于甲方项目的推广。Article 13. Termination第十三条合同终止13.1 Termination for Cause 因故终止the Company may terminate this Contract if any of the following occur:如发生下列情形的,甲方可以单方面终止本合同:a) the death of the Artist;乙方死亡:b) the Artist becomes physically or mentally disabled, for a period of more than 15 consecu

30、tive days;乙方身体或精神上出现问题,超过15天不能为甲方提供服务的;c) the Artist breaches any material provision of this Contract;乙方违反了本合同的主要条款:d) the Artist fails, or refuses to perform any job duty resulting in substantial prejudice to the Companys business interests; 乙方拒绝履行或未能履行本合同项下的义务,造成了对甲方商业利益的严重损害;e) the Artist violate

31、s China laws, decrees or the Companys working regulations, and such violation would result in substantial prejudice to the interests of the Company;乙方违反了中国的法律,法规或甲方的工作制度,并且该等违约严重损害了甲方的利益;f) the Artist is not capable of doing his job he is hired to do as expected by his job title and job expectation

32、of that title.乙方不能胜任工作。13.2 In the event of a termination for cause pursuant to the provisions of this Contract, the Company shall give a written statement to the Artist specifying the event causing such termination. The termination will be immediately effective, the Contract shall be wholly termina

33、ted and the Artist shall not be entitled to any further compensation or any other benefits provided for herein.如发生因故终止的情形,甲方将向乙方出具书面说明解释导致终止的原因。合同的终止将在甲方出具该书面说明后全面立即终止,乙方不享有任何补偿或其他任何权益。13.3With reasonable cause, either party reserves the right to cancel this Contract without obligation by giving 10

34、days prior written notice to the other party of the intent to terminate.在有合理理由的情况下,任何一方可提前10天通知另一方终止本合同。Article 14. Governing law and dispute resolution第十四条 适用法律和争议解决14.1 This Contract shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China

35、. 本合同受中华人民共和国法律法规管辖,并根据该法进行解释。14.2 The parties shall first settle any dispute arising from the performance of this Contract through consultation. 合同双方应当首先通过协商解决合同履行过程中的任何争议。14.3 If disputes cannot be reached through consultation, each party could apply for arbitration at Hong Kong International Arbi

36、tration Center. 如果争议无法通过协商解决,任何一方可向香港国际仲裁中心申请仲裁。 Article 15. Others第十五条 其他15.1 This Contract is written in Chinese and English, both versions should be equally valid. If any inconsistency exists between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall govern.本合同以中文和英文写成,两种文字具有同等效力。上述两种文字如

37、有不符,以中文版本为准。15.2 Other items not stipulated by the Company and the Artist can be implemented according to the internal rules and regulations of the Company.本合同未约定内容,可依照甲方内部规则和条款实施。15.3 The Contract is in duplicate, each Party held one copy. The two copies are equally authentic. The Contract comes in

38、to effect upon signatures or seals of the Company and the Artist.本合同一式贰份,双方各执一份,每份皆具有同等法律效力。本合同经甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。15.4 The Parties acknowledge that this Contract may be executed by facsimile or digitally scanned and emailed counterparts and confirm that execution of this Contract by such means shall be a valid and sufficient execution.双方了解本合同可通过传真或电子扫描及邮件往来形式予以签署,并同意以上述方式签署本合同是有效并充分的。(选择性条款)Please indicate acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth above by signing this Contract.如对上述条款无异议,请在下方签署。By: Title:(Artist Name): _乙方签字:(Date): _签署日期

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