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2、式),进度款支付比例为(比例),最终结清时间为工程竣工验收合格后。六、工程变更处理方式:如需变更合同内容,须经双方协商一致,并签署书面变更协议。七、违约责任:若一方未履行合同义务,应承担违约责任,赔偿对方由此造成的损失。八、争议解决方式:双方如发生争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可向有关部门申请仲裁或诉诸法律。九、其他约定事项:(可根据实际需要增加其他约定事项)甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章):日期:XXXX年XX月XX日英文版:Construction Contract AgreementParty A: (the Client)Party B: (the Contractor)In accor

3、dance with the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Party A and Party B reach the following agreement on equal and voluntary basis:1. Place and Date of Contract Signing: Party A and Party B signed this contract at (place of signing) on (date of signing).2. Project Name: The name of the con

4、tract project is (project name), located at (project location).3. Project Scope and Standard: The contract project includes design, construction, material procurement, equipment installation, etc. The project shall be executed in accordance with relevant national standards and quality requirements.4

5、. Project Schedule: The contract project shall be completed by (completion date), with a construction schedule to be mutually agreed upon by both parties.5. Contract Price and Payment Method: The total contract price for the project is (amount), with payment method as (payment method). The progress

6、payment ratio is (ratio), with final payment to be made upon the completion and acceptance of the project.6. Handling of Project Changes: Any changes to the contract content must be agreed upon by both parties and signed in a written change agreement.7. Breach of Contract Liability: If either party

7、fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract and compensate the other party for any resulting losses.8. Dispute Resolution: In case of disputes between the parties, they shall endeavor to resolve them amicably. If no agreement can be reached, arbit

8、ration or legal action may be pursued.9. Other Agreed Matters: (Other agreed matters can be added as needed)Party A (seal):Party B (seal):Date: (Date)(Note: This is a sample construction contract agreement and should be customized to suit specific project requirements.)文章二:建造合同协议书范本中文版:建造合同协议书甲方:(委托


10、约责任及解决方式:一方违约应承担相应违约责任,争议解决方式为友好协商或法律途径。七、合同终止及生效:本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,合同终止后,双方均按照约定的方式履行最后的合同义务。八、其他事项:(可根据实际需要增加其他事项)甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章):日期:XXXX年XX月XX日英文版:Construction Contract AgreementParty A: (the Client)Party B: (the Contractor)Whereas Party A requires the execution of a specific construction project, an

11、d Party B possesses the necessary technical capabilities and construction experience, Party A and Party B have reached the following construction contract agreement through amicable negotiation:1. Project Name and Location: The name of the contract project is (project name), located at (project addr

12、ess).2. Project Scope and Execution Standard: The contract project includes design, procurement, construction, installation, etc., and shall comply with relevant national standards and regulations.3. Project Schedule and Progress Requirements: The contract project shall be completed by (completion d

13、ate), with specific construction progress to be mutually agreed upon by both parties.4. Contract Price and Payment Method: The total contract price for the project is (amount), with payment method as (payment method). The progress payment ratio is (ratio), with final payment upon completion and acce

14、ptance.5. Handling of Project Changes and Claims: Any changes to the contract content, claims, etc., must be agreed upon by both parties and signed in a written change agreement.6. Breach of Contract Liability and Resolution: The party in breach shall assume corresponding liability for breach, with

15、disputes to be resolved through amicable negotiation or legal means.7. Contract Termination and Effectiveness: This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties. Upon termination of the contract, both parties shall fulfill their final contract obligations as a

16、greed.8. Other Matters: (Other matters can be added as needed)Party A (seal):Party B (seal):Date: (Date)(Note: This is a sample construction contract agreement and should be adjusted to suit specific project requirements.)文章三:建造合同协议书范本中文版:建造合同协议书甲方:(委托方)乙方:(承包方)为了确保本合同工程的顺利执行,甲、乙双方根据有关法律法规及双方的实际情况,达


18、字盖章后生效,合同终止后,双方应履行相应的合同义务。八、其他事项:(可根据需要增加其他事项)甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章):日期:XXXX年XX月XX日英文版:Construction Contract AgreementParty A: (the Client)Party B: (the Contractor)In order to ensure the smooth execution of this contract project, Parties A and B have reached the following construction contract agreement base

19、d on relevant laws and regulations as well as the actual situation of both parties:1. Project Name and Location: The name of the contract project is (project name), located at (project location).2. Project Scope and Requirements: The contract project includes construction, equipment procurement, arr

20、angement of construction personnel, etc., and shall comply with relevant national standards.3. Project Duration and Progress: The project shall be completed by (completion date), with specific project progress to be agreed upon by both parties.4. Contract Price and Payment Method: The total contract

21、 price for the project is (amount), with payment method as (payment method). The progress payment ratio is (ratio), with final payment upon project completion and acceptance.5. Handling of Project Changes and Claims: Any changes to the project content shall require the agreement of both parties and

22、the signing of a change agreement; claims shall be handled according to legal regulations.6. Breach of Contract Liability and Resolution: The party in breach shall bear the liability for breach, and disputes between the parties shall be resolved through amicable negotiation or legal means.7. Contrac

23、t Effectiveness and Termination: This agreement shall come into effect upon signing and sealing by both parties. Upon termination of the contract, both parties shall fulfill their respective contract obligations.8. Other Matters: (Other matters can be added as needed)Party A (seal):Party B (seal):Da

24、te: (Date)(Note: This is a sample construction contract agreement and should be customized to suit specific project requirements.)文章四:建造合同协议书范本中文版:建造合同协议书甲方:(委托方)乙方:(承包方)鉴于甲、乙双方为完成一项建造工程项目,双方通过友好协商,达成以下合同协议:一、项目名称及位置:合同工程名称为(工程名称),位于(工程位置)。二、工程内容及标准要求:工程包括设计、施工、材料采购、设备安装等,应符合相关国家标准。三、工程时间及进度安排:工程应在X

25、X年XX月XX日前完工,具体进度由双方共同商定。四、工程价款及支付方式:本合同工程总价款为(金额),支付方式为(支付方式),进度款支付比例为(比例),工程竣工后结清尾款。五、工程变更及索赔处理:如需变更合同内容,应经双方协商一致,并签署变更协议;索赔应按照法律规定进行处理。六、违约责任及解决方式:任一方发生违约应承担违约责任,争议解决方式为友好协商或法律途径解决。七、合同生效及终止:本协议自签署盖章之日起生效,合同终止后,双方义务完结。八、其他约定事项:(可根据实际需要增加其他相关事项)甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章):日期:XXXX年XX月XX日英文版:Construction Contract

26、AgreementParty A: (the Client)Party B: (the Contractor)Whereas Parties A and B are to complete a construction project, the parties have reached the following contract agreement through amicable negotiation:1. Project Name and Location: The name of the contract project is (project name), located at (

27、project location).2. Project Scope and Standard Requirements: The project includes design, construction, material procurement, equipment installation, etc., and shall comply with relevant national standards.3. Project Duration and Schedule: The project shall be completed by (completion date), with s

28、pecific progress to be mutually agreed upon by both parties.4. Contract Price and Payment Method: The total contract price for the project is (amount), with payment method as (payment method). The progress payment ratio is (ratio), with final payment upon project completion.5. Handling of Project Ch

29、anges and Claims: Any changes to the contract content shall require the agreement of both parties and the signing of a change agreement; claims shall be handled according to legal regulations.6. Breach of Contract Liability and Resolution: The party in breach shall bear the liability for breach, wit

30、h disputes to be resolved through amicable negotiation or legal means.7. Contract Effectiveness and Termination: This agreement shall come into effect upon signing and sealing by both parties. Upon termination of the contract, both parties shall fulfill their respective obligations.8. Other Agreed M

31、atters: (Other related matters can be added as needed)Party A (seal):Party B (seal):Date: (Date)(Note: This is a sample construction contract agreement and should be tailored to suit specific project requirements.)文章五:建造合同协议书范本中文版:建造合同协议书甲方:(委托方)乙方:(承包方)鉴于甲方委托乙方承担工程项目,甲、乙双方本着平等、自愿的原则达成如下建造合同协议:一、项目名称及地点:合同工程项目名称为(项目名称),位于(工程位置)。二、工程内容及标准要求:本合同工程包括设计、施工、设备采购、安装等内容,应符合国家相关标准。三、工程时间及进度安排:工程应在XX年XX月XX日前完工,具体工期安排由双方共同商定。四

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