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1、供应合同协议书范本五篇1. 供应合同协议书范本(中英文)中文:供应合同协议书甲方:(供货方)乙方:(购货方)依据国家有关法律法规,甲方同意向乙方供应以下货物,并双方达成如下协议:一、供应商品及规格1. 供应商品:明确列明供应的具体商品名称或规格。2. 商品质量:明确商品的质量要求,确保商品符合国家相关标准。3. 商品价格:约定商品的价格及结算方式。二、供货期限1. 约定供货时间节点,保证按时供货。2. 如因不可抗力等原因导致供货延迟,应及时通知乙方并商定补救方案。三、验收及索赔1. 乙方有权对所供货物进行验收,确保货物符合合同要求。2. 若货物存在质量问题,乙方有权提出索赔要求,甲方应积极处理

2、并承担责任。四、合同解除1. 若双方产生争议无法协商解决,可解除合同。2. 合同解除时,应协商处理未履行部分。以上为供应合同协议书内容,双方签字生效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):日期: 日期:英文:Supply Contract AgreementParty A: (Supplier)Party B: (Purchaser)In accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the country, Party A agrees to supply the following goods to Party B, and both parti

3、es reach the following agreement:I. Supply of Goods and Specifications1. Goods to be supplied: Clearly specify the name or specifications of the goods to be supplied.2. Quality of goods: Specify the quality requirements of the goods to ensure compliance with relevant national standards.3. Price of g

4、oods: Agree on the price of the goods and the payment method.II. Supply Period1. Agree on the time points for supply to ensure timely delivery.2. In case of delay in supply due to force majeure, etc., Party A should promptly notify Party B and agree on a remedial plan.III. Acceptance and Claims1. Pa

5、rty B has the right to inspect the supplied goods to ensure compliance with the contract requirements.2. If there are quality issues with the goods, Party B has the right to make claims, and Party A should actively address and take responsibility.IV. Termination of Contract1. In case of disputes bet

6、ween both parties that cannot be resolved through negotiation, the contract may be terminated.2. When the contract is terminated, both parties should negotiate the handling of unfulfilled parts.The above is the content of the supply contract agreement, effective upon signature by both parties.Party

7、A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date:2. 供应合同协议书范本(中英文)中文:供应合同协议书甲方:(供货方)乙方:(购货方)根据双方自愿并遵照国家有关法律法规,甲方同意向乙方供应以下商品,并达成如下协议:一、供应商品及规格1. 供应商品:明确描述供应的商品名称、型号、规格等。2. 商品质量:确保所供商品质量合格,符合国家有关标准。3. 商品价格:约定商品价格及支付方式。二、交付时间1. 约定供货时间节点,确保按时交付商品。2. 对于因不可抗力等原因延迟交付的情况,应及时通知乙方并商定补救措施。三、验收及索赔1. 乙方有权对所供商品进行验收,确保商品符合要求。2

8、. 如出现商品质量问题,乙方有权提出索赔要求,甲方应积极处理并承担责任。四、合同解除1. 若因双方原因无法继续履行合同,可提出解除合同申请。2. 合同解除时,应协商处理未履行部分。以上为供应合同协议书内容,自双方签字生效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):日期: 日期:英文:Supply Contract AgreementParty A: (Supplier)Party B: (Purchaser)Based on the voluntary agreement of both parties and in accordance with relevant laws and regulation

9、s, Party A agrees to supply the following goods to Party B, and reaches the following agreement:I. Supply of Goods and Specifications1. Goods to be supplied: Clearly describe the name, model, specifications, etc., of the goods to be supplied.2. Quality of goods: Ensure that the quality of the suppli

10、ed goods is qualified and complies with relevant national standards.3. Price of goods: Agree on the price of the goods and the payment method.II. Delivery Time1. Agree on the time points for supply to ensure timely delivery of the goods.2. In case of delayed delivery due to force majeure, etc., Part

11、y A should promptly notify Party B and agree on remedial measures.III. Acceptance and Claims1. Party B has the right to inspect the supplied goods to ensure compliance with requirements.2. In case of quality issues with the goods, Party B has the right to make claims, and Party A should actively add

12、ress and take responsibility.IV. Termination of Contract1. If both parties are unable to continue fulfilling the contract due to reasons, the contract may be terminated.2. When terminating the contract, both parties should negotiate the handling of unfulfilled parts.The above is the content of the s

13、upply contract agreement, effective upon signature by both parties.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date:3. 供应合同协议书范本(中英文)中文:供应合同协议书甲方:(供货方)乙方:(购货方)根据双方意愿,为明确供货关系,特制订如下合作协议:一、供货内容及规格1. 供货物品:详细描述所供应的物品名称、规格。2. 供货质量:保证供货物品质量符合国家标准。3. 供货价格:约定供货物品价格及支付方式。二、交货方法1. 约定交货时间及地点,保证按时交货。2. 物流配送:商定物流方式及费用承担

14、方。三、验收及售后服务1. 乙方对供货物品有权进行验收。2. 供货物品出现问题,甲方应提供及时售后服务解决。四、合同解除1. 若双方无法达成一致,可以解除合同。2. 解除合同时,应协商处理未满足部分。以上为供应合同协议书内容,自双方签字生效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):日期: 日期:英文:Supply Contract AgreementParty A: (Supplier)Party B: (Purchaser)According to the wishes of both parties and to clarify the supply relationship, the follow

15、ing cooperation agreement is specially formulated:I. Supply Content and Specifications1. Goods to be supplied: Provide a detailed description of the name and specifications of the goods to be supplied.2. Quality of supply: Ensure that the quality of the supplied goods meets national standards.3. Pri

16、ce of supply: Agree on the price of the supplied goods and the payment method.II. Delivery Method1. Agree on the delivery time and place to ensure timely delivery.2. Logistics distribution: Agree on the logistics method and the party responsible for bearing the costs.III. Acceptance and After-sales

17、Service1. Party B has the right to inspect the supplied goods.2. In case of issues with the supplied goods, Party A should provide timely after-sales service for resolution.IV. Termination of Contract1. If both parties are unable to reach an agreement, the contract may be terminated.2. When terminat

18、ing the contract, both parties should negotiate the handling of unmet parts.The above is the content of the supply contract agreement, effective upon signature by both parties.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date:4. 供应合同协议书范本(中英文)中文:供应合同协议书甲方:(供货方)乙方:(购货方)根据双方意愿,特制订如下供应合同协议书:一、甲方供货内容1. 供货商品:清单列

19、明具体供货商品。2. 商品质量:保证供货商品符合标准质量要求。3. 商品单价:约定商品单价及总额。二、供货时间及地点1. 约定供货时间及交货点,确保按时交货。2. 若需变更供货时间地点,需提前协商并达成一致。三、验收及售后服务1. 乙方有权对供货商品进行验收。2. 如商品出现问题,甲方应提供售后服务及解决方案。四、合同解除1. 若出现无法协商解决的问题,可以解除合同。2. 解除合同时,应协商处理未履行部分。合同内容如上,自双方签字生效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):日期: 日期:英文:Supply Contract AgreementParty A: (Supplier)Party B: (P

20、urchaser)According to the wishes of both parties, the following supply contract agreement is specially formulated:I. Supply Content by Party A1. Goods for supply: List specific goods to be supplied.2. Quality of goods: Ensure that the supplied goods meet standard quality requirements.3. Unit price o

21、f goods: Agree on the unit price of the goods and the total amount.II. Supply Time and Place1. Agree on the supply time and delivery point to ensure timely delivery.2. If there is a need to change the supply time and place, it should be discussed and agreed upon in advance.III. Acceptance and After-

22、sales Service1. Party B has the right to inspect the supplied goods.2. In case of issues with the goods, Party A should provide after-sales service and solutions.IV. Termination of Contract1. If there is an issue that cannot be resolved through negotiation, the contract may be terminated.2. When ter

23、minating the contract, both parties should negotiate the handling of unfulfilled parts.The above is the content of the supply contract agreement, effective upon signature by both parties.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date:5. 供应合同协议书范本(中英文)中文:供应合同协议书一、双方信息:(一)供方信息(甲方):姓名/名称:地址:联系方式:(二)需方信息(乙方)

24、:姓名/名称:地址:联系方式:二、供货条款:(一)供货物品及规格:1. 供货物品:2. 规格型号:3. 质量要求:(二)供货数量与价格:1. 供货数量:2. 单价及总额:三、交货方式:1. 交货时间及点:2. 物流方式及费用:四、验收与索赔:1. 验收标准:2. 索赔处理:五、其他条款:1. 合同履行地:2. 争议解决方式:六、合同生效及解除:1. 合同生效:2. 合同解除:以上为供应合同协议书范本,甲、乙双方签字生效。英文:Supply Contract AgreementI. Party Information:A. Supplier Information (Party A):Name/

25、Company Name:Address:Contact Number:B. Purchaser Information (Party B):Name/Company Name:Address:Contact Number:II. Supply Terms:A. Goods to be Supplied and Specifications:1. Goods to be supplied:2. Model/Specification:3. Quality requirements:B. Supply Quantity and Price:1. Quantity of supply:2. Uni

26、t price and total amount:III. Delivery Method:1. Delivery time and point:2. Logistics method and costs:IV. Acceptance and Claims:1. Acceptance criteria:2. Claims process:V. Other Terms:1. Place of contract performance:2. Dispute resolution method:VI. Effectiveness and Termination of Contract:1. Contract effectiveness:2. Contract termination:The above is the template of the supply contract agreement, effective upon the signature of both Party A and Party B.

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