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1、企业招聘协议书范本五篇1. 企业招聘协议书范本一中文:尊敬的应聘者,恭喜您通过我们公司的严格选拔流程,成功获得了本次招聘的工作机会。在此,我们诚挚地邀请您加入我们公司,并为您提供以下岗位的工作职责和福利待遇:工作职责:1. 负责公司产品市场推广工作;2. 协助上级完成相关销售任务;3. 参与公司内部会议,提出改进建议。薪资待遇:1. 底薪XXX元/月,绩效奖金XXX元/月;2. 全勤奖XXX元/月,加班补助XXX元/小时;3. 社保、公积金等福利待遇。请您在签署本协议书前仔细阅读并理解以上内容,如有任何疑问请及时与HR部门联系。我们期待您的加入,共同创造更加美好的明天。英文:Dear appl

2、icant, congratulations on successfully passing our companys strict selection process and obtaining the job opportunity in this recruitment. We sincerely invite you to join our company and provide you with the following job responsibilities and benefits:Job Responsibilities:1. Responsible for the com

3、panys product marketing activities;2. Assist superiors in completing related sales tasks;3. Participate in internal meetings and provide improvement suggestions.Salary and Benefits:1. Basic salary of XXX yuan/month, performance bonus of XXX yuan/month;2. Perfect attendance award of XXX yuan/month, o

4、vertime allowance of XXX yuan/hour;3. Social security, provident fund, and other benefits.Please carefully read and understand the above content before signing this agreement. If you have any questions, please contact the HR department in a timely manner. We look forward to your joining and working

5、together to create a better future.2. 企业招聘协议书范本二中文:尊敬的应聘者,感谢您对我们公司的认可和支持。您已经通过全面的面试,并成功获得了以下岗位的工作机会。现在,请您详细了解以下的工作职责和薪资待遇:工作职责:1. 负责公司人力资源管理工作;2. 拟定员工培训计划并组织实施;3. 协助制定员工绩效考核标准。薪资待遇:1. 基本工资XXX元/月,年度绩效奖金XXX元;2. 五险一金缴纳比例达到国家规定标准;3. 带薪年假、节假日福利待遇。请您在签署前仔细阅读本协议,并保留一份备份文件。我们热切期待您的加入,共同开创美好的未来。英文:Dear appli

6、cant, thank you for your recognition and support of our company. You have passed the comprehensive interview and successfully obtained the job opportunity in the following position. Now, please carefully understand the following job responsibilities and salary benefits:Job Responsibilities:1. Respon

7、sible for companys human resources management work;2. Develop employee training plans and organize implementation;3. Assist in formulating employee performance evaluation standards.Salary and Benefits:1. Basic salary of XXX yuan/month, annual performance bonus of XXX yuan;2. Social insurance and hou

8、sing fund contribution rate meet national standards;3. Paid annual leave, holiday benefits.Please read this agreement carefully before signing and keep a copy for backup. We look forward to your joining and working together to create a better future.3. 企业招聘协议书范本三中文:尊敬的应聘者,您好!您已通过我公司的各方面考核,脱颖而出,成功成为我

9、们公司的新员工。现在,请您仔细阅读以下工作内容及薪资待遇:工作职责:1. 负责公司业务部门的日常管理和协调工作;2. 协助部门经理完成销售计划并跟进实施;3. 组织员工培训,提高团队的专业素质。薪资待遇:1. 底薪XXX元/月,业绩提成XXX%;2. 全勤奖XXX元/月,加班双倍工资;3. 福利待遇包括社保、住房公积金等。特此邀请您签署本协议,并准备加入我们的团队。希望您能够在新的岗位上展现出色的工作表现,为公司的发展贡献自己的力量。英文:Dear applicant, congratulations! You have stood out through various assessment

10、s of our company and successfully become a new employee in our company. Please carefully read the following job content and salary benefits:Job Responsibilities:1. Responsible for the daily management and coordination of the business department;2. Assist the department manager in implementing sales

11、plans and follow-ups;3. Organize employee training to improve the teams professional quality.Salary and Benefits:1. Basic salary of XXX yuan/month, performance commission of XXX%;2. Perfect attendance award of XXX yuan/month, double pay for overtime work;3. Benefits include social insurance, housing

12、 provident fund, etc.We hereby invite you to sign this agreement and prepare to join our team. We hope you can show outstanding performance in your new position and contribute to the development of the company.4. 企业招聘协议书范本四中文:尊敬的应聘者,您好!感谢您对我公司的信任和支持,经过层层筛选,您成功通过了面试,获得了以下工作机会。请您详细了解以下的工作职责和薪酬福利:工作职责:

13、1. 负责公司财务管理和成本控制工作;2. 编制财务报表,进行财务分析和预测;3. 协助上级领导完成审计工作。薪酬福利:1. 底薪XXX元/月,年终奖金XXX元;2. 绩效奖金XXX元/季度,项目奖金XXX元/次;3. 包括五险一金及其他福利待遇。衷心邀请您签署本协议并加入我司,一同为公司的发展添砖加瓦。期待您的优秀表现和奉献精神,共同创造美好未来。英文:Dear applicant, hello! Thank you for your trust and support of our company. After layers of screening, you have successfu

14、lly passed the interview and obtained the following job opportunity. Please carefully understand the following job responsibilities and salary benefits:Job Responsibilities:1. Responsible for companys financial management and cost control work;2. Prepare financial statements, conduct financial analy

15、sis and forecasting;3. Assist superiors in completing audit work.Salary and Benefits:1. Basic salary of XXX yuan/month, year-end bonus of XXX yuan;2. Performance bonus of XXX yuan/quarter, project bonus of XXX yuan/time;3. Including social insurance, housing fund, and other benefits.We sincerely inv

16、ite you to sign this agreement and join our company, contributing to the development of the company together. Looking forward to your excellent performance and spirit of dedication, lets create a better future together.5. 企业招聘协议书范本五中文:尊敬的应聘者,你好!恭喜你成为我公司的一员。在这里,让我向你介绍一下你的工作职责和薪资待遇:工作职责:1. 负责公司产品设计与开发

17、工作;2. 参与产品测试和验证,提出改进意见;3. 协助团队完成项目排期和上线发布。薪资待遇:1. 基本工资XXX元/月,绩效奖金XXX元;2. 项目奖金XXX元/次,加班工资XXX元/小时;3. 福利待遇包括法定节假日、带薪年假等。非常希望你能够在工作中获得成长和发挥所长,与我们一起共同发展。请签署本协议书,并准备加入我们的团队,共同努力,共创美好未来。英文:Dear applicant, congratulations on becoming a member of our company. Here, let me introduce to you your job responsibi

18、lities and salary benefits:Job Responsibilities:1. Responsible for product design and development work;2. Participate in product testing and verification, provide improvement suggestions;3. Assist the team in project scheduling and online release.Salary and Benefits:1. Basic salary of XXX yuan/month

19、, performance bonus of XXX yuan;2. Project bonus of XXX yuan/time, overtime pay of XXX yuan/hour;3. Benefits include statutory holidays, paid annual leave, etc.We hope you can grow and play to your strengths in your work, and develop together with us. Please sign this agreement and prepare to join our team, work together, and create a better future.

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