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1、一、阅读理解David is eight. One day his friend Rose says to him, “This Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?” David says, “Yes”.On Sunday, David asks his mother if he can go to the party. His mother says, “Yes, you can go, but you must be polite. Dont ask for any food. They will give y

2、ou some.” “All right, Mum.” David answers and he goes to Roses house on his bike.There are lots of kids (小孩) at the party. They play together for some time, and then Roses mother gives them some food, but she forgets David. He waits and waits and then he takes his plate up and asks, “Do you want a n

3、ice clean plate?”犇1、Whose birthday is it? ()ARoses.BDavids.CRoses mothers.DDavids mothers.犇2、The birthday party is in _. ()ARoses houseBDavids houseCRoses schoolDDavids school犇3、David goes to the party _. ()Aby carBby bikeCby busDon foot犇4、David is Roses _. ()AmotherBclassmateCbrotherDfriend犇5、Who g

4、ives David food at the party? ()ARose.BRoses mother.CThe kids.DNo one.二、阅读理解 One morning, Jack said he was ill. His mother called a taxi and took him to the doctor. The doctor asked Jack, “Whats the matter, young man?” Jack answered, “I feel sick. I have a headache. I cant go to school today, Im afr

5、aid.” The doctor looked him over carefully, and then asked his mother, “What did he have for breakfast?” His mother said, “Well, he had some bread, two eggs, a bottle of milk and an orange.” The doctor smiled, “Dont worry. Its nothing serious. The boy will be all right after the football match.” The

6、 mother said, “I dont understand, Doctor.”The doctor smiled again, “This afternoon, the biggest (最大的) football match of the year will be on TV. Your boy doesnt want to miss (错过) it. I think he will be fine after the game. You wait and see.”犇1、Jack and his mother went to see the doctor _. ()Aby busBb

7、y taxiCon foot犇2、Jack had _ for his breakfast. ()Asome noodlesBsome orangesCa lot of food犇3、The doctor didnt give Jack any medicine because _. ()AJack wasnt illBJack didnt like having medicineCJacks mother didnt have enough (足够的) money犇4、There was _ on TV. ()Aa basketball matchBa football matchCa vo

8、lleyball match犇5、In fact (事实上) _. ()AJack is ill.BJack liked watching basketball matchesCJack liked watching football matches三、阅读理解Tims father is ill in hospital. Its Sunday. Tim is on his way to the hospital to see his father. The hospital is very far from his home, so he wants to take a bus. Now h

9、e is at the bus stop, and there are many people at the stop. The bus is late, so he wants to go there by taxi. When Tim gets to the hospital, his father is very happy.犇11、_ is ill in hospital. ()ATims motherBTimCTims father犇12、The hospital is _. ()Anear Tims homeBnear Tims schoolCvery far from Tims

10、home犇13、Tim wants to _ at first. ()Atake a taxiBtake a busCwalk犇14、Tim finally _ to the hospital because the bus is late. ()Atakes a taxiBtakes a busCtakes a metro犇15、Tims father _ very happy when he sees Tim. ()AisntBareCis四、阅读理解Im Lisa. I often go to the park on Saturdays. I go there by subway. An

11、d I like to draw pictures with my friends in the park. Sometimes we have a picnic there. On Sundays I go to the library and read books there. The library is not far from my home. I can go there by bike. Theres also a new cinema near my home. Its great. Im going to see a film with my parents this wee

12、kend.犇16、On Saturdays Lisa often goes to _ by subway.()Athe cinemaBthe libraryCthe park犇17、Lisa likes to _ in the park with her friends. ()Aread booksBdraw picturesCsee a film犇18、Sometimes Lisa and her friends _ in the park. ()Ahave a picnicBread booksCdraw pictures犇19、Lisa goes to the library _ on

13、Sundays. ()Aon footBby subwayCby bike犇20、Lisa is going to _ this weekend. ()Aread booksBsee a filmChave a picnic五、阅读理解This is Anns family. There are three people in her family. Her mother works in a hospital. She goes to work by bike every day. Her father is a policeman. He does sports every day. An

14、n is a pupil. She gets up early in the morning and does morning exercises every day. They often take a walk after supper(晚餐).犇21、There are_ people in Anns family. ()Athree Bfour Cfive犇22、Anns mother goes to work by_ .()AbuyBcarCbike犇23、Anns father is a _. ()AdoctorBworkerCpoliceman犇24、Does Ann get u

15、p early in the morning? ()AYes, she is. BYes, she does. CNo, she isnt.犇25、They often take a walk after _. ()AbreakfastBdinnerCschool六、阅读理解Mum gives little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom goes shopping. He gets on a bus and sits near an old woman. Then he sees the old womans handbag is open. There is t

16、en yuan in it.He quickly looks into his pocket (口袋). The money isnt there now! Little Tom thinks that the old woman is a thief. He wants to take back the money from the old womans bag. He carefully puts his hand into the old womans bag, takes the money and says nothing. Suddenly, the old woman shout

17、s ,“Wheres my money? I cant find it, There is a thief on the bus!” Little Tom feels strange (奇怪的). Then he sees ten yuan under his seat. Little Tom is thinking a question now, “Am I a thief?”犇26、Little Tom goes shopping _. ()Aon footBby busCby car犇27、Little Tom sees _ in the old womans bag. ()Aa poc

18、ketBten dollarsCten yuan犇28、The word “thief” means “_” in Chinese. ()A强盗B小偷C贪心的人犇29、Little Tom sees _ ten yuan under his seat. ()Ahis own (自己的)Bthe old womansCthe thiefs犇30、Which sentence is RIGHT? ()ALittle Tom is a bad boy.BMum gives little Tom twenty yuan.CLittle Tom makes a mistake (错误).【参考答案】一、

19、阅读理解解析:犇1、A犇2、A犇3、B犇4、D犇5、D【导语】本文主要是大卫去参加罗斯生日派对的事情,大卫听了妈妈的话没有向别人要食物,结果没有人给他食物。犇1、句意:它是谁的生日?A罗斯的。B大卫的。C罗斯妈妈的。D大卫妈妈的。根据文中句子One day his friend Rose says to him, “This Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?”可知星期日是罗斯的生日,故选A。犇2、句意:生日派对在_。A罗斯的家里。B大卫的家里。C罗斯的学校,D大卫的学校。根据文中句子David answers a

20、nd he goes to Roses house on his bike.可知生日派对在罗斯家里,故选A。犇3、句意:大卫_去派对。A坐汽车,B骑自行车,C坐公交车,D步行。根据文中句子 David answers and he goes to Roses house on his bike.可知大卫骑自行车去罗斯家,故选B。犇4、句意:大卫是罗斯的_。A妈妈,B同学,C弟弟,D朋友。根据文中句子 One day his friend Rose says to him.可知大卫是罗斯的朋友,故选D。犇5、句意:派对上谁给大卫食物了?A罗斯。B罗斯的妈妈。C孩子们。D没有人。根据文中句子The

21、y play together for some time, and then Roses mother gives them some food, but she forgets David. 可知没有人给大卫食物,故选D。二、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、C犇3、A犇4、B犇5、C【分析】本文主要讲杰克为看足球赛装病去看医生的故事。犇1、句意:杰克和妈妈_去看医生。根据His mother called a taxi and took him to the doctor.可知杰克和妈妈坐出租车去医生处,A乘公交;B乘出租车;C步行;故选B。犇2、句意:杰克早餐吃了_。根据His mother

22、 said, “Well, he had some bread, two eggs, a bottle of milk and an orange.”可知杰克早餐吃了一些面包,两个鸡蛋,一杯牛奶和一个橙子,A一些面条;B一些橙子;C很多食物;故选C。犇3、句意:医生不给杰克开药因为_。根据The doctor smiled again, “This afternoon, the biggest (最大的) football match of the year will be on TV. Your boy doesnt want to miss (错过) it. I think he will

23、 be fine after the game.可知医生知道杰克是为了看足球赛装病,A杰克没生病;B杰克不喜欢吃药;C杰克的妈妈没有足够的钱;故选A。犇4、句意:电视上有_。根据The doctor smiled again, “This afternoon, the biggest (最大的) football match of the year will be on TV.可知电视上将播放足球赛,A篮球赛;B足球赛;C排球赛;故选B。犇5、句意:事实上_。A杰克生病了。B杰克喜欢看篮球赛。C杰克喜欢看足球赛。根据文章内容可知杰克为了看足球赛装病,可知杰克喜欢看足球赛,故选C。三、阅读理解解

24、析:犇11、C犇12、C犇13、B犇14、A犇15、C【导语】文本讲述蒂姆去医院看望他的爸爸。犇11、句意:_生病住院了。由句子Tims father is ill in hospital.可知是蒂姆的爸爸住院。A.蒂姆的妈妈;B.蒂姆;C.蒂姆的爸爸;故选C。犇12、句意:医院是_。句子The hospital is very far from his home.可知医院离他的家很远。A.在蒂姆的家附近;B.在蒂姆的学校附近;C.在蒂姆的家非常远;故选C。犇13、句意:蒂姆一开始想要_。由句子so he wants to take a bus. 可知他想坐公交车。A.打车;B.坐公交车;C.

25、走路;故选B。犇14、句意:蒂姆最终_去医院因为公交车迟了。由句子The bus is late, so he wants to go there by taxi. 可知他打车去的。A.打车;B.坐公交车;C.坐地铁;故选A。犇15、句意:当蒂姆的爸爸看见他时_非常开心。由句子When Tim gets to the hospital, his father is very happy.可知爸爸非常开心。A.不是;B.是;C.是;故选C。四、阅读理解解析:犇16、C犇17、B犇18、A犇19、C犇20、B【分析】本文介绍了丽莎的周末活动。犇16、句意:星期六丽莎经常乘地铁去_。A电影院,B图书

26、馆,C公园,根据短文中的Im Lisa. I often go to the park on Saturdays.可知星期六丽莎经常乘地铁去公园,故选C。犇17、句意:丽莎喜欢和她的朋友在公园_。A读书,B画画,C看电影,根据短文中的And I like to draw pictures with my friends in the park.可知丽莎喜欢和她的朋友在公园画画,故选B。犇18、句意:有时丽莎和她的朋友在公园里_。A野餐,B读书,C画画,根据短文中的Sometimes we have a picnic there.可知有时丽莎和她的朋友在公园里野餐,故选A。犇19、句意:丽莎星期

27、天_去图书馆。A步行,B乘地铁,C骑自行车,根据短文中的 I can go there by bike.可知丽莎骑自行车去图书馆,故选C。犇20、句意:丽莎这个周末要去_。A读书,B看电影,C去野餐,根据短文中的Im going to see a film with my parents this weekend.可知丽莎这个周末要去看电影,故选B。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、A犇22、C犇23、C犇24、B犇25、B解析:犇21、A犇22、C犇23、C犇24、B犇25、B六、阅读理解26、B犇27、C犇28、B犇29、A犇30、C【分析】犇26、题干句意:小汤姆_去购物。根据短文He gets

28、 on a bus an解析:犇26、B犇27、C犇28、B犇29、A犇30、C【分析】犇26、题干句意:小汤姆_去购物。根据短文He gets on a bus and sits near an old woman. 他乘上公共汽车,坐在一位老妇人的旁边。故选B。犇27、题干句意:小汤姆在老妇人的包里看到_元。根据短文There is ten yuan in it. 在里面有10元。故选C。犇28、题干句意:单词thief汉语意思为_。该单词汉语意思为小偷。故选B。犇29、题干句意:小汤姆在他的位置下发现了_10元。根据短文He quickly looks into his pocket. The money isnt there now! 他看了他的口袋,现在钱不在那儿了!故选A。犇30、题干句意:哪一句是正确的?通读短文可知Little Tom makes a mistake.小汤姆犯了一个错误。故选C。

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