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1、人才招聘合同协议书范本五篇篇一:人才招聘合同协议书范本中文版:人才招聘合同协议书甲方:(雇主名称)统一社会信用代码:地址:(详细地址)法定代表人:(代表人姓名)职务:电话:乙方:(员工姓名)身份证号码:住址:联系电话:鉴于甲方为了提高企业的竞争力和经济效益,需要聘用专业人才,乙方具备相关的专业技能和经验,双方经友好协商一致,达成如下合同协议:第一条 服务内容乙方将按照甲方的要求,从事(具体工作内容),并完成(具体任务),达到甲方的工作要求和标准。第二条 服务期限本合同自(年)(月)(日)起生效,至(年)(月)(日)终止,服务期限为(具体时长)。第三条 服务地点乙方的工作地点为甲方的(具体办公地

2、点),如需出差或调动工作地点,需提前经双方协商一致。第四条 工作时间乙方每周工作(具体小时数),具体工作时间安排由甲方根据工作情况确定。第五条 薪酬待遇1. 乙方的薪酬总额为人民币(具体金额)元/月,包括基本工资、绩效奖金、加班费等。2. 薪酬支付时间为每月(具体日期),支付方式为(具体支付方式)。3. 薪酬调整:根据乙方的工作表现和市场行情,薪酬调整根据甲方的规定执行。第六条 福利待遇1. 乙方享受甲方提供的社会保险、福利等。2. 其他福利待遇包括(具体福利内容)。第七条 工作绩效乙方应根据工作要求和目标,提高工作绩效,完成工作任务,并接受甲方的工作评估和考核。第八条 保密责任乙方应保守公司

3、的商业秘密和机密信息,禁止泄露给外界任何相关信息。第九条 违约责任1. 乙方若违反本合同约定,给甲方造成经济损失的,应承担相应的经济赔偿责任。2. 甲方若违反本合同约定,达不到规定的工作标准和要求的,应承担相应的法律责任。第十条 合同解除1. 本合同期满时自动终止,双方是否继续合作,需提前协商一致。2. 若遇到不可抗力等特殊情况,影响乙方工作的,可协商解除合同。第十一条 争议解决双方因履行本合同所发生的任何争议,均应友好协商解决;协商不成的可依法向劳动仲裁机构提起仲裁。甲方(盖章):乙方(签字):日期:年 月 日英文版:Employment Contract AgreementParty A:

4、 (Employer Name)Unified Social Credit Code:Address: (Detailed Address)Legal Representative: (Name of Representative)Position:Telephone:Party B: (Employee Name)ID Number:Address:Contact Number:Whereas Party A needs to hire professional talents to enhance the competitiveness and economic benefits of t

5、he enterprise, and Party B possesses relevant professional skills and experience, the two parties have reached a consensus through friendly negotiations and entered into the following contract agreement:Article 1 Service ContentParty B shall engage in (specific job responsibilities) as required by P

6、arty A, and complete (specific tasks) to meet the work requirements and standards of Party A.Article 2 Service PeriodThis contract shall be effective from (Year) (Month) (Day) and expire on (Year) (Month) (Day), with a service period of (specific duration).Article 3 Service LocationThe work location

7、 of Party B shall be at Party As (specific office location). In case of business trips or relocation of work location, it shall be subject to prior mutual agreement.Article 4 Working HoursParty B shall work (specific number of hours) per week, and the specific work schedule shall be determined by Pa

8、rty A based on work requirements.Article 5 Salary and Benefits1. Party Bs total salary is RMB (specific amount) per month, including basic salary, performance bonus, and overtime pay.2. The salary payment date is on (specific date) of each month, and the payment method is (specific payment method).3

9、. Salary adjustment: The salary adjustment shall be implemented according to Party As regulations based on Party Bs work performance and market conditions.Article 6 Welfare Benefits1. Party B shall enjoy social insurance and benefits provided by Party A.2. Other welfare benefits include (specific we

10、lfare content).Article 7 Work PerformanceParty B shall improve work performance, complete work tasks, and undergo work evaluation and assessment by Party A based on work requirements and objectives.Article 8 Confidentiality ResponsibilityParty B shall maintain the confidentiality of the companys tra

11、de secrets and confidential information, and is prohibited from disclosing any relevant information to external parties.Article 9 Breach of Contract Liability1. If Party B violates the terms of this contract and causes economic losses to Party A, Party B shall be liable for compensation accordingly.

12、2. If Party A fails to meet the specified work standards and requirements as stipulated in this contract, it shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.Article 10 Contract Termination1. This contract shall automatically terminate upon expiration, and the continuation of cooperation shall be sub

13、ject to prior mutual agreement.2. In case of force majeure or other special circumstances affecting Party Bs work, the contract may be terminated through negotiation.Article 11 Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising between the two parties in the performance of this contract shall be resolved amicab

14、ly through negotiation; in case of failed negotiation, arbitration may be sought from the labor arbitration institution in accordance with the law.Party A (Seal): Party B (Signature): Date: Year Month Day篇二:人才招聘合同协议书范本中文版:人才招聘合同协议书甲方:(雇主名称)社会信用代码:地址:(详细地址)法定代表人:(代表人姓名)职务:电话:乙方:(员工姓名)身份证号码:住址:联系电话:鉴于

15、甲方为了企业发展需要,拟聘用具备相关专业技能的乙方,乙方愿意按照要求履行工作职责,双方经充分协商,达成如下合同协议:第一条 服务内容乙方将按照甲方的要求,从事(具体工作内容),并完成(具体任务),提高工作绩效和贡献。第二条 服务期限本合同自(日期)起生效,至(日期)终止,服务期限为(时长)。第三条 服务地点乙方的工作地点为甲方的(具体办公地点),如需调动或出差,需经双方协商确认。第四条 工作时间乙方每周工作(时长),具体工作时间由甲方安排。第五条 薪酬待遇1. 乙方的薪酬总额为人民币(金额)元/月,包括基本工资、绩效奖金等。2. 薪酬支付时间为每月(日期),支付方式为(支付方式)。3. 薪酬调

16、整:根据乙方的实际工作情况和市场行情,薪酬调整根据甲方的规定进行。第六条 福利待遇1. 乙方享受甲方提供的社会保险、医疗保险等。2. 其他福利待遇包括(具体福利内容)。第七条 工作绩效评定乙方应按照工作要求和目标提高工作绩效,接受甲方的工作评定和考核。第八条 保密责任乙方应严守公司的商业秘密和机密信息,不得泄露给外部任何相关信息。第九条 违约责任1. 乙方若违反本合同约定,给甲方造成经济损失的,应承担相应的法律责任。2. 甲方若违反本合同约定,未能提供应有的工作条件和环境,应承担相应的赔偿责任。第十条 合同解除1. 本合同期满自动终止,如需继续合作,需提前协商一致。2. 出现不可抗力等特殊情况

17、影响正常工作的,可协商解除合同。第十一条 争议解决双方因履行本合同发生争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可向有关机构提起仲裁。甲方(盖章):乙方(签字):日期:年 月 日英文版:Employment Contract AgreementParty A: (Employer Name)Social Credit Code:Address: (Detailed Address)Legal Representative: (Name of Representative)Position:Telephone:Party B: (Employee Name)ID Number:Address:Conta

18、ct Number:Whereas Party A intends to hire Party B, who possesses relevant professional skills, for the needs of enterprise development, and Party B is willing to perform work duties as required, the two parties have fully negotiated and reached the following contract agreement:Article 1 Service Cont

19、entParty B shall engage in (specific job responsibilities) as required by Party A, and complete (specific tasks) to enhance work performance and contribution.Article 2 Service PeriodThis contract shall be effective from (date) and expire on (date), with a service period of (duration).Article 3 Servi

20、ce LocationThe work location of Party B shall be at Party As (specific office location). In case of relocation or business trips, mutual confirmation shall be required.Article 4 Working HoursParty B shall work (duration) per week, and the specific work schedule shall be arranged by Party A.Article 5

21、 Salary and Benefits1. Party Bs total salary is RMB (amount) per month, including basic salary, performance bonus, etc.2. The salary payment date is on (date) of each month, and the payment method is (payment method).3. Salary adjustment: The salary adjustment shall be in accordance with Party As re

22、gulations based on Party Bs actual work situation and market conditions.Article 6 Welfare Benefits1. Party B shall enjoy social insurance, medical insurance provided by Party A, etc.2. Other welfare benefits include (specific welfare content).Article 7 Work Performance EvaluationParty B shall enhanc

23、e work performance based on work requirements and objectives, and undergo work evaluation and assessment by Party A.Article 8 Confidentiality ResponsibilityParty B shall strictly maintain the confidentiality of the companys trade secrets and confidential information, and is prohibited from disclosin

24、g any relevant information to external parties.Article 9 Breach of Contract Liability1. If Party B violates the terms of this contract and causes economic losses to Party A, Party B shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.2. If Party A breaches the contract by failing to provide necessary wo

25、rk conditions and environment, it shall be liable for compensation.Article 10 Contract Termination1. This contract shall automatically terminate upon expiration, and the continuation of cooperation shall be subject to prior mutual agreement.2. In case of force majeure or other special circumstances

26、affecting normal work, the contract may be terminated through negotiation.Article 11 Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising in the performance of this contract shall be resolved amicably through negotiation; in case of failed negotiation, arbitration may be sought from relevant institutions.Party A

27、(Seal): Party B (Signature): Date: Year Month Day篇三:人才招聘合同协议书范本中文版:人才招聘合同协议书甲方:(雇主名称)社会信用代码:地址:(详细地址)法定代表人:(代表人姓名)职务:电话:乙方:(员工姓名)身份证号:住址:联系电话:鉴于甲方有招聘需求,乙方具备相应的专业技能和经验,双方达成如下合同协议:第一条 服务内容1. 乙方将按照甲方的要求,从事(具体工作内容),并完成(具体任务),提高工作绩效。2. 乙方应尽职尽责,维护甲方的利益和声誉。第二条 服务期限合同自生效之日起,至(时期),服务期限为(时长)。第三条 服务地点乙方工作地点为甲方的(具体办公地点),出差及调动需提前通知并协商。第四条 工作时间乙方每周工作(时长),工作时间由甲方安排,需要加班的情况需提前报备。第五条 薪酬待遇1. 乙方薪酬为人民币(金额)元/月,包括基本工资、奖金等。2. 薪酬按月支付,具体支付时间和方式经双方确认。第六条 福利待遇乙方可享受甲方提供的社会保险、医疗福利等,具体福利待遇另行约定。第七条 工作绩效

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