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1、。第一单元Title:Unit 1My First JobInstructionTypes:1. lecture and explanation 2. discussion and retellingObjective:By way of learning this text , make the students know these important devices for developing a report: 1. Cause-and-effect2. Explanation 3. Deduction4. Dialogue Difficulty&Emphasis:1.key wor

2、ds and expressions2.Know how to analyze and use these devicesI. Warm-up activities1Pre-reading activities (Questions and answers)1.-Why was Gastons friend, Gouvernail, staying at the plantation?Because he was exhausted and run down by too much work, and he came here just to seek a short rest from ov

3、er work. 2.-What did Mrs. Baroda think of Gouvernail?At first, in the eyes of Mrs. Baroda, Gouvernail, puzzling and boring, was far from a man of wit as her husband used to tell her. But one night on her plantation, her conversation with him changed her attitude toward him from dislike to desire for

4、 an intimacy with him.3.-Why did Mrs. Baroda leave the plantation? Mrs. Baroda chose to leave the plantation, because Mrs. Baroda was surprised and shocked to feel a strong temptation and desire her husbands friend created in her, and, as a respectable married woman, she did not want that temptation

5、 to go out of control. 2TemptationNow that temptation has found its way into every facet of our life and no one is immune to its attacks, it is wise of us to get to its root. In general, temptation stems from three major sources: lust for sensual pleasures, desire for material comfort and zeal for d

6、omination of others. As seen in extreme cases, burning thirst for sensual enjoyment tempts you to drain yourself of every shame; undue hunger for material wealth leads you to deprive your life of anything more vital than money; and unbridled ambition for power drives you to stop at nothing in climbi

7、ng to it. So it can be concluded that none of us can escape from the clutches of temptation, just as no one can take fire in his/her bosom without his clothes being burned. The problem is how to prevent such a fire from running wild in our hearts. My way out of its clutches is to map out in mind a s

8、et of principles as a guide to every conduct in life. Then all that needs to be done is to act upon the principles of conduct, within which boundaries, for example, beauty, no matter how alluring, is not for abuse but for appreciation. In sum, if we remain as true to our principles as ever, temptati

9、on can do nothing with us. II. Drills of important phrases in the text1. 得知而不快/高兴/惊讶/痛心be annoyed/delighted/surprised/distressed to learn that (L. 1)2. 和以前一样不了解某人understand sb. no better than at first (L. 4)3. 执意陪伴着他impose her company upon him (L. 6) 4. 试图做某事press ones attempt to do sth. (L. 6) 5. 就

10、我而言for my part (L. 9)6. 没有给某人添麻烦give sb. no trouble (L. 11)7. 为某事做一些安排plan somewhat for sth. (L. 12) 8. 让人吃惊be full of surprises (L. 17)9. 料想;指望count upon (L. 18) 10. 认真对待某人/某事take sb./sth. seriously (L. 20)11. 对大惊小怪make a fuss about (L. 20)12. 某人最不希望的事情the last thing sb. would desire or expect (L.

11、21)13. (使)筋疲力尽run down (L. 24)14. 明确感觉有必要做某事the feeling of a distinct necessity to do sth. (L. 32)15. 丝毫不曾怀疑without a suspicion/doubt that (L. 35)16. 反对某事object to sth. (L. 35) 17. 陶醉于drink in (L. 51)18. 很想做某事be greatly tempted to do sth. (L. 57)19. 没有抵挡住诱惑yield to the temptation (L. 58)20. 从她家中离开be

12、 gone from under her roof (L. 24)III. Organization of the text (main idea, developing devices)1. Main idea of the text At first, Mrs. Baroda didnt like her husbands friend, Gouvernail, whom she found far from a man of wit but a dull man hard to read. One night, however, a conversation between them o

13、pened up and revealed his true personality, which proved to be a strong temptation to her, a respectable woman. But in the end, she withstood and overcame that temptation. 2. How is the text organized?This reading passage is made up of several episodes organized according to time sequence, with the

14、episodes centered on the narration, through cause-and-effect, of the changes in Mrs. Barodas emotion and attitude concerning her husbands friend, Gouvernail. The whole process undergoes several distinct stages. -Mrs. Barodas strong dislike for the man Paras. 1-10 -Her inner desire to get close to th

15、e man Paras. 11-18 -Her sensible resolve to move away from him Paras. 19-20 -Her further struggle against the temptation Para. 21-Victory of her reason over the temptation Paras. 22-24 3. Text analysisPart 1: Para 1-2 Main idea : Mrs. Barodas annoyance to have her husbands friend at her home.Part 2:

16、 Para 3-10 Main idea: The talk between Mr. And Mrs. Baroda about Gouvernail.Part 3: Para 11-18 Main idea: The emotional change of Mrs. Baroda towards Gouvernail. Part 4: Para 19-20 Main idea: Mrs. Barodas leaving home early the next morning.Part 5: Para 21-24 Main idea: Mrs. Barodas change of attitu

17、des towards inviting Gouvernail to revisit them.IV. key words and expressionsA. Expressions1. Mrs. Baroda was a little annoyed to learn be a little annoyed to do 做有点恼火(= be a bit angry to do ) eg:- He was a little annoyed to lose such a chance. - I was a bit annoyed, for I forgot to put your name on

18、. 我忘了把你的名字添上去,我感到有点恼火。2. for the most part, alone together for the most part 大部分时间,通常,总的来讲;(= usually / in general)eg:- For the most part, he is honest. - He is ,for the most part ,a well-behaved child. 他在大多数情况下是个乖孩子。3. she impose her company upon him impose ones company / oneself upon/on sb. 硬缠着某人

19、(=force ones company / oneself on sb.) eg:- Dont impose your company / yourself on people who dont like you.4. accompanying him in his idle walks to the millaccompany sb. to some place 陪某人去某地 (= go with sb. to some place)eg:- I am very happy to accompany you to our new campus. 我很高兴陪你去我们的新校园。5. For m

20、y part, I find him a terrible nuisance. for my part 就我而言 Synonym(同义词): as for me in my eye in my opinion as far as I am concerned eg:- For my part, I was excited to see the Big Ben in London. 就我而言,看到伦敦的大本钟很兴奋。 - I think he is innocent, for my part. 在我看来,他是无辜的。6. But the poor fellow is run down by to

21、o much work now.run down: 筋疲力尽; 衰退;贬低eg:- His health ran down to a dangerous levels. - She is always running down her friends.CET-4补充:run across碰见 ,撞见 run into遭遇;撞在上 run off 跑掉,逃掉 run out(of sth.) 用完,耗尽 run over浏览;在上驶过 run through挥霍;贯穿run to 达到 run up积欠(账款、债务等) run up against 遭遇,遇到(困难等)7. 7. in no s

22、ense a shy man. in no sense 一点不;根本不;决不 ( = not at all )eg:- His mind was in no sense brilliant. 他一点也不聪明。- In no sense can the issue be said be resolved. 据说这事根本没有解决。B. Patterns used as models1.Typical patterns for an undesired result:1) Sb. did sth. only to find/see/notice/realize (that) 某人做了某事, 结果却发

23、现/明白/注意到/意识到 应用:这个新手把该问题处理了两个星期,结果意识到他用了一个错误的原理。The green hand has been tackling the problem for two weeks, only to realize that he had applied a wrong principle. 2). Sb. did sth. (in order/in an effort ) to do sth. else. But it hardly worked. 为了达到某个目的,某人做了某事,但不奏效/收效甚微。应用:为了取悦他懊恼的妻子,这位男士连续几天给她买很昂贵的玫

24、瑰花,但仍不奏效。To please his annoyed wife, the gentleman bought her expensive roses for days on end. But it hardly worked.2. Typical patterns for no-other choice:All there is left with sb. is to do sth./a desire to do sth./a hope for sth. 某人只求/只想/只希望做某事。应用: 这个有钱人生意兴隆,财源滚滚。现在,他只想送他那被宠坏的儿子上大学。The rich mans

25、business flourishes, with money rolling in. Now, all there is left with him is a desire to send his spoiled son to college. 3. Typical patterns for detailed argumentationThere is some/frequent talk of/argument about sth. That is, some desire sth./believe that; but their desire/belief 有时/经常谈到/争论某事。也就

26、是说,有人渴望某事/认为,但应用: 人们经常议论核能问题。也就是说,有人认为核能太危险;但这种观点顶不住全球范围内对能源的巨大需求。There is frequent argument about the problem of nuclear energy. That is, some believe it is too dangerous; but their belief yields to the worldwide enormous demand for energy.V. AssignmentMeditations Derived from an Occurrence简述某一故事/事

27、故/经历 分析其意义/原因/影响 提出合理的建议(夹叙夹议类)1) The story/accident/occurrence took place one day when 2) As, so that. 3) But in time to4) The enlightenment/insight gleaned from the occurrence holds much significance for our reality (意义分析). 5) With an ever-surging wave of change, as we all know, our life is now be

28、ing exposed to more than ever. 6)Although, for example, you still7) Much evidence shows that many of us, dazzled with, tend to, only to8) So the best way out of such a dilemma is9) To achieve that/make it, however, there is much that must be done about 10) The first thing of the first is(建议I) 11) Th

29、en all there is left with us is (建议II) 12) As long as, nothing will distract us away from(结论句) (附加) 4) The lesson learned from the accident is so distressing, but the most pressing for us now is to get to its root. (原因分析) 5) The primary cause for it, in my opinion, is 6) Another cause rests with7) A

30、nd above all, 8) So the best way to prevent such a tragedy isMeditations Derived from Mrs. Barodas Story1) 简述巴罗达太太的故事。 2) 分析其现实意义。 3) 我们怎样应对诱惑?1) Mrs. Barodas passion for her husbands friend cropped up one night when she had a conversation with him under an oak tree on her plantation. 2) As he opene

31、d up his mind and unfolded his true personality before her, she felt his attraction so strong that she was eager to reach out her hand and touch him. 3) But she put an effective brake on her desire in time to keep it from getting out of hand.4) The insight derived from this story triumph of reason o

32、ver passionholds much significance for our reality, especially for our marital life. 5) With an ever-surging wave of change, as we all know, marriage is now being exposed to more temptations than ever. 6) Although bathed in the warmth of your love nest, for example, you still can find a person, wrap

33、ped in an air of mystery, more charming than your spouse or a style of life more exciting than yours, which is no longer as appealing to you as it was during the early years of your marriage. 7) So many of us, dazzled with these inducements, tend to act on impulse, only to reap nothing but regret or

34、 bitter fruit. 8) So the best way out of such a dilemma is to keep your emotions under the control of your senses all the time. 9) To achieve that, however, there is much that must be done about our psychology in advance. 10) The first thing of the first is to draw up a set of principles as a guide

35、to all of our social conducts.(建议I) 11) Then all there is left with us is to cling to the well-thought-out principles in our social life. (建议II) 12) As long as we remain true to them, no temptation will distract us away from the right course of life. (结论句) 第二单元Title:Unit 2 American Homes and British

36、 HomesInstructionTypes:3. lecture and explanation 4. discussion and retellingObjective:The training focus on how to analyze the structure of the text and learn to retell the text.Difficulty&Emphasis:1. text analysis 2retellingTimeDistribution:1.Pre-reading activities2.Reading skills3.Text analysis 4

37、. Expressions5.AssignmentI.Pre-reading activitiesGive students several minutes to preview the text and prepare to analyze the structure. Get familiar with new words.II.Reading skillsReading Between the LinesNow, in Unit 7, Book 1 we talked about reading between the lines, which means making inferenc

38、es about the authors ideas from what is written and from what is not written. In making inferences we go beyond surface details and “read between the lines” and use hints to reach information logically. Factual details in what we read provide the basis of our knowledge. But not every bit of informat

39、ion is apparent or clearly stated. Authors dont always express all their thoughts openly, either as a matter of style, or because they assume we know and share their opinionsor because they arent sure how to express themselves. We may have to build upon our own knowledge and experience in order to u

40、nderstand something fully. Because information is not always stated in exact terms, we must get information from details or ideas that are only suggested by the author. We cant always be certain that what we understand is absolutely right.But if we follow hunches (直觉) that are based on evidence, we

41、can be fairly sure about some things, even if they are only hinted at. To make inferences about the authors ideas you have to do the following. 1) Make use of context clues, your common sense and your knowledge of the world. 2) Connect ideas and draw conclusions from the reading passage. 3) Form and

42、 test what you have understood between the lines. The reading act is a two-way communication between the reader and the writer; it involves understanding, forming ideas, testing your ideas during the reading of the passage, correcting or changing your ideas and understanding, until finally you are a

43、ble to get what the writer is driving at. Now here are some examples.Example 1: His words became a meaningless succession of verbs, nouns, adverbs, and adjectives (Para. 17, Passage A, Unit 1) Question: Why did his words become a meaningless succession of verbs, nouns, adverbs, and adjectives? Possi

44、ble answer: Mrs. Baroda was distracted and thinking of something else.Example 2: The stronger the desire grew to bring herself near him, the further, in fact, did she move away from him. (Para. 18, Passage A, Unit 1) Question: Why did she move away from him when in fact she was attracted to him? Pos

45、sible answer: She was a respectable woman and she resisted the temptation as strongly as possible.Example 3 There was some talk of having him back during the summer that followed. That is, Gaston greatly desired it; but this desire yielded to his honorable wifes vigorous opposition. (Para. 21, Passa

46、ge A, Unit 1) Question: Why did the wife strongly oppose to Gouvernails coming to visit them again? Possible answer: She was afraid that she would yield to her passion.Example 4 “Oh,” she told him, laughingly, after pressing a long, tender kiss upon his lips, “I have overcome everything! You will se

47、e. This time I shall be very nice to him.” (Para. 24, Passage A, Unit 1) Question: What do you think the wife had overcome? Possible answer: She had overcome her affectionate passion for Gouvernail and she was ready to accept him as a friend and as a guest. III.Text analysisPart 1: Para 1-2 第一部分Main idea 大意: A Basic social change of a family.Part 2: Para 3-11 第二部分Main idea 大意: What does

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