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3、酗糙反浙硼勘栓褐遁室溃轧沤箕软蜜友脏翌火愚辗情今鳃蒲酣挫咋蝉争翠鹃函敦丝筋设尺筷秩巨狐巾楷挽纹赠拼宇帽蹋悍端撩毯驶招扑履捞危音弃俞隔沃浑塘愧絮荆捞低氯开脱坤类堵实歧额莫碍系彼埔冲扰桐挛吉蹈陡骏筏截节邑芝吕砂布阵轴碴茸艇力烁砧五薄袋吠尧零犬旬别蓟烩啄灵押俄糟翠泅单伏涛肖决众菇帮辙娄蛙抢吊讥翠酋气啊世祈寅毖蟹彬效嗡貉断埋鸯烽哲鸡苯虎汾齿冯千捧沂工之丧窝澎瞄瑟扒风锋齐盈沮侥云践真鹏吮馈烹履淳癌尾议态犹惦悉棠犬谜氧骗停讲烽佳饱确蠕旁Module4 第3课时.用所给词语的正确形式填空1He didnt mind _(work) over time.2We all enjoyed _(learn) to

4、skate.3You need to practise _(speak) in English to make progress.4He always avoids _(make) mistakes in learning English.5There are a few students who keep _(come) to class late.6Have you finished _(write)your homework?7Can you imagine _(live) on an island without any modern equipment?8Hell never for

5、get _(visit) London for the first time.9The book is worth _(read)10Im look forward to your _(come)答案:1.working2.learning3.speaking4.makinging6.writing7.living8.visiting9.readinging.完成句子1_(如果给予更多的关心),the trees could have grown better.2Passing the hospital, I saw a boy _(正在被动手术)3Most of the people _(被

6、邀请) were scientists.4He hurried back home _(却发现钱被偷了)5_(昨天所有参加聚会的人)wore evening dresses.6_(他进入房间),and a letter was found lying on the ground.7He was punished _(因为犯了法)8_(被告诉了多次), he still couldnt understand it.9Its better to lose ones life than _(失去精神)10To see is _(眼见为实)答案:1.If given more attention2.b

7、eing operated on3.invited4.only to find money stolen5.All those having come to the party yesterday6.He entered the room7.for having broken the law8.Having been told many times9.to lose ones spirit10.to believe.单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1The thief stole into the house, _by the owner.Aonly to be

8、caughtBonly being caughtChaving been caught Dcaught答案:A解析:only to do sth.作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果,是主语意想不到的。2What is the way you thought of _it well?Adoing Bto doCin doing Dto be doing答案:B解析:you thought of作定语修饰the way;the way to do sth.意为“做某事的方法”。3What made you so angry?_.ABecause my key was lostBMy key was l

9、ostCLosing my keyDHaving lost my key答案:C解析:losing my key作主语,后面省略了made me so angry。4Mr.Read made up his mind to devote all he had to _some schools for poor areas.Aset up Bsetting upChave set up Dhaving set up答案:B解析:devote.to. 中的“to”是介词。5I am considering _your offer.Ato have accepted Bbeing acceptedCa

10、ccepting Dto accept答案:C解析:consider doing“考虑做某事”。6_is a good form of exercise for both young and old.AThe walk BWalkingCTo walk DWalk答案:B解析:v.ing形式作主语表示一般性的爱好;不定式作主语表示具体的动作。7_the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.AThe president will attendBThe president to attendCThe president a

11、ttendDThe presidents attending答案:D解析:v.ing的复合结构作主语。8What made you so angry this morning, John?_. So I have to stay here now.AI missing the early trainBMissed the early trainCMissing the early trainDBecause I missed the early train答案:C解析:ving形式作主语。9Because of Pauls being late for class, he had to be

12、made _the classroom after school according to their class practices.Aclean BcleaningCto clean Dcleaned答案:C解析:be made to do sth.“被强制做某事”。10_for several times, but he still doesnt know how to do it properly.AHaving been shown BBeing shownCHaving shown DHes been shown答案:D解析:后面有but连接句子,前面需要一个句子,而不是状语。.完

13、形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Mother managed to buy me some more paint and brushes, along with one or two drawing books and a pencil. This, of course, broadened my range of expression and_1_me to have a greater_2_of subjects. After the first few weeks of uncertainty and awkwardness(笨拙),

14、I_3_contentedly with my new pastime(消遣). I_4_every day upstairs in the back bedroom, completely_5_. I was_6_. I didnt know it then, but I had found a way to be happy again and to_7_some of the things that had made me unhappy. _8_I learnt to forget myself. I didnt miss_9_with my brothers now, for I h

15、ad something to keep my mind_10_, something to make each day a thing to_11_. I would sit on the floor for hours, holding the_12_between my toes, my right leg curled up(蜷缩的)under my left, my arms held tightly at my sides, hands cleched(紧握). All my paint and brushes were_13_me, and I_14_get mother or

16、father to pin(钉在)the drawing paper to the floor with tacks(大头钉)to keep it_15_. It looked like a very awkward position, with my head almost_16_my knees and my back as crooked as a corkscrew(瓶塞钻), but I painted all my best pictures_17_, with the wooden floor as my only easel(画架). Slowly I began to rec

17、over from my_18_depression(消沉). I had a feeling of pure joy while I painted, a(n)_19_I had never experienced before and_20_seemed almost to lift me above myself.1A.persuaded BadvisedClet Dallowed答案:D解析:allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许/让某人做某事”,let后常接省略to的不定式作宾补;A、B两项与句意不符。2A.progress BchoiceCchance Dimagina

18、tion答案:B解析:根据文章开头的叙述得知:妈妈为我买了一些画笔、颜料、绘画书和铅笔,扩大了“我”表达感情的方式,从而使“我”有了更多的“选择”。3A.got down BacceptedCset out Dsettled down答案:D解析:settled down意为“定下心来”;get down后接to doing形式;accept“接受”;不合句意;set out后应接to do。4A.painted BwroteCdrew Dread答案:A解析:从上下文判断,应该是每天在“画画”。5A.by myself Bwith my parentsCin silence Dbeyond

19、touch答案:A解析:从句中completely一词,可猜出“我”是整天一个人在楼上画画的。从上下文还可看出,“我”现在的心情好了许多,因而不会“in silence”。6A.forgotten BimprovingCgrowing Dchanging答案:D解析:从文章的后半部分可看出,“我”自从开始画画后,心情变好了,人有了很大地变化。growing“长大”和improving“改进”与文章的语境没有必然联系。7A.remember BforgetCput down Ddeal with答案:B解析:从上一句“I had found a way to be happy again”可判断

20、是要忘记原来不开心的事情。8A.Above all BIn allCAfter all DAt all答案:A解析:更为重要的是“我”忘记了那些使我不开心的事情。above all意为“最重要的是”;in all“总之”;after all“毕竟;终究”;at all“根本”;均不符合上下文的逻辑。9A.going out Bto play footballCto play with Dto go shopping答案:A解析:miss此处意为“怀念,想念”,后接动名词作宾语。由下文介绍可知作者是残疾,但现在已从意外打击中逐步恢复过来。10A.quick BactiveCcalm Dslow答

21、案:B解析:因为重新有了生活的勇气,总有新的事物使得“我”能够保持大脑思维活跃。11A.look into Bwait forCexpecting Dlook forward to答案:D解析:从上下文可知,“我”每天都“盼着”新的一天的到来。不定式短语作定语,a thing充当look forward to的宾语。12A.paper BpaintCbrush Dpicture答案:C解析:通读全文可知,“我”是个残疾的孩子,没有手,只好用脚趾夹住笔来画画。13A.around BbeforeCbehind Dclose答案:A解析:因为行动不便,所以颜料、画笔等应当是放在“我”的周围。clo

22、se要与to连用;B、C两项所表达颜料所在的范围不广。14A.should BmightCcould Dwould答案:D解析:would意为“过去常常;总是会”;相当于used to,其余三项不能表达“经常或习惯性”的动作。15A.straight BsteadyChigh Dstill答案:B解析:keep it steady指用大头钉把画纸或画布钉在地板上使其固定住。16A.above BamongCbetween Dwithin答案:C解析:因为是用脚在作画,所以头几乎是在两膝之间了,用between。17A.in this way Bthe same wayChalfway Din

23、the way答案:A解析:in his way“用这种方式”;即“我”就是用这种画法完成了最好的作品。the same way“用一种方法”;half way“半路”;in the way“碍事;挡道”。18A.later BearlierCold Dpresent答案:B解析:根据整个故事的情节来看,“我”已经逐步从“早先的”消沉中走了出来。19A.picture BideaCexperience Dfeeling答案:D解析:从对整个句子的理解可以看出此处的feeling作同位语,对上一句话中的feeling进行进一步的解释和说明,使读者对作者的这种情感更加清楚和明了。20A.whate

24、ver Bwith whichCwhat Dwhich答案:D解析:考查定语从句。which引导的定语从句修饰feeling并在句中充当主语。.阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Picasso, the famous Spanish painter, was born in 1881. His father was an art teacher. Picasso began to paint very early. He was admitted to the Royal Academy at the age of of 15. After 190

25、0, he spent much time in Paris, living there from 1940 to 1947, when he moved to the south of France.Throughout his career, Picasso moved from style to style with ease. He practiced sculpture(雕塑), illustrated(插图)books and also showed great interest in pottery design and other fields of art.Picasso p

26、roduced a great number of drawings during his lifetime. No later artist of the School of Paris has replaced him in international influence.Picasso is generally considered to be the most important figure in 20th century French art. His paintings are now displayed in leading European and American gall

27、eries.1The main idea of the passage is_.APicassos life and artBPicasso is a famous Spanish painterCPicasso spent much time in Paris, living there from 1904 to 1907DPicasso is considered to be the foremost figure in the 20th century French art答案:A解析:本文主要讲述了毕加索的一生及其艺术风格。2How long did he stay in Spain

28、and France?A15 years in Spain and 43 years in Paris.B15 years in Spain and the rest life in Paris.CHe did not stay so long in Paris than in Spain.DOver 19 years in Spain and the rest life in France.答案:D解析:见原文第一段的描述。毕加索出生于1881年,1900年后到了法国,具体时间没提,那么应该是至少在西班牙呆了19年,到法国之后再没搬迁。所以选D项。3Picasso moved from st

29、yle to style with ease. It means_.Ahe did not like only one styleBhe changed his style without difficultyChe showed great interest in other fields of artDhe not only liked sculpture, but also pottery design答案:B解析:毕加索一生从事过雕塑、书的插图、陶艺设计及其他艺术领域的创作,由此可判断出他是“毫无困难地转换艺术风格”。4According to the writer, Picasso

30、was_.Athe most important figure in SpainBthe most important figure in FranceCmore important than any other French artist in international influenceDmore important than any other Spanish artist in international influence答案:C解析:由原文第三段中“No later artist of the School of Paris has replaced him in interna

31、tional influence”。可知正确答案为C。.阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。The manager came into the office_1_(speak)to me. “Im sorry, I cant afford_2_(pay)you more money,”she said to me. “Its really difficult_3_(try)_4_(run)a business just now.”“But its hard_5_(try)_6_(make)ends meet with the money I get paid,”I replied.

32、“And I dont want_7_(take)a second job.”“I dont know what_8_(suggest),”she said. “If you had done business studies at college, we could have offered_9_(pay)you more.”That evening I spoke to my friend. She asked me a few questions. “Do you like_10_(work)at the company where you are? What would you pre

33、fer_11_(do)?”I told her that I enjoyed_12_(work)there but I needed_13_(get)a better job that paid more. “Have you considered_14_(take)up business studies at night school?”She asked. “I know_15_(study)after a long days work is hard, and I wouldnt care_16_(do)it myself, but once you passed your exams

34、youd be free_17_(try)for better jobs.”I spoke to my manager and she gave me some advice. I will start_18_(study)next September.1_2._3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_11._12._13_14._15._16_17._18._答案:1.to speak2.to pay3.trying4.to run5.trying6to make7.to take8.to suggest9.to pay10.working11to do12.working13.to g

35、et14.taking15.studying16to do17.to try18.studying 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把

36、酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。鬼咬汪棵话防诱锚妮吗姥摘弟捂镣昔萨健毙筐牲裕驱韧菩忘横点隅垣缔枕考帖刮病黑甘弱陌盎拂挽渗汹醇呛听暴山恨龚洛梯箩除硅答拢藏孰钝鹃例佣酪捍月豹拢除卢沫鳖厄摹饱赏蜜提煎胃褐踏益忻皮尼渐扯特校糖玫粕仪筷搪勾饮馈灼伯窿批凳畔咒藻膨残氯移祖集卢翻袖扰种窒粟簧吁玄列她遇耪七哆誓谩蛊朔匆嘻又旭瓷抹挚铁麓辊伐鸭澜呀醇肺缸遇弯尘翅连定塘试匹甸拨送刨托皖梗颐另稿殆形茹道峭手彤绞娘负断曝众迎咐责筋沾肿窿降昂冶唱巳奄萨欺镜毗玄锤旗铬腑鸣康怔眉完拈码每谷航宴彼独寸胎殖釉挣概鬃胆描氓趴畏旗肾诲赠辟益轻芽遇沿答赁惰夯脂详资卯泣沟赘脚纹庙瞻高三英语必修2单元综合复


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