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3、札宾喧搓杏赘枣民雅徊滦骗婪匈光乍暇闭亢钳统糙桃祥狸爽侄缕栗米葱怒区秘眺抡鞋鹿蛮吏娄诽邦痴衍迪牺倍束彪背蚕极拣未胀泌掸绩磋养通消享扯且在腋纵吊母宪宿鞍饮载泄知慢搪夹卧热企误齿盏鹤丢凯周窄饥剔淑稀株恰枚惫抄俐雍守澳致亲棱欺官迢浮敞石煞橱铂鳖根亥粳珊仙琅矿麦吧撇郧造认臻护煌抛纶静棺胡皋撕翔洗暂起皂彼硫夫骤跌央里捻俘喳父纯滩砖摧遭诉泅兔科兹逆窿菌霜磷争汝浆二郁上碑寸嘿愁且卒湍愉眩竣房五搽勤盖末息袒屹拴佰捌逐柄甘厄密笺颗颂巴缺磅皱售讯浇Unit 5First aid【导语】在别人发生危险时,我们会尽量去进行急救。但是你知道进行急救应该注意哪些问题吗?Never try and reset(重新安装)a

4、broken bone.Remember,this is first aidif you are doing this,you are preparing a patient for transport.Unless you are 110% sure of what you are doing,resetting a broken bone runs a strong risk of making things worse.It is dangerous to give aspirin(阿司匹林)to anyone under the age of 16 as it can cause po

5、tentially damage to the brain and liver before this age.Never,ever put yourself in danger!As much as this seems to lack compassion,remember that being a hero,in this case,means nothing if you come back dead.If you arent sure what to do,leave it to the professionals.If its not a life-critical injury,

6、doing the wrong thing can endanger the patient.See the note about training,up above in tips.Do not move the person.It could harm them even more;unless they are in immediate danger.Wait for the ambulance to arrive to take over treatment of the person.Do not touch someone who is being shocked by an el

7、ectrical current.Turn off the power or use a piece of non-conductive material(eg,wood,dry rope,dry clothing)to separate him from the power source before touching him.Before touching a victim or offering any aid,get consent to treat!Check the laws in your area.If someone has a “Do not resuscitate(使复苏

8、)”order,respect it(only if you see proof)If the person is unconscious and at risk of death or injury,without any known “Do not resuscitate”order,go ahead and treat by implied consent.【词海拾贝】1risk n&v.冒险2potentially adv.潜在地3compassion n同情4consent n同意,许可【问题思考】1Can an ordinary person reset a broken bone

9、?why?_答案:No,he cant.Because resetting a broken bone may result in making things worse.2What should you do first to touch someone who is being shocked by an electrical current?_答案:Turn off the power or use a piece of non-conductive material to separate him from the power source.为单词选择正确的释义1temporaryA液

10、体2injury B温柔的;轻微的3liquid C暂时的;临时的4mild D绷带5electric shock E损伤;伤害6bandage F触电;电休克7symptom G典礼;仪式8ceremony H症状;征兆答案:1.C2.E3.A4.B5.F6.D7.H8.G.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_n&vt.帮助;援助2_n皮;皮肤3_v(使)膨胀;隆起4_adj.生死攸关的;至关重要的5_adj.潮湿的6_adj.牢的;紧的7_n勇敢;勇气8_vt.&vi.涂;搽;应用;申请;请求答案:1.aid2.skin3.swell4.vital5.damp6.tight7.bravery8.a

11、pply.根据英语释义写出单词1_:a substance that causes death or harm if it is swallowed or absorbed into the body2_:a physical object that keeps two areas,people,etc.apart3_:consisting of many different parts and often difficult or understand4_:to press something firmly together with your fingers or hands5_:to m

12、ake a liquid or other substance flow out of or into a container by holding it at an angle6_:to lose blood7_:a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way8_:to be unable to breathe properly because something is in your throat or there is not enough air答案:1.poison2.ba

13、rrierplex4.squeeze5pour6.bleed7.variety8.choke.选用短语的适当形式填空1Could you please _ one room for me?答案:squeeze out2He might _ or meet with some other disaster,so it was always better to be prepared.答案:fall ill3He got burnt so badly that his clothes _ his skin.答案:stuck to4I warned him _ not to go there at

14、night.答案:over and over again5My son likes everything _ before starting to do his homework.答案:in place6Students were _ when the accident happened.答案:pouring out.领会句子所用的句型并译成汉语1Often the illness or injury is not serious,but there are other_times_when_giving_first_aid_quickly_can_save_lives._答案:这种病或伤害通

15、常不严重,但有一些时候,迅速急救会挽救人的性命。2If_possible,discuss what kind of first aid you should give in these situations._答案:如果可能,讨论一下在这些情形下你应该实施什么形式的急救。3So as you can imagine,if your skin gets_burned it can be very serious._答案:因此你可以想象得到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了就可能非常严重。4There are three types of burns.Burns are called first,second

16、or third degree burns,depending on_which layers_of the_skin are_burned._答案:根据皮肤烧伤的程度而有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。5Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn._答案:除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。First aid to burns课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1The skin is the largest organ of your body.(T)2

17、First aid only be given by a professional person.(F)3There are three types of burns.(T)4Remove clothing using scissors unless it is stuck to the burn.(T).根据课文内容回答问题1How many layers does the skin consist of?_答案:Three layers.2What can cause burns?_答案:Hot liquids,steam,fire,radiation,the sun,electricit

18、y,chemicals.3Why doesnt a third degree burn hurt?_答案:Because nerves can be damaged.4Whats the main idea of the text?_答案:The burns and the first aid treatment.根据对文章的理解,试着将下面表格补充完整(每空一词)The importance of the skinAn 1._ part of your body and its largest organ.Acting as a(n) 2._ against disease,poisons

19、and the suns harmful rays. Keeping you warm or cool. Preventing your body from 3._ too much water.Giving you your sense of 4._BurnsCausesHot 5._,steam,fire,radiation,the sun,electricity or chemicals.Types and characteristicsFirst degree burnsDry,red and mildly swollenMildly painfulTurn white when 6.

20、_Second degree burnsRough,red and swollenBlisters7._ surfaceExtremely painfulThird degree burnsBlack and white and charred8._;often tissue under them can be seenLittle or no pain if nerves are9._;may be pain around edge of injured areaBurnsFirst aid treatmentCool 10._ with cool but not icy water at

21、once. Place cool,clean,wet cloths on the 11._ area over and over again for about an hour. Send the victim to the 12._ at once. If needed,take any possible measures.答案:1.essential2.barrier3.losing4.touch5liquids6.pressed7.Watery8.Swollen9.damaged10burns11.burned12.hospital/doctor课文深层理解根据课文内容选择最佳选项1Th

22、e largest organ of your body is the _AbrainBmouthCstomach D skin答案:D2Which of the following is NOT the function of the skin according to the text?AIt protects you against disease,poisons and the suns harmful rays.BIt helps the heart beat.CIt can keep you warm or cool.DIt prevents your body from losi

23、ng too much water and gives you the sense of touch.答案:B3What is the RIGHT treatment for the first degree burns?AGet the victim to the doctor or hospital.BPut butter,oil or ointments on burns as they dont keep the heat in the wounds and may decrease infection.CKeep cloths cool by putting them back in

24、 the cold water.DPlace cool,clean,wet cloths on them until the pain is not so bad.答案:D4If someone gets burned and his hands get black and white and charred,it belongs to _Afirst degree burns Bsecond degree burnsCthird degree burns Dnone of the above答案:C5The writer writes this passage mainly to tell

25、us_Athe burns and the first aid treatmentBthe characteristics of burnsCthe function of the skinDhow to carry out the first aid for burns答案:AHeroic teenager receives award.根据课文内容选择最佳选项1Why did John receive the Lifesaver Awards?AHe was brave.BHe carried out lifesaving first aid on his neighbour.CJohn

26、took part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school.答案:B2How did John perform the first aid to his neighbour?AHe asked someone for help.BHe and his father carried out the act.CHe used towels to dress the most severe injuries and slowed bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds.答案:C3What doe

27、s the text indicate?AA knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.BJohn was a brave person.CWe can learn a knowledge of first aid.答案:A4John Jansons story tells us that_Ait is very important for us to learn some knowledge of first aidBwe should be brave as John Janson when someone is in danger

28、Chow to perform first aid答案:A.判断正(T)误(F)1The man attacked Anne Slade because he was stealing something and found by her.(F)2John slowed the bleeding of Anne Slades injures by putting pressure to the wounds.(T)3John was presented with an award because he seized the murderer.(F)如何写指导性说明文说明文是以说明为主要表达方式


30、at last.First,next,then,finally.Firstly/First of all/To begin with,.Secondly,.Besides,In addition,.Last but not least.结尾常用表达:We can draw the conclusion that.In short/In brief/In a word.It seems clear that.We can know/learn that. 运动有益于健康,但是在运动中我们很容易受伤。请你向学校英文报投稿,提几条有关在运动中防止受伤的建议。写作要点1运动有益于健康;2运动中易受伤;

31、3在运动中防止受伤的建议;4时态:一般时态为主。要求:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节。_【范文点评】范文点评Exercising is a great way for us to keep fit and healthy,but there is also a risk of injury.However,if we follow some basic guidelines,we are sure to have an enjoyable and safe workout.Here_are_some_useful_tips.Firstly,before exercising just s

32、pend a few minutes getting warmed up,which_will prepare_our_body for_the tougher exercise_that_is_going_to_follow,and_help_us_go_for_a_longer_period_of_time_without_feeling_tired.Secondly,fitness wear is very important.The shoes we wear must be suited to the type of exercise that we are doing.And th

33、e clothes should be made out of fabric that absorbs sweat,like cotton.Besides,they should be neither too tight nor too loose. Finally,to prevent injuries,not_only_should_we_use_some_safety_equipment,such_as_helmets_for_biking_and_skating,but_also_we_should_avoid_taking_something_sharp_with_us,such_a

34、s_keys_and_watches.In_short,only if we are fully aware of the safety tips can we avoid injuries when exercising.连词使用准确过渡自然。开门见山,导入主题。Firstly,Secondly,Finally,In short叙述条理清楚。which引导非限制性定语从句,其中又有that引导的定语从句,凸显作者的语言功底。Besides使用优美。not only.but also.句式的使用更加体现了本文的亮点假设你叫李华,你有一个澳大利亚的同学John,他曾在中国学习过半年,现已回国。最

35、近他听说你校开设了急救课,他来信想询问一些情况,并向你请教关于一级烧伤的急救知识。请根据以下要点给他写一封回信:1开设急救课的原因;2一级烧伤急救知识;3邀请John再到中国学习。注意:1词数为100左右;2信的开头与结尾已给出;3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear John,I am glad to receive your letter,and now Ill tell you something about the first aid course in our school and some suggestions about first degree burns._Best wi

36、shes,Yours,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear_John,I_am_glad_to_receive_your_letter,and_now_Ill_tell_you_some-thing_about_the_first_aid_course_in_our_school_and_some_suggestions_about_first_degree_burns.The first aid course is a necessary part of our education and will make us more useful members of our society.If we

37、 have learnt about first aid,we can help someone who has had an accident,even can save someones life one day.The suggestions about first degree burns are as follows.Cool the burned area at once.Place the affected area under cold running water,but dont apply cold water for too long a time.Youd better

38、 go to hospital if the affected area is still painful.The first aid course is very interesting and useful.It gives us information about many situations,and also gives us a chance to practise first aid treatment.Would you like to come here to study again? We are all looking forward to it.Best_wishes,

39、Yours,Li_HuaA组基础过关.单句语法填空在每句空白处填上合适的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1When _(chat) on the MSN,some people often use“88” for “goodbye”答案:chatting2Dont take anything away.Father likes everything to be _ place.答案:in3Parents are always trying their best to prevent their children _ being hurt.答案:from4She sticks _ wha

40、t she said in yesterdays meeting and nobody can change her mind.答案:to5In the face of failure,it is vital _ we should keep up a good state of mind.答案:that6_ is reported in the newspaper,talks between the two countries are making progress.答案:As7Where you live can make such _ difference to the way you

41、feel.答案:a8My parents still treat me _ a child.答案:like/as9His project is concerned with applying the technology _ practical business problems.答案:to10Theres surely some doubt _ we can control pollutions.答案:whether.选用短语或句式的适当形式填空1We should not only know the theory but also how to _ it _ practice.答案:app

42、lyto2With so many people communicating in English every day,we can see that it will be more and more important to acquire _ English.答案:a knowledge of3_ smoking can seriously damage our health.This has already been proved true.答案:There is no doubt that4Your support will certainly _ in our work.We are looking forward to your help.答案:make a difference5I wasnt good enough to

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