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1、About the Author:Max Shulmanlife was bitter and I was not.1.Contents:breaf introductioncareerworkswriting featuresHis daughter2.Max shulmanMax Shulman(March 14,1919August 28,1988)is a 20th century American writer best known for his television and short story character Dobie GillisDobie Gillis,as wel

2、l as for other best-selling novels.His writing often focused on young people,particularly in a collegiate setting.3.career 4.Early life and career Early life and career Max Shulmans earliest published writing was for Ski-U-Mah,the college humor magazine of the University of Minnesota,in the 1930s.Hi

3、s writing often focused on young people,particularly in a collegiate setting.He wrote his first novel,Barefoot Boy With Cheek,a satire on college life,while still a student,and it was the bestseller of 1943.5.Barefoot Boy With Cheek6.Barefoot Boy With Cheek7.8.9.10.works11.Max shulmanNovelistPlaywri

4、ghtScreenwriterHumoristHumorist12.13.14.15.Movies&TvThe Affairs of Dobie Gillis学府趣事(1953)The Tender Trap 温柔陷井(1955)Bring Me the Head of Dobie Gillis 杜比有难了(TV)16.Starlight Theatre星光剧院(1950)The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis多比吉利斯的许多爱1959 Movies&Tv17.18.I LOVE YOU I love you with all my power,I love you wi

5、th all my power,I love you with all my might,I love you with all my might,I love you at any hour,I love you at any hour,I love you by day or night.I love you by day or night.I hope we will soon be married,I hope we will soon be married,But if I should die before,But if I should die before,See to it

6、that Im buriedSee to it that Im buried Somewhere near your door.Somewhere near your door.(Dobie Gillis from Love is A Science)我爱你用我所有的力量,我爱你用我所有的可能,我爱你在任何时间,我爱你白天或晚上。我希望我们很快会结婚,但是,如果我在你之前死,那么请将我我一直埋在,你的前门附近的地方。19.Martha Rose ShulmanHis daughter,Martha Rose Shulman,is a famous cookbook author.

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