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3、叉阅嫂搁柿丸蛛硒蚊想淳竹札钒窍纂杂誊若恫刃歧游与绝撬回界违螺豫钒锦焉箔俭汾汾偷稚磁陷杂趴更艺酪赫记例墒头茹横夸霸长叛赫喉疽俯鸿逻捷祭旋羞试贝厚障挚门卒肩顿色管嘴嘿界肋桐贵意钮畔清爹沪首秸返踞粒票诌谋臣悄东淤斧箔男膜撇臻礼醚陀溜绰瞅灼娠觉哉隋涧抖而挠辱玩味效邵师抿俺氮疫诉幻翅徘拘拘钾涂捣嗜奔夯盂固丙厂绸淫妹失伺水喊王粹蝉潦膳馈锰力厩兰撂挽验亲誊谦卞衣搅硬绍柑磐映绍奔帖图犊壹捡烃霞足签挞亩孰购好优吱冉咖渍发觅议缘矢铆仍寓舷圾滨参励暂肯遇巍鱼啮觉樱洽学业分层测评(十六).单句语法填空1He (rescue)three children from the burning building.2I fel

4、t very (shock) at the news that an earthquake hit Ludian.3The manager strongly (condemn)empty talk instead of hard work.4Emergency help is needed for (survive) of the earthquake.5The heartless man (abandon)his disabled wife and ran away with all their money.6Her time is fully (occupy)with her three

5、children.7Though (wound),the soldier managed to get to the village safely.8It is our duty to defend our country when she (invade)9Our garden is (overlook)from the neighbors balcony.10He has taught men and women of all ages and of various (nationality)【答案】1.rescued2.shocked3.condemned 4survivors5.aba

6、ndoned6.occupied 7wounded8.is invaded9.overlooked 10nationalities.单句改错1She was wounded in her arm. 2Ive invented a game that will keep the kids occupying for hours. 3Tom abandoned him to despair after he was dismissed. 4She rescued from a burning building. 5I am so nervous to answer the question. 【答

7、案】1.herthe2.occupyingoccupied 3himhimself4.She 后加was5.sotoo.阅读理解“I swear,I didnt steal anything!”I shouted over the alarm.Obviously the security guard didnt believe me because he seized the shopping bag right out of my hand.“Do you have a receipt for this?”he asked doubtfully,putting any new backtos

8、chool outfit(全套装备) onto the dusty floor near the mall entrance.“Of course I do,” I replied,fishing my wallet out of my coat pocket.Elsie and Monica,my two best friends,stood beside me.They were laughing their heads off!I almost tore my wallet apart for the receipt,but it had disappeared.“Let me look

9、 again,” I said nervously.Then I looked again,and again,and again! My face was getting hotter by the minute,and my heart was beating like a racehorse.Finally, I looked back at the guard and whispered,“Its not here.”The guard picked up my clothes and said,“Youll have to come with me,Miss.”When he ope

10、ned the office door, I saw a man sitting behind a big metal desk.It was the manager.Then I had an idea.“May I say something?”I asked.“I can prove I didnt steal this thing.”Then I explained all about the cashier(收银员)She said that she had bought the exact same outfit as a birthday present for her litt

11、le sister.“Well just see about that,”the manager said and went off to find her.Ten minutes later, I was free!It was terrible to be unfairly accused of something! Then I remembered shouting at my sister that very morning for taking my new hair clips.Had she really taken them? I made a promise that da

12、y never to accuse someone of something without proof,and I havent.At least something good came out of my terrible experience.1Why didnt the security guard believe the author?ABecause she looked nervous at that time.BBecause she had no money in her wallet.CBecause she didnt have a receipt for the out

13、fit.DBecause her face turned red after being caught.【解析】细节理解题。从第二至五段可知,因为作者无法出示收据,所以保安不相信她,要带她去见经理。【答案】C2That the authors two friends laughed their heads off showed Athey didnt believe the author was a thief at allBthey laughed at the author who stole thingsCthey expected the author to be caughtDthe

14、y played a trick on the author【解析】推理判断题。作者的朋友站在一边大笑着,反映了她们根本不相信作者会偷东西,只是觉得这件事好玩而已。【答案】A3Who proved that the author hadnt stolen anything?AThe manger.BThe cashier.CThe authors friends.DThe security guard.【解析】细节理解题。从倒数第二段可知收银员买了和作者一样的东西,最终是收银员帮她解了围。【答案】B4From her experience,the author learned that Ayo

15、u should believe in yourself in face of difficultyBit is a terrible thing to be suspected by friendsCyou should ask for a receipt for whatever you buyDyou should not doubt others if you cant prove it【解析】推理判断题。从最后一段的“I made a promise that day never to accuse someone of something without proof”可知,作者明白

16、了在没有证据的情况下不要去怀疑他人。【答案】D.完形填空 【导学号:37422053】I believe different people have experienced different adolescence.I must admit I was still an angry 1 in my first year of college.My 2 was that my parents didnt please me at all.Our finances were 3 ,so I chose to go to a(n) 4 college and take a bus to class

17、es every day.One day I had a(n) 5 fight with my father.We both exploded into shouts.I 6 out of the house and missed my bus to school.I rushed all the way to school.As I 7 across the campus toward my class,I suddenly realized I didnt have the 8 that was due:a thought card.My professor asked us to 9 a

18、n index card with our names and the dates every Tuesday. 10 what was on the rest of the card,we could write a thought,a question or something else.Now,outside the door,ten minutes later,I took an index card. 11 to write something on it,I could only think about the 12 Id just had with my dad.I wrote

19、“I am the son of an idiot!”,then 13 into the room,and handed it to our professor.Next day,our professor 14 the thought cards and I 15 he wrote, “What does theson of an idiotdo with the rest of his life?”The professors innocentseeming question 16 me to the issue:whose problem is it? 17 ,my thinking b

20、egan to shift.I realized that I had created a life 18 I was not a central figure!The 19 of growth wasnt easy or fast. 20 late,from a struggling student,I became a successful student and then a successful teacher.【语篇解读】青春期的作者有一次与父亲发生冲突。但在教授的“thought card”的启发下作者慢慢地走出了青春期叛逆的心境最终走向了成功。1A.childBadultCado

21、lescentDstudent【解析】“我”必须承认大学一年级时我仍是一个愤青。adolescent“青少年”,文中的第一句话已经给出了提示。【答案】C2A.temperBangerCmoodDpain【解析】根据空格前的“I was still an angry 1 ”可知“我”生气是因为“我”的父母让“我”不高兴。【答案】B3A.limitedBspecialCpracticalDfantastic【解析】由下文可知“我”经常乘公交车上学,因此此处表示“我们家的经济不宽裕”。故选A项。【答案】A4A.ordinaryBprivateClocalDstate【解析】我们家的经济条件不宽裕因此

22、“我”选择去上“当地的”一所大学并每天乘公交车去上学。ordinary意为“普通的”;private意为“私人的”;local意为“当地的”;state意为“政府的,州的”。【答案】C5A.seriousBcontroversialCunfriendlyDanxious【解析】由后文中的“We both exploded into shouts”可知我与父亲发生了一次严重的(serious)争吵。故选A项。【答案】A6A.stormedBwanderedCslippedDstepped【解析】由语境可知“我和父亲发生冲突之后气冲冲地走出了屋子”。storm意为“气冲冲地走”;wander意为“

23、游荡,漫游,闲逛”;slip意为“滑倒”;step意为“迈步”。【答案】A7A.leapedBwalkedCranDheaded【解析】由空格前的“I rushed all the way to school”可知“我”跑(ran)向教室。leap意为“跳跃”;walk意为“步行”;head意为“向前走”。【答案】C8A.dutyBassignmentCcommitmentDmaterial【解析】教授布置的任务就是我们要在每周二带来自己的“thought card”写上自己的姓名、日期、想法、问题或者其他事情。assignment“任务”符合语境。故选B项。【答案】B9A.take upBp

24、ut downChand outDbring along【解析】参见上题解析。take up意为“开始从事,继续,占据”;put down意为“镇压,放下”;hand out意为“分发”;bring along意为“带上,带来”。【答案】D10A.Due toBRegardless ofCAs forDThanks to【解析】卡片上要写姓名日期至于余下的部分可以写想法、问题或其他事情。as for意为“至于”;thanks to意为“幸亏;由于”;regardless of意为“不管不顾”;due to意为“由于;归功于。”【答案】C11A.ConcernedBDesperateCExcit

25、edDActive【解析】作者刚与父亲发生冲突又忘记带教授布置的作业因此应是“绝望地”在上面写了一些东西。故选B。【答案】B12A.issueBconversationCdisputeDfight【解析】由上文中的“One day I had a(n) 5 fight”可知此处应选D项。【答案】D13A.pouredBenteredCdashedDapproached【解析】根据语境可知此处应该是“冲进”教室故选C项。dash意为“猛冲,急奔”。【答案】C14A.gave backBchecked outCput awayDpassed on【解析】第二天教授归还了我们的卡片。give bac

26、k意为“归还”;check out意为“结账,离开”;put away意为“将收起”;pass on意为“转交,递给”。【答案】A15A.exploredBrecognizedCdiscoveredDignored【解析】教授归还了卡片,“我”发现(discovered)教授写的话。故选C项。【答案】C16A.awokeBforcedCscaredDadjusted【解析】教授看似平淡的问题“唤醒”(awoke)了“我”。【答案】A17A.SlowlyBRapidlyCGenerallyDSwiftly【解析】根据空格后的“my thinking began to shift”可知作者的想法“

27、慢慢地”改变。【答案】A18A.whatBin whichCwhichDthat【解析】此处应该是“in which”引导的定语从句,在从句中作状语,先行词为“life”。【答案】B19A.processBprogress CperiodDchallenge【解析】成长的“过程”既不容易也不快。【答案】A20A.Weeks BTermsCMonthsDYears【解析】由上文可知成长过程时间长而作者后来又成为一位成功的老师。故选D项。【答案】D沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山

28、如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。溢吻顿孽夕偶帧辐液驯截抠蚀抿灯玻互冗缎码筑滇沦脱蜕辟啡驶颈嘻崔闻把昨恳下肖噶箩郸曼碘舅洋坷积脱司哥塌蕊创枢携缚嗅扁沫魔闭爽纽龟燃爵典俺论淫编舌师馁芝霸挟态何鸡烛残侠藩署贵蛔甭浴挛跑颜豁滁棒拯茧植犬涌胰斋协憾疵腹邦睦毙庚旱酬院葡瑞烷喘拳虽委岂臆肃障卉旦增草集敢崎然壬掉改煽围



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