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1、Book 6Unit2 Reading A Few Simple Forms of English Poems There are various reasons 1. _ people write poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe something while others try to convey certain emotions. Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is nursery rhymes, 2. _ are still a common t

2、ype of childrens poetry. The language is concrete but 3. _ (imagine), and they delight small children 4. _ they have strong rhythm and a lot of repetition that are easy to learn and recite. 5. _ playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language. List poems are poems that list t

3、hing, which have a flexible line length and repeated phrases. Students can convey a strong picture in just a few words. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that 6. _ (make) up of 17 syllables. It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular 7. _ English writers. 8. _ is easy to wr

4、ite and can give a clear picture and create a special feeling 9. _ (use) the minimum of words. Whats more, English speakers also enjoy Tang poems from China. A lot of Tang poetry 10. _ (translate) into English.Unit 2 词形变换 1. _ n. 诗(总称)_ n. 诗歌_ n. 诗人2. _ n. 盐 _ adj. 咸的,含盐的3. _ n. 结束 _ v. 结束 _ adj. 无穷

5、的,无止境的4. _ v. 翻译 _ n. 译者 _ n. 翻译5_ n. 最低限度;最少量;最小数_ n最大值 6. _ adj. 最后的_ adv. 最后,终于7. _ v. 转换,改造 _ n. 转换,改造8. _ adj. 遗憾的, _ n. 悲伤,伤痛 _adj. 悲伤的,伤心的9. _ adj. 赤裸的,光秃的 _ adv. 仅仅 10. _ n. 图书馆 _ n. 图书馆馆长11_ adj.适当的;正当的_ adj.不适当的12. _ v. 交换,调换 _ n. 交换,交流13. _ n. 赞助者;主办者_ n. 赞助14. _ n. 空白 _ adj. 空白的15. _ n.

6、新娘 _ n. 新郎16. _ n. 冠军 _ n. 冠军称号17. _ adj. 黑暗的 _ n.黑暗 _ v. 使黑暗 18. _ adj. 温暖的 _ n. 温暖 19. _ n. 学者 _ n. 奖学金,学术成就20. _ n. 钢琴 _ n. 钢琴家21. _ n. 小提琴 _ n. 小提琴家重点词汇及短语2Reading5_ . 童谣 _ n. 诗歌(总称)_ adj. 有想像力的_ vt. 使快乐_ n. 重复_讲得通,有意义_ adj. 矛盾的_ 一个钻戒_ 进球得分_轻松,不紧张,从容_ 花光能量_ adj. 无穷的_ 由组成_ 一种传统形式_ 受欢迎 _ 做是容易的_ n.

7、 翻译_ 转换成_ 一天又一天_ 尤其,特别_ adj. 特别的;详细的;挑剔的_ 把翻译成_ 从翻译过来Keys: Reading 1. why 2. which 3. imaginative 4. because 5. By 6. is made 7.with 8.It 9. using 10. has been translatedUsing Language 1. leaving 2. which 3. to 4. who 5. variety 词形变换31 poetry, poem, poet2. salt,salty 3 end, end, endless 4. translate

8、, translator, translation 5. minimum, maximum6. eventual,eventually 7. transform, transformation8. sorry,sorrow,sorrowful 9. bare, barely10. library, librarian11 appropriate, inappropriate12. exchange, exchange13. sponsor, sponsorship14. blank, blank15. bride, bridegroom16. champion, championship17.

9、 dark,darkness,darken18. warm,warmth20. piano,pianist21. violin,violinist重点词汇及短语4nursery rhyme poetry imaginative delightrepetition make sense contradictory a diamond ringscore that goaltake it easy run out of energyendlessbe made up ofa traditional formbe popular withIt is easy totranslationbe transformed intoday by dayin particularparticulartranslate sth. Intobe translated from 4

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