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1、一、单项选择1Look at these trees. Can you draw _? ()AitBthemCthose2Im thirsty. I want _. ()Ato eat a pieBdrink some waterCto drink some water3Hi, Bobby. Lets listen to some English.句中三个斜体单词划线部分发音与众不同的是:()AHiBlistenCEnglish4_ crayons are these? ()Theyre my _.AWhos; cousinsBWhose; cousinCWhose; cousins5This

2、 shirt _ too long and these socks _ too big. ()Ais; areBare; isCis; is6Winter is very _. We can _. ()Acool; go skatingBhot; fly kitesCcold; go skating7Can you draw a tree? ()Sure. Its _.AdifficultBeasyCnice8_ your sister in her bedroom? ()Let me see. Yes, _.AIs; he isBAre; she isntCIs; she is9_ swea

3、ter is it? ()Its _ mothers.AWhose; herBWhos; herCWhose; shes10_ do you come home? ()I come home _ five.AWhen; onBWhat time; atCWhat time; in11_ nice the cakes _! ()AWhat; isBHow; areCHow; is12_ is it tomorrow? ()Its Tuesday. How many lessons do you have _ Monday?AWhat time; inBWhat day; onCWhat day;

4、 in13In summer I want _ ice creams. ()Ato eatBeatingCeats14Its eleven thirty. ()Its time to _.Ahave lunchBhave breakfastCget up15The shorts _ too big. Try _. ()Ais; thisBare; thisCare; these二、用单词的适当形式填空16Oliver often _ (have) dinner at home.17_ (he) is happy! And _ (he) eyes are big!18This _ (be) a

5、tree and these _ (be) flowers.19Lets _ (make) a kite.20He has a _ (swim) lesson every week.21My shorts _ (be) too long.22This is Su Hai _ (speak). May I _ (speak) to Nancy?23I can see some _ (flower) over there.24Whose _ (毛衣) are these?Theyre Tims.2re there _ (some) flowers in the park?26My cousin _

6、 (have) many toy cars. 27This is _ (I) timetable.28What a lovely day it is! Lets go _ (boat) in the lake.29Are you thirsty, Joe?Here _ (be) some water for you.30How many _ (sheep) do you have?三、完成句子31_ do you go to school?At seven forty.32I _ (通常) draw some _ (花) in the park.33_ (春天) is warm and we

7、can go _ (划船).34On _ (星期六), I _ (通常) _ (看)TV at home.35Today is _ (星期三). We have four lessons.36What can you see _ the _ (在河面上)?37I have Science on F_ afternoon.38I can see a _ on the desk.39Miss Li: _ do you go to _? Helen: _ nine.Miss Li: Its good to sleep early.40My grandpa and Kitty usually _ TV

8、 _ night. 四、阅读理解4 Mr. Lin and his students are in the classroom. They are talking about the night.Mr. Lin: When the sun goes down, we can see the moon high in the sky. Do people work at night?Joe: Yes, they do. At night, doctors and nurses take care of patients (病人). Police officers patrol (巡逻) the

9、streets.Jack: At night, workers print (印刷) tomorrows newspapers (报纸). Bakers (面包师) bake (烘烤) bread and cakes.Mr. Lin: What do you do at night?Jack: Sometimes I do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV.41、What are they talking about? ()AAbout the morning.BAbout the afternoon.CAbout the night.42、When the

10、sun _, we can see the moon high in the sky. ()ArisesBgoes downCgoes up43、Do people work at night? ()AYes, they do.BNo, they dont.CNo. They go to sleep.44、What do bakers do at night? ()AEat bread and cakes.BPrint newspapers.CBake bread and cakes.45、Does Jack do his homework at night? ()ANo, he doesnt

11、.BYes, he does.CHe sometimes watches TV.五、阅读理解4 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Tom, John and Jack are good friends. They are in the same class. They have a PE class on Fridays. They like sports. They often play football together. Tom is hard-working. He often reads books in the morning. John is a helpful boy. He often

12、 washes clothes in the evening. Jack likes to watch TV. He often watches TV with his parents.46、 _ are good friends. ()ATim, John and JackBTom, John and JackCTom, John and Jim47、They have a (an) _ class on Fridays. ()APEBEnglishCmaths48、They often _ together. ()Awatch TVBplay ping-pongCplay football

13、49、John is _. ()AhelpfulBcleverChard-working50、Jack often watches TV with his _. ()AgrandparentsBfatherCparents六、阅读理解4 Miss Jones is a teacher. She walks to school in the morning. The boys and girls in Miss Jones class are young. They like Miss Jones very much.One day, Miss Jones walks to school as

14、usual. It is a very cold windy morning in December. The cold wind blows in her eyes, and the tears begin to run down her cheeks. She goes info the classroom. It is nice and warm. A boy sees Miss Jones, comes to her and says kindly, “Dont cry. School isnt very bad.”51、Miss Jones is a _. ()AteacherBfa

15、rmerClawyer52、Is it fine day that day? ()AYes, it does.BYes, it is.CNo, it isnt.53、The boys and girls in Miss Jones class _ her. ()AhateBlikeCdont like54、Its _ in the classroom. ()AcoldBcoolCwarm55、Why does Miss Jones cry? ()ABecause she doesnt like school.BBecause she doesnt like the job.CBecause t

16、he cold wind blows in her eyes.七、阅读理解4 Classes are over at 3:50 p.m., but we dont always go home at that time. Many of us stay at school. Some do their homework, some play at school. We clean our classroom, work in the school garden, or go to the playground to play ball games. On Monday we usually g

17、o to Mr. Lins home. He is an eighty-year-old man. We read newspapers(读报纸) to him, talk to him, wash his clothes and clean his room. Mr. Lin likes to be with us. We feel happy too, because we can help others.56、_ at 3:50 p.m. ()AWe always go homeBClasses are overCWe always do our homework57、Many of u

18、s do our homework _.()Ain the libraryBat schoolCin Mr. Lins home58、Some of us play ball games _.()Ain the gardenBin the parkCin the playground59、We go to Mr. Lins home on _.()AMondayBTuesdayCSunday60、We like to _ Mr. Lin. ()AhelpBplay withClearn from【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:B【详解】句意:看这些树。你能画_?A它,B它们,C那些,根据上句中的

19、trees可知答语用them它们代替。故选B。解析:C【详解】句意:我渴了。我想要_。A吃馅饼,B喝点水,C喝点水,渴了需要喝的,且想要做某事want to do,故选C。解析:A【详解】句意:你好,鲍比。让我们听一些英语吧。选项ABC划线部分的发音均为a,故选A。解析:C【详解】句意:那些是_的彩色蜡笔?它们是我_。结合句意和选项可知,问句询问所属,应用疑问词whose来引导,意为谁的,答语表示的,应用名词所有格cousins,意为表妹的,故选C。解析:A【详解】句意:这件衬衫太长,这些袜子太大。主语this shirt是第三人称单数,系动词用is;主语these socks是第三人称复数,

20、系动词用are。故选A。解析:C【详解】句意:冬天非常_。我们可以_。A凉爽的;去滑冰,B热的;放风筝,C冷的,去滑冰,根据常识可知C选项符合。故选C。7B解析:B【详解】句意:你会画一棵树吗?当然可以。它是_。A难的,B容易的,C好的,回答可以,说明容易,故选B。8C解析:C【详解】句意:你的姐姐在她的卧室里吗?让我看一看。是的,她在。问句是一般疑问句,主语是your sister,第三人称单数,be动词用is,肯定回答Yes, she is. 故选C。9A解析:A【详解】句意:它是_毛衣?是她的妈妈的。答句是某人的,用whose提问,排除选项B;her她的,shes她是,选项A符合语境,故

21、选A。10B解析:B【详解】句意:你什么时候回家?我在五点回家。on用在具体某一天或某一天的上下午前,at用在具体时间点前,in用在年、月季节等前面。故选B。1解析:B【详解】句意:这些蛋糕多好啊!cakes复数,be动词用are,排除选项AC,故选B。1解析:B【详解】句意:明天是_?星期二。星期一你们/你有几节课?根据答语可知问句是问今天星期几,询问星期为固定句式是What day is it?选项A中What time是询问具体的几点钟,故排除A选项,第二个问句是指在星期一,在星期几用介词on,故排除C,故选B。1解析:A【详解】句意:夏天我想吃冰淇淋。考查want后跟动词不定式,A不定

22、式,B动名词或动词的现在分词,C动词的第三人称单数,故选A。1解析:A【详解】句意:十一点半了。该_了。A吃午饭,B吃早饭,C起床,根据时间可知该吃午饭了,故选A。1解析:C【详解】句意:短裤太大了。试试_。this这,these这些,根据题意可知,第一空考查be动词的用法,shorts为可数名词复数,be动词应用are,因此第一空填are,第二句试试其他短裤,其他短裤为复数,应用these指代,故选C。二、用单词的适当形式填空16has【详解】句意:奥利弗经常在家吃晚饭。have dinner吃晚饭,动词短语。根据句意可知句子是一般现在时,主语Oliver是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称

23、单数形式has,故答案为has。17H解析: He his【详解】句意:他很开心。他的眼睛很大。he他,第一空做本句的主语,故用主格形式;第二空做eyes的定语,用形容词性物主代词his他的。故答案为He;his。18 is are【详解】句意:这是一棵树和这些是花。this这,be动词用is;these这些,be动词用are,故答案为is;are。19make【详解】句意:我们做只风筝吧。lets后跟动词原形,故答案为make。20swimming【详解】句意:他每周上一节游泳课。swim游泳,动词,修饰名词要变成动名词形式,swim的动名词形式是swimming,故答案为swimming。

24、2re【详解】句意:我的短裤太长了。shorts复数,be动词用are,故答案为are。22 speaking speak【详解】句意:我是苏海。我可以和南茜讲话吗?speak用现在分词形式speaking,与is构成现在进行时;may后跟动词原形。故答案为speaking,speak。23flowers【详解】句意:我可以看到那边有一些花。flower花,some加可数名词复数,flower的复数为flowers。故答案为flowers。24sweaters【详解】句意:这些是谁的毛衣?它们是蒂姆的。毛衣sweater,可数名词,根据are these可知此处要用复数形式sweaters,故

25、答案为sweaters。【点睛】2ny【详解】句意:公园里有花吗?该句是问句,some变any,故答案为any。26has【详解】句意:我表弟有许多玩具车。cousin是第三人称单数,动词have用第三人称单数形式has,故答案为has。27my【详解】句意:这是_课程表。根据句中的名词 timetable,可知该空考查I的形容词性物主代词my(我的),故答案为my。【点睛】28boating【详解】句意:多么一个晴朗的日子啊!我们去湖上划船吧。本题考查动词短语go boating,故答案为boating。【点睛】29is【详解】句意:你口渴吗,乔?这有一些水给你。句中的water为不可数名词

26、,be动词为is,故答案为is。【点睛】30sheep【详解】句意:你有多少只绵羊?how many后跟可数名词复数,sheep单复数同形,故答案为sheep。三、完成句子31When【详解】句意:你/你们什么时候去上学?在七点四十。根据答句句意可以问句问的是你/你们什么时候去上学?什么时候用when,放句首首字母大写,故答案为When。32 usually flowers【详解】句意:我通常在公园里画一些花。该句时态为一般现在时,通常应用副词usually,some(一些)后应用名词复数flowers,意为花,故答案为usually;flowers。33 Spring boating【详解】

27、句意:春天是温暖的,我们可以去划船。春天spring,名词;去划船go boating,动词短语,故答案为Spring;boating。【点睛】34 Saturday usually watch【详解】句意:在星期六,我通常在家看电视。星期六Saturday,通常usually,句子时态为一般现在时,主语为I,因此动词应用原形,看电视watch TV,故答案为Saturday;usually;watch。【点睛】35Wednesday【详解】句意:今天是星期三。我们有四节课。星期三Wednesday,故答案为Wednesday。36 on river【详解】句意:你能在河面上看到什么?在上on

28、,河river,在河面上on the river,故答案为on,river。37F解析:Friday【详解】句意:我星期五下午有科学。根据句意及首字母,考查单词Friday星期五,故答案为Friday。【点睛】38flower【详解】句意:我看到桌上有一朵_。结合图片可知是花flower,前面有冠词a,用单数,故答案为flower。39A解析: When bed At【详解】句意:李小姐:你_去_?海伦:在九点。李小姐:早睡很好。根据答句和图片可知提问睡觉时间,问时间可以用when,首字母大写,第一空填When;去睡觉go to bed,第二空填bed;第三空在某个时间点用介词at,首字母大写

29、At;故答案为When;bed;At。40 watch at【详解】句意:我爷爷和基蒂通常晚上看电视。图片显示看电视watch TV,usually是一般现在时的标志词,主语My grandpa and Kitty是复数,动词用原形;在晚上at night,介词的固定搭配;故答案为watch;at。四、阅读理解4解析:41、C42、B43、A44、C45、B【解析】五、阅读理解4解析:46、B47、A48、C49、A50、C【分析】本文主要介绍了汤姆,约翰和杰克。46、句意:_是好朋友。A蒂姆,约翰和杰克,B汤姆,约翰和杰克,C汤姆,约翰和吉姆,根据Tom, John and Jack are

30、 good friends.,可知汤姆,约翰和杰克是好朋友,故选B。47、句意:他们星期五有一节_课。A体育,B英语,C数学,根据They have a PE class on Fridays.,可知他们星期五有一节体育课,故选A。48、句意:他们经常在一起_。A看电视,B打乒乓球,C踢足球,根据They often play football together.,可知他们经常在一起踢足球,故选C。49、句意:约翰是_。A有帮助的,B聪明的,C勤奋的,根据John is a helpful boy.,可知约翰是有帮助的,故选A。50、句意:杰克经常和他的_看电视。A祖父母,B爸爸,C父母,根据

31、He often watches TV with his parents.,可知杰克经常和他的父母看电视,故选C。【点睛】六、阅读理解4解析:51、A52、C53、B54、C55、C【分析】短文大意:主要讲一个寒冷的冬天的早上琼斯老师因风流泪的事。51、句意:琼斯小姐是_。A老师,B农民,C律师,根据原文Miss Jones is a teacher. 可知她是一位老师,故选A。52、句意:那天天气晴朗吗?该句是Is引导的一般疑问句,主语是it,肯定回答用Yes, it is.否定回答用No, it isnt.排除A选项;根据原文It is a very cold windy morning

32、in December. 可知那天天气寒冷有风,故该句要做否定回答,故选C。53、句意:琼斯老师班里的孩子们_她。A讨厌,B喜欢,C不喜欢,根据原文They like Miss Jones very much.可知孩子们很喜欢琼斯老师,故选B。54、句意:教室里面_。A冷的,B凉爽的,C温暖的,根据原文It is nice and warm.可知教师里面很温暖,故选C。55、句意:琼斯老师为什么哭?A因为她不喜欢学校。B因为她不喜欢这个工作。C因为冷风吹进她的眼睛。根据原文The cold wind blows in her eyes, and the tears begin to run down her cheeks. 可知她流泪是因为冷风吹进她的眼睛,故选C。【点睛】七、阅读理解4解析:56、B57、B58、C59、A60、A

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