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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-一、Department Name and Position Name(部门名称及职门名称)1部门Department2职位Position3行政办Executive Office 4财务Financial Department5会计部Accounting Department6采购部Purchasing Department7销售部Sales and Marketing Department8工程部Engineering Department9人力资源部Human Resources Departmen

2、t10培训部Training Department11保安部Security Department12前厅部Front Office Department13客房部Housekeeping Department 14餐饮部Food and Beverage Department15中餐厅Chinese Restaurant16西餐厅Western Restaurant17日本餐厅Japanese Restaurant18大堂吧Lobby Bar19娱乐部Entertainment Department20桑拿Sauna Centre21夜总会Night Club22桌球室Snooker23游泳

3、池Swimming Pool24健身室Gym25棋牌室Chess Room26美容美发Beauty and Barber Centre27商场Shopping Arcade28花店Flower Shop29阅览室Reading Room 30乒乓球Table Tennis31商务中心 Business Centre32行政楼层Executive Floor33总机Operator Telephone Room34接待处Reception35礼宾部 Concierge36问询处 Information37大堂副理Assistant Manager38预订Reservation39车队 Trans

4、portation40洗衣房Laundry house41布草房 Linen Room42公共地区Public Area 二、position Name (职位名称)1、 总经理 General Manager2、 行政秘书 Executive Secretary3、 市场及销售总监 Director of sales and Marketing4、 餐饮部总监 Director of food and Beverage5、 财务总监 Financial Controller6、 会计师 Chief Accountant 7、 采购经理 Purchasing Manger8、 总工程师 Chi

5、ef Engineer9、 保安部经理 Security Manager10、前厅部经理 Front Office Manager11、行政管家 Executive Housekeeper12、人力资源部经理 Human Resources Manager13、总厨 Chief Chef14、大堂副理 Assistant Manager15、总机员 Operator16、资深接线员 Senior Operator17、总机主任 Operator Supervisor18、接待员 Receptionist19、资深接待员 Senior Receptionist20、行李员 Bellboy / B

6、ellman21、礼宾部主任 Concierge Supervisor22、预订员 Reservation Clerk 23、商务中心文员 Business Centre Clerk 24、司机 Drive 25、文员 Coordinator / Clerk26、收银员 Cashier27、夜审员 Auditor28、楼层服务员 Room Attendant 三、词句1、 Good morning/afternoon/evening/sir/madam2、 How do you do?3、 How are you? Fine, thank you, and you?4、 Nice to mee

7、t you?5、 Im glad to see you!6、 Did you sleep well? 你昨晚睡得好吗?7、 Hows you day? 你今天过得怎样?8、 Have a nice day. 祝你今天过得愉快!9、 Have a pleasant stay./ Enjoy our stay. 祝你在这过得愉快、开心!10、 May I help you? 我有什么可以帮到你?11、Thank you for calling. 谢谢你的来电12、Thank / youre welcome. 不用谢!13、Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎来到我们酒店!14、Is t

8、here anything else I can do for you? 我还有什么可以帮到你的吗?15、Certainly 当然可以16、Right away 马上,稍候17、This is. 这是. 18、Absolutely 绝对19、Have a nice trip 旅途愉快!20、Could you speak a little louder? 你可以大声点说吗?21、Could you speak more slewly? 你可以说慢点吗?22、I appreciate it. 我非常感激。1) Welcome to our hotel.2) May I help you?3) D

9、o you have a reservation? 您有预订吗?4) May I have your name,sir? 先生,我能知道您的名字吗?Surname 姓氏 / Last name名字:First name = Given name = middle name 5) Mr., May I have you passport? 先生,请给我你的护照。6) Mr,(Smith), Could you sign you name right here. 史密斯先生,请你在这里签上你的名字。7) How would you like to pay? 你喜欢哪种付款方式?Credit car

10、d or cash? 信用卡或现金?8) May I take the imprint of your credit card? 可不可以将你的信用卡交给我刷一下? 9) Mr. (Smith) this is you room key and room number.史密斯先生,这是你的房间钥匙和房间号码。10)Our bellboy will show you up to your Room. 我们的行李员将把你带到你的房间。11)Please have a pleasant stay with us. 祝你住店愉快!12) Have you offer a help? 可以提供怎样的帮助

11、? Im on a diet. 我在减肥23、All the rooms on no smoking floor have been occupied.所有无烟楼层的房间都已住满。24、Could I suggest the deluxe room? 我可以建议您用豪华点的房间吗?25、Could you give us a call please? 可以给我打个电话吗?26、Could you repeat the telephone number please?你可以给我重复一次电话号码吗?27、Could you show the visa number to me , please?请

12、出示您的签证号码吗?a+名语 How to 有什么,什么怎样I want To +动词 May I 征求28、Could you tell me whose name the reservation was made under?你能告诉我用谁的名字订的房间吗?29、Do you have a confirmation letter for you reservation?您有预订的确认书吗?30、Do you know what time he check in?您知道他是什么时候入住的吗?31、Do you need an extra bed? 您需要加床吗?The cost is RMB

13、 120 Plus 15% service charge. 费用是人民币120元另加15%的服务费。 32、Under whose name. 以谁的名义下预订。33、Is paid by yourself or you company? 是你结帐还是你的公司?34、I can take a message for you? 我可以为您留下留言吗?35、Could you arrange a car to take me to Guangzhou?你可以为我安排去广州吗?36、May I take a picture of you and you lane baby? 你能照张你和你小孩的相片

14、给我吗?37、One more thing / by the way 还有一件事38、Thanks / thanks a lot / thank you very much / thanks again/ I appreciate it you help / thank you for opinion (表示感谢)39、回复别人的谢意 youre welcome / Not at all / Dont mention in 40、任何时候都可以 anytime41、与第一次认识的人说再见 Hope to see you next time. (期待下次的见面) Keep in touch (

15、保持联系) See you sour (不久) I look for wand to seeing you a again (期待下次见到你) It was nice meeting you (很高兴见到你)42、给人建议 in my opinion / Ill suggest / youd better / How a bout(推介) try (试,穿) Im sorry for being late / Im so late (来晚了) Im sorry / Im very sorry / Im really sorry (表示抱歉) 让你久等了 Im sorry to have kep

16、t you waiting. 皮鞋 leather shoe 皮子 quilt 毛巾 towel 饮盒mead box 筷子 chopsticks 勺子 spoor 方便面 instant noodles 剃须刀 shaver 1、酒水库 beverage store 2、食品库 food store3、宴会中心 banquet centre 4、会议室 meeting / conference room5、康体中心 health centre 6、保龄球馆 bowling room7、员工餐厅 staff canteen 8、员工宿舍 staff dormitory9、医疗室 clinic

17、room 10、后勤办公室 back office 11、员工通道 staff entrance 12、行政助理 Assistant executive manger13、成本会计师 cost accountant 14、副销售总监 assistant of sales and marketing 15、销售经理 sales manager 16、门僮 doorman 17、值班经理 manager on duty / executive on duty 18、医生 doctor19、餐厅服务员waite(男) / waitress (女) 20、洗手间 toilet 21、浴室 bathro

18、om 22、浴缸 bathtub23、浴泡 bathrobe 24、洗脸盆 wash basin 25、镜子 mirror 26、枕头 pillow 27、床 bed 28、落地灯 floor lamp 29、扶手椅 arm chair 30、冰箱 fridge 31、拖鞋 slipper 32、衣柜 wardrobe33、毯子 blanket 34、被子 quill 35、窗帘 curtain 36、迷你吧 mini bar 37、化妆台 dressing table 38、行李架 luggage rack39、牙膏 toothpaste 40、牙刷 toothbrush 41、毛巾 tow

19、el 42、烟灰缸 ashtray 43、报纸 newspaper 44、保险箱 safe 45、衣架 clothes hanger 46、插座 adapter 47、床单 bed sheet 48、空调 air conditioning 49、花瓶 flower vase 50、热水壶 kettle 51、护发素 hair conditioner 52、洗发液 shampoo 53、家具 furniture 54、茶杯 cup 55、香皂 soap 56、壁画 wall painting 57、电话 telephone 58、厚窗帘 hoary curtain 59、薄窗帘 light curtain 60、易燃易爆 explosive 61、丢了 lost 62、公司 advance deposit-精品 文档-

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